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Name: __________________________________ Period: _____ Date: _____________________
Reptiles, Birds, Mammals
Reptiles (Ch. 41)
Class _
Evolved about _
Four orders:
359_ to _229_ million years ago (earliest fossils)
o Chelonia (_
turtles_ and _tortoises_)
o Squamata (_
lizards__ and _snakes_)
o Rynchocepahalia (_
o Crocodilia (_
and _
corcodiles_, _alligators_
Reptiles produce amniotic eggs. Explain what that is.
Encase embryo in aquatic environment
Reptile eggs are different from bird eggs in that they have a _
hard_ one.
shell, as opposed to a _
water loss_.
Reptiles have thick, dry, leathery, scaly skin that prevents _
Reptiles have developed respiratory and excretion systems to help them
conserve_ _ water _. Describe how.
Gas exchange organs (lungs) inside body
where stay moist
Only small amounts of water lost in urine
The circulatory system is composed of _
2_ loops. Describe where each goes:
deoxygenated blood from heart to
lungs, pick up oxygen and back to heart
o Pulmonary loop
oxygenated blood from heart to
body, pick up deoxygenated blood and
back to heart
o Systemic loop
In lizards, snakes and turtles, the heart has _
4_ chambers in their heart.
have _
3_ chambers. Crocodiles
Does the oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood mix a lot?
Not at all in crocs
Not like amphib. for 3 chambers…septum
partially divides ventricle
The lungs of reptiles are large and often divided internally into several
chambers_ and may contain small sacs called _alveoli_. What do
they do?
increase surface area for gas exchange
How does the brain of a reptile compare to that of an amphibian of similar size?
Same size, but cerebrum (controls movement)
much larger and optic lobes (sight) much larger
How do reptiles hear? (specific structures…not just “with ears!”) 
Tympanum (ear drum) transferrs to 1 bone
What is Jacobson’s organ and what does it do?
Roof of mouth, sensitive to odors (smell),
particles from tongue transferred here
Control of body temperature is called _
thermoregulation_. There
are two ways vertebrates do this:
o Ectotherms _
absorb_ heat from surroundings. This means their
temperatures are _
close_ to that of their surroundings.
Examples of
ectotherms include:
Reptiles, fish, amphibians
Used to be called “cold blooded”
o Endotherms have rapid _
metabolisms_, which generates
heat for the body and includes these examples:
birds and mammals
o Why/how can ectothermy be good or bad?
Good: lower energy means needing less food
(about 1/10 as much)
Bad: can only sustain short bursts of
activity, can’t live in cold environments
There are three patterns of reproduction in reptiles. Explain each and give
examples of creatures that use that strategy.
lay eggs…birds, reptiles and 3
o Oviparity:
lay eggs close to time of birth,
stay in mother and develop…some reptiles
(including snakes)
o Ovoviviparity:
young born in body, born alive,
nutrients supplies by placenta…most
o Viviparity:
Birds (Ch. 42)
Class _
Evolved about _
Share these major characteristics:
150_ million years ago
feathers_ for a body covering.
o _
wings_ as modified forelimbs.
o _
light-weight_, rigid skeleton. The bones are thin walled and/or
o _
endothermic_ metabolism, with a body temp of _104_ -
o _
106_ oF.
o the lungs are connected to several sets of _
o jaws covered by a tough sheath called a _
air sacs_.
oviparity_: all birds lay eggs with a hard shell
o _
Birds are thought to have evolved from small, fast-running _
Feathers are modified scales that serve two functions: providing lift for
flight_ and conserving _body heat_. There are three different
down_ feathers on young birds
o _
contour_ feathers for shape and insulation
o _
flight_ feathers, on the wings and tail
o _
Birds have a few special digestive organs. Describe what they do:
o Crop:
stores/moistens food
o Proventriculus:
stomach #1, acid/enzymes to
break down food
o Gizzard:
stomach #2 muscle grinds food,
often has small stones
For respiration, about 75% of air that birds breathe goes into
air sacs_ before the lungs. They help keep fresh air in the lungs even
when exhaling.
For circulation, birds a have a heart with _
4_ chambers, so
deoxygenated blood is always kept away from oxygenated blood.
large_ brains.
Relative to their size, birds have _
For birds, is fertilization inside the body (internal) of outside the body
(external)? Explain. (read carefully for this one…)
Internal, but no external genitilia…male
deposits sperm in female
What’s different about the ways birds young are born?
Precocial young: lay many eggs, incubate for
long time, fend for selves when born. e.g.
ducks, quail, chicken
Altricial young: few eggs, hatch quickly,
relatively helpless e.g. woodpeckers, hawks,
pigeons, parrots and warblers
Name the members of these orders:
o Order Anseriformes: _
o Order Strigiformes: _
swans, geeses, ducks_
o Order Apodiformes: _
hummingbirds, swifts_
parrots,akeets, macaws,
o Order Psittaciformes: _
cockatiels, cockatoos_
wood peckers, toucans_
o Order Piciformes: _
most familiar birds: robins,
o Order Passeriformes: _
blue jays, wrens_
o Order Columbiformes: _
pigeons, doves_
herons, storks, ibises,
o Order Ciconiiformes: _
egrets, raptors, penguiuns_
turkeys, pheasants, chicken,
o Order Galliformes: _
grouse, quail_
ostrich, emu, rheas_
o Order Struthioniformes: _
Plus 13 other orders based on shapes of beaks, feet, plumage (feathers), bone
and muscular structures.
Mammals (Ch. 43)
Class _
Evolved about _
Share these major characteristics:
300_ million years ago (first ancestors)
endothermy_ for regulating body heat
o _
hair_ for a body covering (well, except me  )
o _
4_ chambered, completely divided heart
o _
o Females produce _
milk_ for their offspring
o Lower jaw is made of _
o Specialized _
a single_ bone(s)
teeth_ for different jobs (cutting, grinding, etc.)
Modern mammals are divided into three groups:
Moonotremes_ are oviparous (lay eggs). Give 2 examples:
o _
Platypus and echidna
_Marsupials_ are viviparous (have live young that
develop inside the mother for some time after birth (in a pouch).
Give 2 examples:
Opossum, Kangaroo
Placental_ mammals (young develop inside the
o _
mother for a longer time than other mammals, and are fed by a
blood-rich structure known as the placenta).
Like reptiles, mammals breathe using lungs that have many small
alveoli__. They also use a muscle below the ribcage called the
Digestion: Mammals have different shaped _
teeth_ for different
functions. Digesting meat is easy, but mammals can’t digest
cellulose_, a polymer of glucose (many glucose molecules put
together). What adaptation do herbivores have to deal with this?
4 chambered stomach. 1 called rumen
has bacteria to digest.
A mammal’s brain is about _
15_ times heavier than the brain of a
similarly sized fish, amphibian or reptile. This is due mostly to the size of
cerebrum_, which evaluates senses, controls movement and
the _
behavior, and functions in memory and learning.
There are three different “kinds” of mammals. Define each of these and give
o Monotremes:
o Marsupials:
lay eggs, platypus
bear young in pouches, alive but
undeveloped; opossum
o Placental (just define…see below for examples):
inside until developed
mother keeps
Name some members of these orders of placental mammals:
o Order Xenarthra: _
anteaters, armadillos, sloths_
o Order Lagomorpha: _
o Order Rodentia: _
rabbits, hares, pika__
squirrels, gophers, chipmunks,
rats, mice__
o Order Primates: _
monkeys, goibbons, apes,
lemurs, tasriers, lorises_
o Order Chiroptera: _
shrews, hedgehogs, moles_
o Order Insectivora: _
o Order Carnivora: _
dogs, cats, raccoons, bear,
hyena, otter, seal, sea lion_
deer, cattle, camel, giraffe_
o Order Artiodactyla: _
o Order Perissodactyla: _
horse, rhino, zebra_
o Order Cetacea: _
whale, dolphin, porpoise_
o Order Sirenia: _
manatee, duogong _
o Order Proboscidea: _
African and Asian elephant_
To which order do modern humans belong?