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Chapter 2 Test Review
Read each question carefully, and then choose the correct answer. In addition to choosing the
correct answer, you must provide an explanation for why each of the incorrect answers is indeed
wrong. This means that for each question, you should have four answers: the one correct answer,
and an explanation of the incorrectness for each of the three wrong answers.
1. How does a saturated lipid differ from an unsaturated lipid?
a. A saturated lipid is made up of only carbon atoms
b. A saturated lipid contains the maximum number of hydrogen atoms
c. A saturated lipid is covalently bonded to a protein molecule
d. A saturated lipid is folded around and bonded to itself
2. What determines the sequence and arrangement of amino acids in a protein?
a. the number of available atoms in an organism
b. the number of hydrogen atoms in fatty acid
c. the ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in carbohydrates
d. the information stored and translated by nucleic acids
3. If an animal cell were placed into a solution of water taken from the ocean, what would immediately
happen to the cell?
a. The cell would swell because the water solution is hypotonic
b. The cell would swell because the water solution is hypertonic
c. The cell would shrivel because the water solution is hypotonic
d. The cell would shrivel because the water solution if hypertonic
4. In which type of cellular transport do molecules bind to channel proteins in order to move across a
selectively permeable membrane against a concentration gradient?
a. facilitated diffusion
b. active transport
c. diffusion
d. osmosis
5. How does an exothermic reaction differ from an endothermic reaction?
a. Energy is created during an exothermic reaction
b. Energy is absorbed during an exothermic reaction
c. Energy is released during an exothermic reaction
d. Energy is destroyed during an exothermic reaction
6. Why are enzymes important to the functioning of the human body?
a. The keep the pH of the body within acceptable levels
b. The help essential biochemical reactions occur fast enough to maintain homeostasis
c. The enable the body to use energy to produce food
d. The provide cells with energy they need to carry out life functions
7. What is the role of the Krebs Cycle during aerobic respiration?
a. to produce oxygen
b. to avoid the buildup of lactic acid
c. to give up free phosphates for the recombination of ATP
d. to continue the breakdown of sugars in the mitochondria
8. Which of the following is a means by which heterotrophs can obtain energy?
a. using water, carbon dioxide and energy from the sun to produce sugars
b. using water and carbon dioxide to produce energy-rich compounds
c. consuming autotrophs
d. consuming simple chemicals from the environment and using them to assemble complex
chemicals and structures needed by the organism
9. Because carbon has four electrons in its outer energy level,
a. it can form bonds with carbon atoms only
b. these atoms are naturally chemically stable
c. it can react with up to four other atoms to form covalent bonds
d. it cannot react with anything other than organic compounds
10. Changing the course or pathway of a chemical reaction so that is requires less activation energy
a. is a violation of the laws of nature
b. requires higher temperatures than those found within cells
c. occurs only when reactants are quickly added to the reaction mixture
d. is accomplished by the action of catalysts on reactants
11. As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many types of substances
a. always remains greater inside a membrane
b. eventually becomes balanced on both sides of a membrane
c. always remains greater on the outside of a membrane
d. becomes imbalanced on both sides of a membrane
12. Glycolysis and aerobic respiration are different in that
a. glycolysis occurs on the cell membrane, while oxidative respiration occurs in the
b. glycolysis occurs only in photosynthesis, while aerobic respiration is part of cellular
c. glycolysis occurs in the absence of oxygen, while oxidative respiration requires oxygen
d. both of these terms are different names for the same process
13. You have been growing some animal cells in a culture dish. The cells grow well for several weeks,
and then don’t seem to grow as well. You conduct some tests and determine that there is a lot of
lactic acid in the culture fluid. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the poor
condition of the cells?
a. there is too much glucose in the culture fluid
b. there is not enough glucose in the culture fluid
c. there is too much oxygen in the culture fluid
d. there is not enough oxygen in the culture fluid
14. As a characteristic of all living things, homeostasis relates most directly to which of the following
biological themes?
a. interacting systems
b. stability
c. evolution
d. scale and structure
15. What occurs during photosynthesis
a. chemical energy is converted into light energy
b. light energy is converted into chemical energy
c. glucose is broken down to release energy
d. carbon dioxide and energy are released into the atmosphere
16. What happens to a pair of molecules that collide with less than the activation energy?
a. They repel each other without being changed
b. The react but at a slower rate than particles with more energy
c. The stick together until they absorb enough energy to react
d. The exchange atoms so that they lower the required activation energy
17. ADP must combine with which of the following in order to regenerate ATP?
a. a free phosphate
b. a positive ion
c. an adenine base
d. a molecule of glucose