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Class 9C
Pandora, Prometheus, Epimetheus
The story with all of the characters in it is Pandora's Box.
This story includes Epimetheus, Prometheus and Pandora as the main characters. It all
starts with Epimetheus making animals. He give special traits to the animals, for instance,
the bear are given fur, the birds are given feathers etc. Prometheus asks his brother
Epimetheus (they are both titans) why he did this because there are no more traits for the
making of mankind. So Prometheus takes over and makes mankind was a nobler and
upright figure. This trait was not enough for protection so Prometheus goes to the
heavens and gets fire for mankind. This gets Zeus kind of angry.
After this happens, Prometheus tricks Zeus by wrapping the good meat in hide and the
bones in disguise with fat. He asks Zeus to pick one and Zeus picks the one with the
bones because he was tricked by Prometheus. Zeus finds out and he gets even more mad.
Prometheus loves mankind and Zeus doesn't really much like mankind. Because Zeus is
furious, he makes Pandora. He says that women shall be made to punish man.
Pandora is the first woman made and she was put together with traits from the gods. She
was given a box too that she was told never to open. So Pandora takes this box and Zeus
takes her to Epimetheus and asks him to take her in. Prometheus always told his brother
not to trust Zeus and to not take any of his gifts. Even though Prometheus says this,
Epimetheus takes Pandora in anyway. Pandora eventually opens the box because of
curiosity. In the box held evils like misery, pain and sorrow. Pandora is frightened so she
closes the box really quickly, so quickly that she left one thing in there called "hope."
Now that mankind was punished by the evils released in the world, Zeus wanted to
punish the creator of mankind, Prometheus. Zeus tells his servants Force and Violence to
take Prometheus to Caucasus rock and to chain him there. Force and Violence tell him
that he can't be released and he'd have to be chained forever. He's not only chained up for
creating mankind and loving them but he's also chained up because he knows the secret
to who would overthrow Zeus. Hermes, Zeus' messenger comes and sends a message
from Zeus. He says that he has to disclose this secret. Prometheus says no never. Hermes
warns Prometheus that if he doesn't tell, Zeus would send an eagle there everyday to eat
his liver, and everyday his liver would grow back. Prometheus still doesn't give in and he
says that he won't tell.
After that, it's still not really known what happens. Zeus says that a sacrifice has to be
made or a replacement, substitution has to be made in order for Prometheus to come free.
It is said that maybe a Centaur called Chiron was willing to die for him. There was also
another story where Hercules slays the eagle and unchains Prometheus and Zeus allows
it. All we know is that, Prometheus never gave up and he wasn't the one that yielded.
Main Characters - Epimetheus, Pandora, Prometheus, Zeus
Odysseus & Penelope
Main characters:
• Odysseus
• Penelope
• Poseidon
• Zeus
• Athena
• Calypso
• Odysseus’s troops
• Circe the witch
• Polyphemus
• Cassandra
The story of Odysseus and Penelope takes place over a span of twenty years. Odysseus
departs for the Trojan war which last ten years. At the end of those ten years, after Troy
had been burnt to the ground, Ajax (not the great), a Greek, violates a prophetess
Cassandra who was hiding in Athena’s temple. This angers the gods who until than, had
favored the Greeks. Poseidon took vengeance on the Greeks by stirring the sea and
destroying much of the Greeks fleet. Odysseus spent the next ten years of his life trying
to find a way home to Ithaca and his beloved wife, Penelope. On his journey home from
the Trojan War, Odysseus encounters many obstacles, including a magical Nymph,
named Calypso. Calypso held Odysseus captive on her island for seven years.
Jason & Medea
Character List:
Jason - main hero, rightful king of Iolcos and husband of Medea
Aeson - previous king of Iolcos, father of Jason and uncle of King Pelias
King Pelias - King of Iolcos, cousin of Jason and nephew of Aeson
Medea - sorceress, princess of Colchis and wife of Jason
King Aetes - King of Colchis and father of Medea
Creusa - Princess of Corinth and fiancee of Jason
Aeson was the king of Iolcos. Unfortunately, his kingdom was taken away by
his nephew named Pelias. Aeson's son, Jason, was hidden away so that when he was
strong enough, he could take back his rightful title as King. Years later, Jason returns and
tries to reclaim his throne. Pelias tells Jason that if he is able to retrieve him the legendary
Golden Fleece from the land of Colchis, he will return him his throne. Jason complies
and gathers up the strongest men to help him on his voyage on the Argo to Colchis. They
endure many hardships and obstacles before they reach their destination.
When the Argonauts (which is what they are called) arrive at the foreign island, they are
fed, bathed and clothed. Medea, the King's daughter watches the newcomers intently.
Aphrodite's son, Cupid, shoots Medea with an enchanted arrow, causing her to fall in
love with Jason. Jason tells King Aetes that he has come for the Golden Fleece. The king
did not wish to give these foreigners the precious treasure but said that he would only
give up the Golden Fleece if Jason can complete a nearly impossible task. Jason
reluctantly agrees.
As Jason gets ready, Medea tells him that she will aid him using her sorcery. With
Medea's help, Jason completes the task and gets the Golden Fleece. Medea elopes with
Jason, kills her brother and Pelias for him. After killing Pelias, they flee to Corinth where
they marry and have two children. After some time, Jason decides to get re-married to
Creusa, the princess of Corinth. As he tells Medea this she is heartbroken and enraged.
Bitter and hysterical by Jason's betrayal, she exacts her revenge by killing Jason's fiancée
as well as her own children, seeing that it is best to kill them instead of letting them live a
life of a slave. Medea flees on a chariot drawn by dragons, leaving Jason is despair.
Hercules was born from Zeus and Alcemene but Zeus's actual wife is his sister Hera.
Hera is enraged at the thought of Zeus cheating on her so she tried to kill Hercules at
birth by throwing a serpent into his cradle but Hercules strangles the serpent to death.
When Hercules gets older and has a wife and children, Hercules is driven mad by Hera
and he ends up killing his own wife and children. When Hercules finally awakens from
his craziness, he realizes what he has done and goes to seek forgiveness. An oracle sends
Hercules on a journey to complete the twelve labors and Hercules does so. Now that
Hercules has redeemed himself, he gets remarried but his new wife suspects him of
cheating on her so she poisons his shirt and when he puts it on, he dies. Although
Hercules was killed, he was accepted into the Olympians.
Various Animals
Perseus & Medusa
King Acrisius of Argos had one daughter, Danae. He prayed to the gods asking
them if he would ever have a son. They informed him that he shouldn't have a
son because there was a prophecy that Danae would have a son that would kill
him. Acrisius was very scared so he locked up his daughter in an underground
bunker. Zeus got into the room in the form of golden sparkles and impregnated
Danae. She had a boy, Perseus, so Acrisius put them in a chest and threw them
into the sea.
A fisherman named Dectys found them and took them back to the island he lived
on. The king of the island, Polydectes fell in love with Danae. To be able to
pursue her he had to remove Perseus. He tricked him and sent him on a quest
to kill the evil gorgon Medusa.
Perseus began his journey by traveling to the island of Delphi. He spoke to
many people but he was told to travel to the island of Dodona to find answers. In
Dodona, he met Athena and Hermes and learned they were watching over him.
The two gods told him he would need weapons and others tools if he expected to
kill Medusa. They went to the Gray sisters where they found out where the
nymphs of the north were. With the help of Athena, Hermes and the Nymphs
Perseus got: a strong shield and sword, invisibility cap, flying sandals, and a
wallet. Hermes flies Perseus to the island where the evil gorgons lived. They
walked to the entrance of a cave in a mountain where Medusa slept. He cuts off
her head, puts it in the wallet and runs out of the cave. He and Hermes fly away
from the terrible place.
On his journey back he rescued the beautiful Andromeda from being sacrificed to
an evil sea monster. They married and went back to his mother. When they
arrived on the island Perseus found out that there were many issues because his
mother had refused to marry Polydectes. Perseus found him and turned him into
stone with Medusa's head. He made the fisherman the king. He went back to his
home with his mother and Andromeda. Then he went to a disc throwing contest.
His disc flew far and hit king Acrisius killing him; making the prophecy come true.
King Acrisius
Gray Sisters
Nymphs of the North
Sea Serpent
Character List
Theseus & the Minotaur
When Theseus was born, his father Aegeus left him and his family but
wanted Theseus to bring him a sword and sandals when he would become old
enough to meet him. When Theseus arrived to his father he met Aegeus'
new wife, Medea. She became jealous of Theseus and tried to kill him, but
she failed and was vanished from the city of Athens.
Aegeus and Theseus decided that Theseus must complete a task of traveling
to Crete, a nearby city, and kill a monster called the Minotaur. When
Theseus arrived to Crete, he met princess Ariadne, who helped him find his
way back from defeating the Minotaur.
On his return, Theseus forgot a promise to his father about changing his
return ship's sails from black to white. Theseus left the sails black, so when
Aegeus saw the sails, he immediately thought that his son was dead. Aegeus
killed himself, making Theseus the new king of Athens.
Orpheus & Eurydice
Character List
Calla: Demeter and Stranger One
Kate: Eurydice and Stranger Two
Noah: Orpheus and the Snake
Our project is about Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus was a talented musician and singer.
He played the lyre and sang beautifully. Orpheus’ voice was enchanted and a powerful
one at the same time. Orpheus could attract any women to himself any time he sang and
played his lyre. One day, he attracted a woman named Eurydice and began to play.
Eurydice fell for his talents and became filled with love for Orpheus. They got married
and shortly after they went into a garden and Eurydice was bit by a snake.
Sadly, Eurydice died and Orpheus was terribly saddened. He began to grieve by singing
songs of his love for Eurydice. He goes to Hades to retrieve his loved one and sings to
Demeter. She tells him that he can have Eurydice back as long as he didn’t look at her
before they were back on the living world. Unfortunately for Eurydice and Orpheus, as
they were making their way to the real world, Orpheus looked back and Eurydice was
lost forever. He made the mistake of taking his gift for granted.
Icarus & Daedalus
Daedalus was a skilled carpenter who lived with his son Icarus in Athens. Daedalus' sister
sent his nephew, Talus to live with Daedalus. Talus was also a really good inventor. He
proved this by creating the saw and the compass. Daedalus grew jealous of Talus and
pushed him off of a cliff. Talus fell to his death. Daedalus feared that someone would
figure out what he had done so he fled to Crete. He and his son were met by King Minos,
the king of Crete. The King of Crete had them build a labyrinth to house the Minotaur.
The Minotaur was Minos' wife's son she had an affair with a bull. Together they had a
child which was half man half bull. Minos didn't like his stepson and wanted to lock him
up. Daedalus and Icarus got to work building the labyrinth. When they were done Minos
locked his daughter, Ariadne, her love, Theseus in the labyrinth along with the Minotaur.
When Ariadne and Theseus escaped Minos blamed Daedalus. Daedalus and Icarus were
then locked in the labyrinth. Daedalus being an inventor decided to build mock wings to
help he and Icarus escape. He gathered glue, wings, and wax to build the wings. Daedalus
warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun because his wings would melt. Icarus
ignored his fathers warning and took off. He got so excited he began to fly higher and
higher. He flew too close to the sun and his wings melted causing him to fall to his death.
The sad father fled to Sicily where he was greeted by the king where he lived. King
Minos figured out Daedalus and icarus were gone he offered a reward for anyone who
could bring them to him dead or alive. When no one did, he decided to look for himself.
He figured out they were in Sicily and shipped there. He demanded the King of Sicily to
hand over King Minos. The KIng of Sicily outraged by his demands had someone kill
King Minos.
Character List:
King Minos
The Minotaur
King of Sicily
Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Iphigenia, Orestes, Electra
Agamemnon and Clytemnestra were married and had three children, Iphigenia,
Electra, and Orestes. During the Trojan War, Agamemnon was sailing to Troy and
offended Artemis by killing one of her sacred animals. In anger, Artemis sent a contrary
wind to stop the ship. To make up for it, Agamemnon would have to sacrifice his
daughter, Iphigenia. He tricked her into coming by saying that she was to marry
Achielles. So she came but when her and her mother arrived they realized she was to be
sacrificed. In some stories it says she was sacrificed but in others it says that somehow
she got transported to Taurus and in her place was a deer.
During this time Clytemnestra was cheating on Agamemnon. Clytemnestra was also
jealous that Agamemnon bought a princess as a concubine. So she seduced him and
killed him and his concubine. Orestes and Electra heard that their mother killed their
father and wanted revenge. So Orestes killed Clytemnestra and her lover, Aegisthus with
the help of Electra.
After the murder, Orestes felt guilty. He began to regret killing his mother. So went to the
temple of Athena to beg for forgiveness. Athena told Orestes to go to underworld to live
with Iphigenia.