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Infinity Beverages Winery & Distillery
Private Label
Label Specifications/Information:
 Type of event/occasion: ____________________________________________________
 Copy/Wording to be included: ________________________________________________
 Color Scheme (if any): _____________________________________________________
 Bottles/Varietals Ordered (#x variety): _________________________________________
 Date Needed (pickup date): _________________________________________________
Customer Contact Information:
 Name: __________________________________________________________________
 Phone: __________________________________________________________________
 Email: __________________________________________________________________
Private Label bottle orders must be paid in full before design and/or production of any order will begin at a rate of
$17.99/bottle + tax for Signature Wine varietals or equivalent price difference for other varietals plus a minimum of $25
for graphic design fees per label design. Private Label products may not be resold, wholesaled, or otherwise retailed by
the purchasing customer. Two week minimum lead time is required to ensure Private Label project completion by
specified “Date Needed”. Two week lead time is calculated from date Private Label agreement is signed AND all
required/necessary images are emailed to Infinity Beverages, LLC; i.e. the “commencement date”. A label proof will be
emailed to above mentioned email for approval within three business days of commencement date. Customer agrees
to reply to proof email at least one week prior to specified “Date Needed” with any changes or approval. In the event of
non response to proof email at least one week prior to “Date Needed” the customer’s Private Label order will be
cancelled. In the event of cancellation by the customer or Infinity Beverages, LLC a refund in the amount of 50% less
design fees will be refunded with customer’s request within 14 business days of cancellation. At time of pick up (“Date
Needed”) customer agrees to pay any additional graphic design fees in excess of the initial $25 paid at time of contract
signing at a rate of $50/hr. Infinity Beverages, LLC reserves the right to at any time and indefinitely utilize your Private
Label order for any promotional and/or advertising purposes. By signing below you, the customer, agree to these terms
for your Private Label order.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Office Use ONLY
Amount Paid: _____________________________________________________