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Mitosis/ Meiosis – Asexual/ Sexual Reproduction
1. What is mitosis?
2. In what type of cell(s) does mitosis occur? ____________________________
3. Why must cells reproduce? 1. _________________ 2. __________________
4. What is the cell cycle?
5. What is the longest part of the cell cycle? _______________________________
What is happening during this time?
6. Complete the following chart naming each phase of mitosis, drawing a picture of each phase and
explaining what is happening in each.
7. How many daughter cells are produced by mitosis?
8. What is the chromosome number in a parent cell reproducing by mitosis? ________________
9. What is the chromosome number in the daughter cells produced by mitosis? ________________
10. What will the daughter cells, produced by mitosis, look like?
11. What is asexual reproduction?
12. Name five different types of asexual reproduction? Give an example of each type of asexual
1. ________________________________ EX. ___________________________
2. ________________________________ EX. ___________________________
3. ________________________________ EX. ___________________________
4. ________________________________ EX. ___________________________
5. ________________________________ EX. ___________________________
13. What is meiosis?
14. What kind of cells are produced by meiosis?
15. Why does meiosis occur?
16. How many phases are involved in meiosis? ________________ .
How many times does the cell divide in meiosis? ___________
17. What is the chromosome number in each cell at the end of meiosis? __________________
18. Complete the following chart for humans undergoing meiosis.
Name of gamete
Where produced in body?
# of gametes produced
from one parent cell
Chromosome # in gamete
19. What is fertilization?
20. What is the chromosome number in a human zygote?
21. What process takes place after fertilization?
22. Complete the following chart to show how mitosis and meiosis compare/contrast.
Location in Body
Number of daughter cells
Change in chromosome number
Number of phases
Number of cell divisions
Difference in DNA between
parent and daughter cells.
23. What biological advantage does sexual reproduction provide over asexual reproduction?
1. Cell division
2. body cells / somatic cells
3. growth and repair
4. PMAT – Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
5. Prophase – nuclear membrane disappears & spindle fibers form
Metaphase – chromosomes meet in the middle of cell
Anaphase – sister chromatids separate and move to opposite ends of cell
Telophase – two nuclear membranes form around each group of chromosomes, cytokinesis begins
6. Interphase
7. Interphase
8. diploid
9. diploid
10. two
11. identical to the parent
12. no sex cells involved
13. binary fission, budding, vegetative propagation, regeneration, sporulation.
14. binary fission – amoeba; budding – yeast; vegetative propagation – strawberry plants; regeneration – lizard tails;
sporulation – mushrooms
15. cell division in preparation of sexual reproduction
16. gametes / male and female sex cells
17. to maintain the correct chromosome number within a species
18. 8 – Meiosis I and Meiosis II
19. haploid
20. testes
21. four
22. twenty-three (23)
23. ovaries
24. one
25. twenty-three
26. joining of egg and sperm cell
27. forty-six (46)
28. mitosis