Download Wordly Wise Directions for Each Section For each vocabulary lesson

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Wordly Wise
Directions for Each Section
For each vocabulary lesson you will complete all five sections as a continuous assignment.
That means you are not to start each section on a new piece of paper but are to continue
the next section after only a small break from the previous section. Use your best
handwriting and do your best work.
Word List
Each lesson in Wordly Wise begins with the Word List, which provides the pronunciation
and definition of each word. The Word List also includes sentences to demonstrate the
proper use of each word. You will study ten to fifteen words in each lesson.
Section A: Finding Meanings
In this section you are given four sentence fragments. Only two of the sentence fragments
can be combined to form a complete sentence that correctly uses a vocabulary word. You
are to number and write the complete, correct sentences that you form.
Section B: Just the Right Word
Sentences are given that contain phrases that express the meaning of the vocabulary words.
The phrases are in bold type. You are to number and rewrite the complete sentences
replacing the bold-typed phrases with the correct vocabulary words.
Section C: Applying Meanings
You are asked to select answers to questions related to the vocabulary words. Four options
are given, and any or all of the options could be possible answers. You are to write
sentences that explain why the options you chose are answers to the question.
Which of the following might linger?
a) a smell
b) a blow to the head
c) a headache
d) guests
Answers: a) If you cook fish, the smell might linger long after the meal is eaten.
c) A headache can linger if you do not take any pain reliever.
d) Guests who don’t want to leave might linger by talking and talking.
[b is not a correct answer]
Section D: Word Study
This section offers a variety of more sophisticated word study. You may be asked to identify
synonyms and antonyms; explore how prefixes and suffixes change the meaning and parts
of speech of words; learn about Latin or Greek word roots; complete analogies; or
distinguish between homophones. Activities in this section are different from lesson to
lesson, so you need to read the directions carefully. If the activity asks you to fill in a blank
in a sentence, then you must write the entire sentence on your answer sheet. If you are
asked to select one word or to match a pair of words from lists, you would write the correct
words on your answer sheet.
Section E: Passage
You read an original passage that incorporates all of the vocabulary words from the lesson,
then you write answers to the questions asked about the passage. Vocabulary words from
the lesson appear in bold type in the questions. If a question does not have a bold-typed
word, then you must use one of the vocabulary words in the answer to that question.