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France 8-1
Nutrition and the Athlete
Preparation and Resources Needed
Materials: Handout sheets (copies of food labels from different foods) to familiarize
students with the way information is presented.
Equipment: None.
Personnel: Gymnastics and wrestling coaches to discuss their experiences with athlete
eating disorders; a sports nutritionist who can explain the profession and answer many
questions that students may have about nutrition.
Recommended Time to Complete: Eight days (based on two class periods per day,
170 school days per year). More activities are available through the textbook,
workbook, and instructor’s manual than can be fit into the recommended time. The
instructor should select activities that best suit his or her own teaching situation and
training program duration.
Key Terms
anorexia nervosa A psychophysiological disorder characterized by an abnormal fear of
becoming obese, a distorted self-image, persistent unwillingness to eat, and severe weight loss.
body mass index (BMI) The medical standard used to define obesity.
bulimia An eating disorder characterized by episodic binge eating, followed by feelings of guilt,
depression, and self-condemnation.
calorie The energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5° to 15.5°
carbohydrate An essential nutrient that provides the primary source of fuel for the body; sugars
and starches.
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France 8-2
Daily Value (DV) The percentage per serving of each nutritional item listed on a modern-day
food label; based on a daily intake of 2,000 kcal.
dietary fat A nutrient that is a source of energy, insulates body tissues, and transports fatsoluble vitamins.
dietary fiber The indigestible component of plants that are consumed by humans.
disaccharide A form of carbohydrate consisting of double sugars, such as sucrose, maltose,
and lactose. These forms of sugars must be reduced to monosaccharides before they can be
absorbed by the body.
energy The power used to do work or to produce heat or light.
fat-soluble vitamin A vitamin that can be dissolved in fat.
fatty acid A metabolic byproduct of the breakdown of fat.
female athlete triad A collection of symptoms seen in female athletes, consisting of disordered
eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis (bone loss).
Food Guide Pyramid An outline for making food selections based on the government’s dietary
insulin A hormone, produced in the pancreas, that lowers the level of glucose in the blood by
stimulating cells to store excess glucose.
manorexia An eating disorder in men.
mineral An inorganic substance that participates in many biochemical and physiological
processes required for the growth, maintenance, repair, and health of tissues and bones.
monosaccharide The simplest form of carbohydrate, consisting of sugars that cannot be further
reduced by the body, such as glucose, fructose, and galactose.
monounsaturated fatty acid Fats that do not contain high levels of hydrogen in combination
with carbon atoms; these types of fats are found mainly in vegetable, olive, and peanut oils.
nutrition The process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and,
tissue replacement; the science or study that deals with food and nourishment.
polysaccharide A form of complex carbohydrate containing combinations of monosaccharides,
such as starch, cellulose, and glycogen.
polyunsaturated fatty acid Fats that contain only limited amounts of hydrogen attached to
carbon atoms; found mainly in some forms of vegetable oils and seafood.
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France 8-3
protein An essential nutrient that contains nitrogen and helps the body grow, build, and repair
saturated fatty acid Fats that contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms attached to
carbon atoms; these types of fats are found mainly in animal sources.
trans fatty acid A type of fat that is produced through the process of hydrogenation; found
mainly in processed foods such as margarine and snack foods.
vitamin A complex organic substance that the body needs in small amounts.
water-soluble vitamin A vitamin that can be dissolved in water.
Lecture Outline
a Process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth
and tissue replacement
b Field of science or study that deals with food and nourishment
Proper nutrition can reduce likelihood of injury and increase performance
a Power used to do work, or to produce heat or light
b Cannot be created or destroyed, but can be changed from one form to
Solar energy
Key Concept
Athletic performance can be enhanced by a full understanding of nutritional principles. An
athlete who follows a proper diet will have fewer injuries and perform at a higher level.
To maintain body functions
For active movement
iii For growth and repair
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France 8-4
d In nutrition, energy is measured as calories
Key Concept
In nutrition, energy is measured as calories. Calories define the energy value of foods.
III Food Components
a Carbohydrates
Primary source of fuel (glucose) for energy
Simple carbohydrates (sugars)
Complex carbohydrates (starches)
b Proteins
Body’s main structural elements
Found in every cell and tissue
Dietary fat
Carrier of fat-soluble vitamins
Provides certain essential fatty acids
Important source of energy
Used interchangeably with protein and carbohydrates
Fatty acids
Saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and trans fatty acids
d Vitamins
Complex organic substances the body needs in small amounts
Measured in milligrams (mg) or micrograms (mcg)
Meats, liver, dairy products, eggs, and leafy green vegetables
iii Water-soluble
Whole-grain cereals, leafy green vegetables, fruits, and legumes
e Minerals
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France 8-5
Inorganic substances
Participate in biochemical and physiological processes necessary for
proper growth, development, and health
Key Concept
Vitamins are essential to helping the body use energy taken in as food. Minerals are necessary
to repair and maintain tissue and bone.
Most important, often neglected, nutrient
Kidneys play an important role in conserving and excreting water
iii On average, the body will lose approximately seven glasses of water each
To maintain proper hydration, drink six to eight glasses of fluids each
day, more when active
g Sports drinks
Contain sugar, minerals (e.g., potassium and sodium), and water
Can help with long, hard workouts exceeding one hour
h Dietary fiber
Indigestible component of plant material
Keeps the digestive tract running smoothly
Soluble fiber
Insoluble fiber
Key Concept
Each of the food components plays an important role in maintaining health:
Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of fuel for energy.
Proteins are necessary for growth, and to repair and build tissues.
Fats store energy, insulate body tissues, and transport fat-soluble vitamins
through the bloodstream.
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France 8-6
Vitamins do not provide energy, but are needed to help utilize the energy from
other nutrients.
Minerals are necessary for growth, maintenance, and repair of tissue and bone.
Water is the most important nutrient.
Fiber aids in maintaining the health of the digestive tract.
IV Daily Values
a Helps consumers use food label information in diet planning
b Daily Reference Values are based on the number of calories consumed per
2,000 calories has been established as the reference
V Food Guide Pyramid
a Six groups in the USDA food pyramid:
Breads, cereals, rice, and pasta
iii Fruit
iv Meat, poultry, and fish
Milk products
vi Fats, oils, and sweets
Key Concept
The most striking similarity in all food guide pyramids is the emphasis on eating plenty of grains,
fruits, and vegetables and getting enough physical activity. Their differences lie in the quantities
of typical foods eaten by different ethnic groups on a regular basis.
VI Nutritional Quackery
a Many seek out “magic” supplements to give them an edge
b Nutritional quackery is successful because it plays on emotions and
Many supplements are developed and sold without supporting scientific
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France 8-7
VII Making the Weight
a Proper weight management enhances good health and athletic performance
Gaining weight
Increase lean body mass
Losing weight
Restricted calorie intake
Disordered Eating
a Extreme expressions of food and weight issues experienced by many
Anorexia nervosa and manorexia
Bulimia nervosa
Binge eating
Female athlete triad
Disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis
Key Concept
The underlying reasons for disordered eating are distorted self-image, guilt, depression, and
overemphasis on leanness and physical appearance.
IX Special Diets
a Pregame meals limit protein intake and concentrate on carbohydrates
1 to 2 cups pasta with 1 1/2 cups tomato meat sauce
Milk (low-fat or skim)
Orange juice
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France 8-8
Oatmeal raisin cookie
X Calculating “Ideal” Weight for Athletes
a Body mass index (BMI) is a reliable indicator of total body fat
b Limitations:
May overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular
May underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost
muscle mass
To determine BMI:
Divide weight in pounds by height in inches
Divide again by height in inches
iii Multiply by 703
XI Conclusion
a Proper nutrition reduces the likelihood of injury and allows higher
performance levels
b Disordered eating is an extreme expression of food and weight issues
As athletes become aware of the nutritional components of their diet, they
face fewer problems
Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies
Follow the lecture outline to present material to students, using a variety of teaching
strategies described in the Preface, such as modified lecture and
cooperative/collaborative learning.
This is an especially long chapter with a great deal of information presented. To
save some time, teaching strategies that break students into groups, with each group
exploring one topic thoroughly and reporting back to the class, are a good idea. The
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France 8-9
jigsaw method described in Instructional Strategies is particularly good for this
Have a sports nutritionist as a guest lecturer. Students have heard a lot about
nutrition by this age, much of which is inaccurate. A professional in the field should be
able to answer even the most bizarre questions from students. Information provided by
the nutritionist is applicable to more than just athletes.
Have students present what they find on possibly questionable claims made by
products at nutrition stores (textbook activity #4). Present your own collection of
supplement claims, including video and audio ads if available.
Get the wrestling and gymnastics coaches to discuss eating disorders in their
sports. If available, have a guest lecturer who has gone through an eating disorder.
Answers to Student Exercises
Textbook Review Questions
1. The body needs energy to maintain functions such as breathing, heartbeat,
maintaining body temperature, movement caused by muscle contraction, and
growth and repair as newly made tissues are needed.
2. Carbohydrates are used for energy; proteins build new cell parts; fats provide
energy and insulation; vitamins and minerals help with the body’s chemical
reactions and tissue building; water transports and dissolves materials; and fiber
maintains proper functioning of the intestines.
3. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that causes cells to remove
glucose from the blood.
4. Since “k” stands for “kilo” (which is the metric prefix for 1,000), 2,800 kcals
equals 2,800,000 calories.
5. Monosaccharides are simple sugars and are mostly found in processed foods,
such as soda and candy, or as parts of more complex sugars and starches.
Disaccharides are found as table sugar, milk sugar, and malt sugar.
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France 8-10
Polysaccharides are found as starch, glycogen, and cellulose, which are different
chemically-bonded arrangements of the monosaccharide glucose.
6. The body digests the proteins it takes in as food. Digestion breaks down the food
protein until the amino acids are completely separated. The amino acids are then
absorbed by the body.
7. Limit the consumption of red meat; choose low-fat or nonfat varieties of milk and
cheese; remove skin from chicken or turkey before eating; snack on pretzels
instead of potato chips; decrease or eliminate fried foods, butter, and margarine
from the diet; cook with small amounts of olive oil instead of butter to cut down
on saturated fat.
8. Vitamins are complex organic molecules that have a variety of functions in the
body. They provide materials important to night vision in the eyes, increase the
absorption of calcium in the intestines, and function as coenzymes in a variety of
metabolic chemical reactions necessary for proper body functioning.
9. Fat-soluble vitamins can only be absorbed by the body along with fat eaten in
the diet, whereas water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water, which is abundant in
the digestive tract.
10. On the average, the body loses the equivalent of seven glasses of water, or
nearly two quarts, daily. More is lost when the body is actively exercising.
11. For labeling purposes, the reference of 2,000 calories per day is used. The
DRVs for energy-producing nutrients are calculated as follows: 10 percent
saturated fat with an overall 30 percent from fat; 60 percent carbohydrates; and
10 percent proteins.
12. The Food Guide Pyramid was developed to provide an easy way to display the
food groups that make up a good diet and their relative proportions in the diet.
13. Aim for a healthy weight; be physically active each day; let the pyramid guide
your food choices; choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains;
choose a variety of fruits and vegetables each day; keep foods safe to eat;
choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total
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France 8-11
fat; choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars; choose and
prepare foods with less salt; and if you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in
14. Each pyramid emphasizes cultural differences in foods eaten (for example, more
plant-based proteins than meat-based). They are similar in that each pyramid
emphasizes eating plenty of whole-grain products and fruits and vegetables.
15. The six food groups are breads, cereals, rice, and pasta; vegetables; fruit; meat,
poultry, and fish; milk products; and fats, oils, and sweets.
16. Individuals and companies promote false and/or unproven nutritional
supplements or products with the aim of making money. They prey on innocent,
unsuspecting athletes eager for an edge.
17. In addition to healthy exercise and diet moderation, some girls and women resort
to the use of diuretics, laxatives, self-induced vomiting, diet pills, or excessive
18. Most of the dangers come from malnutrition, and include dehydration, muscle
and cartilage deterioration, osteoporosis, and heart problems, including heart
19. Disordered eating is seen in 10 percent of male athletes, especially those
participating in wrestling.
20. BMI = Weight (lb.) ÷ Height (in.) ÷ Height (in.) x 703. Students calculated
answers will vary.
Workbook Quiz
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. B
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France 8-12
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. C
Critical Thinking
1. Using the USDA Food Pyramid, students are to create a healthy food plan for one
week. They must then calculate the daily calorie intake for each day of their food
plan. Answers will vary.
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