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Spelling Homework: 40 Fun Ways to Practice Spelling!
Pick any 2 activities you choose.
*Remember to label your paper with the activities’ numbers and names*
You may also create your own spelling activity. Just make sure you ask Mrs. McBride first!
1. ABC Order2. Rainbow Words - Write your
Write your words in
words using a different color
alphabetical order.
crayon for each letter.
Write your words in ABC order
-backwards! This is a
3. Backwards
4. Silly Sentences Words- Write your Use each of your
words forwards,
spelling words in a
then backwards. sentence
5. Sound Words -Record your
words and their spelling on
some type of recorder. Then
listen to your recording,
checking to see that
you spelled all the words
6. Words without Vowels; Words
without Consonant- Write your
words replacing all vowels with a
line. Then write the same words
again, only this time replace the
consonants with lines.
7. Beautiful words
- Write your words
on graph paper
and outline them
in colors.
Or try writing your
words in bubble
8. Newspaper
Words- Search a
newspaper page
from top to
bottom, circling
each letter of a
word as you find it.
9.Scrambled WordsType your spelling words into
the website (the website can
only do 10 words at a time).
The website will make
scrambled words for you to
print out and unscramble.
10. Word Search- Type your
spelling words into the website
and the website will make a
word search for you to print out
and solve.
11. Scrabble Use Scrabble tiles
to spell out your
spelling words. For
a little extra math
(optional), figure
out the value of
each of your
12. Ransom Words
- Write your words
by cutting out
letters in
a newspaper or
magazine and
gluing them on a
/kids/homework/spelling.htm You can also make your own
word search on notebook
13. Blue Vowels- Write each
of your spelling words. Then
write the words again using a
blue crayon or marker for the
14. Pyramid Words - Write your
words by adding or subtracting
one letter at a time. The result
will be a pyramid shape of
15. 3-D Words -Use
modeling clay
rolled thinly to
make your words.
16. Words-in-Words
- Write your spelling
words and then
write at least 2
words that can be
made using the
letters in each
spelling word.
17. Delicious Words - Write
your words in whipped
cream, peanut butter, or
anything you can eat! Get
help from a parent for this
18. Good Clean Words- Write
your words in shaving cream on
a counter or some other surface
that can be cleaned safely.
Get help from a parent for this
19. Dirty Words Write your words in
mud or sand. Get
help from a
parent for this
20. Pasta
Words - Write your
words by gluing
alphabet pasta on
paper. Get help
from a parent for
this activity!
= Parent Help & Signature Required (Sign a sheet of paper with the name of activity and return in binder)
21. Hopscotch Words- Make
a hopscotch board on the
sidewalk with chalk. Write all
26 letters instead of numbers.
HOP your spelling words!
22. Make Some Music- Write a
song or rap that includes ALL
your spelling words. Underline
each spelling word and share
your song/rap with a friend.
23. Cheering
Words- Make up a
cheer for each of
your words and
perform for a
family member.
24. Other Handed If you are righthanded, write with
your left, or
vice versa.
25. Rhyming Words- Write
each of your spelling words.
Then write a rhyming word to
go with each spelling words.
If necessary, your rhyming
words can be nonsense
Example: think- stink
bump- sump
26. Morse Code – Write your
spelling words, and then convert
your words to Morse Code. Here
is a website with the codes:
27. Picture WordsDraw a picture
and hide your
words in the
28. X Words - Write
two words having
one common letter
so they criss-cross.
29. Spell-er-size!- Spell your
words as you do jumping
jacks, sit-ups or toe touches.
Try picking different actions
for each word or each letter.
30. Word Sort- Fold a piece of
paper in half. Look at your
spelling words and see if they
have any common spelling
patterns. Pick 2 categories to
sort your words into. Label each
side of the paper with a
category and write all the words
below it that fit in that category.
31. Flash Writing In a darkened
room, use a
flashlight to draw
letters in the air.
32. Back Writing Using your finger,
draw each letter
on a partner’s
back, having the
partner say the
word when
33. Telephone Words Translate your words into
numbers from a telephone
34. Toss a Word- Toss (or roll) a
ball back and forth with a
partner as you spell each
spelling word. You say the 1st
letter, toss the ball, your partner
says the 2nd letter, toss the ball,
and so on.
35. Story Words Write a short story
using all your
36. 30 Second
Words -Write a TV
commercial using
all the words from
your list. Then
perform it in front
of your family!
38. Sign Language Words- Use
sign language to sign each of
your spelling words. Check out
this website for a visual of each
39. Choo-Choo
Words -Write the
entire list end-toend as one
long word, using
different colors of
crayon or ink for
different words.
40. Look –SaySpell- Cover –WriteCheck- Write your
words on a piece
of paper. Then
LOOK at the first
word. SAY that
word out loud.
SPELL that word out
loud. COVER the
word and WRITE
the word again.
CHECK to see if
you spelled the
word correctly.
For example: If 2 on the
telephone is ABC, the word
“cab” would be 222.
37. Type ‘Em- Type ALL of
you spelling words on the
computer. You can even try
making each word a
different font or color.
Print your words or email
them to me:
[email protected]
= Parent Help & Signature Required (Sign a sheet of paper with the name of activity and return in binder)