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Tayler Viegut
NTC Marketing
Mr. Will
In today’s world everyone is different. There are not two people alike. We are all
born with the same understand, and as we grow we develop traits. A trait that is a key to
success is leadership. Without leadership there would never be anything to look forward
to. We are lucky enough to have great leaders always moving us forward. Now I’m not
saying that all leaders are great ones, because at times there may be people who are in a
leadership position and don’t do the greatest things. It’s all a part of life. We live and
learn, or lead in this case.
There is a certain model to represent personality traits. This is called the Big Five
Model of Personality. The model categorizes traits into the dimensions of surgency
(includes leadership and extraversion traits), agreeableness (includes traits related to
getting along with people), adjustment (includes traits related to emotional stability),
conscientiousness (includes traits related to achievement), and openness to experience
(includes traits related to being willing to change and try new things). All these traits are
what you need to have in a leader. If a person doesn’t have the qualities of these traits
they are less likely to succeed in leadership.
Some great leaders that I know who have shown traits of the “Big Five” are
Martin Luther King Junior, and Randy Pausch. Martin Luther King Junior traits exist of
surgency, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. He was great
leader and helped African American tremendously in our nation. He put his life at stake
for all his people to show others what needed to change in the world. Randy Pausch was
a great leader as well. This man wrote a book about living when he was dieing. He let
Tayler Viegut
NTC Marketing
Mr. Will
his surgency, agreeableness, conscientiousness, adjustment, and openness to experience
traits shine. This man was a great teacher. He wanted to help others by showing and
telling them the great things in life that they need to enjoy before they die. He felt
everything happened for a reason and he wanted to help others stay positive in life and
death situations.
I personally don’t have any derailed leadership traits. I have worked with a boss
that entailed these traits though. The boss didn’t have any people skills. She found it
hard to deal with problems in the business when it became stressful. When she became
stressed she took it out on all the employees. She felt as if everyone was trying to get her
fired, but in reality she was the one who couldn’t keep the workers due to lack of trust
and her self centered point of view.
Some traits that I feel are important are high energy, internal locus of control,
integrity, flexibility, self-confidence, stability, intelligence, and sensitivity to others.
When you are working with other people you have to be a very understand and flexible
person. When you need shifts to be covered you have be able to know that work happens
to everyone and you can’t pick and chose when you want to work. That’s just how life is
you don’t always get what you want. You have to be confident and stand up in what you
believe. Having some integrity for your self is a great thing. When the people who push
you around you just have to know that it’s wrong and changes need to be made. Not
physically but in an adult manor, whether it be talking to your boss or ignoring the
Online after taking tests I was shown that the leadership positions that I hold are
participative and delegative. Participative leaders accept input from one or more people
Tayler Viegut
NTC Marketing
Mr. Will
when making decisions and solving problems. This style of leadership often leads to
more effective and accurate decisions. Delegative leaders allow group members to make
decisions. The leader cannot be an expert in all situations, which is why it’s important to
delegate certain tasks out to knowledgeable and trustworthy employees. I agree with the
tests that I took. I’m a person who likes to lead the group, than sit on the side burner.
I’m a perfectionist and if don’t like it, I will voice my opinion. We all are different like I
said before there are not two people who are the same.