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BIO 142 May 2004
Final Exam
Multiple Choice (1 point each)
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The protein coat of a virus is called the
a. capsule
c. pilus
b. capsid
d. exospore
2. Retroviruses differ from other RNA viruses because they
a. have reverse transcriptase
c. destroy hosts lytically
b. have different capsid shapes
d. all of the above
3. Viruses are members of which kingdom?
a. Eubacteria
c. Prokaryota
b. Archaebacteria
d. none of the above
4. Which of the following properties of living things do viruses possess?
a. Reproduction
c. Membrane bound cells
b. Metabolism
d. All of the above
5. The lysogenic cycle differs from the lytic cycle in that
a. The host is ruptured at the end of the c. The host is not killed during the lytic
lysogenic cycle
b. The viral nucleic acid is inserted into d. Mitosis does not occur during the
the host's genome during the lysogenic
lysogenic cycle
6. Short segments of RNA that cause plant diseases are known as
a. viroids
c. virions
b. viruses
d. prions
7. Scientists were most skeptical of Stanley Prusiner's prion hypothesis because he proposed
a. no nucleic acid information was
c. the disease caused brain proteins to
involved in the transmission of the
fold in an abnormal way
b. mad cow disease arose from cows
d. humans could contract variant
being fed the remains of sheep with
Creutzfeld-Jacob disease from eating
beef from mad cows
8. A dikaryon is
a. the same as a diploid
c. a cell with two different haploid nuclei
b. a pair of haploid cells
d. none of the above
9. Alternation of generations first arose in the
a. Protista
c. Plantae
b. Fungi
d. Animalia
10. Which of the following is not considered to be evidence supporting the endosymbiont
a. Mitochondrial ribosomes resemble
c. Eukarotic cilia resemble prokaryotic
prokaryotic ribosomes.
b. Chloroplasts are about the same size as d. Chloroplasts and mitochondria
photosynthetic bacteria.
reproduce by non-mitotic cell division.
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BIO 142 May 2004
Final Exam
____ 11. Multicellular algae are considered to be protists because
a. They are photosynthetic
c. They lack true organs
b. They are aquatic
d. Their gametes resemble the gametes of
other protists
____ 12. Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in that
a. Archaebacteria do not have
c. Archaebacteria are more likely to be
peptidoglycan in their cell walls
found living in extreme environments
b. Many of the eubacteria cause diseases d. All of the above
____ 13. Males differ from females in that
a. males have intromittent organs
c. females produce larger gametes
b. females get pregnant
d. males are larger and stronger than
____ 14. A life cycle that includes both a multicellular haploid and a multicellular diploid stage
a. sexual dimorphism
c. polyspermy
b. alternation of generations
d. polyploidy
____ 15. Which of the following are considered benefits of multicellularity?
a. Reduced mass-specific metabolic rate c. Improved ability to escape predation
b. Differentiation into specialized tissues d. All of the above
____ 16. The phyla of Fungi can be distinguished by their
a. Sexual reproductive structures
c. Hyphae
b. Mycelia
d. All of the above
____ 17. Which of the Fungi produce a dikaryon?
a. Ascomycota
c. Chytridomycota
b. Basidiomycota
d. Both a and b
____ 18. What is a dikaryon?
a. A cell in which nuclei have divided
c. A spore formed by the fusion of
repeatedly without cytokinesis
hyphae with two diferent mating types
b. A cell with two flagella
d. A cell with two haploid nuclei
____ 19. Most of the mass of wood and other plant matter comes from carbon. Where do the
plants get this carbon from?
a. soil
c. fertilizer
b. air
d. water
____ 20. Which of the following are thought to be adaptations to terrestrial life?
a. stomata
c. seeds
b. vascular tissues
d. all of the above
____ 21. Dicots are characterized by having
a. a single seed leaf
c. parallel leaf venation
b. flower parts in multiples of 3
d. none of the above
____ 22. In bryophytes, the ___________ generation is the dominant life form
a. anthophyte
c. sporophyte
b. gametophyte
d. none of the above
____ 23. Double fertilization in angiosperms results in
a. triploid endosperm
c. one seed and one fruit
b. twin embryos
d. pollen tube growth
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BIO 142 May 2004
Final Exam
____ 24. The beginnings of cephalization are first seen in the
a. scyphozoans
c. nemertians
b. platyhelminths
d. nematodes
____ 25. A coelom is a completely surrounded by
a. ectoderm
c. endoderm
b. mesoderm
d. spines
____ 26. Triploblastic refers to
a. Having three embryonic tissue layers c. Being composed of three cells
b. Having three different types of
d. Having three stages in a life cycle
____ 27. For a behavior to be adaptive, it must
a. be learned
c. be truly altruistic
b. increase the odds that the individual
d. increase an individual's inclusive
performing the behavior will survive
____ 28. For an animal to respond to a pheromone, it must
a. have chemoreceptors that can detect
c. be able to smell the pheromone with its
the pheromone
b. be able to see the pheromone
d. be of the opposite sex of the individual
producing the pheromone
____ 29. Darwin developed his theory of sexual selection in order to explain
a. why there are two sexes
c. why there is sexual reproduction
b. why the two sexes often look different d. the origin of sex
____ 30. In bees, the direction toward a food source is communicated by
a. the vibrations produced by a dancing c. nothing -- there is no signal for
direction, bees simply fly upwind until
they encounter an advertised food
b. the angle between the direction of
d. the location, relative to the opening of
gravity's pull and the direction of the
the hive, at which the returning forager
straight run of the waggle dance
performs her waggle dance
____ 31. If a male white crowned sparrow is reared from birth in a soundproof booth in which it
only hears a tape of another species singing, as an adult it will most likely
a. sing the song type it heard on the tape c. sing a white-crowned sparrow song
with no recognizable dialect
b. sing the dialect its parents sang
d. not sing at all
____ 32. Vampire bats will regurgitate blood to feed an unrelated bat that is near starvation. The
bats that are fed are usually grooming partners of the bat feeding them. This is an
example of
a. altruism for the good of the species
c. reciprocal altruism
b. indirect reciprocity
d. kin selection
____ 33. in which type of mating system do you expect the variation in male mating success to be
a. Monogamy
c. Polyandry
b. Polygyny
d. Promiscuity
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BIO 142 May 2004
Final Exam
____ 34. The growth rate of a population can be expressed as
a. (b-d) + (i-e)
c. b+d
b. i-e
d. (K-N)/K
____ 35. In population ecology models, r stands for
a. the per capita rate of population
c. the Malthusian parameter
b. the intrinsic rate of increase
d. all of the above
____ 36. Competitive exclusion is the result of
a. interspecific competition
c. character displacement
b. intraspecific competition
d. succession
____ 37. A ___________ has both biotic and abiotic components
a. population
c. ecosystem
b. community
d. species
____ 38. Carbon may be stored for long periods of time in
a. trees
c. limestone
b. fossil fuels
d. all of the above
____ 39. Unlike pyramids of biomass, pyramids of energy can never be inverted because
a. higher trophic levels can never support c. lower trophic levels must always
more organisms than lower trophic
support fewer organisms than higher
trophic levels
b. some of the energy in each trophic
d. none of the above
level is inevitably lost as heat
____ 40. Which of the following represents a mutualistic interaction?
a. Sharks and remoras
c. Starfish and mussels
b. Lichens
d. All of the above
____ 41. Biological magnification refers to
a. The increase in body size of organisms c. The increase in temperature that results
over evolutionary time
from certain gases in the atmosphere
b. The ability of birds of prey to see
d. The increase in the concentration of
small prey from a great distance
toxins in higher trophic levels
____ 42. It is cold in Iowa in winter because
a. The Earth is far from the Sun at this
c. The North Pole is pointed away from
time of year
the Sun at this time of year
b. Less of the Earth is illuminated by the d. The Earth is in the Sun's shadow at this
Sun at this time of year
time of year
____ 43. Which of the following human activities have contributed to the extinction of one or
more species?
a. Habitat destruction
c. Introduced species (exotics)
b. Commercial hunting
d. All of the above
____ 44. When forest habitat is fragmented, which of the following occurs?
a. Populations of interior species will
c. The habitat will become cooler and
increase because there are now more
moister on average
b. Edge effects will disproportionately
d. All of the above
impact small fragments
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BIO 142 May 2004
Final Exam
____ 45. The history of commercial fisheries teaches us that
a. people are usually good stewards of
c. variation in the weather is to blame
natural resources if they have an
whenever fisheries decline
economic interest in harvesting them
b. while fish populations may decline due d. most commercially fished populations
to factors such as weather, they usually
are eventualy reduced to the point
recover and become as productive as
where it is no longer economically
they were
viable to harvest them
____ 46. Organisms that are present but not indiginous to an area are referred to as
a. exotics
c. introduced species
b. aliens
d. all of the above
____ 47. Greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere primarily by
a. creating a barrier that traps warm air in c. reflecting and absorbing heat that is
the atmosphere like the walls of a
radiating out from the Earth
house so it does not difuse out into
b. absorbing incoming solar radiation
d. all of the above
____ 48. Global warming is controversial because
a. it is not clear that the Earth is actually c. it is not clear that atmospheric CO2 is
warming up
b. it is not clear that human activities are d. all of the above
significant drivers of climate change
Matching (1 point each)
Match the description below to the taxon it best describes
a. Eukarya
d. Fungi
b. Animalia
e. Protozoa
c. Plantae
____ 49. Multicellular ingestive heterotrophs
____ 50. Multicellular eukaryotic autotrophs
____ 51. Motile, heterotrophic, unicellular eukaryotes
____ 52. Multicellular absorptive heterotrophs
____ 53. Organisms with membrane-bound organelles
Match the terms below with their best description from the list provided
a. Carrying capacity
e. Logistic growth
b. Exponential growth
f. Maximum sustainable yield
c. Doubling time
g. r-strategist
d. K-strategist
h. per capita rate of increase
a "J" shaped plot of N vs t
an "S"shaped plot of N vs t
the maximum population size that the environment can support indefinitely
dn/dt when N = K/2
large litters, small body, rapid maturity
infrequent reproduction, type I survival, extensive parental care
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BIO 142 May 2004
Final Exam
62. Complete the following table by placing the words "yes" or "no" in each cell to indicate
whether the phylum has or lacks the character at the head of each column (1/2 point each
-- total = 12 points)
Vascular tissue Flowers Pollen Seeds Swimming sperm Fruit
63. Devise a dichotomous key that can be used to successfully discriminate among the phyla
represented by the specimens (A-D) displayed at the station with the same number as this
question number. Try to make your key reflect major differences among the phyla.
Identify the phylum to which each specimen belongs. (8 points)
(List names of phyla here)
Put dichotomous key here:
64. You are studying an introduced species of insect pest whose population appears to be
growing exponentially. Last year the population density was 300/hectare. This year the
population density is 325/hectare.
A. Assuming this population is growing exponentially, what is its intrinsic rate of
increase, r?
B. Asuming the population continues to grow exponentially, what size do you expect it to
be in three more years?
65. You sample a population of box turtles and find
160 that are homozygous recesive,
80 that are heterozygous
10 that are homozygous dominant
Is this population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Please show all work necessary to
answer this question.
Extra Credit
66. What animals have we seen during this class that are currently on Iowa's list of
endangered and threatened species? (1 point per species)
67. Complete the following limerick (limerick) \'lim-(û-)rik\ n [Limerick, Ireland]: a
humorous, rhyming, and often bawdy verse of five lines, in which the first two lines form
a rhyming couplet. The third and fourth lines, which are shorter than the first two, form a
second rhyming couplet, and the last line rhymes with the first couplet
"The dead zone in the gulf was a' growin'..."
68. What are the "seven wonders" of caring for the world and what does each represent?
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