Download A virus is a microorganism which cannot reproduce on its own, it nee

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A virus is a microorganism which cannot reproduce on its own, it needs a host cell to .when it come
into contact with a host cell it transmit the genetic material in the host cell.
A virus is a microorganism which cannot reproduce on its own, it needs a host cell too. When it
comes into contact with a host cell it transmits the genetic material in the host cell.
A virus may enter the body through various parts such as mouth ,nose or simple contact with a person
who is infected.
A virus may enter the body through various parts such as mouth, nose or simple contact with a person
who is infected.
Many herbs can help to cure disease caused by viral infection such as tea tree, garlic cinnamon, mint
family plants, rosemary basil etc
Many herbs can help to cure disease caused by viral infection such as tea tree, garlic cinnamon, mint
family plants, rosemary basil etc.
boil some water add mint plant to it and cover the vessel now inhale the vapor deeply this will surely
bring lot of relief to the person.
Boil some water add mint plant to it and cover the vessel now inhale the vapor deeply this will surely
bring lot of relief to the person.
Garlic has antiviral antibacterial and anti fungal properties in it .it boost our immune system.
Garlic has antiviral antibacterial and anti fungal properties in it. It boost our immune system.
If a person is suffering from sore throat raw garlic with honey can work wonders for him garlic has
antiseptic properties in it garlic is also use treat mosquito bites which causes infection.
If a person is suffering from sore throat raw garlic with honey can work wonders for him/her; garlic
has antiseptic properties in it. Garlic is also used to treat mosquito bites which causes infection.
Many people continues to work without taking a break which results prolonging of the disease.
Many people continue to work without taking a break which results in prolonging of the disease.
Many problems such as headache, fever and tiredness aggregate due to the lack of water intake in
many cases infection result in high temperature staying hydrated is very important as it help in bringing
down the temperature vomiting, loose stool result in loss of water so the increase intake of fluids will
Many problems such as headache, fever and tiredness aggregate due to the lack of water intake; in
many cases infection result in high temperature, & staying hydrated is very important as it help in
bringing down the temperature. Vomiting, loose stool result in loss of water so the increase intake of
fluids will help.
These white blood cell helps to fight with virus that may cause infection however during the period of
infection exercises should be avoided.
These white blood cells help to fight with virus that may cause infection, however, during the period of
infection exercises should be avoided.
However another popular and alternate treatment for increasing fertility in
couples is herbal remedy which is comparatively cheaper, safer and resultoriented.
However, another popular and alternate treatment for increasing fertility in
couples is herbal remedy which is comparatively cheaper, safer and resultoriented.
However some of general herbal remedies to increase fertility, which are
used by couples, are mentioned below.
However, some of general herbal remedies to increase fertility, which are
used by couples, are mentioned below.
These days many pharmaceutical companies are producing it in the form of
capsules, however it is most potent when taken in the raw form.
These days many pharmaceutical companies are producing it in the form of
capsules, however, it is most potent when taken in the raw form.