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What term refers to a cell that has no nucleus or membrane bound organelles, such
as bacteria?
Answer: a. prokaryotic
Prokaryotic cells are the cells lacking a nucleus and other membrane-bounded organelles
Eukaryotic cells are the cells containing a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles
Planktonic cells are the aggregate community of weakly swimming but mostly drifting
small organisms that inhabit the water column of the ocean, seas, and bodies of
Pathogenic cells are the cells capable of causing disease, such as certain types of bacteria
and viruses
What term refers to a cell that has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles, such
as plant and animal cells?
Answer: b. Eukaryotic
What is the cell wall of bacteria composed of?
Answer: a. peptidoglycan
The cell wall of bacteria is composed of peptidoglycan (polysaccharides+protein)
What is the tangle of DNA in a bacterial cell called?
Answer: b. Nucleoid
DNA in the bacterial cell is generally confined to nucleoid which is in the central region.
Though it isn't bounded by a membrane, it is visibly distinct (by transmission microscopy)
from the rest of the cell interior.
Do bacteria have sex?
Answer: a. yes
Mollicutes are unique members of the bacteria world because they do not have?
Answer: b. cell walls
What group of protists can be used to gauge the degree of pollution in a body of water?
Answer: c. Ciliates
Ciliates include some of the largest free-living protists; a few genera may reach two
millimeters in length. They are abundant in almost every environment with liquid water:
ocean waters, marine sediments, lakes, ponds, and rivers, and even soils. Because
individual ciliate species vary greatly in their tolerance of pollution, the ciliates found in
a body of water can be used to gauge the degree of pollution quickly.
Name a type of protist with a shell.
Answer: a. Forams
What human disease(s) may be caused by "Red Tide"?
Answer: d. All of the above
Red tide is caused by species of dinoflagellates, often present in sufficient numbers
(thousands or millions of cells per milliliter) to turn the water red or brown. Red tides
also occur in places where there are no associated human activities. Some red tides
produce large quantities of toxins, which kill fish and are accumulated by filter feeders,
like shellfish. This bioaccumulation of toxins is why one must be careful eating shellfish
collected at certain times of the year.
What structure on a paramecium are used to capture food and also in movement?
Answer: c. Flagella
Photosynthetic bacteria are called ___________________.
Answer: c. Photobacteria
Some bacteria live in the roots of certain plants, converting ________ into a useable form
Answer: d. nitrogen