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Internal diseases- Hematolgy
Brief course description.
At the completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Identify the most common hematologic diseases,
2. Take patient history and perform physical examination giving attention to hematologic symptoms,
3. Discuss hematologic diseases that is: identify symptoms, plan and interpret lab tests results, plan
4. Perform assisted: bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, lumbar puncture with cytostatics injection
into the cerebrospinal fluid,
5. Perform and interpret manual blood count.
Course coordinator: Dr n. med. Grażyna Gadomska
Seminars: Dr n. med. Grażyna Gadomska
Practicals: Lek. med. Grażyna Semeńczuk, Lek. med. Andrej Frygier
I Unit: The Department of Hematology and Malignant Diseases of Hematopoietic System
II Head of the Unit: Dr n. med. Grażyna Gadomska
III Faculty of Medicine, 4th year
IV Course coordinator: Dr n. med. Grażyna Gadomska
V Form of classes: seminars, tutorials
VI Assessment: credit only, one 1 ECTS point
VII Number of hours: tutorials: 11 hour, seminars: 11 hours ; total: 22 hours
VIII. Topics of classes:
1. Dyserythropoietic anaemias, iron deficency anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, folic
acid deficency anaemia, anaemias secondary to chronic disease – diagnostic evaluation,
symptomatology, treatment.
2. Hemolytic Anaemia and Aplastic Anaemia – diagnostic evaluation, symptomatology
3. Myeloproliferative Neoplasms – chronic myeloid leukemia, polycythemia vera, essential
thrombocythemia - diagnostic criteria, clinical view, treatment.
4. Hodgkin Lymphoma – histological classification, symptomatology, treatment
5. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - WHO 2008 classification, prognostic factors, diagnosis and
treatment, characteristic the predominant types of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: diffuse large Bcell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma,
Burkitt lymphoma
6. Inherited Coagulation Disorders: Hemophilia A and B, Von Willebrand disease symptomatology, treatment
7. Thrombocytopenic Purupura: immune thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombotic
thromobocytopenic purpura, hemolytic-uremic syndrome - etiopathogenesis,
symptomatology, treatment.
1. Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adults– , diagnostic evaluation,
symptomatology, chemotherapy, support treatment.
2. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, B-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia, Hairy Cell Leukemia diagnostic evaluation, prognostic factors, symptomatology, treatment
3. Myelodysplastic Syndrome – etiopathogenesis, WHO classification, symptomatology,
prognostic index, treatment
4. Multiple Myeloma –definition, diagnostic evaluation, symptomatology, treatment
IX. Self-study topics
1. Hematopoiesis and Hematologic Diagnostic.
2. Acquired and Inherited Vascular Hemostatic Disorders
3. Basics of Transfusion Medicine
4. Basics of Hematologic Stem Cell Transplantation
[for students who started study after academic year 2012/213]
1. Hematology classes will be held for 3 days in The Department of Hematology and Malignant
Diseases of Hematopoietic System in Dr Jan Biziel Univeristy Hospital No. 2.
2. The course includes 5 hours of seminars and 10 hours of practicals. All students are obliged
to participate in seminars and practicals.
3. Practicals take place in groups of 5-6 students under supervision of medical doctor – either a
hematology or an internal medicine specialist.
4. Absences are not permitted unless they are excused. (doctor's certificate)
5. Students are obliged to make up for any missed classes: either by joining other groups or
arranging individual tutorials with the teacher during his/her hospital duty hours.
6. Students should be prepared for each class.
7. During the practicals students are obliged to bring stethoscope, wear white medical coat and
hospital shoes.
8. During the practicals students must follow the instructions of an assistant and other clinic
9. If student suffers from respiratory tract infection (or other infectious disease) - absolutely
must inform the assistant about this fact. Assistant will be able to apply appropriate safety
procedures. Most patients of Hematology Department have immunodeficiency!
10. The credit is given by the Head of The Department of Hematology and Malignant Diseases of
Hematopoietic System. In order to obtain the credit students are expected to attend each
class. Positive opinion from an assistant is necessary.
11. Booklist:
Dan Longo, Anthony Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional, July 21,
M Turgeon, Clinical Hematology Theory and Procedures, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, 2011