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Practice Questions
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Leader: Tyler
Course: Biology 211 (7,8)
Instructor: Dr. Colbert
57. Platyhelminthes differ from cnidarians in that
Platyhelminthes have ____, which is not found in
a) an anus that develops from the blastopore
b) three germ layers
c) true tissues
d) radial symmetry
e) a true coelom
59. In animals, bilateral symmetry is correlated with
a) an ability to attach to a host organism
b) the presence of a skeleton
c) adaptation to terrestrial environments
d) cephalization
e) an ability to swim
61. Generally speaking, members of which class(es) of
flatworms are not parasites?
a) Turbellaria
b) Trematoda
c) Cestoda
d) Monongena
e) both a & b
63. Which of the following statements about tapeworm
feeding is correct?
a) they have complete digestive tracts
b) they ingest food with their mouths
c) As adults they live and feed in their host's blood
d) They are autotrophic
e) They absorb nutrients through their body wall
66. In parasitic Platyhelminthes, most of the body cavity
is filled with______.
a) gastrovascular cavity
b) reproductive organs
c) sensory organs
d) a pharynx
e) segmentation
73. Molluscs do not have a single common body plan.
Despite this, all mollusks have which of the following?
a) a beak
b) fins
c) a foot
d) a radula
e) Both C and D
74. Gastropods, bivalves and cephalopods all have a
_______ that secretes the shell.
a) foot
b) mantle
c) gill
d) visceral mass
e) chromophore
76. Molluscs differ from nematodes in that mollusks
have _____, which is not found in nematodes.
a) bilateral symmetry
b) three germ layers
c) an anus that develops from the blastopore
d) true tissues
e) a body cavity completely lined with mesoderm tissue
78. Which of the following is not a trait of cephalopods?
a) modified foot used to grasp prey
b) closed circulatory system
c) gastrovascular cavity
d) beak to tear prey
e) mantle
82. The animal phylum ________ has a true coelom,
complete digestive track, open circulatory system and
a) Annelida
b) Platyhelminthes
c) Nematoda
d) Mollusca
e) Arthropoda
83. Annelids are characterized by all of the following
except ____.
a) a hydrostatic skeleton
b) segmentation
c) a complete digestive system
d) some parasitic species
e) a cuticle made of chitin
87. Which of the following annelid classes produce a
blood anti-coagulent?
a) Oligochaeta
b) Polychaeta
c) Hirudinea
d) all three
e) Both b and c
89. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all
a) protostomes
b) ability to molt periodically when growing
c) jointed appendages
d) bilaterally symmetric
e) exoskeletons
90. Which group contains both ecdysozoans and
a) Deuterostomes
b) Protostomes
c) Arthropoda
d) Chordata
e) Both A and D are correct
93. What function is shared between an exoskeleton and
an endoskeleton?
a) a site for muscle attachment
b) prevents water-loss
c) provides protection
d) important for respiration
e) requires periodic shedding for organismal growth
96. Which of the following is false about Nematodes?
a) Nematodes play an important role in decomposition.
b) Nematodes have a pseudocoelom.
c) Nematodes have a complete digestive system.
d) Some nematode species are parasites.
e) None of the above; all are true
97. Which of the following characteristics do nematodes
share with fungi?
a) Both play an important role in decomposition.
b) Both have cell walls.
c) Both have structures made of chitin
d) Both A and B are correct
e) Both B and C are correct
99. Which of the following are characteristics of
I. protostome development
II. bilateral symmetry
III. a pseudocoelom
IV. three embryonic germ layers
V. a closed circulatory system
a) I, II
b) I, II, IV
c) II, III
d) II, III, V
e) III, IV, V
101. The most successful group (contains the greatest
number of species) in the Arthropoda is __.
a) Chelicerata
b) Myriapoda
c) Hexapoda/Insecta
d) Crustacea
e) Cephalopoda
103. Among arthropods, only ________ possess
specialized mouthparts that were a major adaptation for
their radiation and diversification.
a) Myriapoda
b) Chelicerata
c) Gastropoda
d) Hexapoda/Insecta
e) Crustacea
136. Earthworms (Phylum Annelida) are ecologically
important because they:
a) Recycle organic matter by eating it.
b) Produce mineral-rich casts.
c) Aerate the soil when making tunnels.
d) Both A and C
e) All statements are true.
137. Which phylum is diploblastic?
a) Cnidaria
b) Nematoda
c) Platyhelminthes
d) Poriferia
e) Echinodermata
138. _________ are acoelomate protostomes that are
flattened dorsoventrally.
a) Mollusca
b) Annelida
c) Platyhelminthes
d) Nematoda
e) Echinodermata
140. The animal phylum ________ are
pseudocoelomates, have complete digestive tract and
a) Annelida
b) Platyhelminthes
c) Nematoda
d) Mollusca
e) Arthropoda
142. Which of the following descriptions is incorrect
a) Echinodermata – bilateral symmetry as larvae, coelom
b) Nematoda – roundworms, pseudocoelomate
c) Cnidaria – radial symmetry, polyp and medusa body
d) Platyhelminthes – flatworms, gastrovascular cavity,
e) Annelida – segmented worms, gastrovascular cavity,
coelom present
145. Which of the following pairs are incorrect?
a) meso = inside
b) gastro = stomach
c) poda = foot
d) arthro = jointed
e) coel = cavity
146. Which of the following pairs are incorrect?
a) ecto = layer
b) gastro = stomach
c) poda = foot
d) meso = middle
e) coel = cavity
147. Which molluscan class includes snails?
a) Turbellaria
b) Bivalvia
c) Gastropoda
d) Cephalopoda
e) None of the above; snails are not molluscs