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Year 8 Science
8A Food and Nutrition
Expected Attainment
Correctly use the term: diet.
Recall why we need food (energy, growth and
repair, health).
State what is shown on food labelling.
Recall the names of the nutrients in food.
Interpret nutrition information labels.
Use nutrition information labels to perform
Recall what is meant by a balanced diet.
Explain the benefits of a balanced diet and
correctly use the term: malnutrition.
Explain how deficiency diseases are caused.
Describe the factors that may lead to obesity.
Identify and recall the main parts of the human
digestive system.
Explain why digestion is necessary.
Describe the functions of the organs in the
human digestive system.
Describe the role of enzymes as catalysts in
Recall some benefits and drawbacks of bacteria
in the digestive system.
Recall what happens in respiration (only in terms
of releasing energy from food using oxygen).
Recall where digested food enters the blood.
Describe the function of blood plasma.
Describe the features of the small intestine wall.
Explain how diffusion occurs in terms of
movement of particles.
Explain the short- and long-term effects of
Describe the uses of fibre and water by
the body.
Describe tests for fat and starch.
Interpret results from simple food tests
(e.g. fat, starch, protein, vitamin C).
Describe the effects of obesity on
Use dietary advice and nutrition
information to design a healthy diet.
Interpret Reference Intake (RI)
Recall and identify examples of
deficiency diseases (kwashiorkor,
scurvy, rickets).
Explain the links between specific
forms of malnutrition, diet and lifestyle.
Describe what happens during
ingestion, absorption and egestion.
Explain how food is moved through the
digestive system.
Use a model to describe basic enzyme
Explain how the structure of the small
intestine allows efficient absorption of
the soluble products of digestion.
Explain how the cells in the small
intestine are adapted to absorb
nutrients quickly.
Use a knowledge of diffusion to explain
how nutrients enter the blood from the
small intestine.
Interpret results from food tests for
reducing and non-reducing sugars
(glucose and sucrose).
Describe the causes and control
of Type 2 diabetes.
Evaluate different models of basic
enzyme action.
Explain how bile helps in the
digestion of lipids.
Year 8 Science
8B Plants and Reproduction
Expected Attainment
Describe the key characteristics of the five
kingdoms of organisms and use this to assign
organisms to their kingdoms.
Correctly use the term biodiversity.
Explain how organisms are classified, using smaller
and smaller groupings of shared characteristics.
Correctly use the terms asexual reproduction and
sexual reproduction.
Recall ways in which plants reproduce asexually.
Identify and give examples of inherited variation.
Describe how the fusing of gametes (sex cells) and
their nuclei during fertilisation form a fertilised egg
Correctly use the terms species and hybrid.
Correctly use the term pollination.
Identify the main structures in a flower and identify
those that are male and those that are female.
Use flower structure and pollen shape to identify
wind-pollinated and insect-pollinated flowers.
Describe the functions of structures in flowers.
Identify different structures within a seed.
Identify different kinds of fruits and describe how
they disperse seeds.
Describe the events that occur after pollination
leading to fertilisation.
Describe how the fusing of male and female
gametes and their nuclei during fertilisation forms a
fertilised egg cell (or zygote).
Describe how a fertilised egg cell grows into an
Identify the genus and species names
from a binomial name.
Explain why preserving biodiversity is
important (useful products, organism
interactions, enriches our lives, disaster
Explain how inherited variation is
caused (does not include genes).
Explain the difference in outcomes of
asexual and sexual reproduction in
Identify pollen grains and ovules as
containing the male and female
Describe how the structures of a flower
are adapted to their functions.
Describe how plants avoid selfpollination.
Explain why plants try to avoid selfpollination.
Explain how some pollen grains are
adapted to their functions.
Explain the functions of the different
parts of a seed.
Explain the importance of seed
Evaluate different methods of seed
Use simple calculations (e.g.
biodiversity index) to compare
Evaluate the advantages and
disadvantages of sexual and
asexual reproduction in plants
in different conditions
Evaluate different methods of
Describe the importance of
hybridisation in plant breeding.
Explain the production of
seedless fruits using
Year 8 Science
8C Breathing and Respiration
Expected Attainment
Identify and recall the main organs in the human gaseous
exchange system.
Correctly use the terms: breathing, breathing rate,
ventilation, inhalation, exhalation.
Describe the functions of the organs in the human
gaseous exchange system and what happens during gas
Describe how muscles attached to ribs and the
diaphragm produce breathing movements and use a
model to explain how lungs expand and contract.
Describe the structure of the lungs.
Explain how diffusion occurs in terms of movement of
Describe how breathing rate and heart rate are affected
by exercise.
Recall some harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke.
Recall ways in which gas exchange in the lungs can be
Describe how substances reach respiring cells from the
blood and how waste products are returned to the blood.
Describe the effects of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide
in tobacco smoke.
Describe how asthma, emphysema and tobacco tar can
reduce gas exchange.
Compare respiration in plants and animals.
Describe ways in which respiration can be detected
(limewater, hydrogen carbonate indicator, heat).
Recall what happens in anaerobic respiration in humans.
Explain why aerobic and anaerobic respiration occur in
humans at the same time.
Use a pressure model to explain
Explain how specialised cells keep the
lungs clean (mucus production and
ciliated epithelial cells).
Explain how the lungs are adapted for
efficient gas exchange.
Explain the changes in heartbeat and
breathing rate during exercise.
Explain some of the effects of reduced
oxygen supply on the body.
Explain the effects of some chemicals
in tobacco smoke on the body.
Describe how gas exchange occurs in
Compare the human gaseous
exchange system with those of other
Recall that anaerobic respiration
releases less energy than aerobic
Model anaerobic respiration using a
word equation.
Describe how lactic acid is removed
from tissues.
Explain why anaerobic activity cannot
be sustained.
Analyse and explain the changes in
heartbeat and breathing rate during and
after exercise (including EPOC/oxygen
Explain how and why a
concentration gradient is
maintained for oxygen
and carbon dioxide
between the blood and
Explain why exercise is
recommended to help
people with
cardiovascular disease.
Compare the efficiencies
of different gas exchange
Identify the limitations of
lungs, gills and body
surface covering as sites
of gas exchange.
Explain the effects of
poisons that disrupt
certain metabolic
Year 8 Science
8D Unicellular Organisms
Expected Attainment
Recall the life processes (MRS GREN).
Recall the five kingdoms of organisms.
State the meaning of: multicellular, unicellular.
Identify organisms that are unicellular and those that are
Explain why multicellular organisms need efficient transport
Use a knowledge of diffusion to explain how materials enter and
leave unicellular organisms.
Recall that some foods, such as bread, beer and wine, are made
using yeast.
Recall the conditions under which yeast grow quickly.
Recall what happens in aerobic and anaerobic respiration in yeast.
Explain what happens in fermentation.
Explain how yeast can be used to make both alcoholic drinks and
Recall the conditions under which algae grow quickly.
Define feeding relationships in terms of energy flow.
Explain how changes in a physical environmental factor affect the
distribution of organisms.
Describe what happens in photosynthesis.
Describe, identify and state the basic functions of common parts of
protoctist cells (cell wall, flagella, cilia, pseudopods, cytoplasm, cell
membrane, chloroplast, nucleus).
Correctly use the terms: ecosystem, decomposer.
Give examples of decomposer microorganisms.
State the names of the compounds in which carbon is held in an
Describe the methods by which carbon is recycled in an ecosystem.
Explain the importance of decomposers in an ecosystem.
Model the recycling of carbon in an ecosystem using the carbon
Use the key characteristics of
microorganism cell structure to
classify microorganisms.
Justify the lack of a virus
Describe how yeast multiply
by budding.
Describe what is happening in
the different parts of a growth
Explain the functions of light
and chlorophyll in
photosynthesis (in terms of
energy transfer).
Model photosynthesis using a
word equation.
Make predictions about how
changes in physical and
biological factors will affect
carbon supply in an
Explain the importance
of surface area:volume
ratio for organisms.
Use graphs to calculate
population growth
Apply microbial growth
rates to growth curves
of other organisms.
Explain how
eutrophication occurs
and the problems
associated with
eutrophication in an
aquatic environment.
Explain ways in which
decay can be
prevented, such as
freezing, refrigeration,
drying, canning, salting,
jamming, pickling and
Year 8 Science
8E Combustion
Expected Attainment
State what happens to mass in a
chemical reaction.
State the meaning of: oxidation.
Describe the reactions of metals with
Identify and explain the products formed
by the oxidation of metals.
Name the three sides of the fire triangle.
Describe how to stay safe in familiar
Recognise hazard symbols.
Use the idea of the ‘fire triangle’ to
explain how to extinguish a fire.
Explain why different types of fire need to
be put out in different ways.
Recall examples of non-metal oxide
pollutants caused by burning fossil fuels
and their impurities.
Describe the reactions of non-metals with
Recall some effects of global warming,
climate change.
Recall reasons why the temperature on
the Earth varies over time.
Explain how human activity affects the
levels of carbon dioxide in the
Explain the change in mass seen in reactions.
Compare and contrast the oxygen and
phlogiston theories for combustion.
Describe what is meant by exothermic
Compare the temperature rise of water when
some fuels are burnt.
Apply knowledge of explosive reactions to
explain why they occur more/less rapidly when
variables (proportion of fuel/oxygen mixture,
the droplet size, the oxidiser) are changed.
Explain the products formed by the complete
and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons.
Explain the problems caused by incomplete
Explain how sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
are produced in some combustion reactions.
Explain how sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
help to cause acid rain.
Explain how neutralisation can be used to
reduce pollution from fossil fuel combustion.
Explain how vehicle catalytic converters work
(to reduce pollution from fossil fuel
Explain the effects of acid rain on organisms,
bodies of water.
State the meaning of the greenhouse effect.
Explain how carbon dioxide helps to cause the
greenhouse effect.
Explain how methods of controlling the levels
of carbon dioxide work.
Evaluate the evidence used to
displace the phlogiston theory of
Model simple reactions using
symbol equations.
Justify methods of risk reduction.
Evaluate data on burning fuels to
deduce the best energy per gram
of fuel.
Evaluate ways in which pollution
from non-metal oxides can be
Decide how responsibility for
cutting emissions should be
Evaluate the contribution made by
combustion to the amount of
carbon dioxide in the air in the
short, medium and long term.
Evaluate the link between global
temperature and levels of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere.
Year 8 Science
8F The Periodic Table
Expected Attainment
Recall that different elements have different physical
Identify the chemical symbols for some common
elements and vice versa.
Record two-letter symbols correctly.
Describe Dalton’s ideas about atoms.
Use a simple (Dalton’s) atomic model to describe an
Use a simple (Dalton’s) atomic model to describe a
Explain how chemical reactions are different from
physical changes.
Explain the difference between physical and chemical
properties of a substance.
Use observations to decide whether a chemical
reaction has taken place.
Model simple chemical reactions using word
Use a simple (Dalton’s) atomic model to describe a
Use the periodic table to look up symbols.
Identify the alkali metals, halogens, (transition metals)
and noble gases in the periodic table.
State what elements in the same group of the periodic
table share.
Recall that the noble gases are chemically inert
compared with other elements.
Describe the reactions of metals with oxygen.
Describe the reactions of non-metals with oxygen.
Describe the reactions of metals with water.
Use the reactions of some alkali metals with water to
predict the reactions of other alkali metals with water
(in terms of what happens, not reactivity).
Use the idea of atoms to explain why
different elements have different
physical properties.
Model more complex chemical
reactions using word equations.
Describe how atoms are rearranged in
chemical reactions.
Write simple chemical formulae from
information on structure.
Interpret formulae to identify the types
of and ratio of atoms in a compound.
Recall the typical properties of alkali
Recall the typical properties of
Explain how Mendeleev made
predictions using his table.
Describe how the periodic table is
arranged (in terms of elements in
groups of similar properties).
Compare the physical and chemical
properties of metal and non-metal
Recall there is usually a regular
gradation in chemical properties as you
go down a group.
Use data to identify trends in chemical
properties within a group.
Identify a pattern of reactivity in the
reaction between some alkali metals
and water and use this to predict the
reactivity of other alkali metals.
Use information about
reaction ratios to calculate
atomic masses.
Give a simple description of
the valency of an element
and use this to deduce the
formula of compounds
(containing two main group
Explain how Mendeleev
originally arranged the
periodic table by placing the
elements in order of atomic
State that atoms can be
joined up to make molecules
or giant lattice structures.
Describe the difference
between molecules and
giant lattice structures.
Year 8 Science
8G Metals and their uses
Expected Attainment
Describe the corrosion of metals by
reactions with oxygen.
Identify and explain the products formed by
the oxidation of metals.
State the meaning of: rusting.
Recall ways in which iron can be prevented
from rusting.
Recall some reactions that happen slowly
and some that happen quickly.
Relate the uses of different elements to
their chemical properties.
Describe the reactions of different metals
with water.
Describe the gas test for hydrogen.
Relate the uses of different elements to
their chemical properties.
Describe the reactions of acids with
Recall which salts are produced by which
Recall some reactions that happen slowly
and some that happen quickly.
Relate the uses of different elements to
their chemical properties.
Describe what happens during changes of
State what happens at a material’s melting,
freezing and boiling point.
State what is meant by: pure.
State the meaning of: alloy.
Explain why metals are often alloyed with
other elements.
Model simple oxidation reactions using
word equations.
Explain how barrier methods protect
iron from rust.
Identify the products and reactants
using a symbol equation.
Identify and explain the products
formed by the reactions of metals with
Model simple reactions of metals and
water using word equations.
Use information on the reactions of
metals with water to place them in an
order of reactivity.
Supply missing reactants or products to
complete a symbol equation.
Model simple reactions of metals and
acids using word equations.
Use information on the reactions of
metals with acids to place them in order
of reactivity.
Model simple reactions using symbol
State that a pure material has a fixed
melting point and boiling point.
Describe how impurities alter melting,
freezing and boiling points.
Identify a pure substance from its
melting or boiling point.
Use models to explain why converting
pure metals into alloys often increases
the strength of the product.
Model simple reactions using
balanced symbol equations.
Use ideas about reactivity to explain
how sacrificial metals can protect iron
from rusting.
Write and derive the formulae for
common acids and simple salts, given
the ratios of atoms or the formulae of
Model simple reactions using
balanced symbol equations.
Describe some ways in which purity is
Plot and interpret graphs of melting
point or boiling point for mixtures of
varying compositions.
Year 8 Science
8H Rocks
Expected Attainment
Recall what earthquakes and volcanoes are.
Recall some uses for rocks and some products made from
State what rocks are made of.
Recall why different rocks have different properties.
Recall some examples of rocks with different textures.
Explain why certain rocks are porous and/or permeable.
Recall that the Earth consists of a core, mantle and crust.
Describe how magma can be erupted to form volcanoes.
Describe how igneous rocks are formed.
Recall the names of some igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Describe the textures and properties of igneous and
metamorphic rocks.
Describe how metamorphic rocks are formed.
Explain how the size of crystals in igneous rocks is evidence for
the speed of cooling and describe some factors that affect this.
Recall some examples of physical changes and of chemical
Describe the effect of physical and biological weathering on
Explain why rainwater is slightly acidic.
Describe the effect of chemical weathering on rocks.
Recall how weathered rocks are eroded and explain how
fragments get worn down during transport.
Describe the link between the size of rock fragments carried and
the water speed.
Recall the names of some sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Describe the textures and properties of sedimentary rocks.
Describe how sedimentary rocks are formed.
Describe the link between the size of rock fragments deposited
and the water or wind speed.
Relate features of a landscape
to the type of rock and how it
has weathered.
Explain why certain rocks are
used for certain applications.
Use crystal size to classify
igneous rocks as intrusive and
Explain the variation in crystal
size in an igneous intrusion, in
terms of cooling rate.
Describe how weathering can
break up rocks.
Compare the fragment sizes
that can be transported by
wind, water and ice.
Describe how fossils are
Relate the grain size and
roundness to transport history.
Use the rock cycle model to
link the formation of igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic
Appreciate the different
timescales involved in different
rock cycle processes, and give
examples of fast and slow
Interpret formulae to
identify the types of, and
ratio of, atoms in a
Compare the densities of
igneous rocks and relate
them to the minerals
contained in the rocks.
Describe features in
limestone landscapes and
relate them to the way they
were formed.
Compare quantitative data
about the effect of speed
on the size of grain that
can be transported.
Year 8 Science
8I Fluids
Expected Attainment
Recall that ice is less dense than water.
Describe the ways in which the volume and
density changes during the water–ice
transition are different from other materials.
Explain how chemical changes are
different from physical changes and recall
some examples of each type.
Recall that a change of state of a pure
substance takes place at a constant
State what is meant by gas pressure and
recall some of its effects.
Recall that pressure in a fluid changes with
Describe how pressure in a fluid increases
with depth.
Use the particle model of matter to
describe the causes of pressure in fluids.
State what is meant by upthrust.
Explain why an object floats.
Recall the factors that affect the amount of
upthrust on an object.
Recall the different types of resistive forces
and describe how they affect movement.
Describe how drag changes with speed.
Explain the effects of balanced forces in
simple situations.
Describe the effect of physical
weathering on rocks and explain it in
terms of expansion and contraction.
Explain what happens to particles and
temperature during changes of state, in
terms of energy and forces.
Explain some effects caused by air or
water pressure using ideas about
Use the particle model of matter to
explain atmospheric pressure in
different situations.
Explain why pressure in a fluid
increases with depth.
Use the particle model of matter to
explain why gas pressure changes with
temperature, number of particles and
Work out if something will float.
Use ideas about density changes to
explain how a hot air balloon flies/how
the depth of a submarine is controlled.
Describe the ways in which the size of
drag forces can be changed.
Describe the causes of air and water
Explain why a vehicle needs a force
from the engine to keep moving at a
constant speed.
Compare densities of materials and
link them to the mass of the particles
and how closely they pack together.
Explain why ice is less dense than
Use the idea of latent heats when
discussing changes of state.
Apply ideas about pressure to
barometers and altimeters.
Use the equation relating pressure to
the depth and density of a liquid.
Explain that the upthrust depends on
the weight of fluid displaced.
Use ideas about displacement to
explain phenomena connected with
floating and sinking.
Use and interpret the equation linking
drag, density, speed and frontal area.
Year 8 Science
8J Light
Expected Attainment
State the meaning of: reflect, scatter, transmit,
absorb, reflection, angle of incidence, angle of
reflection, normal, plane mirror.
Describe some uses of plane mirrors.
Describe the difference between even reflection
and scattering, and recall the law of reflection.
Use the ray model of light to explain how we see
things that are not sources of light.
Describe some uses of lenses.
State the meaning of: refraction, angle of
refraction, refracted ray, convex lens,
converging lens.
Recall that light, sound travels at different
speeds in different materials.
Draw ray diagrams to describe the refraction of
light as it passes into and out of different media.
Describe the effects of convex lenses on parallel
beams of light.
Recall the primary colours for light.
Identify the parts of the eye (including rods and
cones) and state their functions.
Identify the parts of a camera and state their
Describe how to split light into different colours
using a prism and correctly use the terms:
spectrum, dispersion.
Recall the colours of the visible spectrum, in
Recall that the appearance of an object depends
on the colour of light shining on it.
Recall that filters can be used to make coloured
State the meaning of: diffuse, specular, incident
ray, reflected ray.
Use the ray model of light to explain how a
periscope works.
Use ray diagrams to explain the law of reflection
and to describe the differences in light reflected
from smooth and rough surfaces.
Describe the characteristics of the image formed by
a plane mirror and use ray diagrams to explain its
Explain why refraction occurs.
State the meaning of focal length, focus, and
principal axis.
Relate the power of a lens to its shape.
Use ray diagrams to explain image formation in
pinhole cameras.
Identify which parts of the eye cause refraction of
light and describe how light is focused on the
Describe similarities and differences between
cameras and eyes.
Describe some examples of the absorption of
energy transferred by light leading to chemical or
electrical effects (in the retina or in a camera
Describe how secondary colours of white light can
be made from primary colours of light.
Describe the way our eyes detect different colours.
Explain why coloured objects appear coloured.
Explain how filters can be used to make coloured
Explain why objects look different in light of
different colours.
State the meaning of:
convex mirror, concave
Use ray diagrams to
explain some of the
features of images in
Describe the effects of
concave lenses on
parallel beams of light.
State the meaning of:
total internal reflection,
critical angle.
Describe some uses of
total internal reflection
such as in optical fibres
and in binoculars.
Describe the causes and
effects of long-sight and
short-sight and how
different types of lens are
used to correct these
Explain how different
types of lens are used to
correct long-sight and
Explain how paints of
different colours can be
made by colour
Year 8 Science
8K Energy Transfers
Expected Attainment
Recall that energy can be transferred by heating in
conduction, radiation and convection.
Recall examples of common thermal conductors and
Identify the process(es) in which energy is transferred by
heating in a given situation.
Describe how energy is transferred in conduction,
convection and radiation.
Explain why particular materials are used for given
Use the particle model of matter to explain energy
transfers by conduction and convection.
Recall ways of reducing energy transfer by conduction,
convection and evaporation.
Apply the idea of different colours being good or poor
emitters or absorbers.
Explain why particular materials are used for given
Match Sankey diagrams to simple situations.
State the meaning of efficiency and recall some
advantages of efficient appliances.
Identify useful and wasted energies.
Describe whether one machine is more efficient than
Describe what power means, and the relationship
between watts and joules/second.
Recall that electricity and mains gas are charged for on
the basis of the energy transferred.
Explain why power companies use the kWh as a
measure of energy.
Recall some advantages of low-energy appliances.
Compare conduction in thermal
conductors and thermal insulators.
Explain the process(es) in which energy
is transferred by heating in a given
Compare conduction, convection,
radiation and evaporation as methods of
heat energy transfer.
Evaluate ways of increasing or
decreasing energy transfer by
conduction, convection, radiation and
Compare the effects of different rates of
conduction in different materials.
Use Sankey diagrams to compare
appliances or processes.
Calculate energy efficiencies.
Explain why the efficiency can never be
greater than 100%.
Use data to consider cost efficiency by
calculating payback times.
Evaluate different ways of keeping
something warm.
Explain the causes and
effects of wind chill.
Apply the idea of
thermal mass to
Use the formula
relating power, energy
and time (in W, J and
Evaluate energy-saving
appliances or
Use data to evaluate
methods of reducing
carbon emissions.
Year 8 Science
8L Earth and Space
Expected Attainment
Describe differences in the seasons in terms of
day length and the height of the Sun.
Explain the changes in day length and height of
the Sun in terms of the tilt of the Earth’s axis.
State what is meant by a magnetic field and
recall the shape of the field of a bar magnet.
Describe the effect of the Earth’s magnetic field
on compass needles.
Explain how to arrange two magnets so that
they attract or repel each other.
Recall the direction in which gravity acts.
Recall the factors that affect the strength of
State the meaning of gravitational field strength.
Explain why the weight of an object changes if
taken to the Moon, but not its mass.
Recall that planets and natural satellites are kept
in orbit by gravity.
State the meaning of: Sun, star, galaxy,
Universe, constellation.
Describe the Milky Way.
State the meaning of: light year.
Use a model to explain the changes in the
Use a model to explain why the height of the
Sun at noon and hours of daylight vary with
Use a model to explain the pattern of light
and dark at the poles.
Explain the effect of the tilt of the Earth’s axis
on the energy received from the Sun.
Recall the direction of a magnet’s magnetic
Explain how a compass can be used
together with maps for navigation.
Explain how a plotting compass can be used
to show the shape and direction of a
magnetic field.
Describe the Earth’s magnetic field and
explain why a magnetic compass needle
points north.
Describe how mass and distance affect the
strength of gravity.
Describe how gravity affects bodies in
Use gravitational field strength to calculate
Explain that stars in a constellation only
appear to be close to each other.
Compare the relative sizes and distances of
objects in space.
Obtain information from
secondary sources to
investigate the relationships
in astronomical data.
Analyse the rotations and
axes of other planets to
predict annual changes.
Describe the shape of the
magnetic field between two
bar magnets in different
Use ideas about the Earth’s
magnetic field to explain
variation, dip and deviation.
Explain why the speed of a
planet changes as it moves
around its orbit.
Describe the different
shapes of galaxies and
relate the view of the sky to
a planet’s position in a
Describe some ways in
which astronomers can
detect planets orbiting stars
other than the Sun.
Year 8 Science
Working Scientifically
Expected Attainment
Recall what is meant by area and use a formula to
calculate the area of a rectangle.
State the meaning of: estimate.
State the meaning of: sample.
State the meaning of: accuracy.
Identify the ranges of readings in data.
Identify variables that need to be controlled in a
given experiment.
Plan ways in which to control a simple control
Explain the need for a fair test.
Identify the range of readings in an experiment.
State the meaning of: anomalous result, outlier.
Identify repeated measurements.
Suggest a simple way to improve an investigation.
Explain why internationally agreed symbols and
conventions are necessary in science
Interpret diagrams that use scientific symbols and
State the meaning of: precision.
Use ratio notation to compare things.
Convert fractions to decimals and percentages.
Recall some methods by which scientists
comment on one another’s work (e.g. scientific
journals, conferences).
Use a formula to calculate the areas of
Use a sample to calculate an estimate of
population size.
Plan an appropriate sample size.
Explain why data with a small range is of
good quality.
Calculate means and explain their use.
Plan ways in which to control more than
one variable.
Identify anomalous results/outliers in data.
Identify data that is repeatable, not
repeatable, reproducible, not reproducible,
reliable and not reliable.
Explain why repeatable, reproducible,
reliable data is better quality.
Explain how to improve an investigation.
Outline the basic scientific method and
how it is modified for largely observational
sciences such as geology.
Identify hypotheses and some of the
evidence that supports/refutes them.
Use information about resolution to choose
measuring instruments.
Describe the process of peer review.
Explain why peer review is used
Change the subject of a simple
mathematical formula.
Calculate the gradient of a line on a graph.
Explain the effects of too
small and too big a sample
Identify anomalous results
in data.
Justify the choice of control
Suggest scientific reasons
for anomalous
Explain how to avoid
systematic and random
Evaluate peer review.