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Dorrance 1
Aubree Dorrance
History 1700
April 17, 2012
Dueling Documents
1. Pleas for and against Foreign Missions
Document 1 – For Foreign Missions: Gardiner Spring
Gardiner Spring was a New York Presbyterian minister that in 1820 forcefully promoted foreign
missions to save the world.
Summary: The essence of Mr. Spring's document was that there were so many non-Christians in
the world and they needed to hear the Christian Gospel. He felt that man could not ignore the greatness
of Christ and that we must continue His work. People of the world seek only the things of the world and
place great value in obtaining them. However, worldly things perish and have no long lasting value.
Men need to be delivered from the bondage of worldly things and be freed from the bondage of sinful
living. Men should strive to expect to do great things and then great things can be achieved. Mr. Spring
said there are approximately 800 million people on the earth, and only about 200 million of them have
the gospel of Christianity. Religions have taught the unbelievers, and some progress has been made.
But so much still needs to be done. The rational man will want to spread the gospel of love to the world.
My Opinion: I felt the document represented the idea of doing good for other people. However,
going on a foreign mission to preach Christianity in the 1820 would be very difficult. Travel would not
be easy, and it would take money to go abroad. Mr. Spring wrote his document like it would be an
experience that everyone should do. However, I think he was being unreal in these ideas.
Document 2 – Against Foreign Missions – Anonymous
Document by an anonymous author and published in 1820 in Philadelphia
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Summary: This document stated that before going abroad to preach, the message of Christianity
should be taught at home. Right at home, there is a need to look at and correct the lives of U. S. citizens.
Many people want to do wonderful works, and think of a foreign mission as a glorious and highly
praised endeavor. They would serve the mission mostly for the respect and popularity it would bring to
them. However, the author cited, remember that Christ and his apostles served in poverty and with selfsacrifice, not for praise. The author also mentioned that he would be unpopular for his stand on foreign
missions, but asked the reader to think about the success of foreign missions. He questioned, "Would
the world be any better? In fact all the preaching doesn't do that much good. The Crusades did very
little good in spreading the gospel of Christianity.
My Opinion: This side of the foreign mission duel was more down to Earth. The stand of the
anonymous author was more realistic than Mr. Spring's position. I agree we should take care of
homeland problems before taking on the world. No one likes to be preached to. The world can be
improved if everyone starts with himself or herself.
2. Slavery and Secession
Document 1 – Slavery Is the Cornerstone: Alexander Stephens
Alexander Stephens was the elected Vice President of the new Confederate States. He delivered the
remarks in a speech, known as the Cornerstone Speech, in Savannah, Georgia after the new government
was formed.
Summary: Mr. Stephens stated the slavery is the cornerstone of the Confederate States and the
new Constitution of the Confederacy put all question aside about the traditions of African slavery. It
defined slavery as the natural condition for the African in this civilization. The original Constitution
said that slavery would become extinct and disappear. This assumption rested on the idea that there is
equality among men. Mr. Stephens said that the idea was wrong and the new Constitution corrected
this. The Negro is inferior to the white man and is fit only for servitude and slavery. He cited that all
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world governments are based on class systems. Many based their class structure on non racial classes
with white men of different levels in the class system. This is wrong; all white men are white and
should be considered superior. All non-whites are inferior. He claimed that the slavery issue is the basis
of the civil disruptions. Slavery issues made it necessary to create a new Constitution and a new
My Opinion: I do not agree with Mr. Stephens' position that the white is supreme and others are
only fit for servitude. He was a leader in the Confederacy without a whole picture. The issue of slavery
was a big cause of conflict between the North and the South, but it was the Confederacy secession that
created armed conflict.
Document 2 Slavery Did Not Cause the Civil War: Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederacy. His document was published after the Civil War.
Summary: Mr. Davis stated that slavery was not the basis of the Civil War. The cause was the
secession of the Confederate States from the Union. There had been contention between the states for
years when new states entered the Union. He cited the entrance of Missouri and the Missouri
Compromise in 1820, the Nullification crisis of 1832, and the statehood of Texas in 1844. The main
issue was not slavery, but the combination of political, monetary, and representation issues. Mr. Davis
said that he would not be become involved in the good or bad of the slavery issue. In fact, slavery was
practice throughout the states in the early formation of the country. It was abolished in the Northern
states, not for moral or humane reasons, but for climatic, economical and industrial reasons. Slavery
was a controversial and emotional subject that fueled the fires of disruption and conflict. When the
Confederate states wanted out of the Union to continue the practice of Slavery, the real issue was not the
slavery, but the desire of the Confederacy to secede from the Union and become a separate country.
My Opinion: The article by Mr. Davis was written after the Civil War and was more of a
reflective writing. Before the war, Lincoln said that the United States was one country and it was worth
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keeping together. The conflict was to preserve the country. I think the fact that slavery was abolished
after the war is an act that would have probably happened without the war being fought. Mr. Davis had
total vision after the war.
3. What Should the Government Do?
Document 1 Government Should Not Help Individuals
President Grover Cleveland in 1887 vetoed the "Texas Seed Bill", which would give assistance to
farmers who suffer natural disaster. These Texas farmers were experiencing extreme drought.
Summary: President Cleveland vetoed the bill because he could not find in the Constitution any
provision for sentimental help to citizens experiencing financial problems. Although he understood and
sympathized their situation, it was not appropriate to support them. In fact he cited that although "the
people should support the government, the government should not support the people." Instead, the
charity of the people should support each other. This will build up the common brotherhood. He would
however, authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to dispense money for seeds to be given to the Senators
of states in need. The Senators can place the seeds where need and would feel the pleasure of extending
My Opinion: The document had one point that I agree with. The U. S. Government should not
exist to support the people. Too many in the U. S. think the government owes them a livelihood
(especially politicians). However, I disagree that handouts should be made by the Senators, because the
benefits will probably go to pay back the people who have elected them, and not be distributed fairly
among those who needed the assistance.
Document 2 Farmers' Problems Are Beyond Their Control
W. M. Taylor, Nebraska farmer who asked for help after disasters in 1891.
Summary: Mr. Taylor states that there have been natural disasters that have destroyed crops and
the livelihood of the farmers in his area. Although the farmers might be able to live through the disaster
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and survive the year, the real problem is the money loaners who hold the chattels and deeds to their
property, animals, and farm equipment. They charge high interest rates, which are legal, and have no
mercy on the debtor. They leave the farmers without money and soon will make them homeless. The
loaners refuse to lower the interest rate and demand payment which the farmer does not have available.
It is inevitable that the farmer will loss everything.
My Opinion: I can see the distress that Mr. Taylor is experiencing. However, people have good
times and bad times and need to prepare for them. It sounds like Mr. Taylor was heavily in debt. This is
not a wise position to be in. I do not think that anyone should expect the U. S. Government to bail them