Download STARS In your textbook, read about the properties of the Sun and

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In your textbook, read about the properties of the Sun and the Sun's atmosphere. Use each of the terms below
just once to complete the passage.
solar eclipse
solar system
solar wind
The Sun is the largest object in our (1)
. Its (2) --------
controls the motions of the planets. The center of the Sun is very dense. The high temperature at its center
causes the solar interior to be (3)
The visible surface of the Sun is called the (4) ----------·It is the lowest layer of the
Sun and is approximately 400 km in thickness. The average temperature is 5800K.
Above the visible layer is the (5) --------·It is approximately 2500 km in thickness and
has a temperature of nearly 30,000 Kat the top. Without special filters, this layer is visible only during a
The top layer of the Sun's atmosphere is the (7)
.It has a temperature
range of 1million to 2 million K . Gas flows outward from this layer at high speeds and forms the
. It is made up of charged particles, or (9)
which flow outward through the entire solar system.
Use the terms below to label the diagram.
convective zone
radiative zone
Identify the Sun's features in the illustration by writing the name of each feature in the appropriate
space below. The features are listed in the box.
solar wind
solar flare
- --0
In the space provided, fill in the missing term. Choose from the box above.
-------- 1. In the--' hydrogen is fused into helium.
2. A_ is a dark area of the Sun that is cooler than the surrounding area.
3. The_ is the lowest layer of the Sun's atmosphere from which light is given off.
is made up of charged particles that continually escape from the corona and
-move through space.
5. The
is the largest layer of the Sun's atmosphere.
6. The
extends upward about 6000 km.
7. A huge, arching column of gas is a
__ 8. Gases near a sunspot that suddenly brighten, shooting gas outward at a high speed
- are called-------
Chapter 28 Study Guide
3. Define the following terms:
a. Apparent Magnitude
b. Astronomical Unit (AU)
c. Light year
d. Parallax
g. Absolute Magnitude
4. Which Star is Which?
- -----------·-·-·
....,""Hl'led ..._ alfaot
Libel ada..,.lbollll illtbc
1ea10 a .uperafaat.-. a whbe dwarf 01' a ncaii'Oil
5. What is a black hole?
6. Stars on the main sequence produce energy by fusing hydrogen into----'
7. As a
contracts, its rotation forces it into a disk shape with a hot condensed
object at the center, which will become a new stsr.
8. During a
the entire portion of the star is blown off in a massive explosion!
What are Galaxies?
l. Galaxies are classified according to their----------2. The Milky Way belongs to a small cluster of galaxies called the
3. What is a quasar?
4. Name these types of galaxies.
Origin of the Universe
1. The
Theory proposes that the universe began as a single point and
been expanding ever
2. The universe if filled with
background radiation that is left over from the early, not
stages in the Big Bang expansion of the universe.
3. What is COBB?
Observe the diagram and answer questions 4·8
.. .
. . ..
.tu rfaot.
. ·.iK J
4. Would the surface temperature o£ tile stars classified as white dwarfs be generally higher or lower than that of
stars classified as supergiants? _.,.....,.,
5; What is the color of the stars shown in the diagram that have the lowest surface temperature?
6. What is the color of the stars shown in the diagram that have the highest surface temperature?
7. Most of the stars shown on the.diagram are classified as which type of star?
What is the name of the instrument that is used to study star composition? It breaks
emitted from the star and scientists can determine its composition from
2. How can astronomers detennine the surtace temperature of a star?
Blue stars are
and red stars are--------
the light