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Prehistoric Britain
Britain – the part of the European land mass until the last Ice Age
6000 BC
The earliest inhabitants lived in limestone caves
3000 BC many parts were inhabited by the Iberians
They used stone axes and made antlers and bones into leather-working tools.
We can learn from their skeletons, weapons, tools and the remains of dwellings.
Stonehenge – 3000 BC; the sun and the passing of the seasons
The ruins consist of two stone circles and two stone horseshoes.
The Bronze Age 2100-1650
The Technique of smelting iron 700 BC, By Celts
Britain was invaded in two waves- the Gaels 600 BC, Cymri or Britons 300 BC
The Celts lived in villages, built forts on hilltops and protected them with ditches and
Large-scale artwork
Family life was the clan
Croup of peoples loosely tied by similar language, religion and cultural expressions.
Celtic languages are : Welsh, Cornish, Irish, Manx, Breton, Gaelic.
Roman Britain
The Romans were the most powerful people in the world.
Slave society
Gallia conquered with Rome
Julius Caesar reached the Cannel in 55 BC
Made two raids
The Romans defeated the Celts
Rebellion in Gaul forced withdraw his soldiers from Britan
Britain was still ruled as a colony
Free Celts
The Iceni joined with Romans but the turned on and tortured Queen Boudicca
Queen Boudicca - led revolt against Roman rule
Romans built – network of towns, forts and camps connected by paved roads.
Hadrian’s wall – to keep out the raiding Picts and Scots
Main towns and cities were established by the Romans – York, St Albans, Bath,
-caster, -chester reveal the places of Roman military camps
Aquae Sulis
R. soldiers and traders brought Christianity, 4th century the Christian Church was
Anglo – Saxon Kingdoms
The Roman legions left Britain in 410 and the Celts remained independent but not for
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Northern Germany had started to raid the eastern shores.
The new settlers destroyed Roman villas.
Towns ending in “ham” ( Birmingham, Nottingham)
The Celts were driven away to Cornwall, Wales and the Scottish Highlands and
Welsh and Cymri has survived best
The Angles gave England the name and the Saxons language
Anglo – Saxons
o Agricultural people
o Self-sufficient villages
o Arable-farming, cattle-breeding
o Trading
King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
The Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons – 6th century, St
Important changes
o Big landed estates
o Spread of Roman culture ( monks)
o They brought books to Britain
o The First libraries and schools
o The Venerable Bede “Ecclesiastical History of the English People”
King Elbert became the first king of England
Viking loanwords are – eye, leg, sky, skin, take etc.
They came from Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
The Viking age in European history was AD 700 to 1100.
Many Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled other countries.
The Vikings still lived in tribes and were pagans, bold and skilful seamen.
871 the Danes invaded Wessex
The first British Navy was built and many places fortified
King Alfred
o Could read and write
o Translated Ecclesiastical History of the English People
o The Anglo- Saxon Chronicle was written in Anglo-Saxon
11th century England was conquered by the Danish king Canute who became king of
Denmark, Norway and England.
He divided England into lordships, providing a unified system of government, ended
the practise of paying Danegeld.
The Norman Invasion
1042 Edward Confessor became king
After Edward’s death Godwin’s (father-in-law) oldest son Harold was recognised as a
Real ruler of England
Harold and William of Normandy argued about the throne
Three man claimed to the throne of England
o Harold Godwin ; the Earl of Wessex
o William ; the Duke of Normandy
o Harald Hardraada ; the King of Norway
1st challenge to king Harold came from the north
1066, Harald landed in north-eastern England
Godwin defeated Harald
Duke William had landed on the south coast
The Battle of Hastings
o Last successful invasion of Britain
o It is depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry
William the Conqueror was acclaimed king in Westminster Abbey, 1066
The Normans operated a feudal system
1086 The Domesday Book – s survey of every manor in England
French – language of the arictocracy
English – language of peasants
The most prominent surviving remains from Norman England
o Stone castles
o The White Tower in London, Durham
The Early Middle Ages
Anglo-Saxon rebellion against the Normans until 1070
William I
o State system
o Strong monarchy
o Language
“Domesday” Book – complete economic survey
William controlled Normandy and England
1087 he left Normandy to his son Robert and England to his second son William
William died in a hunting accident and Henry unfairly took charge of the king’s
treasury and was crowned king
1106 Hendry invaded Normandy
Henry + Matilda
The consequences were serious
The throne was seized by Stephen of Blois
Matilda’s fight with S of B led a civil war
1153 – the latter could keep the throne if Matilda’s son Henry could succeed him.
Henry II became the 1st unquestioned ruler of the English throne.
The Reign Of Henry II, Richard I, John I
Magna Carta and the Decline of Feudalism
Henry II
o Inherited English Kingdom and Normandy from his Mother Matilda
o Anjou, Maine and Touraine from his father Geoffrey
o Acquired vast areas of central and south-western France through his wife
Eleanor of Aquitaine
o Though, athletic, immense energy- travel ceaselessly
o Most able king – generous, pillar of justice
o Sons Richard and John
Struggle between the Church and the state
1162 Henry II appointed Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury
Henry was followed by Richard
Spent hardly any time in England
R. was killed; 1199 John I inherited the throne
Unpopular- had taxed heavily his nobles, had taken their money but had not protected
their land in France
Pope closed every church
John was forced to sign Magna Carta
Defining the rights and responsibilities of the crown and its subjects
Limited king’s power
Important landmarks
o 1st stone bridge across the Thames
o It concluded a drawbridge, a double row of houses and some 140 shops.
England under the Reign of Henry III and Edward I
100 years’ war
John’s son Henry
o Reigned for a long time
o Middling head of state
o Was not able to get back his father’s lands in France
o Patronized arts and inspired the improvements of Westminster Abbey and
construction of Salisbury Cathedral
o First parliament was summoned in 1265
His son Edward I
o Brought together 1st real parliament
o Annexed Wales to England
o Brought Scotland under English control
o Tried to have good relations with Philip IV
o They married their children (Isabella + Edward II)
o Consequences were disastrous and Isabella forced Edward to abdicate in
favour of his 14-year-old son
Edward III
o One of the most successful English monarchs
o The most efficient military power in Europe
o His reign saw vital developments in legislature and government
100 year’s war (1337-1453)
o The struggle began with Edward’s claim to the French throne
o War began well for England
o Mysterious peasant Joan of Arc
o French went on winning
o England had lost all its French possessions except Calais
English literature was born with G. Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”
Bible was translated into English
1st school Winchester College was established in 1382
“Canterbury Tales”
A native architectural style (Cambridge)
Oxford University
The Age of Chivalry, the Poor in Revolt
Edward III and the Black Prince were greatly admired.
Symbols of the “code of chivalry”
Order of the Garter
Gave England a new patron saint, St. George
“Honi soit qui mal y pense”
The Black Death (1348-1349)
Edward was followed by Richard II
He became king at the age of 11, so others governed for him
His advisers introduced a tax payment
The third time in 1381, caused a revolt in East Anglia, Kent
The Peasants Revolt
Lasted 4 weeks
Leader Wat Tyler was killed
Richard II managed to calm down the angry crowd
His officers killed the other leading rebels
1st sign of growing discontent with the state.
The Crisis of Kingship, the Wars of the Roses
After 100 Year’s War many of soldiers became unemployed
Lancastrians and Yorkist fought for the control of the throne
1377 Richard II became king
Young king was placed under control of his uncle John, Duke of Lancaster
He prepared the throne for his son Henry IV
Other successor – the son of his uncle Edmund, Duke of York
Henry was stronger
Established his royal authority
Nobility were divided between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists
The house of York – white rose; Henry had no right to be king; better right, because
they were descended from and older son of Edward III
Lancaster – red rose
War 1455 with the battle of Saint Albans
Edward York became king as Edward IV
Edward V and his brother was killed in the Tower of London
Richard III
o Last king of the House of York
o “A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!”
The Tudors
European royal house
1485 – 1603
1st monarch Henry Tudor
o Built foundations of a wealthy nation state and a powerful country
o His son Henry VIII make church truly English
o Elizabeth defeated the powerful navy of Spain
o Less glorious view: Henry VIII wasted a lot of the wealth saved by his father
o Elizabeth weakened the quality of government by selling official posts
The early Tudors
Henry VII
o Was born in Wales
o Edmund Tudor, Lady Margaret Beaufort
o Established new monarchy
o Based royal power on good business
o Avoided quarrels with Scotland in the north or France in the south
o Important alliances
o His son Arthur + Catherine of Aragon
o Marriage between his daughter Margaret and James IV of Scotland
o He kept England out of European wars
Henry VIII
o Catherine of Aragon – divorced
o Anne Boleyn – beheaded
o Jane Seymour – died
o Anne of Cleves – divorced
o Catherine Howard – beheaded
o Catherine Parr – survived
Parliament passed two acts
The pope had no authority in England
The act of Supremacy – made the Church of England a separate institution, established
king as its supreme head
The reformation in England
Reformation-the background
Henry VIII spent so much on wars and court
The church was a huge landowner
The monks lived in wealth and comfort
Henry disliked the power of church in England
He wanted control the Church
Believed in catholic faith
Once E. had accepted the separation from Rome, H. took the
English reformation a step further
Thomas Cromwell
Careful survey of Church property
Closed monasteries and religious houses
The Later Tudors. The Protestant – Catholic struggle
Edward VI became king after Henry VIII death
The county was ruled by a council
Edward died at the age of 16
Jane Gray was his successor
The Nine Days’ Queen
The privy council change sides and Lady Jane was executed
Mary + king Philip of Spain
Enacted a policy a persecution against Protestants
Nickname “Bloody Mary”
Elizabeth became queen
Led E. back to Protestantism and made herself head of the Church
The struggle between Catholics and Protestants
Spain and French kings wanted to marry Elizabeth
Danger from the Catholic nobles in England
Mary Stuart Queen of Scots
Closest living relative
Elizabeth never married and had no children
The Elizabethan Age
Spain as main trade rival and enemy
The defeat of the Spanish Armada
Prosperous period
o Greatest dramatists
o Seamen continued to seek alternative routes to India
o A number of companies were established
The early Stuarts
Mary Queen of Scots – fascinating and controversial monarchs
She claimed the crowns of four nations – Scotland, France, England
and Ireland
Mary + Francois; short marriage, no children
Mary + Lord Darnley; instead of marrying Lord Dudley; unpopular
When she got tired of him, she allowed herself to agree to his murder
and married the man believed to have been the murderer; less
Her third marriage ended in forced abdication in favour of her one-year-old-son
Tried and executed for treason for her alleged involvement in three plots to assassinate
James started to rule at the age of 12
When E. died, she left James with a huge debt
Raise taxes
Mistake- appointing one Elizabeth’s minister as Chief Justice
Limited kings power
The Gunpowder plot of November 5, 1605.
Guy Fawkes and others were caught to blow up the House of Lords on a open session
Authorised King James’ Version of the Bible
James; Charles; The Civil War; Execution of King; Cromwell
James Stuart’s reign
o Scottish Catholic who believed in the “Divine right” to rule as he pleased
o Conflict with parliament
Charles I, 1600
1625 became king
Married Henrietta Maria of France
Tension with parliament over money
Dissolved parliament in three times
He dismissed parliament, resolved to rule alone
The Civil War at Edgehill, 1642
Supporters on monarchy-Cavaliers
Supporters on parliament-Roundheads
1645, the Royalist army was finally defeated
New “model” army that Oliver Cromwell
The new king Charles II
The 1st political parties in Britain
The Plague in 1665
The Great Fie of London in 1666
His brother James II succeeded him
The king was unable to raise taxes or keep an army without the agreement of
The political events was called the Glorious Revolution
Prince William was not liked, but his wife was very popular
Queen Anne
1st monarch to rule over the Kingdom of Great Britain
Parliamentary elections had a decisive effect on the life of the country
The Commonwealth (1649-1660). Oliver Cromwell
The term is loosely used to describe the whole period of 1649-1660
Cromwell’s government divided the country into 11 districts
Most of entertainment was banned
Oliver Cromwell
o Most controversial figures
o A radical dictator
o Nobody can deny the importance of the new “model-army” that he had created
o On the side of the “Roundheads” and became a key military leaders
o A Puritan
o Enjoyed music, hunting and playing bowls
o Was buried in Westminster Abbey
The eighteenth century
Growth of industries
Britain had the strongest navy
King’s minister was a decision-maker
The invention of machinery destroyed the “cottage industries” and created factories
Sudden growth of cities
George became king; didn’t speak English, didn’t seem very interested in his country
Government power was increased
Walpole came to power as a result of his financial ability
Idea – government ministers should work together in a small group
The limits to monarchy
o Could not be a catholic
o Could not move or change laws
o Was dependent on Parliament for his financial income and for his army
o Was supposed to choose his ministers
W. put taxes on luxury goods: tea, coffee, chocolate
New king, George III
Didn’t want ton continue expensive war
Made peace with France
Britain’s international trade increased rapidly
Britain from George III to Victoria
The Georgian Age
Age of Enlightenment
George III
o Hanoverian king
o Could speak without accent
o Defeated France
o Becoming the dominant European power in North-America, India
o American colonies lost
o A series of wars against revolutionary and Napoleonic France
Loss of American colonies
o Conflict between B. and American colonies triggered by the financial cost of
the Anglo-French wars
o 1764 – serious quarrel over taxation
o American colonist decided that it was not lawful to tax them without their
o 1773, Boston tea party
o Rebellion
o The American War Of Independence (1775-1783)
o Declaration of Independence
o The war in America gave strength to the new ideas of democracy and
Napoleonic wars
o Brought changes to Europe and America
o 1804 Bonaparte crowned himself Emperor
o Nelson, Trafalgar in 1805
o Wellington, with the help of the Prussian army, defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
in 1815
The Danger at home, 1815 -1832
o No need for factory-made goods
o Price increases in almost everything
o Many looked for a better life in towns
o The Tories collapsed over the Question of Catholic Emancipation
o Led by Earl Grey, the Whigs were still aristocratic party
In 1830 George IV died and William came to the throne
o Last monarch to appoint a Prime Minister contrary to the will of Parliament
o William was succeeded by his niece Queen Victoria
Victorian England
Inherited throne from William IV
Britain was the most powerful country
“The Empire on which the Sun never set”
1854, war in Crimea
Florence Nightingale with nurses
1857 a munity in India
Victoria became Empress of India and the country
was put under the direct rule of Britain
Industrial Revolution
The use of steam-machines led to a huge increase in the number of factories
Child labouring
Important inventions and discoveries
o Joseph Lister – the antiseptic surgery
o Steamships
o Railways
o The first book of evolution
Christianity had a very important influence on Victorian society
o Hard work
o Thrift and respect
Famous Writers
o Charles Dickens
o Oscar Wilde
o R. Kipling
The Edwardian Age, World War I and the Post-War Years
Edward VII
The Edwardian era was a period during which the British
class system was very rigid
Emmeline Pankhurst founded union that fought for
women’s suffrage
The Edwardian period corresponds to the French Belle
Epoque period
The church no longer played as vital a role in the daily
Many things had been invented
o Telephones, typewriters, sewing machines,
motorcars, aeroplanes, wireless
1910 Edward died and was succeeded by George V
He proved to be a capable and dedicated leader
Changed family name to Windsor because of the strong anti-German feeling of the
British during the World War I
Pre-war events
o Two alliances: Britain, France and Russia vs Germany and Austria-Hungary
o The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Treaty of Versailles
o Britain got several German and Turkish colonies
o British Empire increased in size
o Britain could no longer afford to keep an empire
1931 – the dominions’ complete independence from Britain
The Irish Problem
o The Irish are descended fro the Celtic people
o Protestants occupied Ireland and made it a colony
1689, James II landed an army in Ireland
1801 the Act of Union stated that Ireland was part of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland
1914, a bill was passed giving Dublin government full control and it was due to
become law
Easter Rising; 1916
The controversy was lost in the tragedy of World War I
With the end of war the Irish question rose again
Irish question rose again
1921 – the B. government agreed to the independence of southern Ireland
1937 Prime minister declared Ireland a republic