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Ch. 8 Crisis and Constitution
“public virtue is the only foundation of the Republics. There must be a positive
passion for the public good, the public interest.” John Adams
What were the fundamental challenges to creating successful state governments in
the New Republic? A federal government?
 The first generation of state constitutions fit under an ideology of Utopian
Republicanism. This emphasized a communal rather than individualistic
approach. They were in direct opposition of anything related to King George
III and anything resembling Parliament.
 Virtuous citizens would require: proper education of republicanism,
appropriate religious and cultural influence.
 All the while attempting to adopt a form of federal government that did not
threaten or disrupt states own individual powers.
o The Articles of Confederation: Finally ratified after four years of
wrangling, in 1781.
o Many flaws, but did prove to be a successful stepping-stone towards a
more effective system, the Constitution.
o Weaknesses: What to do with territory beyond the colonies? People
wanted to access the land around them. Some colonies had more
rights due to the initial charters, was this fair? Others said it wouldn’t
even be an option if we all didn’t fight, so why should Virginia get to
reap all of the benefits of this abundance of land, while Rhode Island
sits idly back and watches?
o Maryland forced this issue to be reassessed, plan was to allow for not
colonies, but new “republican” states, that once hit the population
quota, would enter the Union.
 Eventually evolved into The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, this was the 3rd
attempt at this kind of ordinance. This was a stark contrast from the
revolutionary ideals that sent them to war. Now the government divvied out
the land to westward moving pioneers, being to see the Articles of
Confederation weakening.
 All the while the Native Americans getting the short end of the stick.
 British and Spanish waiting in the wings for any opportunity to sabotage the
growth of the United States. Spanish trying to entice southerners to shifting
sides for economic benefits in trade. The British were also antagonizing,
trying to lure in more support especially in Vermont. Requiring a unified
response and effort from the states.
 Little things began adding up, Shays’ Rebellion being one. This was in
response to farmers not getting any relief from the state government while
they were struggling financially. Eventually they began losing their farms,
they refused this by 2000 armed farmers taking control of the county courts
in an attempt to block creditors from foreclosing on them.
 Things had to change: Either risk losing all that was fought for, or relinquish
some of the states sovereignty. The latter prevailed. In comes the
 Road to Constitution rocky, Virginia Plan, authored by James Madison,
rejected due to other states finding it unfair
 Concerns over representation highly debated, smaller states wanted to have
a voice, The Great Compromise
 Slavery, greater battle to take on than representation.
 Anti-federalists vs. Federalists. Too much central government control an
issue for Anti-federalists. Did not like expanding federal government power
at the expense of state rights. Federalist Papers written in response to this
by Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.
Constitution and New Republic Activity
Write the correct word or words in each blank in the sentences below.
1. The _______________________________, signed by Great Britain and the United States,
officially ended the American War for Independence.
2. The first plan for government of the United States of America was called
3. No delegates from the state of _________________________________ attended the
Constitutional Convention. (meeting to construct Constitution May 1787)
4. The _____________________________ viewed the Constitution as a threat to states
sovereignty and felt it would lead to the rule of aristocrats.
5. _______________________________ , _____________________________ and _______________________
wrote most of the _________________________________ which defended the new
6. The first ten amendments to the Constitution make up the
7. The compromise of representation in the federal government involved the
creation of the _____________________________ , which would be equal in all states,
and the ______________________________________, which would be dependent upon
8. The ____________________________________ raised hostility regarding trading
privileges and showed the strength of sectional feelings.
9. Debates about a new form of government at the Constitutional Convention
started with the introduction of the ______________________________________.
10. The _______________________________ was created to satisfy the concerns of
individual citizens not having enough information to make a wise decision
when voting for the president.