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Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
Friday Sermon
2 December 2016 / 2 Rabiulawal 1438H
The Role Of Religion In The Life Of Communities
Blessed Friday Jemaah,
Let us extend our deepest gratitude to Allah s.w.t. for bestowing
upon us iman and peace. In these moments of barakah, let us
sincerely seek from Allah s.w.t. that He makes us among those
who continue to have taqwa in Him, fulfilling His commands and
abstaining from His prohibitions. Hopefully by doing so we will
be placed among His servants who attain success in this world
and the hereafter. Allah s.w.t says:
Meaning: “And if it were not for Allah checking [some] people by
means of others, the earth would have been corrupted, but
Allah is full of bounty to the worlds.” [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:251]
Jemaah, if we were to study world history in detail and with a
sense of remorse, we will find that this vast earth has been a
battlefield between those who want goodness and truth, and
those who seek to spread evil and falsehood. At times, truth
triumphs, and at times falsehood wins. The battle between the
two will continue until Allah bequeaths this earth to His servants
who love peace, goodness and welfare for all.
developments. The geo-political turmoil around the world has
led to conflicts and war, affecting millions of innocent lives. As a
human being and as a Muslim that has ihsan (compassion), we
are affected, saddened and even angry witnessing these painful
developments. This is where religion is pertinent in guiding us
towards upholding the good, and restraining evil. This is
because Islam wants goodness, peace as well as development,
not destruction and damage.
Blessed Friday Jemaah,
We need to be aware of the turmoil and challenges faced by
our fellow humankind, in continents and regions such as the
Middle East, Africa, North Asia and also Southeast Asia.
Conflicts and tensions are extremely complex. They are not just
simply caused by religious differences, as depicted by some
parties. They are caused by other factors such as the struggle
for power, racial and cultural differences, pursuit of economic
interest, historical baggage and many more. These cannot be
solved immediately, nor can they simply end with the blink of an
eye. It will surely take a long time – possibly even years – as
many parties are involved, each with their own agendas.
Hence, we need to be objective and not allow our emotions and
anger to get the better of us. It is extremely easy for
irresponsible parties to ride on the conflicts involving Muslims
and use it as a means to create unrest between Muslims and
non-Muslims. In fact, reports and heartbreaking photos of the
victims of war and conflict have continuously been used as a
means to stoke the flames of hatred in Muslims towards
members of other communities, who are in fact not directly
involved. This is where we hope that the Islamic values that we
have learned can guide us and our families. I am reminded of a
message from Rasulullah s.a.w. in a hadith:
Meaning: “…And three (things) that can save one: Fear Allah
when alone and when in the open (public), being thrifty when in
difficulty and when wealthy, and being just when angry and
when in a state of being pleased.” [Hadith reported by Ibn
This hadith reminds us that we have to be just even when we
are angry or disappointed. A Muslim has to inspire to improve
the quality and honour of humanity, and be the catalyst in
contributing and giving to humanity.
Hence, as we witness these turmoil, there are several
guidelines that we can hold on to, as taught by our religion:
First: If we make doa, it is best that the contents of the doa
seek human development, unity and peace for all. Pray that
Allah will give a way out for parties involved in these conflicts,
and that peace and safety are restored to those affected. This is
better than asking for destruction. Rasulullah s.a.w was once
hurt and injured by the people of Thaif, and he was also badly
wounded when he was at Uhud. But what he uttered were
noble words, seeking the goodness of all:
Meaning: “Verily, I was not sent to invoke curses, but rather I
was only sent as mercy.” [Hadith reported by Imam Muslim]
In a narration by Imam Al-Baihaqi, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
supplicated for their goodness:
Meaning: “Oh Allah, give guidance to my people, verily they do
not know.” [Hadith reported by Imam Al-Baihaqi]
The second guideline: When we are angry and wish to do
something for the victims of conflict, channel our energy
towards positive actions and efforts that can benefit all. If we
hear and see things that can make us angry, then take a step
back, and calm ourselves first before contemplating on our next
action to ensure that we act with wisdom (hikmah). If we extend
financial help, ensure that it is channelled to the registered
humanitarian organisations with a clear and verifiable record.
This is to ensure that our donations reach the intended parties,
and not fall into the hands of irresponsible parties. The Quran
taught us to repel evil with good deeds. Allah says:
Meaning: “And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel
[evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon the one
whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though
he was a devoted friend.” [Surah Fussilat 41: 34]
Third: If you feel angry toward certain parties because of the
evil acts they have committed, do not let that anger shape your
opinions, decisions, and actions towards others who share the
same faith as them, or are of the same race and from the same
country. Just as how we dislike it when people call us terrorists
simply because of the irresponsible acts of a handful of
individuals who claim to be Muslims but act otherwise. Didn’t
the Quran educate us to be just to all, and Allah says:
Meaning: “And do not let the hatred of a people prevent you
from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness.” [AlMaidah 5:8]
Islam teaches us to act justly at all times, and to be just to
everyone, wherever we are.
Blessed Friday Jemaah,
We are blessed to be in a peaceful state, and so let us grab this
opportunity to make doa for the prosperity of our brethren who
are facing all sorts of trials. May Allah remove them from the
harm that they suffer from.
Ya Allah, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim,
We seek Your mercy. Help our brothers and sisters in Islam
and in humanity, no matter where they may be. Ya Allah, we
ask from You, give them strength and security. Ya Allah, protect
them and do not turn Your mercy away from them. Help them,
and do not leave them to face these challenges alone.
Ya Allah, Ya Fattah Ya ‘Alim,
Grant them Your guidance, and unite the hearts of those
involved in the conflicts in the Middle East as well as Asia to
seek a peaceful resolution that will bring prosperity to all. Unite
their hearts with love. Strengthen their resolve to improve the
welfare of others and to do humanitarian work.
Keep our country safe, peaceful and blessed, Oh Allah The
Most Generous, The Most Just in Judgement, The Best of
Planners. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.