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The following Study Guide should be used as a guide as you study for your final in Biology. The following
questions DO NOT indicate exact questions that will be on the final examination; however, if you study these
questions and answer them thoroughly and UNDERSTAND the information and concepts, you should do well on
the final examination. Happy Studying! Get Ready, Get Set, GO>>>>>>>>>
Answer the following questions thoroughly.
Figure 19–2
Which cell shape in Figure 19–2 is called a coccus?
What characteristics are used to identify prokaryotes?
What are the differences between photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs?
What are the rolls bacteria have in the environment?
What 2 things are all viruses made of?
Where in a virus are the instructions for making new copies of a virus?
What do bacteriophages infect?
What happens to a host cell during a lytic infection?
What is it about bacteria is the reason that food stored in a refrigerator will keep longer?
Which body system regulates and controls growth, development, and metabolism?
Which type of tissue provides support for the body?
What is the process by which organ systems maintain relatively constant internal conditions?
Which process enables the body to maintain a stable temperature?
Which system coordinates the body’s response to changes in its internal and external environment?
What is the smallest structural and functional unit of the nervous system?
What begins when a neuron is stimulated by another neuron or by the environment?
What is triggered to be released when an impulse reaches the end of a neuron?
What is the function of the central nervous system?
A student’s ability to think about a question and answer it correctly is directly controlled by which part of the
____ 20. Which division of the nervous system helps the body react to pain?
____ 21. Which part of the nervous system include the sense organs? (Peripheral, autonomic, central or
Figure 35–2
____ 22. Know and understand each labeled structure of the ear and their functions.
____ 24. How could you hide the taste of a liquid medicine if you didn’t like the flavor of it?
____ 25. Know and understand the differences between stimulants, depressants, opiates, alcohol, cocaine, crack, and
marijuana and their effects on the body. Which increases blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, slows
down the central nervous system, causes uncontrollable pain and sickness when the body doesn’t produce
enough endorphins when a user attempts to stop using the drug, etc.
____ 28. What is the main function of the skull?
____ 29. What is the function of the red marrow? Why is it important to the body?
____ 30. What is the periosteum?
Figure 36–1
____ 31. Which type of freely movable joints in Figure 36–1 are examples of joints that permit only back-and-forth
Figure 36–2
____ 32. In Figure 36–2, B is an example of which type of muscle?
____ 33. Which diagram(s) in Figure 36–2 show(s) muscles that decrease the size of the pupils of your eyes in bright
____ 34. About what percentage of the mass of the human body is made up of muscle?
____ 35. Where is cardiac muscle tissue located in the body?
____ 36. Where is the protein called actin located in the body?
____ 37. What tough connective tissues join skeletal muscles to bones?
____ 38. What are the functions of the skin?
____ 39. What two layers make up skin?
____ 40. Which body system acts in a way similar to a transportation system?
____ 41. Which is the correct direction of blood flow?
a. right atrium  right ventricle  pulmonary artery
b. right atrium  left atrium  pulmonary artery
c. left ventricle  pulmonary artery  aorta
d. left ventricle  left atrium  aorta
____ 42. What part of the heart prevents the mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood?
____ 43. Know and understand blood pressure, what affects it, its relationship to the veins and arteries. Also, know the
difference between diastolic and systolic pressure.
____ 44. What is the term for the condition when the blood pressure is constantly too high?
____ 45. Which plasma proteins help to regulate osmotic pressure and blood volume? (albumins, globulins,
fibrinogens, or platelets?)
____ 46. Into what substance is fibrinogen converted?
____ 47. What part of the blood contains hemoglobin?
____ 48. What do swollen lymph nodes indicate?
____ 49. Which body system collects the fluid that is lost by the blood and returns it to the circulatory system?
____ 50. What is the term used to describe a swelling of the tissues due to the accumulation of excess fluid?
____ 51. What is the process by which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between cells, the blood, and air in
the lungs
____ 57.
What is respiration? Make an analogy for respiration.
Where in the body (during respiration) is air is filtered, warmed, and moistened?
What is a the probable culprit for chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer?
What gas, found in cigarette smoke, blocks the transport of oxygen by hemoglobin in the blood?
Where does the energy to perform actions, as well as the materials from which body cells and tissues are
made, comes from?
The energy available in food can be measured by
a. first determining which nutrients the body needs.
b. burning the food.
c. tracing chemical pathways.
d. all of the above.
A ‘calorie’ is measured by the amount of energy needed to do what?
What are substances called that are needed by the body for growth, repair, and maintenance?
What is the minimum amount of water you should drink every day?
Which of the food groups contain few valuable vitamins?
What are the roles of the pancreas in nutrition?
Where does the process of chemical digestion begin?
What does mechanical digestion in the stomach involve?
The function of the excretory system is to control homeostasis and what else?
What controls the activity of the kidneys?
What percentage of the filtrate’s water that enters Bowman’s capsule is reabsorbed into the blood?
In the kidneys, what process removes both useful substances and wastes from the blood?
What is the process of dialysis and what is it used for?
What is the function of the endocrine system?
What glands are part of the endocrine system?
Figure 39–1
What parts of the body are shown in Figure 39–1?
What is the function of the structure labeled H in Figure 39–1?
Which structure in Figure 39–1 releases hormones that regulate many of the other endocrine glands?
What are the differences between nonsteroid hormones and steroid hormones?
What affect will ‘Feedback inhibition’ have if a substance is increased?
Which gland fails to produce enough of its hormone in the disease diabetes mellitus?
When do the testes and the ovaries begin making active reproductive cells?
Why is testosterone necessary in the reproductive system?
What is the term for ‘Specialized sex cells’?
Which organ system is responsible for making and delivering sperm?
When during the menstrual cycle does an egg have the best chance of being fertilized?
One menstrual cycle usually lasts about how long?
What is a zygote?
What are the requirements for fertilization to occur inside the female body?
What is the function of the placenta?
What does the placenta connect?
What role does the placenta play if a woman is exposed to HIV during her pregnancy?
Which stage of the human life cycle occurs first?
What does a person develop during ‘childhood’?
What are nitrogen-fixing bacteria used for?
What is the relationship between archaebacteria and eukaryotes? What is the relationshop between
archaebacteria and eubacteria?
____ 94. Can bacteria be used to synthesize drugs through genetic-engineering techniques?
____ 95. What are disinfectants used for?
____ 96. What are the four levels of organization in the human body?
____ 97. What term is used to describe a group of similar cells that perform a single function?
____ 98. What acts as a shock absorbers and is the reason the brain and spinal cord can withstand considerable trauma?
____ 99. What is the term for the pathway that the nerve impulse takes from your foot to your leg when you step on a
tack called?
____ 100. About 40 percent of the fatal accidents that occur on Americans highways involve which drug?
____ 103. Where in the body of adults is cartilage found? What is its use?
____ 104. What is ATP? What is it used for?
____ 105. How often does the outer layer of dead cells of the skin shed?
____ 106. Nails grow from what area of rapidly dividing cells?
____ 107. What are the four chambers of the heart?
____ 110. What is the pharynx and what is its function?
____ 111. What parts of the body is controlled by the medulla oblongata?
____ 112. What is Lung cancer?
____ 113. Where are the digestive enzymes found that break down undigested fats located?
____ 114. What is the result of too little water being absorbed from the large intestine?
____ 115. What organs make up the excretory system?
____ 116. What are exocrine glands and where are its secretions released into?
____ 117. What happens during puberty?
____ 118. How are the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system development similar in embryonic
____ 119. What is the term for the process of a sperm joining an egg?
Complete each sentence or statement.
120. Based on DNA sequences of key archaebacterial genes, archaebacteria and ____________________ seem to
share a more recent common ancestor than do archaebacteria and ____________________.
Figure 19–2
121. The organism labeled A in Figure 19–2 is an example of a(an) ____________________.
122. The process of converting nitrogen to a form plants can use is called _________________________.
Figure 19–3
123. The structure labeled B in Figure 19–3 is the ____________________.
124. Destroying bacteria by subjecting them to great heat or to chemical action is called ____________________.
125. Certain viruses called ____________________ viruses cause cancer in animals.
126. Neurons are classified into three types according to the ____________________ the impulse travels.
127. The process by which a stimulus produces a response that opposes the original stimulus is called
____________________ inhibition.
128. In most animals, axons and dendrites are clustered into bundles of fibers called ____________________.
Figure 35–3
129. The process illustrated in Figure 35–3 is called a(an) ____________________.
130. Small muscles attached to the ____________________ of your eye change its shape to help you focus on near
or distant objects.
131. The ____________________ form a cage that protects the heart and lungs.
132. The process by which cartilage changes slowly to bone is ____________________.
133. A ____________________ consists of two layers made up of ligaments and cells that produce synovial fluid.
134. Most ____________________ muscles are controlled by the nervous system.
135. The concept used to explain the action of filaments in muscle contraction is the
136. The dark brown pigment in the skin is called ____________________.
137. Nail roots are to nails as _________________________ are to hair.
Figure 37–2
138. In Figure 37–2, the area labeled B represents the capillaries of a ____________________.
139. Fatty deposits called plaque build up on the walls of arteries, causing a condition known as
140. A genetic disorder called ____________________ results from a defective protein in the clotting pathway.
141. Inhaled air passes from the trachea to one of the two ____________________.
142. Breathing is such an important function that your ____________________ system will not let you have
complete control over it.
143. Carbon monoxide blocks the transport of ____________________ by hemoglobin in the blood.
144. Blood, lymph, and other bodily fluids consist mostly of ____________________.
145. You should have at least ____________________ servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, or nuts
every day.
146. Contractions known as ____________________ squeeze food through the length of the esophagus into the
147. If a part of the stomach wall digests itself, a(an) ____________________ develops.
148. The functioning units of the kidneys are the ____________________.
149. An artificial heart is to a real heart as dialysis tubing is to ____________________.
150. ____________________ are chemicals that travel through the bloodstream and affect the activities of other
151. Feedback ____________________ occurs when an increase in any substance inhibits the process that
produced the substance.
152. If a child’s diet lacks iodine, the ____________________ gland cannot produce its hormone and the child is
likely to develop a condition called ____________________.
153. ____________________ is a period of rapid growth and sexual maturation during which the reproductive
system becomes fully functional.
154. If the temperature of the scrotum increases by 5º Celsius, ____________________ may not develop properly.
155. Almost everything that the mother takes into her body passes through the ____________________ to the
156. The life cycle after birth is as follows: infancy, ____________________, adolescence, and