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CHAPTER 3: Vocabulary
Lesson 8: Levels of Organization (From Cells to Organisms)
The levels of organization in order:
a. cell (lowest level)
b. tissue
c. organ
d. organ system
e. organism (highest level)
Vocabulary: Coach book p. 54 has a chart of the human organ systems
tissue -- a group of similar cells working together to perform a specific function
ex. a group of nerve cells form nervous tissue
the four main types of tissues that animals have are:
organ -- a group of tissues that work together to perform a function or task
ex. stomach, heart, brain, liver, ears, skin
organ system-- a group of organs that work together to perform a complex function
ex. digestive system
Complete the Lesson Review questions on p. 56 1. A
2. B
3. C
Lesson 9: The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Respiratory System:
4. cellular respiration-- the process in which oxygen is combined with glucose to release energy
5. respiratory system—the body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
6. lungs—elastic, sponge-like organs in the chest (the main organs of the respiratory system)
7. alveoli (singular: alveolus)—tiny air sacs within the lungs where gases are exchanged
between the lungs and the blood
oxygen enters the blood through the thin walls of the alveoli
8. trachea—also called the windpipe; the tube that transports air from the throat to the lungs
9. bronchi— a pair of tubes that branch off of the trachea and enter the lungs
10. diaphragm—a sheet-like muscle just below the lungs that expands and contracts the chest
cavity to control breathing
Circulatory System:
11. circulatory system—the transport system that uses blood to carry nutrients, oxygen, etc. to
the cells of the body and carries wastes away from the cells
CHAPTER 3: Vocabulary
12. heart—a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body
13. atria (singular: atrium)—the upper chambers of each side of the heart (left atrium, right
14. ventricle-- the lower chambers of each side of the heart (left ventricle, right ventricle)
15. arteries—blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart (with oxygen)
16. veins-- blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart (without oxygen)
17. capillaries—tiny blood vessels that connect the arteries and veins; they exchange gases and
nutrients between the blood and body cells
18. plasma—a yellowish fluid that is mostly water in which blood cells are suspended; it also
contains dissolved nutrients, minerals, salts, and gases
19. red blood cells—carry oxygen to the cells of the body and carry carbon dioxide away
20. white blood cells—the type of blood cells that help the body fight disease by attacking
invading microorganisms and making antibodies to fight infection
21. platelets—cell fragments that help form blood clots to stop bleeding
Complete the Lesson Review questions on p. 61
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. A
Lesson 10: The Nervous System:
22. nervous system—the body system that controls and coordinates the body’s functions and its
responses to stimuli
23. stimuli (singular: stimulus)—anything in the internal or external environment that causes a
24. central nervous system (CNS) -- the brain and the spinal cord (coach p.63-64)
25. brain—the organ that controls most of the body’s activities; the main organ of the nervous
26. spinal cord—a bundle of nerves that links the peripheral nerves and the brain
27. peripheral nervous system (PNS) -- the nerves that branch out from the central nervous
28. neurons-- nerve cells
29. impulse—an electrical signal that a neuron carries
30. dendrites -- the part of the neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body
31. axon-- the part of the neuron that carries impulses away from the cell body
32. sensory neuron-- a neuron that picks up stimuli from the environment and sends a nerve
impulse toward the brain
CHAPTER 3: Vocabulary
your bodies’ largest sense organ is your skin
33. motor neuron -- a neuron that carries an impulse to muscles telling them to contract or relax
34. interneurons-- neurons found in the brain and spinal cord that carry impulses between
sensory and motor neurons
35. reflex-- an automatic response that occurs without conscious control
path of a reflex response to touching something hot:
a. your fingers touch the hot item
b. sensory neurons in your fingertips detect a stimulus
c. they send impulses through your hand and arm to your spinal cord
d. your spinal cord sends an immediate response to your arm muscles
e. those impulses cause you to quickly pull your hand away from the heat by stimulating the
motor neurons in your arm and hand
f. other nerve impulses travel to your spinal cord to your brain which sends a signal that
tells your hand it feels pain
Complete the Lesson Review p. 65-66
1. C
2. B
3. A 4.D