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Mrs. Gabriel
World History 10
Name______________ Period _______
HW Sheet – November 28-December 2
 Weekly HW sheets are posted online.
 Homework is to be handwritten, unless otherwise specified.
 The following information must be included in within the heading, as modeled below
student #
Mrs. Gabriel
World History 10
Name____ Period___
HW #____
Monday, November 28
In class:
Africa – Reality vs. Perception
HW 42:
How do you think Africa would be different today if European imperialism had never happened?
Pick one of the following categories to evaluate and jot down your ideas. What aspects of modern Africa would be
different? Present? Absent? Be prepared to discuss and defend.
∙Geography/Geographic map
Tuesday, November 29
In class:
Imperialism (India)
HW 43:
Complete the side of the handout titled Imperialism -The White Man’s Burden by Rudyard Kipling.
Wednesday, November 30
In class:
Imperialism (China)
HW 44:
Complete Political Cartoon # 2 on the handout Imperialism – Political Cartoons.You will need your
textbook to answer all the questions.
Thursday, December 1
In class:
Imperialism (China; Japan)
HW 45:
Complete Political Cartoon #3 on the handout Imperialism – Political Cartoons
Friday, December 2
In class:
Imperialism (Middle East); Introduce assignment
HW 46:
-Help Class Mondays
World History 10
Name______________ Number _______
Imperialism – Political Cartoon #2
Read page 620 “Forms of Imperial Rule” in your textbook and review Political Cartoon
# 2 to the right.
1. List the forms of imperial rule found on page 620 and briefly define/describe each
2.Which form of imperial rule was most likely to cause conflict between imperial
nations and their subjects? Least likely? Explain.
3.Base your answer to this on today’s lesson: Which form of colonial rule is represented in Political Cartoon # 2? How do
you know?
1. Briefly explain the message of the cartoon.
Does the cartoon reflect a positive or negative view
of events depicted? How do you know?
3. Why do you think England is featured so prominently
in the center of the cartoon? Explain.
4. Jot down two pieces of evidence from our recent class activities, lesson or homework that would support the
message of the cartoon.
WH 10 - Imperialism -The White Man’s Burden
Name______________ Period _______ Number _______
Directions: In February 1899, British novelist and poet Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem entitled “The White Man’s
Burden”. Read the first stanza of the poem “The White Man’s Burden” and answer the questions below.
The White Man’s Burden (1899) by Rudyard Kipling
Take up the White Man's burden-Send forth the best ye breed-Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered fo lk and wild-Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.
1. What did Kipling mean when he wrote that it was “The White Man’s Burden” to serve the people they
2. What phrases does he use to represent colonized people?
3. Look at Political Cartoon #1. Political Cartoon #1 shows Cecil
Rhodes, a ruler in British colonial Africa. How would the artist
feel about Kipling’s message of his poem “The White Man’s
Burden”? Why? How do you know?