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Preston High School
Islam Take Home Exam – Senior World
Dr. Mark King
March 20, 2009
Name: ____________________________________
1. Read the instructions for each section carefully before you answer the question.
2. All questions must be answered on the scantron. Write your name clearly in the
space provided. Use only a #2 pencil. Erase all unwanted marks completely or
else the marking machine will mark them as wrong.
3. Good luck
Preston High School
Islam Take Home Exam – Senior World
Dr. Mark King
March 20, 2009
Choose the dingle BEST answer to complete each statement
1. Islam
A. Acknowledges both the Hebrew and Christian bibles as divinely
B. Respects Jesus Christ and Judaism’s great prophets.
C. Has played a crucial role in shaping Western culture, especially during
the Middle Ages
D. All of the above
2. The name Muslim means
A. Wrapped in cotton cloth
B. One who submits
C. Muhammad’s friend
D. All of the above
3. Who appeared to Muhammad in a dream on the Night of Power and
A. The archangel
B. Abraham
C. Jesus
D. Imam
4. Muslims consider Muhammad to be the Seal of the Prophets because they
believe that he is
A. The sacred presence in the world
B. A prophet like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, revealing God’s will only
C. The final prophet, revealing the will of Allah fully and precisely and
for all time
D. None of the above
5. Islam is
A. Monotheistic
B. Polytheistic
C. Pantheistic
D. Solipsistic
6. What do Muslims believe leads to sin
A. Humanity’s essentially evil nature
B. The devil’s temptations
Preston High School
Islam Take Home Exam – Senior World
Dr. Mark King
March 20, 2009
C. Forgetfulness
D. Both B and C
7. In Islam the natural world is
A. Seen as good and worth of reverence
B. Another form of revelation of God’s will
C. Sometimes referred to as the cosmic Qu’ran
D. All of the above
8. All Muslims are required to pray this many times a day?
A. One time
B. Two times
C. Five times
D. Hourly except while sleeping
9. Fasting during Ramadan helps Muslims
A. Focus attention on moral and religious concerns and thus develop
spiritual fortitude
B. Gain insight into the situations of less fortunate people
C. Become more aware of their own mortality
D. All of the above
10. What proportion of their possessions’ value are Muslims required to
contribute to a public treasury, also known as the Zakat?
A. 1 %
B. 2.5 %
C. 5 %
D. 10 %
11. Islam holds that the body ultimately belongs to
A. The individual
B. The individual’s spouse
C. God
D. The evil forces
12. Islamic dietary regulations forbid
A. Eating pork
B. Drinking alcoholic beverages
C. Eating leavened bread
D. Both A and B
13. Why does Arabia enjoy a special status in Islam?
A. Arabs currently make up over 50% of the entire Muslim population
Preston High School
Islam Take Home Exam – Senior World
Dr. Mark King
March 20, 2009
B. Muslim sacred sites are located in Arabia, and Arabic is the language
of Islam
C. Arabic involvement in Islam goes back to Islam’s earliest history
D. Both B and C
14. Sufism
A. Draws its adherents from both Sunnism and Shi’ism, and non-Muslims
B. Is one of the two major historical divisions of Islam
C. Shuns mysticism
D. Both B and C
15. Literally means ‘reading’ or ‘recite’
A. Umma
B. Ka’ba
C. Qur’an
D. Imam
16. The community of all Muslims is called
A. Jihad
B. Umma
C. Shahada
D. Ramadan
17. The first pillar of Islam; the traditional creedal statement
A. Ka’ba
B. Shahadah
C. Qur’an
D. Shari’a
18. How many traditional names are there for Allah in Islam?
A. Three
B. Twelve
C. Hundred
D. Ninety-nine
19. Which of these statements is true of the hajj?
A. It is a pilgrimage to Mecca
B. Allah forgives the sins of those who make it with reverence
C. It is not to be paid by credit card
D. All of the above
E. A and B only
Preston High School
Islam Take Home Exam – Senior World
Dr. Mark King
March 20, 2009
20. What determines inclusion in the Muslim community?
A. Baptism
B. Professing faith in Allah and his Prophet Muhammad
C. Birth
D. Death
21. Which statement is true of the prophet Muhammad
A. He is divine
B. He is the Son of Allah
C. He is the messenger of Allah
D. He had one wife
22. Greater Jihad refers to
A. The war against Satan in the world
B. The war against Satan, or evil, within one’s self
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B
23. Lesser Jihad refers to
A. The war against Satan in the world
B. The war against Satan, or evil, within one’s self
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B
24. The cone-shaped hat worn by the Sufi dancer during prayer is meant to
A. the Holy Light of the soul leaving the body
B. a headstone representing the death of the body
C. freedom from the body
D. all of the above
25. A fatwah is best described as:
A. A middle eastern dish
B. A non-binding legal pronouncement
C. A pillar of Islam
D. A Muslim scholar
26. The Shia’ branch of Islam make up a majority of the population in which
following country
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Egypt
C. Iran
D. Turkey
Preston High School
Islam Take Home Exam – Senior World
Dr. Mark King
March 20, 2009
27. The Baha’i faith grew out of which branch of Islam
A. Sunni
B. Shia’
C. Sufi
D. Wahabi
28. The challenge for devout Muslims adapting to modern, pluralistic cultural
norms is grounded in
A. The fact that the Qur’an is traditionally understood as the direct word
of God
B. The Qur’an is traditionally interpreted in a literal manner
C. Recent Islamic history has been marked by political, economic, and
cultural domination by the Western world
D. All of the above
29. Sufis are gaining in popularity and followers in all of the following areas and
groups except:
A. North America
B. Non-Muslims
C. Traditional Muslim countries
D. Progressive
30. Christian belief in the Trinity is particularly offensive to most Muslims
A. The is a strict emphasis on the oneness of Allah
B. Muslims emphasize that only Allah can be truly holy
C. That all of creation and all creatures are subservient to Allah’s will
D. All of the above