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1. Appoint the patient before they leave the office. “Mrs. Smith, Dr.______ would like to
see ____ for his/her next appointment around _____(give a date). Would June 5th at
11am or 2pm work for you?” Pause. Once scheduled let them know “We will send you an
email 1 week ahead to confirm. If you do not confirm through the email, you will also
receive a call 2 days prior.”
2. Patients who leave the desk and say, “My Mom will call you.” create backlogs of work.
Your response should be, “Let me go ahead and reserve you a time today and have Mom
call me if it’s not convenient.”
We train people how our system works or they train us how theirs works. The
choice is yours!
3. An automated email will go out to confirm by email one week ahead of a scheduled
4. If not confirmed by email, Televox will be set up to call two days before their appointment,
to confirm.
5. If the patient no shows, Televox will be set up to call the day after to reschedule
6. If the appointment is not scheduled, they will be contacted through the recall procedures
that follow.
At the end of each day, a no show/ walk out report will be printed. This is part of the closing
protocol. In the morning the report will be reviewed as part of the Televox procedures.
If a New Patient cancels an appointment, document the reason for the cancellation in
conversation under Scheduling/Recall and link the note to the correct TC. Change the patient’s
status to Pending Sam for Dr. Goldstein patients and Pending Stephanie for Dr. Feinberg
patients. The TC’s will follow up after this.
If Consultation cancels an appointment, document the reason for the cancellation in
conversation under Scheduling/Recall. Attach the conversation to the appropriate Treatment
Coordinator as indicated by the Patient Status.
If a patient Starting Treatment cancels an appointment, document the reason for the
cancellation in conversation under Scheduling/Recall. Attach the conversation to the appropriate
Treatment Coordinator as indicated by the Patient Status.
1. Each location will run their recall reports on the first of each month.
2. When running reports, select all locations, but only contact your specific location.
3. Print the reports separately by month (2 months ahead of the current month, 1 month
ahead, the current month, 1 month past, 2 months past, and 3+ months past).
4. The schedule below will help you know which reports to print
Recall Report Schedule
Present month
Months to print
March, February, January, December, November, 1/1/2010-End of October
April, March, February, January, December, 1/1/2010-End of November
May, April, March, February, January, 1/1/2010-End of December,
June, May, April, March, February, 1/1/2010-End of January.
July, June, May, April, March, 1/1/2010-End of February.
August, July, June, May, April, 1/1/2010-End of March.
September, August, July, June, May, 1/1/2010-End of April.
October, September, August, July, June, 1/1/2010-End of May.
November, October, September, August, July, 1/1/2010-End of June.
December, November, October, September, August 1/1/2010-End of, July.
January, December, November, October, September, 1/1/2010-End of August.
February, January, December, November, October, 1/1/2010-End of September.
From the Oasys Main Menu click on Reports. Double click on Reports
Select Patient/Schedule Reports. Click on Run
Select Date Range (Print one report for each month – date range being the 1st of the
month to the last of the month. See schedule above, print one report for each
month indicated.)
Under Options: Select Recall Summary Report
Under Book: Select All Books
Under Patient Status: (Holding the Ctrl Key) Select the following Status:
Holding Phase (LLA)
Holding Phase (LA/NANCE)
Overdue Recall Observe
Phase I
Phase II
Previous Patient
Recall Observe
Recall Positioner
Recall Retention
Recall Retention SureSmile
Splint Therapy
Watching class III growth
Click in box at bottom of page Group by Type/Location
Click on OK
1. In Oasys, pull up each patient from the recall list.
2. Look at the pts next appointment, so you know what you are scheduling.
3. Pull up conversation to see what previous recall procedures were done. You want to stick
to the contact sequence, but need to adapt if things change. If a contact was made within
the past 2 weeks, you may need to skip the contact this time.
4. If sibs are on recall, look in their recall conversation, to see if a contact was made
recently to them.
5. Look at the treatment status, this will tell you the correct contact to make. See how to
schedule below so you know how to contact each patient, it will differ depending on the
status and if they have had their initial 8 week retainer check or not.
6. After making a contact, record in conversation under Scheduling/Recall what contact
was made (Left message to schedule or Emailed letter, etc.)
7. If there is a sib on recall, include them in your contact, and record in conversation on
their account as well.
1. 2 months prior to the recall, call the main # on file to schedule. The following scripting is
“Hi, this is
calling from Dr. Goldstein and Feinberg‘s orthodontic office.
Dr.________ would like to see ________ for his/her next appointment. Pause. Great,
would June 5th at 2pm work for you?” Pause.
The number one goal is to schedule an appointment!
If the parent does not schedule and says, “I’ll call you back”, make a note in
conversation and the pt will be contacted in the next month’s recall.
If there is no answer leave a message. The following scripting is suggested:
“Hi, this is
calling from Dr.
‘s orthodontic office. Dr.
_______ would like to see ________ for his/her next appointment. Please give us a
call to schedule at 480-556-0615. Thank you.”
Make a note in conversation that you left a message. If you are unable to leave a
message, try to reach someone with another phone # that is on file. If you are unable to
contact by phone then email or mail, active tx letter 1.
2. 1 month prior to the recall, make another phone call to schedule using the script above.
3. The month of the recall, email active tx letter 1 (letter shown below).
a. If there is no email address on file, print and mail out the letter.
b. If the email comes back as an invalid email, make notes in conversation and mail out
the letter. You will also need to remove the email from the responsible party chart.
To do this, move the email from the Email field to the Note box field, marking it as
invalid email.
July 16, 2013
Scooby Doo
6868 E Becker Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85224
Dear Scooby:
It’s time to schedule an appointment for Scrappy to be seen in our office for its continuing
orthodontic care.
It is a pleasure having Scrappy as a patient and we look forward to seeing its soon. Please call us
at 480-556-0615 to schedule an appointment.
Orthodontic Scheduling Coordinator
4. 1 month past due, make another phone call to schedule.
5. 2 months past due, mail the no resp observation letter. Make a note in conversation of the
July 16, 2013
Scooby Doo
6868 E Becker Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85224
Dear Scooby:
We know the time has passed quickly, but the doctors would like to see Scrappy again for an
orthodontic evaluation. The best time to start orthodontic treatment varies by individual;
therefore, it is important to monitor Scrappy’s growth and development.
We enjoy having Scrappy as a patient and look forward to providing its orthodontic care in the
future. Please call our office at 480-556-0615 to schedule an appointment.
Orthodontic Scheduling Coordinator
6. 3+ month past due, give to the TC to follow up.
a. Start by looking in conversation to view all the contacts that have been made. If the
no response observation letter was mailed last month, then it is ok to have the TC
follow up on the recall.
b. In conversation, under Scheduling/Recall write: “Unable to contact pt to schedule,
gave to TC (LR for Dr Goldstein patients, SK for Dr. Feinberg patients) to follow
up.” Attach the message to the indicated TC, so they get the message and know to
follow up.
c. It is a good idea to include as much info as you can in this message to the TC. Look
in pedo to see when they were last seen for a cleaning (are they past due?), and when
they are scheduled next with pedo. Also check sibs in pedo and ortho.
d. If they have an upcoming pedo appointment, or sib has an ortho appointment, hold
off on sending the message to the TC. Instead, attach a note to the pedo or ortho
account to request that the patient schedule. Make a note in conversation. Hopefully
this will get them scheduled. If not, then the next month, the account should be sent
to the TC.
e. The TC, once they get this message, should change the status to pending TC and
should follow up, usually with the TC Questionnaire email/letter.
f. If it is a month later and the patient is still on your recall list, re-send the same
message to them. “Unable to contact pt to schedule, re-sent to TC LR to follow up.”
1. 2 months prior to the recall, call the main # on file to schedule. The following scripting is
“Hi, this is
calling from Dr.Goldstein & Feinberg’s orthodontic office. Dr.
_______ would like to see ________ for a retainer check. Pause. Have his/her
retainers been fitting ok and has he/she been wearing them? Great, would June 5th at
2pm work for you?” pause.
The number one goal is to schedule an appointment!
If the parent does not schedule and says, “I’ll call you back”, make a note in
conversation and the pt will be contacted in the next month’s recall.
If there is no answer leave a message. The following scripting is suggested:
“Hi, this is
calling from Dr. Goldstein & Feinberg’s orthodontic office Dr.
_______ would like to see ________ for a retainer check. Please give us a call to
schedule at 480-556-0615. Thank you.”
Make a note in conversation that you left a message. If you are unable to leave a
message, try to reach someone with another phone # that is on file.
2. 1 month prior to the recall, make another phone call to schedule.
3. The month of the recall, email retention letter 1.
July 16, 2013
Scooby Doo
6868 E Becker Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85224
Dear Scooby:
It’s time to schedule an appointment for Scrappy to be seen in our office for its continuing
retainer care.
We have enjoyed watching Scrappy smile change during treatment and would like to see its
again to make sure its retainers are fitting properly. Please contact us at 480-556-0615 to
schedule and appointment.
Orthodontic Scheduling Coordinator
If there is no email address on file, mail out the letter.
If the email comes back as an invalid email, make notes in conversation as well as the
responsible party chart regarding the invalid email. Mail out the letter.
4. 1 month past due, make another phone call to schedule.
5. 2 months past due, mail the no resp/inact letter. Make a note in conversation of the contact.
a. Start by looking in conversation to view all the contacts that have been made
July 16, 2013
Scooby Doo
6868 E Becker Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85224
Dear Scooby:
It is time again to see Scrappy for a retainer check. Retention visits are important. We highly
recommend long term retainer wear to reduce unwanted tooth movement. This is the best way to
help maintain straight teeth and a stable bite.
We would enjoy seeing Scrappy again, however, if we don’t hear from you we will presume
everything is fine and Scrappy is happy with his new smile.
Thank you for allowing us to provide orthodontic service for your family.
Please feel free to contact the office at 480-556-0615 if you would like to schedule an
appointment for Scrappy or if you have any questions.
Bruce M. Goldstein, D.D.S., M.S.
Michael A. Feinberg, D.D.S., M.S.
If the letter is returned and has a forwarding address, update and re-mail.
If there is no forwarding address, verify that there is no other address in the patient’s chart or
with pedo. If not, then proceed with inactivate procedures.
6. 3+ month past due, view all the recall contacts that have been made, if the no resp letter
was mailed out last month, Inact the patient’s chart.
1. 2 months prior to the recall, call the main # on file to schedule. The following scripting is
“Hi, this is
calling from Dr.
‘s orthodontic office Dr.
_______ would like to see ________ for a retainer check. Pause. Have his/her
retainers been fitting ok and has he/she been wearing them? Great, would June 5th at
2pm work for you?” pause.
The number one goal is to schedule an appointment!
If the parent does not schedule and says, “I’ll call you back”, make a note in
conversation and the pt will be contacted in the next month’s recall.
If there is no answer leave a message. The following scripting is suggested:
“Hi, this is
calling from Dr.
‘s orthodontic office Dr.
_______ would like to see ________ for a retainer check. Please give us a call to
schedule at 480-556-0615. Thank you.”
Make a note in conversation that you left a message. If you are unable to leave a
message, try to reach someone with another phone # that is on file.
2. The month of the recall, mail the no resp/inact letter. Make a note in conversation of the
July 16, 2013
Scooby Doo
6868 E Becker Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85224
Dear Scooby:
It is time again to see Scrappy for a retainer check. Retention visits are important. We highly
recommend long term retainer wear to reduce unwanted tooth movement. This is the best way to
help maintain straight teeth and a stable bite.
We would enjoy seeing Scrappy again, however, if we don’t hear from you we will presume
everything is fine and Scrappy is happy with his new smile.
Thank you for allowing us to provide orthodontic service for your family.
Please feel free to contact the office at 480-556-0615 if you would like to schedule an
appointment for Scrappy or if you have any questions.
Bruce M. Goldstein, D.D.S., M.S.
Michael A. Feinberg, D.D.S., M.S.
If the letter is returned and has a forwarding address, update and re-mail.
If there is no forwarding address, verify that there is no other address in the patient’s chart or
with pedo. If not, then proceed with inactivation procedures.
3. 1 month past due, Inactivate the patient’s chart.
1. Check the patient’s ledger to make sure there is a $0.00 balance. If there is money that is still
owed or if there is a credit balance in the responsible party or insurance ledger let the
financial coordinator know.
2. Document the patient’s Treatment Card in the computer, explaining the reason for
inactivating the patient. (Unable to contact to schedule. Inactive)
To place notes on the patients Treatment Card, open up the Treatment Card
Click on Additional Treatment
Click on Notes
In the note box type the reason for the inactivation
3. Make notes in conversation regarding why you are inactivating the patient.
4. Cancel all of the patients recall appointments.
5. Change patient Status to INACTIVE FULL TX COMPLETED.
From the Oasys Main Menu click on Reports. Double click on New Reports.
Select Patient/Schedule Reports
Click on Run
Select Date Range
Begin Date: 01/01/2005
End Date: Two months ahead, the last day of the month.
Under Options: Select Recall Summary Report
Under Book: Select All Books
Under Patient Status (Holding the Ctrl Key) Select the following Status
Full Treatment
Suresmile Adult
Limited Treatment
Surgical Tx
Surgical Tx – Adult Suresmile
Surgical Tx -Suresmile
Click in box at bottom of page Group by Type/Location
Click on OK
1. On Monday of each week print a report of all patients who are in active treatment and do not
have an appointment scheduled. Guidelines for printing are above.
2. In Oasys, pull up each patient from the recall list.
3. Look at the pts next appointment, so you know what you are scheduling.
4. Pull up conversation to see what previous recall procedures were done. You want to stick to
the contact sequence, but need to adapt if things change. For example No shows or
5. If sibs are on recall, look in their recall conversation, to see if a contact was made recently to
6. After making a contact, record in conversation under Scheduling/Recall what contact was
made (Left message to schedule or Emailed letter 1, etc. )
7. If there is a sib on recall, include them in your contact, and record in conversation on their
account as well.
8. Give 3 phone calls to schedule, one per week. On the third phone call if you have to leave a
message, email Letter 1.
9. Follow up after a week, if no response, call again. If there you have to leave a message
Email letter 2.
10. The next week, call again to schedule; If you have to leave a message send out Letter 3. A
week later, if you have been unable to schedule, give the chart to a TC to follow up.