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South Atlantic Relay Leadership Conferences
Season: Summer
Name of Fundraiser : Men of the Classic City Bachelor Auction______
Description of Fundraiser:
Please provide a detailed description of this fundraiser and how it is conducted,
to serve as instructions for replicating at another site. Details on Who, What, When, How, and How Promoted a must!
What is the fundraising activity and how is it done?
The Bachelor Auction is a fundraising event that pulls eligible, professional men, from the community, who are willing
to promote themselves while representing the American Cancer Society. Targeted bachelors include men in uniform,
government, active Chamber of Commerce members, doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, etc.
 Find a location and date for the event. Work with the vendor to cut all costs, remembering that they will
receive sales from the bar/food served. A location with a cash bar and dinner is preferred.
 Determine the amount of bachelors needed for the event. 25 bachelors should be the targeted amount, but
aim to secure 27 in the case that a couple back out last minute for various reasons. The auction should take
no more than two hours otherwise it is too long.
 Decide if a band or other entertainment is needed/wanted for the evening. A band is a great way to have
something else at the event. Also, look into recruiting a local spa employee or two who will bring some of
their services to the location to provide pampering to the ladies who come to the event early for dinner.
 Find Emcees for the event, preferably two people (man and woman) known in the community, i.e.- radio
personalities would work well
 Secure the bachelors by having them fill out a questionnaire and commitment form. (attached)
 Find a piece of jewelry to be donated from a local store. Sell tickets before the event and at the event to
receive the most money for your item. Diamond earrings are a great item to promote to the ladies. Pearls
are also nice.
 Ask local businesses/restaurants to donate date packages so that they men do not have to be responsible
for footing the bill. If you provide the date package, its another incentive for the bachelors to be involved.
 Determine the attire for the bachelors. If planned in advance, tuxedos add a nice formality to the event if the
men are disciplined enough to get fitted (of course have them donated by a local shop). Also, adorn their
name tag with a cancer ribbon to differentiate them from the rest of the guests.
 PROMOTING: Online marketing is best for the age group targeted (young, middle aged professionals);
radio spots; newspapers; chamber events. If you have the RIGHT people involved in the event, then word of
mouth can be very powerful. If possible in the six weeks prior to the auction, attend at least one or two
chamber events for promotion.
 EVENT ITSELF: Open with a welcome from American Cancer Society staff explaining the society and
mission. Introduce the emcees who will then introduce the bachelors one by one. After introductions,
bachelors are sent out into the crowds to mingle while a band plays for about an hour. The auction begins
while using the emcees to interview bachelors on stage, and then a real auctioneer “sells” the men. Once a
bachelor is bought, send the bidder and bachelor to a close out station to pay and sign legal documents.
Pull raffle items/door prizes at the end of the auction.
Who should plan and coordinate the activity?
 Staff should outline the steps needed for the event, but volunteers should implement the majority of the
event, ranging from recruiting bachelors, promoting the auction, collecting donated date packages, and
working the event.
How many people are needed to work the fundraiser?
 At least 8-12 staff/volunteers are needed.
Should this fundraiser be held at a particular time of year?
 Late summer, or around the holidays. Many people appreciated it not being right on top of Relay For Life.
Is one day of the week or time of day better for this fundraiser?
 Weekends are better so that people can let loose and enjoy their evening at the bar, which may increase
bidding. The event works best if held in the evening.
What materials/supplies are needed?
 Society mission materials, a power point presentation to scroll bachelor info throughout the evening for
people to see, food, dinner packages are just a few of the items needed depending on your exact auction.
Do you need to check into legal statutes?
 See attached legal document involving what the bidder and bachelor are and are not agreeing to.
Are permits required?
 Not if held indoors at a place with a liquor license but check your local laws.
Expected results:
 Setting goals for this event is difficult because it depends on your men, and the women in your audience. A
modest goal of $5,000 can be set by assuming each bachelor is sold for $100, ticket sales of $20/$25
(beforehand/at the door), and diamond/pearl raffle. Very little expenses are required. Expenses may include:
Location rental, food for the bachelors and band, minimal decorations (have a “bachelor buffet” of the
photos of the men), printing costs if unable to do it in-house; website costs
For more Fundraising Ideas you can go to search fundraising in the Relay Library
The following pages are samples of letters, rules, and waivers used for the Bachelor Office…..
Sample letter sent to Bachelors…
American Cancer Society
Men of the Classic City
Inaugural Bachelor Auction
Friday, July 31 at the Melting Point
Hello ____________!
We are looking for a few good men from the Athens area who are single working men, charismatic and
willing to participate in our auction for a good cause. We need Bachelors (typical ages 25-40) from our
community who are employed by banks, hospitals, law offices, county government, police, firemen, military,
UGA, Young Professional Network/Chamber, Athens Media, etc. We would love to have someone from
___ (Company Name) ___ represented. Is there someone from __ (your organization/company) ___ who
fits this profile? If yes, please let us know! Either we can ask the potential Bachelor to participate, or you
could make the ask on our behalf.
Once verbally committed, each Bachelor will receive an information packet with more information.
Bachelors will be provided with a date (details to come).
The Bachelor Auction will be Friday, July 31 at the Melting Point. Doors open at 6 p.m. with dinner at 6:30.
Bachelor introductions begin at 7:30 p.m., a band will perform beginning at 8 p.m. with the auction starting
at 9 p.m. The band will play again following the completion of the auction. Tickets to the event will be $25 in
advance (and can be purchased through your American Cancer Society or the Melting Point.) and $30 the
day of the show.
Please let us know if you have a Bachelor who will participate. We are excited to include ___ (your
company) ___ in this new event!
If you have any further questions, please contact me!
Thank you,
Sample Questionnaire sent to Bachelors to be included in program and
bachelor bio….
American Cancer Society
Men of the Classic City
Inaugural Bachelor Auction
Friday, July 31 at the Melting Point
Bachelor Questionnaire
Please fax to (706) 549-2314 or e-mail to
[email protected].
Name: ___________________________________________________ Age:
Employer & Occupation:
Song Preference for Introduction:
Circle one:
Dog Lover
Cat Lover
Take ‘em or Leave ‘em
You knew we’d ask …
/ Prefer Not to Answer
Favorite hobbies & activities:
Who is your celebrity crush?
Explain details of your perfect date:
Tell us about your first date or first kiss:
Who is your hero?
What is your favorite restaurant in Athens or your favorite
Tell us about any
special talents:
Anything else you want us to know or want to brag about? Dish it
Sample Bachelor Auction Waiver form….
American Cancer Society
Men of the Classic City
Inaugural Bachelor Auction
As a participant in the American Cancer Society’s Men of the Classic City Inaugural Bachelor Auction I, for
myself, my executor, administrators, heirs, devises and assigns do hereby discharge the American Cancer
Society, the event site, their management, their officers, board members, employees, members, sponsors,
volunteers, organizers or their representatives, or their successors and all participating businesses and
organizations from all claims of damages, demands, actions and causes whatsoever in any matter arising
from or growing out of my participation in the event.
Auction participant agrees to indemnify the American Cancer Society for all fines, fees and expenses
incurred as a result of the breach of any contractual obligations of the Auction Participant.
I give my full permission for the use of my name and photograph in this event.
I also give my full permission for first aid as deemed necessary to be provided to me on the premises or
prior to transport to a hospital for further treatment.
My signature below indicates that I have read this entire document, understand it completely and
agree to be bound by its terms.
Print Name:
Sample of Bachelor Auction Rules…..
1. Women can bid on multiple bachelors.
2. To respect the sexual preference of our bachelors, only women will be permitted to bid
on dates.
3. Once a winner is determined, the bachelorette will be escorted to the check out table
where she will pay for the date she won. She will be given the date package. She will
then be escorted to the VIP lounge where she will exchange information with the
bachelor. There, the two will determine when they will take their date.
4. The bachelorette reserves the right to cancel the date, understanding that she still receives
the date package.
5. Dates may be paid by cash, check or credit card and payment is required immediately
after bidding.
6. The date auction will be conducted as a live auction. Bachelorettes will use their
programs as bid cards. Each program will be numbered on the back. This will help the
auctioneer manage the bidding process.
7. By attending the auction, all bachelors and auction participants agree that the auction
organizers cannot be held liable for the actions of any bachelors or auction participants.
This includes, but is not limited to, criminal or immoral actions by either the winning
bidder or auctionee during either the auction event or at any time before or after the
auction event. All auction participants and bachelors are highly encouraged to practice
good judgment when participating in either the date auction or the individual dates.
8. While oriented toward mature adults, the date auction and subsequent dates are intended
to be enjoyed by all participants. No lewd, sexually suggestive, physically aggressive,
immature, or demeaning behavior by any auction participants or bachelors will be
9. All bachelors are expected to be gentlemen to the ladies who have secured their time.