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Simple Animals Unit 4 Semester 2 The most complex animals are the : • • • • A) B) C) D) Porifera worms Arthropoda chordates Which one is an example of symbiosis? • A) A lion eating a gazelle. • B) the Nile crocodile opening its mouth to permit the Egyptian plover to feed on any leeches attached to its gums • C) the remora and the shark. The dorsal fin of the remora (a bony fish) is modified into a sucker with which it forms a temporary attachment to the shark. When the shark feeds, the remora picks up scraps. The shark makes no attempt to prey on the remora. • D) Paramecium bursaria is a ciliate that engulfs unicellular green algae into vacuoles within its cell Which is not a feature of animals? • • • • A) B) C) D) show some kind of symmetry make their own food move about multicellular Which list most accurately details structures found in sponges? • A) flagella, clitellum, collar cells, epidermis, and amebocytes • B) flagella, clitellum, collar cells, nephridia, epidermis, and amebocytes • C) flagella, collar cells, epidermis, and amebocytes • D) flagella, collar cells, nephridia, epidermis, and amebocytes The scientific name for the phylum of flatworms is ____. • • • • A) B) C) D) Platyhelminthes Annelida Nematoda Echinodermata Hollow saclike bodies, tentacles, and radial symmetry are all characteristics of • • • • A) B) C) D) Annelida Flatworms Nematoda Stinging cell animals Which of the following are all stinging-cell (coelenterata) animals? • • • • A) B) C) D) coral, hydra, sponge, jellyfish coral, jellyfish, sponge sponge, hydra coral, hydra, jellyfish The digestive system of the roundworm can be described as a • A) tube within a tube with a mouth and anus • B) system consisting of several parts , each with a specific function. • C) hollow sac with one opening • D) system with one opening called a mouth Mollusk may be harmful Slugs and snails eat vegetation. Shipworms ( “termites of the sea”) drill holes in the hulls of wooden boats and docks Shellfish that eat the wrong stuff may be harmful to humans All of the following are phyla of worms except : • • • • A) B) C) D) Nematoda Platyhelminthes Annelida Clitellum Means head • • • • A) B) C) D) anterior cephalo caudal platy A flatworm with a flattened ribbonlike body divided into sections and a head with hooks and suckers is a ______. • • • • A) B) C) D) tapeworm sponge hookworm planarian The scientific name for the phylum of segmented worms is ____. • • • • A) B) C) D) Platyhelminthes Annelida Nematoda Echinodermata Jet propelled!! Squids have a way of rapidly escaping predators. They take water into their body and force it out to move backward. Have you let go of an untied balloon filled with air? The scientific name for the phylum of Roundworms is ____. • • • • A) B) C) D) Platyhelminthes Annelida Nematoda Echinodermata Groups of animals that have hollow sac-like bodies, 2 cell layers, radial symmetry, tentacles, and nematocysts • • • • A) B) C) D) coelenterata ( cnidaria) – stinging-cell animals mollusk- soft bodied animals porifera - sponges Platyhelminthes- Flatworms A slug is a _____. • • • • A) roundworm ( nematoda) B) flatworm ( platyhelminthes) C) mollusk ( Mollusca) D) cnidarian ( coelenterata) A stinging-cell organism is most likely to live in ______. • • • • A) the body of a host B) soil C) salt water D) fresh water Animals without backbones • • • • A) B) C) D) invertebrates vertebrates chordates hermaphrodite Organ that grinds food • • • • A) B) C) D) psuedopod flagellum gizzard nematocyst Osmosis is the movement of ___ into and out of cells. • • • • A) B) C) D) cytoplasm water chemicals oxygen Front end of animals • • • • A) B) C) D) cephalo posterior ventral anterior Sponges are ____. • A) mollusk • B) stinging-cell animals • C) a phylum of animals that has no tissues or organs • D) a phylum of animals with layers of muscles and setae to help it grip the soil Medical uses of the Leech During plastic surgery, leeches are used to drain off excess blood allowing reattached blood vessels to heal. The giant Amazon leech produces a chemical called hemetin. This chemical dissolves blood clots. Researchers believe that it might be useful for dissolving blood clots to prevent heart attacks and strokes in humans Ability to regrow lost or damaged parts • • • • A) B) C) D) division of labor regeneration cephalization symbiosis A mollusk with no shell • • • • A) B) C) D) snail clam planaria slug Means flat • • • • A) B) C) D) anterior cephalo caudal platy How mollusks move • • • • A) B) C) D) legs foot wing fins