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Pre-text exercises
1. Read and remember the following words:
– circumstance - обстоятельство
отличающийся вкус
nutrition – питание
value – ценность
quantity – качество
preference - предпочтение
caterer – поставщик провизии
adolescent – юношеский возраст
II. Create new words from following:
Nutrition, travel, grow, quantity, weigh, consider, catering, satisfy,
III. Read and translate the text, pay attention to different needs for
The need for caterers to consider the nutritional value of the
food they provide will vary with the type of work undertaken. Clients
come to a restaurant or hotel to enjoy meals in pleasant surroundings,
rather than for nutrition. Whether it is a banquet to satisfy the
discerning palates of gastronomes or quick snacks for travelers,
caterers will be guided by their knowledge of their clients as to the
quality and quantity of food to provide. However, many caterers work
in circumstances where they provide the total nutrition for sick people,
or for the young or elderly in residential homes. Here, they have a
direct influence on the health and growth of their clients, and need to
take a quantitative view of the nutritional value of the meals provided.
Although age, sex, height and weight are the major factors
influencing the quantity of the various nutrients needed by the body,
there are considerable differences between individuals. These
differences are taken care of by the individual's appetite and
preferences. Caterers have to consider nutritional need in terms of
groups of people - children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.
The Department of Health and Social Security tables of
Recommended Daily Allowances of Nutrients (R.D.A.s) are useful
guides when planning diets for such groups. The R.D.A. of each
nutrient has been worked out statistically to be sufficient or more than
sufficient for healthy people within the group concerned. We will
consider the special needs of a number of groups in relation to the
Recommended Daily Allowances.
Post-text exercises
I. Define the functions of the infinitives.
1. The need for caterers to consider the nutritional value of the
food they provide will vary with the type of the work undertaken.
2. Clients come to a restaurant to enjoy meals in the pleasant
3. Whether it is a banquet to satisfy the discerning palates of
gastronomes or quick snacks for travelers, caterers will be guided
by their knowledge of their clients.
4. They need to take a quantitative view of the nutritional value
of the meals provided.
5. Caterers have to consider nutritional need in terms of groups
of people.
II. Discuss following problems.
1. Going out to restaurant to enjoy meals.
2. Age, sex, height and weight are the major factors influencing the
quantity of the nutrients needed by the body.
3. Food we need.
III. Give summery of the text.
Pre-text exercises
I. Read and remember the following words:
assimilate – уcваивать
copper - медь
liver - печень
to be bottle-fed –
вскармливать бутылочкой
modify – видоизменять,
supplementing дополнительный
broth - бульон
pureed - очищенный
III Read and translate the words, which have the common stem
in Russian and in English:
IV.. Read and translate the text
In comparison with their body weights, babies need large
amounts of energy, protein and calcium since they are growing
rapidly and forming bones and teeth. Breast milk is the ideal food
for them, as it contains all the necessary nutrients in an easily
assimilated form. Amounts of iron and copper are low in milk, but
these minerals are provided by the stores built up in the liver
before birth.
When babies are bottle-fed, the cows milk needs modifying as
the proportion of nutrients is different from those in human milk.
Cows' milk has more protein and calcium, but is lower in vitamins
C and A. Bottle-fed babies are given extra vitamin C in the form of
orange or hip juice. When the age of 4 months (or a weight of 6 kg)
is reached the milk diet needs supplementing with broths which
supply the iron necessary for blood formation. From 6 months of
age, cereals and pureed fruits and vegetables can be introduced into
the diet. These help to introduce new tastes and supply extra energy,
vitamins and minerals. These supplements should contain l i t t l e or
no salt or sugar. An infant's kidneys cannot eliminate salts as an
adult's can, and extra sugar may make babies overweight.
Post – text exercises
I. Say true or false:
1.Babies need large amounts of energy, protein, and calcium.
2.Cow`s milk is the ideal food for babies.
3.Amounts of iron and copper are high in breast milk.
4.When the age of 4 months is reached the milk diet needs
supplementing with broth.
5.From 2 months of the age cereals and pureed fruit and
vegetables can be introduced into the diet.
II. Make 5 questions to the text, compare them with the questions of
your group mates and discuss.
III. Make the plan to the text.
Pre-text exercises
I. Read and remember the following words:
fall off - уменьшать
supply - поставлять
calcium - кальций
phosphorus - фоcфор
approach - подход
oatmeal – злаковая каша
decay – гниение,
ascorbic acid –
аскорбиновая кислота
heal – излечивать,
wound - рана
cauliflower – цветная
sprouts – брюссельская
II. Give the translation of the following worlds, paying attention to the
worlds in brackets:
Requirement (require - требовать), gradually (gradual), healthy
(health - здоровье), childhood (child - ребенок), selection (select –
отбирать), unimportant (important - важный).
III. Read the translate the text, try to understand its content
Young children have a high requirement for energy and
protein, as they are very active and growing rapidly. Up to 5 years of
age the R.D.A. for energy is about 100 kcal for each kilogram of
body weight compared with 40 kcal per kilogram for an adult. This
high need for energy gradually falls off until by
15-18 years of age they need much the same amount of energy
as adults in proportion to their body weights.
At birth a baby needs three times as much protein per kilogram
of body weight as an adult does. This need gradually falls, until at 8
years of age it is only twice the adult ratio.
For strong bones and teeth, and healthy blood, children need
an adequate supply of minerals, particularly calcium, phosphorus
and iron.
Eating habits are established in childhood, so the caterer who
provides varied meals with the correct nutritional value is helping to
establish a healthy approach to food in the future. This applies
particularly to the energy content of the diet. The portions of food in
200 kcal is approximately one-tenth of the R.D.A. for energy for
an 8-year-old. A glance at the figures reveals that the sugar
provides only energy, while the equivalent portions of bread,
oatmeal and cornflakes also contain significant amounts of protein,
calcium, iron and B vitamins. Encouraging children to take more of
their energy needs in the form of cereal foods rather than as
between-meal sugary snacks will improve their nutrition as well as
protecting their teeth against decay. Fresh fruits and vegetables are
important in the diet for both young and old because they supply
vitamin C (ascorbic acid). You will remember that this vitamin
protects against infection, helps heal wounds and assists with the
absorption of iron. But are all fruits and vegetables equally
valuable as sources of vitamin C? Table 1 gives the ascorbic acid
content of a selection of fruits and vegetables.
Table 1. Ascorbic acid content of some fruits and vegetables.
Ascorbic acid
(mg/100g food)
Runner beans
Baked beans
Sprouts, raw
Ascorbic acid
The R.D.A. for ascorbic acid is 20 mg for young children and 30
mg for adolescents and adults. From the table we can see that:
1. Citrus fruits are rich sources of ascorbic acid, while some
native fruits contain little vitamin C;
2. Vegetables such as cauliflower and sprouts are useful sources
of the vitamin in winter, when fruit may be expensive and
3. Potatoes contain only a small amount of ascorbic acid even when
However, we all eat large amounts of potatoes, so the total
amount of the vitamin provided by this staple vegetable is
by no means unimportant.
Post-text exercises
I. Answer the questions to the text:
1. Why do young children have a high requirement for energy and
2. What is R.D.A. for energy up to 5 years of age and for an adult?
3. What do children need for strong bones and teeth?
4. Why are fresh fruits and vegetables important in the diet?
5. What is the R.D.A. for ascorbic acid?
II. Discuss in pairs
1. Importance of vitamins in growing of childhood.
2. Healthy food in our life.
Read the text and give the summary
Elderly people
A good diet can prolong good health into old age. Many
elderly people come into residential homes showing signs of
nutritional deficiencies, and regain an interest in life when given a
good diet.
In general their needs are similar to those of younger adults,
except they need less energy. As with slimmers, it is important that
proteins, minerals and vitamins are not cut down at the same time as
the energy-giving foods. Meals need to be attractively flavoured
because elderly people often have little sense of smell so food can
seem unappetizing if it is not well seasoned.
Bones become fragile in old age; there is a tendency for them
to decalcify (osteomalacia) and in elderly women there can be actual
loss of the bone itself (osteoporosis). Accordingly, it is important that
their diet contains sufficient calcium and vitamin D (which allows the
mineral to be maintained in the bones). The actual amounts of vitamin
D required are very small. They are measured in micrograms (|tg):
1000 us = I mg.
Vitamin D is confined to fatty foods: dairy products, eggs and
oily fish. About 2.5 mg of vitamin D daily would be an adequate
amount for an elderly person.
Pre-text exercises
I. Read and remember the following words:
apron – фартук
neckerchief – шейный
perspiration – испарина,
splash – брызги
bib – нагрудник
trim – состояние порядка,
приводить в порядок.
neat – опрятный
II. Read the international words and translate them:
Ideal, uniform, design, material, comfortable, adequate, traditional,
jacket, style, perfume.
III. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the main rules
personal hygiene
All food must have self-respect and pride in their
personal appearance. Kitchens are warm steamy areas which are the
ideal breeding conditions for germs that can be transferred to
food. Outdoor clothes should not be worn in the kitchen when
handling food-‘ similarly, kitchen clothes should not be worn
outside the kitchen.
The kitchen uniform must be designed and made from suitable
material to withstand hard wear, to absorb perspiration, and to be
protective, comfort able and washable. The food handler must
always be clean in appearance and when the uniform or apron
becomes soiled it must be changed. The head must always be covered
when handling food, and footwear must be comfortable, strong and
give adequate protection to the feet.
Male chefs wear the traditional uniform of double-breasted
jackets to give protection to the chest from heat and splashes. The
long sleeves should not be rolled up, as this leaves the arms
unprotected. Aprons must be worn so that they reach below the knees
to give protection to the legs from spilt liquids. Neckerchiefs are
worn to absorb perspiration; when working over the stove they
should be loosened, and when leaving the stove to go to a cooler part
of the kitchen they should be tightened close to the neck to prevent a
rush of cold air getting to the chest.
Female chefs should wear long white coats or overalls of
suitable design to give the required protection. Hats should cover
the head and contain the hair. The apron should be of a suitable
pattern, preferably with a bib, to give added protection to the
chest. Stout shoes with a comfortable heel and protection to the
feet are required. Today female chefs often wear the male uniform,
as this gives better protection than the traditional female dress.
It is essential that food handlers wash their hands thoroughly
before preparing food, particularly after smoking or using the toilet.
Food service staff must practice a high standard of food and
personal hygiene when handling food at the table. Personal freshness
is essential and hands must be clean with clean well trimmed
fingernails. Uniforms must be clean and well pressed and jewelry
kept to a minimum. Hair must be similarly styled to give a neat
appearance. Perfume and body sprays should not be overpowering.
Post-text exercises
I. Define the meaning of modal verbs
1.All food handlers must have self-respect and pride in their
personal appearance.
2.Outdoor clothes should not be worn in the kitchen when
handling food.
3.The kitchen uniform must be designed from suitable material.
4.The long sleeves should not rolled up.
5.Neckerchiefs need frequent changing because they soon become
wet and grubby.
6.Food service stuff must practice a high standard of food and
personal hygiene.
II .Translate the following expressions:
Personal experience, steamy areas, outdoor clothes, kitchen
uniform, adequate protection, male chef, female chef, double-breasted
III. Make the annotation to the text using following expressions
1.From the text under the title … we can know that …
2.It should be pointed out …
3.The author dwells upon the problem of …
4.In conclusion it should be said …
Pre-text exercises
I. Read the international words and translate them:
Area, sterilize, bacteria, crab, service, synthetic, refrigerator, risk
II .Read and translate the following words:
dispose-здесь готовить
III. Read and translate the text. Try to understand its content
Raw meat and fish must be prepared on very clean tables or
preparation surfaces. Poultry and game must not be cleaned in the
same area as meat is prepared. Meat entering the kitchen must be
checked for cleanliness and must not be contaminated with dirt of
any kind. Fish must be very fresh, with no signs of contamination or
Under no circumstances must cooked meat be prepared on
the same surface as raw meat, nor cooked meat handled unless the
hands have been thoroughly washed. Any knives used for cutting raw
meat must have been sterilized. Bacteria transferred from the raw
meat will multiply rapidly on the cooked meat, and this will be
heavily contaminated by the time it is consumed.
Shellfish such as cooked prawns, crab, lobster and shrimps
must be handled as little as possible and kept refrigerated until
required for service. If there is in any doubt about the freshness of
shellfish, then it is best to dispose of it immediately. Oysters and
mussels must be purchased from reputable suppliers to ensure that
they have been thoroughly cleansed. Oysters must be opened to
order and served immediately. They must not be used if the shells
are open, as this indicates that they arc dead.
Synthetic and fresh cream, milk and frozen eggs must be
handled as little as possible and kept refrigerated until required.
Equipment must be sterilized before whipping cream. Frozen eggs,
once defrosted, must be kept in a cold room or refrigerator and used
within 24 hours. The eggs of ducks, geese and gulls must always be
well-cooked and never eaten as soft-boiled, poached, fried or
scrambled, because of the great risk of Salmonella poisoning.
Eggshells are porous and these birds lay their eggs in the most
unhygienic places.
Post-text exercises
I. Expand the sentences.
1. Raw meat and fish must be prepared …
2. … must not be cleaned …
3. Any knives used for cutting raw meat …
4. … will multiply rapidly on the cooked meat.
5. Shellfish such as … must be handled as little as possible.
6. Frozen meat, poultry, game, fish and shellfish must …
7. … must be sterilized before whipping cream.
II. Give a heading for each paragraph of the text.
III. Retell the text.
I. Read and translate the text C.
Food being kept for service using the hotplate servery, hot
trolleys or carving trolleys, must be held at a temperature of not less
than 63°C, as required by the Food Hygiene Regulations.
The hotplate servery counters may have infra-red heat lamps
under which hot food can be placed to keep hot prior to service,
Green vegetables will deteriorate rapidly if kept in a hotplate
for any length of time. It is better to cook them, refresh and reheat in
small quantities as required. In this way it is possible to retain the
colour, texture and some of the nutrients and vitamins. Other
vegetables benefit from being cooked and served in this way.
Care must be taken when serving meat, fish and poultry dishes
from the servery, so as not to break them up and spoil the
presentation or dry them out.
The hotplate must always be kept spotlessly clean and the hot
cupboards and bain-maries must be checked at regular intervals to
ensure that the thermostats are maintaining the correct temperature
of 63°C. Any spillage must be wiped up immediately with dish
cloths of the disposable type, or cotton cloths kept in a sterilizing
agent. Small particles of food must not be allowed to collect on the
counter. All service and portion control equipment, ladles, spoons,
scoops and fish slices must be kept clean at all times and food must
not be allowed to congeal on them.
Any food dropped on the floor by the restaurant or kitchen
staff must be cleared up immediately to prevent accidents.
Post-text exercises
I. Say true or false:
1.Food being kept foe service must be held at the temperature of
not less than 900 C.
2.Green vegetables will deteriorate rapidly if kept in a hotplate for
any length of time.
3.Care must not be taken when serving meat, fish and poultry
4.Small particles of food must not be allowed to collect on the
5.Only equipment must be kept clean at all times
II .Answer the questions.
1.What temperature is required by the Food Hygiene Regulations?
2.What kind of lamps may the hotplate counters have?
3.How can it be possible to retain the colour and texture of
4.Must the hotplate always be kept spotlessly clean? Why?
5.Why must any food dropped on the floor be cleared up
Read and translate the text
Equipment and premises
Vehicles used for carrying unprotected foods such as meat,
poultry, fish, bakery goods, cooked meats and dairy products must be
kept clean and hygienic at all times. Frozen foods must be delivered in
vehicles which have deep-freezes to maintain the necessary
temperature of -20°C. All unprotected foods must be placed on clean
trolleys and taken to the correct storage area immediately on delivery.
They should not remain at the delivery point, where they can be
contaminated by dirt, dust, flies or animals. If the trolleys have been
used for raw meat and fish they must be thoroughly cleaned
Foods must always be prepared on very clean surfaces. No food
scraps must be allowed to accumulate between the joins of tables or
corners where the tables are close to walls.
Table tops must be thoroughly scrubbed with hot water and a
detergent, rinsed and dried. The chopping surface of butchers' blocks
must not be washed, but scraped with a metal scraper to remove all
particles of meat, sprinkled with salt and scrubbed with a wire brush.
The block becomes impregnated with salt, which prevents growth of
bacteria. Chopping boards must be thoroughly washed after use, rinsed
and dried. If wooden boards are used they must be checked regularly,
and any boards which have splits or cracks must not be used, neither
must those which have rough surfaces and tiny splinters.
Food mincing machines are mainly used for mincing raw meat
and fat, therefore they must be sterilized after use. The mincer
components must be dismantled and all scraps of food removed and the
attachments sterilized using a sterilizing agent or boiling water with
detergent. There are certain areas on the attachments where food
becomes trapped, and particular attention must be paid to ensure that all
traces of food have been removed from them. These areas are the holes
in the mincer plates, the crevice between the mincer plate and the main
shaft and the right angle of the food hole, as indicated in the figure.
Internal right angles of
Holes in the cutting
Fig. 1
Between locking nut and shaft
Food trap areas on a minong machine
Pre-text exercises
I. Remember the following words:
Braising – тушеный
Pot-roasting – тушеное мясо
Absorb – впитывать,
Similar – похожий
Poaching – варить
Spit-roasting – жаркой на
Joint – часть разрубленной
туши (лопатка, нога и т.д.)
Carry out – проводить
II. Translate, paying attention to the words in brackets:
combination (combine –соединять, смешивать), slowly (slow
–медленный), Roasting (roast – тушить), transference (transfer –
передавать), equipment (equip – оборудовать), pressure (press –
давить,жать), quickly (quick – быстрый), higher (high – высокий).
III. Read and translates the text pay attention to the difference of
The main methods of cooking food are roasting, shallow
frying, baking, grilling, deep frying, braising, boiling, steaming,
poaching, pot-roasting and spit-roasting.
Roasting. Heat transfer is by a combination of convection and
conduction. Heat is carried around the oven by convection currents.
The surface of the food absorbs heat from the air and the hot fat. The
heat is then transferred slowly to the centre of the joint by
Baking. Convection and conduction are employed as in
roasting, but no liquids are employed.
Grilling. Foods cooked by grilling are placed over or under the
direct heat source, and are cooked by radiation. If the food is fairly
thick, then only the surface is cooked by radiation, and further
cooking takes place by conduction.
Deep frying. The oil or fat is heated by convection, and when
the required temperature is reached the food is placed in the oil and
cooked by conduction.
Pot-roasting. This method is similar to braising, but the heat is
transferred by convection of air rather than liquid.
Spit-roasting. Spit-roasted foods are exposed to radiant
heat which cooks the surface. Further cooking takes place as a
result of convection.
Braising. The oven is heated by convection, the braising pan
by conduction and the liquid by convection. The food is cooked by
Boiling. In boiling in water or stock, the heat transference is
similar to deep frying.
Steaming. Cooking by steam can be carried out using
equipment which steams at atmospheric pressure or when steam is
under pressure (5-15 psi). Cooking by steam at atmospheric
pressure is done by placing the food in live steam circulated by
convection. The steam surrounding the food condenses, releasing
latent heat. This is transferred to the food, which is then cooked
by conduction.
In cooking by steam under pressure, the same methods of heat
transfer are involved, but the steam reaches a much higher
temperature, resulting in the food being cooked much more quickly.
Poaching. Poaching is similar to boiling, but the temperature
is kept below 100°C.
Post-text exercises
I. Choose the correct variant:
1.In a process of roasting the surface of the food absorbs heat
from a) the air; b) liquid; c) the air and the fat.
2.Foods cooked by grilling are placed a) over the direct heat
source; b) over and under the direct heat source; c) under the direct
heat source.
3.During deep frying the food is placed in the oil a) it is heated by
convection; b) it is heated by conduction; c) it is heated by radiation.
4.In the process of boiling the heat transference is similar to a)
grilling; b) roasting; c) deep frying.
5.The temperature in the process of poaching is kept a) below 100;
b) below 90; c) below 80.
6.During pot-roasting the heat is transferred by a) convection of
liquid rather than gas; b) convection of air rather than gas; c)
convection of air rather than liquid.
II. Translate the subject of the sentences.
Heat is carried around the oven by convection current.
Convection and conduction are employed as in roasting.
The heat transference is similar to deep frying.
Cooking by steam can be carried out using equipment which
steams at atmospheric pressure.
III. Find in the text sentences with Participle I and sentences with
Participle II.
IV. Make 5 questions to the text.
Pre-text exercises
I. Remember the following words:
Palatable – вкусный,
Source – источник
Solid – твердое вещество
Roast – жаркое, жареный
Vessel – сосуд
Digestible – легко усваиваемый
Involve – вовлекать, включать
Dense – густой, плотный
Liquid – жидкость
Shallow frying – полу жареный
II. Give the translation of international words.
Electricity, radiation, convection, conduction, non-metal, temperature.
Food is cooked to make it more palatable and more digestible,
and to prevent the growth of food-spoilage and food-poisoning
bacteria. During cooking the appearance of the food is altered
according to the method used. To cook food, heat is transferred
from its source — which may be gas, electricity or steam — to the
food by radiation, convection or conduction.
Conduction involves the direct transfer of heat energy from
one particle of matter to another. Conduction takes place more
readily in solids than in liquids, and is very ineffective in gases.
Metals are good conductors, while non-metals are poor in
transferring heat in this way.
When food is heated or cooked by conduction, the heat is
transferred from the energy source to the cooking vessel and thence
to the food, which is in direct contact with the surface. Shallow
frying is the only common method of cooking where heat is
transferred by conduction alone.
Convection takes place in liquids and gases. These media
expand when heated, and so become less dense. A heated gas or
liquid rises and is replaced at the bottom of the container by the
heavier cooler liquid or gas. In this way a convection current is set
up which transfers the heat rapidly until the whole has reached the
desired temperature. This will be 100°C for bailing water, or the
required temperature for baking or roasting in the oven.
Radiant heat is given off from the source, and is in direct
contact with the surface of the food, which heats up very quickly.
Post- text exercises
I. Give a heading for each paragraph of the text.
II. Answer the questions:
Where do the conduction take place ?
What happened to food when it is heated ?
When do convection become less dense ?
When is convection current set up ?
What way of cooking is given off from the source ?
III. Give the annotation of the text using following expressions:
The title of the text is …
The main idea of the text is …
It can be divided into … parts
It is noted that …
It is mentioned that …
We come to conclusion that …
Pre- text exercises
I. Read and remember.
Burner stove – плита с
Plate – комфорка
Simmer – кипеть, закипать
Retain – сохранять
Seal – гермитически закрывать
Enable – приспосабливать,
делать годным
Saucepan – кастрюля
II. Give English equivalents to the words.
Питание, нагреваться, передавать, сосуд, неэкономичный,
пламя газа, уменьшать, приготавливать, циркулировать.
III. Read and translate the text for 10 minutes.
The two main types of cooking stoves used in catering
establishments are the solid top stove and the open or single burner
stove, both of these are fired by gas. Electric stoves have sealed
heated plates.
Solid top stoves transfer heat from the hot top to the cooking
vessel by conduction. These stoves take some time to heat up
sufficiently to transfer the heat, but once heated the gas can be
reduced as the heat will be retained by the top. Because the burner is
in the centre, this is the hot test part of the stove, the outside will be
cooler. This enables food to be cooked quickly in the centre of the
stove and simmered in the outer area. These stoves can be used to
cook a number of dishes at different temperatures using just one
burner. They are uneconomical if only one or two saucepans are to
be used at one time.
Single burner or open stoves heat up and cook more quickly
because the gas flame is in direct contact with the saucepan. Open
gas stoves give instant heat or reduced heat when required, but only
one saucepan can be used on each burner.
Electric stove plates are heated by elements by conduction,
as with solid top stoves. They take time to heat up before heat is
transferred to the cooking vessel, but if the heat is reduced towards
the end of cooking there should be enough heat retained in the plate
to finish the process.
Ovens are heated by convection, and the air circulates until
the required temperature is reached. This is controlled by a
thermostat or regulator. Ovens take 15-20 minutes to reach the
required temperature.
Forced air convection ovens are fan-assisted to circulate the
heated air throughout the oven to ensure an even temperature.
Post-text exercises
I. Continue the sentences.
Electric stoves have scaled …
Once heated the gas can be reduced …
Solid top stoves can be used to cook a number of dishes …
Single burner heat up and …
Electric stove plates are heated by elements …
The air in ovens circulates until …
Ovens take 15-20 minutes …
II. Make the plan of the text and retell it according to it.
Foods which have been cooked and are surplus to requirements
can be used to produce various hot dishes. These dishes are known as
reshuffle dishes. The best known of these dishes is shepherd's pie. When
making reshuffle dishes there are certain rules which must be observed
at all times.
1 The foods must be kept refrigerated and used as soon as
2 Food should be handled as little as possible.
3 The meats must either be minced or finely chopped to allow
reheating to take place quickly.
4 The cooked meats must not be prepared on the same
surface as raw meat or mixed with raw meat.
5 Soups and sauces must be brought to boiling point.
6 The meat must be boiled in the binding sauce for cottage pie,
shepherd's pie or ham cutlets.
7 Fish cakes and meat cutlets must not be too thick when
moulded, other wise the food will not heat through thoroughly.
8 The ingredients for made-up dishes must all be of the same
temperature, unless the mixture is going to be boiled.
Any surplus food which has been used for reshuffle dishes
should be disposed of. Foods must not be reheated more than once,
since continued heating and cooling will spoil the dish and may be a
cause of food poisoning.
I. Remember the following words:
in bulk-оптом; навалом
vermin-паразиты; вредители
stack-складывать в штабель
goods-товар; товары
II. Pronounce the international words:
factor, product, standard, method, ideally, area, ventilate, metal,
container, operation, material, system, credit, catalogue.
III. Jive the verbs, from which the following nouns are formed:
establishment, suitable, storage, preparation, presentation,
building, requirement, fixtures, fittings, movement, operation,
adjustable, container.
IV. Read and translate the text and say what is needed for a
good storeroom.
Most catering establishments buy food in bulk from
wholesalers because it is cheaper and more convenient. Large
quantities can be purchased and are readily available if supplies fail
to be delivered or estimated demand is greater than anticipated. The
most important factor which governs the quantity of food
purchased is the amount of suitable storage space available and the
turn-over of certain items of stock. The stock purchased may
represent thousands of pounds in cash, and if this stock were to
deteriorate during storage it would mean a great loss of food and
money. High quality food products are required if high standards of
food preparation and presentation are to be achieved and
maintained; therefore the correct methods of food storage must be
kept to at all times.
Ideally, food stores should be situated on the north side of the
building, since this ensures they will be as cool as possible. The
general requirements for food storage areas are that they should be
cool, dry, well-ventilated and, above all, vermin-proof.
The main fixtures and fittings required are ample shelves
for stacking packed goods, and metal storage containers. Large
bins mounted on castors are used for bulk cereals and flour. The
castors allow for ease of movement during cleaning operations.
Cupboards with adjustable shelves are needed for the smaller
items; also various airtight containers of a suitable material. A filling
system is essential for the storekeeper to keep all records of
invoices, credit notes, catalogues, price lists and books for
recording goods received and goods returned and goods issued.
Post-text exercises.
I. Find in the text sentences with predicates in Passive Voice
and explain their meaning.
II. Translate into Russian.
1. The most important factor which governs the quantity of
food purchased is the amount of suitable storage space
available and the turn-over of certain items of stock.
2. High quality food products are required if high standards of
food preparation and presentation are to be achieved and
3. Food stores should be situated on the north side of the
4. Large bins mounted on castors are used for bulk cereals and
5. Most catering establishments buy food in bulk from
wholesalers because it is cheaper and more convenient..
III. Tell the main idea of the text.
Text B
Pre-text exercise.
I. Remember the following words:
tidy-чистый; опрятно
stout-крепкий, чистый
first-aid-первая помощь
secure-надежно защищать
II. Pronounce the international words. Try to guess their
efficient, organize, correctly, specific, date, hygiene, pack, staff,
practice, personal, area.
Read and translate the text. Pay attention to measures
of efficient management.
To be efficient the stores must be well organized, tidy and have
all stock stacked conveniently and correctly, so as not to cause
accidents or damage to other stock by falling off shelves. When
replenishing with new stock, tell stock should always be brought
forward to use first as this ensures that most of the stock will be used
by any sell-by date, best-by date or any other specific date by which
the food should be consumed to maintain its quality. Stock should be
ordered in good time, so that it is received before the last items are
A high standard of hygiene is essential where foods are stored. A
cleaning rote should be devised showing clearly how frequently each
area of the store should be cleaned.
Many foods are packed and delivered in stout packing cases
secured with metal or strong plastic bands, or in wooden packing
cases secured with nails. All empty boxes and wrappings must be
cleared away as soon as possible, and boxes should be broken down
if possible and stacked in the refuse area.
It is essential that a wash hand basin, soap and nail brush and
towel are available for the stores staff, also a well-stocked first-aid
box. Staff must get help when lifting packs which are too heavy to
lift with comfort, and any injury sustained should be correctly
The store man and his staff must practice a high standard of
personal hygiene, keep their overalls or white coats clean and in good
repair, and wear suitable shoes, preferably with strengthened toe-caps
to prevent any injury to toes if heavy items are dropped or knocked
over. A good standard of safety must always be practiced to prevent
any unnecessary accidents or injury.
All cleaning equipment and materials must be stored in a separate
area, well away from the food storeroom so that there is no
possibility of the food becoming tainted with soaps, detergents or
any other cleaning materials.
Post-text exercises.
I. Continue the sentences.
1. To be efficient the stores must be … .
2. A high standard of hygiene is essential … .
3. Many foods are packed and delivered … .
4. It is essential that a wash hand basin … .
5. All cleaning equipment and materials must be stored … .
6. Stock should be ordered in good time, so that it is … .
II. Divide text into parts and give the title to each one.
Pre-text exercises.
I. Remember the following words:
dairy products-молочные
commodities-товар, предмет
tapioca-тапиока, крупа из
semolina-манная крупа
keeping quality-сохранное
Read and translate the text.
Food storage. Dry goods
Foods may be divided in to various groups according to the
methods of storage and preservation. These groups are:
Dry goods
Frozen foods
Chilled foods
canned goods, dried fruit, cereals, nuts, sugar,
herbs, beverages, pre-packed cake and soup
meats, fish, vegetables, complete meals and
ice-cream and confectionery items.
meat, fish, made-up dishes, complete meals.
meat, fish, dairy products, fresh fruit and
vegetables, fats and oils.
Canned food is easy to store but the condition of the stock
should be checked at the time of purchase. Any cans with leaking
seams, bulging ends or serious rusting should be returned to the
supplier who will replace the items or give credit. Cans may
deteriorate during storage, so regular inspect ion is essential. Any
blown or rusted cans should be discarded unopened.
The storage limit for most canned foods is about one year in a
dry cool store, while large cans of meat such as cooked shoulder
of ham should be stored in a refrigerator because the temperatures
used in canning are not sufficient to kill the spoiling bacteria.
Dried fruits must be kept in airtight containers in a cool part of
the store. If they are allowed to become moist and warm they will
go moldy and be unusable.
Cereals must be stored in a cool dry atmosphere in airtight
containers. Brown varieties of flour, which contain the crushed
germ, must be used within 12 weeks because the oil contained in
the crushed germ will turn rancid. The varieties and grades of flour
are purchased wholesale in 35 kg bags, and are best stored in
wheeled metal bins. If they are stored in the sacks, then they must
beat least 18 inches (approx. 46 cm) of ft he ground to comply with
food storage regulations. Tapioca and rice, if stored for too long,
will lose brightness, while semolina will become webby with age.
White varieties of flour have a longer storage life than the brown
varieties because they do not contain the germ.
Tea, being a dry product, must be kept in airtight containers
because any moisture will cause deterioration in flavour and
keeping quality, it must be kept well away from foods which
have strong flavours, as these may be readily absorbed by the tea.
Tea may be purchased in bulk in chests, and these must be kept
properly sealed when not in use to prevent the tea from absorbing
odours and moisture.
Coffee beans, if roasted, must be kept in sealed dark
containers to retain the flavour and freshness. Ground coffee, if
not vacuum-packed, must be transferred to suitable containers
with tightly-fitting lids, unless delivered in suitable packaging.
Cocoa must be kept in containers with tightly fitting lids.
Read and translate the text
Foods purchased from the manufacturers in the frozen state
must be placed immediately on delivery into a deep-freeze at
the correct temperature of - 20°C. The food must not be allowed
to defrost or start to defrost, and then be placed in the freezer as
any bacteria would have the chance to develop during this period.
Frozen goods, if accidentally thawed, should be cooked and used
within a short period. However, great care must be taken with icecream because this once thawed has to be thrown away.
When freezing your own foods, whether fish, meat, fruit or
vegetables, remember that only top quality foods should be used,
and these should be properly packed in moisture-proof freezer
bags from which all the air has been excluded, and then be blastfrozen. The foods must be date-stamped because frozen foods do
not keep their quality indefinitely. Foods become freezer- burnt if
stored for long periods at too low a temperature.
Fish and meat are the main foods stored by chilling, and these are
held at a temperature of I-2°C. Carcass meat and joints should be
hung in a cold room to allow cold air to circulate around the meat.
Fish should be placed in single layers with ice to keep them moist in a
fish cabinet at a temperature of 1°C.
Any cook-chill dishes must be stored at the recommended
temperature (between 0°C and 4°C).
The best temperature for storing fresh meat is between 4°C and
6°C, as this will prevent the formation of surface slime (bacterial
growth). This temperature is only suitable for short-term storage. The
humidity of the cold room should be controlled, as this will prevent
the surface from browning and becoming dry.
To prevent fish from deteriorating too quickly, it must be
purchased as fresh as possible (ideally 'stiff alive', when the fish is
still stiff from rigor mortis and kept as cold as possible until
Smoked fish must be stored in a refrigerator kept for this type of
fish only at a temperature of 10°C. The flavour of smoked fish is
strong, and is liable to affect other foods stored with or near them.
When storing smoked fish, it should be turned regularly to allow the
oil to permeate through the flesh to keep it moist.
Give the summary of the text using the following expressions:
The text under the title …….can be divided into ….parts.
The first (second,third,forth) part is about (is devoted to)…. .
We come to know that…. .
The author points out that….
It should be mentioned that…..
In conclusion I´ d like to say… .
Post-text exercises
I. Say true or false
1.Canned food is difficult to store.
2.Cereals must be stored in a cool dry atmosphere in airtight
3.Foods may be divided into various groups according to the
methods of storage.
4.Tea must not be kept in airtight container.
5.The frozen food must be allowed to defrost.
II. Make 5 questions to the text.
III. Give the summary of the text, using the expressions:
1.From the text under the title … we can know that …
2.It should be pointed out …
3.The author dwells upon the problem of …
4.In conclusion it should be said …
Pre - text exercises
I. Remember the following words.
Subtle – тонкий,
Savoury – вкусный,
Essential oil – эфирное
To contain – содержать
A component – компонент,
составляющая часть
Complex – сложный,
Mixture – смесь
To ban smth – запрещать чл
Read and translate paying attention to the words in brackets:
Flavouring ( to flavour – придавать запах или вкус ч-л ),
combination ( to combine – соединять, смешивать), traditionally (
traditional – традиционный), majority (major – большой), roasting
( to roast – жарить, поджаривать), essentially ( essential –
существенный), fried ( to fry – жарить, обжарить), browning ( to
brown – побуреть, покoричневеть)
III. Read and translate the international words given below:
salt, combination, odour, essence, chemistry, to surprise,
traditionally, natural, equivalent, product, aroma, coffee, vanilla,
ingredient, active, fermentation.
IV. Read the text carefully and tell how many flavours really exist.
In truth there are only really five flavours: sweet, sour, bitter,
salt and savoury. What we call flavour is a subtle combination of
these five blended with the odours that foods give off Flavour is the
essence of food, and flavour chemistry one of the most fascinating
studies. Some may be surprised to hear that there are five flavours;
traditionally there were four. In recent years it has come to be
realised that the flavour given to food by the natural amino acid
glutamic acid and certain nucleotides constitutes a new taste. This
flavour is best known in the form of monosodium glutamate. The
Japanese gave the name umami to the new taste; 'savoury' is the
nearest equivalent in English. Monosodium glutamate was once
suspected as the cause of so-called 'Chinese Restaurant Syndrome'.
This is no longer accepted.
Essentially when we talk about taste we are talking about
smell. Natural products contain many aroma chemicals.
Tarragon essential oil, for example, contains up to 77
components and coffee over 800. Some, on the other hand,
contain fewer major components. For example, vanilla contains
the major ingredient vanillin, which was synthesized in 1874.
Whilst some synthetic flavorings are prepared by using such
major components as the key ingredient, the majority are
complex mixtures of the many important aroma chemicals
found in nature.
Flavours can be powerful chemicals; e.g. capsaicin, the
active ingredient of chili peppers; and some should be treated
with care: saprobe, the aromatic oil of sassafras, a natural
product, was found to be carcinogenic and was banned in the
USA in 1958 and the UK in 1965.
Many of our favourite flavours are the result of specific
chemical processes: fermentation (cheese, yogurt, alcoholic
drinks) or roasting and frying (meat, chocolate, toast, deep-fatfried food). Fermentation, roasting and toasting create specific
chemical reactions in the foodstuffs, and the chemicals
concerned have been identified. The sweet caramel taste of
fried onions for example, or gravy, or the crackling on pork can
be traced to a single process; the browning reaction; discovered
by a French chemist, L. C. Maillard, in 1912. This process
involves a chemical reaction between proteins and
Post – text exercises
I. Choose the correct statement:
1. There are four flavours that you know.
2. The natural amino acid glutamic acid and certain nucleotides
constitutes a new taste.
3. The new taste is called "savory".
4. When we talk about colour of the food.
5. Natural products contain few aroma chemicals.
6. Vanillin was synthesized in 1874.
Divide the text into parts and give the tit le to
III. Write the summary of the text using the
following expressions:
From the text we come about… .
It should be pointed out that… .The author
dwells upon… In conclusion I want to say
that…. .
Вставить красители
Unit VI
Pre - text exercises
I. Pronounce the following international words:
method, process, complex, personnel, irradiation, fermentation, climate,
role, microbe, container, industry, stimulate, result, traditional, chemical.
II. Read and translate the words paying attention to the words in brackets:
preserving ( to preserve - консервировать), comparatively (
comparative - сравнительный), equipment ( to equip - оборудовать),
different ( to differ - различаться), smoking ( to smoke - коптить), scientific (
science - наука), dehydration ( to dehydrate - обезвоживать), storage ( to store
- хранить), traditional ( tradition - традиция).
III. Name the verbs from which the following words are formed:
equipment, production, discovery, preservation, fermentation, smoking,
spoilage, dehydration, storage, requirement, exploration, treatment.
IV. Read the text. Say, about which methods of preservation is said in the text.
The techniques used for preserving food vary from
comparatively simple methods, such as sun-drying, to highly
sophisticated processes requiring complex equipment and specially
trained personnel.
The use of fire for food preservation can be traced to the preNeolithic period. Other methods — salting, smoking, drying,
fermentation, and freezing — are known to have been used by
Neolithic people 10 000 or more years ago. Sun-dried fruits were
highly prized in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea in
ancient times, and potato-drying was practiced in South America
many centuries before the rise of the Inca empire. The Indians of preColombian North America used air-drying, with or without smoking,
to preserve deer and buffalo meat. Fish were dried, salted, and
smoked on the shores of the North Atlantic, and both meat and fish
were preserved by freezing in cold climates.
These early peoples did not understand, however, why drying,
smoking, freezing, and other methods prevented food from going
bad. The role of microbes in food spoilage was not discovered until
the time of Pasteur. But even without a scientific basis, human ingenuity produced sophisticated food-processing techniques. The first
successful process for preserving food by heating it in a suitable
container that was then tightly sealed was discovered at the time of
the Napoleonic Wars in the early 19th century. Indeed, war has
played a significant role in the evolution of food processing. The
American Civil War prompted a major expansion of that country's
canning industry, and the Second World War stimulated progress in
the dehydration of food. In our own times, the special food storage
and handling requirements of manned space exploration have resulted
in important developments in the freeze-drying and packaging of food.
The traditional methods of preserving food can be divided into
five major groups: fermentation, chemical treatment, drying, heat
treatment, and freezing.
Post - text exercises
I. Translate the following sentences with the attribute in postposition
1. The use of fire for food preservation can be traced to the pre
- Neolithic period.
2. The methods used for preserving food vary from
comparatively simple to highly sophisticated processes.
3. The role of microbes in food spoilage was not discovered
until the time of Pasteur.
4. The first successful process for preserving food by heating it
in suitable container that was discovered in the early 19 - th centary.
5. Acid in foods hastens the destruction of microorganisms.
II. .Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the ways of expression
of the subject
1. To preserve food means to destroy microorganisms, moulds
and enzymes present in food and on its surface.
2. When you want to preserve meat to smoke it would be one
of the best methods.
3. To protect sterilized product from fresh bacteria
contamination is the main task in canning.
4. Whether refrigeration of freezing should be used depends
on the period of storage.
5.Whether any chemical preservatives were added to the
sausage should be seen from the label.
6. Why this batch of frankfurters did not keep long will be
Pre-text exercises
I. Read the text for 10 minutes. Try to guess its meaning.
Fermentation preserves foods by the selective removal of the
fermentable substrate and the consequent development of an
unfavorable environment for spoilage organisms. Microorganisms are
used to ferment sugars to alcohol or acids. A number of factors
determine what kind of product is obtained by fermentation: the kind
of organism used, the material being processed, the temperature, and
the amount of available oxygen determine whether the end-product of
fermentation will be beer, wine, leavened bread, or cheese.
Yeasts are the most efficient microbial converters of sugar to
alcohol and are essential for the making of beer and wine.
Fermentation that leads to the formation of lactic acid is important in
the pickling of vegetables and in the processing of a wide variety of
dairy products. Pickling of meat in the presence of salt, nitrates, and
smoke is an ancient process that is still being refined and widely used.
Modern industrial applications of fermentation demand careful control
of the process to ensure high yields, and to maintain a uniform high
product quality.
Post – text exercises
I. Choose the correct variant:
1.Fermentation preserves foods а) by the definite removal of the
fermentable substrate; b) by the selective addition of the fermentable substrate;
c) by the selective removal of the fermentable substrate.
2. Pickling of meat in the presence of salt, nitrates and smoke is а) an
ancient process; b) a modern process; c) a recent process.
3. Modern industrial applications by fermentation demand а) close
control of the process; b) care control of the process; c) quick control of the
Read and translate the text. Express the content of each passage in one
Preservation of food by the addition of chemicals is a relatively
simple and inexpensive technique. It is especially useful in areas where
refrigeration is not readily available. On the other hand, concern about
the health risks associated with some of the chemicals traditionally
used to preserve food has led some countries to curtail their use or to
ban some of them from use in foods. The substances employed in
food preservation are of two general kinds: common food ingredients,
such as sugar and salt, and specific substances that prevent or retard
food deterioration. In the latter category are the so-called food
additives and certain other chemicals of value in lengthening the
shelf-life of fresh foods or preventing infestation of foods during bulk
The use of salt to cure meat, fish, and vegetables is an ancient
practice that is widely, if somewhat differently, applied today. Salt
keeps spoilage organisms under control and acts as a drying agent,
again by reducing the water activity. It is often combined with use of
nitrites and external drying, especially in the preservation of meat and
fish. In those products, the destructive action of bacteria and enzymes
is retarded. In recent years, changes in taste, combined with growing
concern about health hazards associated with a high intake of salt,
have led to a significant lessening in the use of salt as a food
preservative. Improved sanitation combined with refrigeration can make
it less necessary to employ high concentrations of salt to preserve
meats, fish, and vegetables. The preservative action of the smoking of
meat can be attributed to the combined effect of smoke and heat, or
to smoke alone. In any case, while this method of food preservation
has been known for centuries, it is used much less today because some
of the constituents of smoke are now known to be carcinogenic.
Liquid substitutes are increasingly being employed to impart a smoked
flavour to foods. Among the food additives approved for use as
chemical preservatives in many countries are propionic acid, benzoic
acid, sorbic acid, and their salts and derivatives. Sulfur dioxide and
sulfites have a long history as important preservative agents, but
recently their use has been severely limited in several countries
because of health concerns.
Answer the questions to the text:
1. How does fermentation preserve foods?
2. Are microorganisms used to ferment sugars to alcohol or acids?
3. What do a number of factors determine?
4. What are the most efficient microbial converters of sugar to alcohol?
5. Is pickling of meat in the presence of salt, nitrates an ancient process
or not?
6. What do modern industrial applications of fermentation demand?
Read and translate the text
In addition to protecting perishable foods against deterioration,
drying offers other important advantages. The removal of water
reduces both the weight and the bulk of food products and thus
lowers transportation and storage costs. Dehydration can also make
foods suitable for subsequent processing that may, in turn, facilitate
handling, packaging, shipping, and consumption. Both physical and
chemical changes take place during food drying, but not all of them
are desirable. In addition to changes in bulk density, foods may
undergo unwelcome colour changes, such as browning; they may also
lose nutritional value, flavour, and even the capacity to reabsorb water.
Successful food dehydration depends on the correct selection of the
method and equipment to be used. That depends on the type of food
to be dried, what properties the final product must have, and the size
and capacity of the processing unit.
The most widely used drying methods involve exposing food
to heated air. Forced-air drying is used largely with grains, fruits, and
vegetables. The so-called atmospheric batch-driers, such as kilns, are
generally used when the drying operation is small or seasonal.
Atmospheric-drying, in which the food moves through tunnels on a
conveyer belt while the air flow is carefully controlled, is a technique
commonly employed when the drying operation is more or less
Other methods of drying foods expose the product to a heated
surface in a revolving drum. In this conductive drying method, the
equipment may operate at atmospheric pressure or in a vacuum,
which accelerates drying. Certain liquids (e.g., milk) can be spray-dried
to produce powders suitable for later dissolution. Spray-drying can
be effective for liquid foods that are especially vulnerable to heat and
oxidation. In the method known as freeze-drying, water is removed
from foods by changing it from a solid (ice) to a gaseous state (water
vapour), without permitting it to pass through the intermediate liquid
phase, a transformation known as sublimation.
Freeze-drying is carried out in a vacuum and at very low
temperatures. It produces the best results of any drying method,
principally because the food does not suffer significant loss of
flavour or nutritional value. The process is expensive, however,
because it requires both low and high temperatures and vacuum
conditions. Its use seems justified only when the food being
processed is very heat-sensitive and the resulting product must meet
the highest possible standards of quality. Suitable packaging is
required for a great number of dehydrated foods to ensure
satisfactory shelf life and to minimize losses due to water absorption
and oxidation, as well as insect infestation.
I. Read and translate the international words:
epidemiologic, cholesterol. diabetes, antioxidant, physiochemical.
protection, specific, association, analysis, stimulate, estrogen,
symptom, absorption theory, publish, effect, theories
II. Read and remember the following words:
fiber - волокно
Equivocal - неясный
Digestive - пищеварительный
Tumor- опухоль
Intake -потребление
Hamper -препятствовать
Incidence–сфера распространения Excess - избыток
Intestine- кишечник
continence – запор
Flatulence - возбудитель
III. Give the verbs, from which these words are formed:
Digestive, protection, researcher, association, circulating, insoluble,
absorption, additionally, comparison.
IV. Read and translate the text, say what you came to know about
the importance of a fiber
Text A
What can fiber do for you? Numerous epidemiologic
(population-based) studies have found that diets low in saturated fat
and cholesterol and high in fiber are associated with a reduced risk of
certain cancers, diabetes, digestive disorders, and heart disease.
However, since high-fiber foods may also contain antioxidant
vitamins, physiochemical, and other substances that may offer
protection against these diseases, researchers can't say for certain that
fiber alone is responsible for the reduced health risks they observe,
notes Joyce Saltsman, a nutritionist with FDA's Office of Food
Labeling. "Moreover, no one knows whether one specific type of
fiber is more beneficial than another since fiber-rich foods tend to
contain various types," she adds.
Epidemiologic studies have consistently noted an association
between low total fat and high fiber intakes and reduced incidence of
colon cancer. A 1992 study by researchers at Harvard Medical
School found that men who consumed 12 grams of fiber a day were
twice as likely to develop precancerous colon changes as men whose
daily fiber intake was about 30 grams. The exact mechanism for
reducing the risk is not known, but scientists theorize that insoluble
fiber adds bulk to stool, which in turn dilutes carcinogens and speeds
their transit through the lower intestines and out of the body.
The evidence that a high-fiber diet can protect against breast
cancer is equivocal. Researchers analyzing data from the Nurses'
Health Study, which tracked 89,494 women for eight years,
concluded in 1992 that fiber intake has no influence on breast cancer
risk in middle-aged women. Previously, a review and analysis of 12
studies found a link between high fiber intake and reduced risk.
In the early stages, some breast tumors are stimulated by
excess amounts of estrogen circulating in the bloodstream. Some
scientists believe that fiber may hamper the growth of such tumors
by binding with estrogen in the intestine. This prevents the excess
estrogen from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
Because insoluble fiber aids digestion and adds bulk to stool,
it hastens passage of fecal material through the gut, thus helping to
prevent or alleviate constipation. Fiber also may help reduce the risk
of diverticulosis, a condition in which small pouches form in the
colon wall (usually from the pressure of straining during bowel
movements). People who already have diverticulosis often find that
increased fiber consumption can alleviate symptoms, which include
constipation and/or diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and mucus
or blood in the stool.
As with cholesterol, soluble fiber traps carbohydrates to slow
their digestion and absorption. In theory, this may help prevent wide
swings in blood sugar level throughout the day. Additionally, a new
study from the Harvard School of Public Health, published in the
Feb. 12 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association,
suggests that a high-sugar, low-fiber diet more than doubles women's
risk of Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. In the study, cereal
fiber was associated with a 28 percent decreased risk, with fiber from
fruits and vegetables having no effect. In comparison, cola
beverages, white bread, white rice, and French fries increased the
Post-text exercises
I. Say true or false:
1. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber are
not associated with a reduced risk with certain diseases.
2. The exact mechanism for reducing the risk is known.
3. Previously, a review and research of 12 studies found a link
between high fiber intake and reduced risk.
4. Practically this may help to prevent wide swing in blood sugar
II. Make 10 questions to the text.
III. Retell the text.
Pre-text exercises
I. Read and remember the following words:
устранить отложения
желудочно-кишечный тракт
insoluble – нерастворимый
bind – связывать
smart – умный
deposit – отложение
stomach – желудок
choke off – освободить,
leery – подозрительный/
II. Read and translate the text. What is the main idea of the text
Clinical studies show that a heart-healthy diet (low in saturated
fat and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables and grain products
that contain soluble fiber) can lower blood cholesterol. In these
studies, cholesterol levels dropped between 0.5 percent and 2 percent
for every gram of soluble fiber eaten per day.
As it passes through the gastrointestinal tract, soluble fiber binds
to dietary cholesterol, helping the body to eliminate it. This reduces
blood cholesterol levels, which, in turn, reduces cholesterol deposits
on arterial walls that eventually choke off the vessel. There also is
some evidence that soluble fiber can slow the liver's manufacture of
cholesterol, as well as alter low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles
to make them larger and less dense. Researchers believe that small,
dense LDL particles pose a bigger health threat.
Recent findings from two long-term large-scale studies of men
suggest that high fiber intake can significantly lower the risk of heart
attack. Men who ate the most fiber-rich foods (35 grams a day, on
average) suffered one-third fewer heart attacks than those who had
the lowest fiber intake (15 grams a day), according to a Finnish study
of 21,903 male smokers aged 50 to 69, published in the December
1996 issue of Circulation. Earlier in the year, findings from an
ongoing U.S. study of 43,757 male health professionals (some of
whom were sedentary, overweight or smokers) suggest that those
who ate more than 25 grams of fiber per day had a 36 percent lower
risk of developing heart disease than those who consumed less than
15 grams daily. In the Finnish study, each 10 grams of fiber added to
the diet decreased the risk of dying from heart disease by 17 percent;
in the U.S. study, risk was decreased by 29 percent.
These results indicate that high-fiber diets may help blunt the
effects of smoking and other risk factors for heart disease.
Because insoluble fiber is indigestible and passes through the
body virtually intact, it provides few calories. And since the
digestive tract can handle only so much bulk at a time, fiber-rich
foods are more filling than other foods--so people tend to eat less.
Insoluble fiber also may hamper the absorption of calorie-dense
dietary fat. So, reaching for an apple instead of a bag of chips is a
smart choice for someone trying to lose weight.
But be leery of using fiber supplements for weight loss. In
August 1991, FDA banned methylcellulose, along with 110 other
ingredients, in over-the-counter diet aids because there was no
evidence these ingredients were safe and effective. The agency also
recalled one product that contained guar gum after receiving reports
of gastric or esophageal obstructions. The manufacturer had claimed
the product promoted a feeling of fullness when it expanded in the
Post-text exercises
I. Find the statement, which corresponds to the content of the text.
1. Soluble fiber binds to a) dietary cholesterol; b) dietary
calcium; c) dietary fat.
2. This reduces a blood cholesterol level; a) blood cholesterol
level; b) protein cholesterol level; c) low-density lipoprotein.
3. High fiber intake can significantly lower a) the risk of
headache; b) the risk of heart attack; c) the risk of tooth attack.
4. V t provides f) low calories; b)low content; c) few calories.
II. Write the summary of the text using the expressions:
1. The text under the title ...... is devoted to ...................
2. From the 1st (2nd, 3d ) part we come to know that........
3. It should be pointed out that ..........
4. In conclusion it must be said that ............
Read and translate the text
Answer the questions:
Pre-text exercises.
I. Remember the following words:
restaurant – ресторан
order - заказывать
панировочные сухари
waiter – официант
filthy – грязный.
chop – рубить; нарезать
scampo – омар
waitress – официантка
cod – треска
II. Pronounce the international words:
toast, local, standard, menu, service, act, manager, restaurant,
sort, official, legally, café, protest, balance, address.
III. Read the text and discuss eating and drinking out.
It's a fair bet that everyone will eat a meal out at some time or
other; whether it's beans on toast at the local high street cafe,
sandwiches in the pub or a steak in a hotel restaurant. It doesn't
matter what kind of food you prefer or where you go to eat it, the law
is there to make sure you get a fair deal.
All food and drink must be wholesome and fit to eat. The
standard of cooking may vary and often depends upon the price that
you pay. Even so, you don't have to accept or put up with food that is
badly cooked or served on dirty, cracked plates by a rude waiter or
waitress wearing a filthy apron.
If there's a charge made for service (quite a few restaurants add
on about 10%) this should be clearly written down on the price list.
The code of practice for traders on 'price-indications' states that
service charges, which are non-optional, should be incorporated in
the price displayed. All prices shown must also include VAT (Value
Added Tax). The menu, and what the waiter tells you must be
accurate and not misleading or untruthful. If you order scampi in
breadcrumbs you shouldn't be served with chopped bread-crumbed
cod, or charged more than the advertised price.
Don't be afraid to complain if you're dissatisfied with the food or
the service. Ask to see the Manager and tell him politely what you
think is wrong. If you're not happy with your meal, don't wait until
you've eaten it before making your complaint. You're entitled to send
it back and can refuse to pay for it. But if you eat it, then you'll have
to pay a fair price for what you've had. Most places will be helpful
and will try to put things right provided that you act reasonably.
You should always check your bill carefully before you pay it. If
you think that it hasn't been added up properly, ask for the Manager.
Make sure that you haven't been charged for things you didn't order
and that the prices on the bill match those on the menu. If you're
charged more than the advertised price, the restaurant is breaking the
law and you could report it to Trading Standards for investigation
under the Consumer Protection Act. However, it could be a genuine
mistake - so give the Manager a chance to sort it out first before you
make an official complaint.
If you try to leave without paying your bill, you could be
accused of theft and be charged by the Police with a criminal
offence. So don't do it. If you disagree with the amount you've been
charged, you can legally do one of two things. Pay up but make it
clear that you're doing so 'under protest' and then try to claim some
of your money back later on, or pay less than the full amount and
leave it to the restaurant or cafe to sue you for the balance. You must
have a good reason for making the deduction and you should explain
it clearly and politely and leave your name and address.
Post- text exercises
I. Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:
to pay the bill, standard of cooling, local high street café,
depend upon, badly cooked, cracked plate, advertised price,
chopped breadcrumb cod, to give a chance.
II. Continue the sentences:
1. It doesn’t matter ....
2. Even so .....
3.She menu ....
4. You should always .......
5. If you are charged ........
III. Retell the text.
I. Remember the following words:
to book a table – заказать
столик заранее
bar – препятствовать,
fall ill – заболеть
prosecute – возбудить
инородное тело
serviette – салфетка
II. Pronounce the international words:
contract, legal, restaurant, compensation, code, discriminate,
local, hygiene, result, official, object, jacket
III. Read and translate the text, mind the rights of a client.
When you book a table you're making a contract, a legally
binding agreement, between you and the restaurant. If you don't turn
up and you don't bother to let them know, they could sue you for
If you turn up on time and find that there's no room for you after
you've booked a table, you can claim a reasonable sum to cover what
you'd spent getting there. Be aware that some restaurants may have a
dress code and you can be turned away if you don't conform. The
management has the right to refuse to serve you but they mustn't
discriminate or bar you solely on the grounds of racial or gender
If your food is badly cooked e.g. a half-cooked, semi-frozen
chicken portion, complain immediately. Restaurants and cafes must
prepare food with reasonable care and skill. Allowing food to stand
and go cold is one thing but failing to cook it adequately is far more
serious. If you fall ill after eating a meal tell your local
Environmental Health Officer who could investigate and prosecute if
necessary under the food hygiene laws. You can also claim
compensation from the restaurant if you can prove that your illness
was due to their food. You'd be entitled to claim for the pain,
suffering, loss of earnings (if you had to stay off work) and any other
expenses that you'd been put to as a direct result of eating the meal.
If you find a foreign body in your food (like a slug in your
lettuce), you can complain to the Manager and ask him to bring you
another meal, or you can report it to your local Environmental Health
Department. If you decide to make an official complaint, you'll
probably need to hold on to the foreign body to produce it as
evidence, so don't throw the object away or clean it up. Try to leave
it as you found it and just wrap it up in a piece of serviette or tissue
ready to hand over to the investigating officer.
If you're wearing an expensive jacket or coat and the restaurant
doesn't have a proper cloakroom, then it's probably safer to keep it
with you. If the restaurant offers to take it from you and put it into
their cloakroom, they are obliged to take reasonable care of it. If it
gets lost or stolen, you may be able to claim compensation. If you get
food or drink spilled on you, you can claim the cost of having your
clothes cleaned if it's the restaurant's fault. If what you're wearing
can't be cleaned, then you can claim, but you're only entitled to the
market value of your garment i.e. what it was worth at the time. You
won't get the price of something brand new if yours was several
years old.
Post- text exercises
I. Choose the correct variant:
1. When et you book a table you a) are making an order; b) are
giving a bill; c) are making a contract.
2. The management has a) the right to refuse to serve; b) to get
the compensation; c) the risk to prosecute if necessary
3. You can also a) have a male; b) claim a compensation from
the restaurant; c) try to leave the restaurant;
4. If find a foreign body in your food
a) you can complain to the manager;
b) call the manager and ask him to bring another meal;
c) make an official to complain.
II. Discuss the following problems:
1. Booking a table.
2. Bad food.
3. Your property.
III. Retell the text
I. Read and translate the text
Haute cuisine tends to be lavish in the use of butter, eggs and
meat with a high cholesterol content; however a number of high class
chefs are responding to the wishes of clients who prefer lighter
meals. They have developed methods of cookery which replace the
elaborate dishes of the past with lighter dishes which have their
natural flavours enhanced by sauces rather smothered by them. Less
fat and sugar is used in the cooking and sauces are thickened with
cornflour rather than with the traditional roux base. Fresh vegetables
are served without butter; while butter and cream for finishing dishes
has been reduced or omitted completely. Portions are smaller and
garnishes have been simplified. The dense, heavy pates of the past
have given way to lighter mixtures while pates of fish are gaining
popularity. New combinations of aromas and flavours are being
introduced by using fresh herbs.
Nouvelle cuisine also caters for weight-watching clients. It
differs from Cuisine moderne in that it does use cream, butter and
fat, but in moderation.
Read the text and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fastfood
Even if you are eating your main meals at the canteen you may
feel the need after those late night “study sessions” to fix yourself a
small snack. Most halls of residence will have an area where you can
fix yourself something to eat and have a hot drink. Always check
with your housing officer if these facilities are available even if the
halls are not self-catering. The traditional late night snacks can
consist of anything from toast to cheese/beans on toast to a jacket
potato with fillings. The advances of microwave meals or ‘just add
hot water’/ on the go snacks are also a popular choice with students.
Ironically English students enjoy the great delights of other
countries cuisine throughout the UK on a regular basis. For the
International Student this will usually mean that there is always
somewhere to go to enjoy some home comforts in the form of food.
These are usually combined with part of an evening out. Fast food
(Burgers, Kebabs, etc) and Take Away food (Chinese food/Indian) is
so readily eaten by people through the country that they have become
a natural part of the ‘English cuisine.’ In a recent survey with young
people throughout the UK, Curry was voted one of the most widely
eaten dishes on a regular basis. Not only is this a reflection of the
cosmopolitan and multi-cultural make-up of the UK, it is also a
reflection of the fast pace of life of young people in Britain where
‘work hard - play hard’ seems to be a way of life!
Whilst these are just a few examples of what students eat in the
UK, when you come to study in this country it is entirely at your own
discretion exactly what food you choose to consume. The local
supermarkets usually provide quality food from around the world. Or
if your budget is a little tight then why not try your local student
shop. These usually sell a wide variety of food items at a discounted
rate. If you have a strict diet due to medical, religious or personal
reasons then you may be advised to choose to live in a self-catering
halls or rented accommodation so that you can prepare your own
food. However, if this does not appeal then speak to your
International Officer about this or any other major concerns - they’d
be happy to help!
Pre-text exercises
I. Pronounce the international words:
Interest, tourist luxe, menu, category, group, fundamentally,
segment, analysis, factor, standard, hygiene, effect, personnel,
physical, management
II. Read and remember the following words:
сервис; ycлуга
III. Read and translate the text .Name the main standards for a
successful product.
The function of quality control is to guarantee a fixed quality
level while maintaining a determined cost level. In this way, quality
control works in the interests of both the consumer and the catering
First of all, what do we mean by quality? Are we discussing
catering in airlines, ferries, buses, in first class, tourist class, de luxe
hotel, youth hostel, a la carte or tourist menu? All of these examples
can mean high, good or low quality, depending on the expectations
and experiences of the consumer.
For a certain customer group, good quality means that the
commodity or service corresponds to the needs and expectations of
the customer. High quality is when you get more than you expected.
On the other hand, low quality is when your expectations are not
It is therefore fundamentally important that management works hard
to define its customer segments, and then decides precisely which
quality level these customers can come to expect from the products and
service. Only after this is done, through marketing analysis, experience
or common sense (I strongly recommend a combination, emphasizing
the latter), can you begin deciding to which quality measures it is
operative and economical to introduce standards and controls for.
The product, that is the food served, is without doubt the main
factor. To be sure we have a successful product, we must have clear
standards for the following:
— recipes,
— ingredients including ready-made and semi-finished food,
— purchasing routines and places,
— storage,
— cooking directions,
— hygiene,
— economy (input-output).
In addition, we must have clearly defined standards for personnel
and physical resources, which are of the utmost importance for reaching
the goal in the manufacturing of the product.
Concerning these standard areas, it is clearly the responsibility of
management — and management alone — to define the customer
categories, their expectation levels and, thereby, the product standards.
The organization has to be given as wide a range of choice as possible
on the question of how it should be done. In this way we have two
effects; first, a large number of models for solutions based on
experience arid, second, a strong feeling for established quality
standards and controls.
Post-text exercises
I. Look through the text again. Find in the text equivalents
corresponding to the Russian expressions given below:
Контроль качества, таким образом, как …….так и, прежде
всего, низкое качество, с другой стороны, маркетинговый анализ,
хранение, кроме того, ресурсы, полуфабрикат, готовый продукт,
предмет потребления.
II. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Prove them
using the information from the text:
1. The function of quality control is to guarantee a fixed quality
while maintaining an average cost level.
2. For all customer groups, good quality means that the
commodity or service corresponds to the needs and expectations
of the customer.
3. It is not important that management works hard to define its
customer segments, and then decides precisely which quality
level these customers can come to expect from the products and
III. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the attribute in preposition:
1. The required material and personal resources are given for
the chosen form and level of service.
2. The daily production plan is documented and deviations and
problems are analyzed.
3. At present, we are looking for a computerized system that
would reduce the manual work and the time needed for paperwork.
4. When we talk of quality in the catering industry, we almost
always talk about the physical product
5. Nowadays, global food supplies are adequate to satisfy the
hunger of the world population.
1 .Read the international words:
specification , ingredient, form , economic, firm , negative
final, hospital, period, material, technology, menu , production,
recommend, million.
II. Remember the following words:
Thorough - тщательный
Swamp - заваливать
Monitor - контролировать
Supply - поставлять
Purchase - покупать
Facility – благоприятные
Waste - потери
Spoilage - порча
III. Read and translate the text
Above all, it must be emphasized how important it is that exact
food specifications are connected with the recipe formula, and that
the primary quality control — the one concerning ingredients — is
unshakeable and consistent. Here lies great danger in the form of the
expected (and sometimes acquired) shortsighted economic gain for
the catering firm, its buyers or production personnel. In all three
cases there is the same negative effect on production quality A
change in the ingredient specifications should not be made except
after thorough testing, and then only if the quality of the final
product is improved or remains the same. There is nothing more
disastrous than the 'almost invisible' drop in quality. Once chosen,
this route starts a fatal cycle. Take this example: What happens if a
hospital, to save money, accepts an 'almost invisible' decrease in
hygiene standards in the operating room each year for a period of
twenty years? It is easy to understand how absurd this type of
reasoning is. I must stress the question of quality control over
ingredients because we are currently swamped with new materials,
ready-made and semi-finished foods. Much of it is excellent, but we
must carefully monitor the effects before we or our suppliers begin
using the new technology.
When we talk of quality in the catering industry, we almost
always talk about the physical product. Of course, the quality of the
product is most important because it is mainly for the product that
the consumer is paying. But included in the idea of the catering
industry is a decisively important additional element — service. The
way the customer experiences quality is not only through what we
sell, but also how we sell it. We also believe that it is developing in
the direction where even more importance is being placed on the
service factor. The traditional restaurateurs and the renowned
gastronomes may have other opinions, but it is obvious that better
education, better equipment, a fresher and greater variety of
ingredients, ready-made and semifinished food, better methods for
physical quality control and greater interest in good food, means that
the preparation or consumption of quality, high-standard food is no
longer the preserve of a chosen few. Therefore, all the more attention
must be paid to the quality of the service in all the catering firms that
wish to stay competitive.
While the recipes, menu planning, ingredient specifications,
production planning and hygiene regulations are a good basis for
quality and cost control concerning the physical product, to a great
extent we lack the possibility of measuring and controlling the
quality and the cost of the service.
Post-text exercises
I. Divide the text into paragraphs:
II. Give a heading to each paragraph:
III. Dispute the following problems:
1. change in the ingredient specifications;
2. quality in the catering industry;
3. quality of the service.
Read the text. Discuss the advances, which have affected the catering industry.
The catering industry has been greatly affected by the advance of
food technology over the last decade, which has led to the development
of food-processing plants and large-scale kitchens which prepare, cook
and preserve many classical dishes so that they only require reheating.
The two main advances which have affected the industry are cookchill and cook-freeze. These two systems enable foods to be prepared,
cooked and chilled or frozen in production kitchens, and then distributed
to different outlets such as schools, canteens, hotels, restaurants and
institutions. The dishes are then heated on site in microwave ovens,
computerized deep friars or other rapid-heating equipment fries.
Other forms of processed foods are collectively known as
convenience foods. These are foods which were once prepared by the
consumer, but are now wholly or partly processed by the manufacturer.
They are best classified by their methods of preservation. Convenience
foods are valuable to caterers because they:
(a) assist in portion control,
(b) cut wastage,
(c) reduce the labour costs of preparation,
(d) are easy to store,
(e) are readily available in emergencies and
(f) are not subject to seasonal variations.
At present, global food supplies are adequate to satisfy the hunger of the
world's population. These supplies are, however, very unevenly distributed, so
industrial nations suffer the diseases of affluence — obesity and heart disease —
while the Third World is chronically undernourished and periodically endures
famine. Righting the imbalance will not be easy, as it depends on many complex
geographical, climatic, political and economic factors. Greater problems, however,
loom in the not too distant future as food has to be found for an ever-growing
human population.
Read and translate the text
New forms of food are urgently needed. The only new food
developed in recent years is textured vegetable protein (T. V.P.), which
is produced from defatted soya beans. The flour is spun into fine threads
to represent meat fibres and then compressed and shaped into chunks or
mince. Textured vegetable protein is used as a meat extender with fresh
meat, and is available in various meat flavours. It absorbs the flavour
and juices of any accompanying meat and has a similar flavour when
cooked. It is an inexpensive form of high quality protein and unlike
meat, it does not shrink so is particularly useful in pies. It has a slight
beany flavour which needs disguising. Although high in protein, it lacks
some of the nutrients present in meat, so requires enrichment if it is to
be used to replace meat in vegetarian cookery (see Chapter 5). Although
T.V.P. is mainly used in meat products at present, it can equally well be
used to bulk out fish or even fruit products, as it takes up these flavours
and prevents shrinkage. Other legumes are already being investigated
for use as supplies of cheap protein. Lupine are being grown in the U.K.
for cattle food; similar crops may prove suitable for human food.
Microorganisms grow much more rapidly than the higher plants.
The novel foods of the future are likely to come from this source. We
already have the technology to grow many species of microorganisms
on a large scale in continuous culture. These processes have been
developed in the food fermentation industries and in vaccine production.
Algae, fungi and bacteria can be grown on simple media or on the
wastes of existing industries — whey from cheese making and brewery
or paper-making effluents.
Microbial cells produced in this way could be harvested and used to
feed animals, releasing cereals and fish meal now used for this purpose
for human use.
Alternatively, the proteins could be extracted and processed in a
similar way to T.V.P. There will be some problems to be overcome in
adapting microbial products for use as human foods. The main ones will
1 to modify the products so they do not produce digestive or other
health problems,
2 to adapt the texture and flavour so that they are acceptable to the
consumer, and
3 to produce the new foods at an economical price, since the technology is
likely to remain in the industrialized West for some time, and the need likely to be
in the developing countries.
I. Answer the questions
1: What is textured vegetables protein?
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the vegetable protein?
II. Write the summary of the text.
The food industry is a very ancient industry. Almost
every branch of the food industry and particularly those dealing
with grain and bread, meat and meat products, fish and fish
products, was a well defined trade guild.
The food industry developed from the experience of
Milling and baking were well developed in ancient times.
There were both private and public ovens for baking bread.
Olive oil and honey were widely sold and bought. Cheese was
manufactured thousands of years ago. Butter is also an ancient
The production of food, as an industry, actually has a
history extending as far as the history of modern chemistry
because it was considered a part of chemical technology. Thus the
book "Chemical Technology" published in 1870 contained the
following sections: starch, sugar manufacture, cane sugar, beet
sugar, fermentation, wine making, beer brewing, bread baking,
manufacture of vinegar, and essential oils.
Let's take some examples. In 1747 Margraff discovered
crystals of sugar in the red beet and suggested that it might be
possible to extract it on a commercial basis. Kirchhoff
suggested the use of starch for sugar production in 1811.
The food industry developed in full with the growth of the
processing industries and with improvement in food machines,
transportation, refrigeration, storage and packaging.
The assortment of products of the food enterprises is a
wide ant varied one.
Bread and macaroni, meat and fish products, milk and
butter, canned foods 1 and vitamins, sugar and sweets, tea and
coffee, beer and wine and dozens and hundreds of other
items are produced at the food mills and factories of the
The technological processes and methods of treating 2 raw
materials 3 are wide and varied. The food enterprises use heat
and refrigeration, high pressure and deep vacuum, electric
energy and radiation.
While mechanical methods prevail at some enterprises,
invisible, chemists work at others - microorganisms and
enzymes. They are used at such enterprises which are based
on fermentation: bread-baking, production of beer, vinegar,
The food industry produces such foods that look and taste like
meat but are made from soyabean proteins. If soyabean
proteins are dissolved in alkali they form a sticky liquid.
This liquid may be extruded 6 through tiny holes and then
recoagulated in an acid bath in the form of fibers. The fibers
then can be spun into ropes 8 with texture approaching the
fibrous texture 9 of chicken or beef muscle tissue. The
fabricated tissue then can be interlaced with fats, food
flavouring10 and food colours. Products are almost
indistinguishable from chicken meat, fish, ham or beef. The
products also may be dehydrated, compressed or otherwise
The food guide Pagoda
The food guide pagoda was designed on the basis of the Dietary
Guidelines for Chinese Residents. The principles of a balanced diet are
expressed in relative amounts of a verity of specific foods. The Food
Guide Pagoda is visually appealing and practical in daily life.
The Pagoda suggests a relatively ideal dietary pattern. The amounts
of foods recommended, particularly those of milk and beans, exceed
those actually consumed by people living in economical undeveloped
areas. Although nationwide the ideal dietary pattern is currently
unrealizable, its achievement is goal to be strived for and is an essential
objective related to striving for better nutritional status of the Chinese
The five levels of the Pagoda contain all the major groups of foods
in the Chinese daily diet. The placement and the area of each level of the
Pagoda mainly reflect the position and proportion of each group of foods
in the daily diet.
There is no recommendation related to sugar intake in the Pagoda
because the current consumption of sugar by Chinese is rather low.
Therefore, a slight increase or decrease would be of little significance.
However, for children and adolescents, the consumption of sugar should
be limited because of the risk of causing dental caries.
Generally, the quantities of foods recommended in the Pagoda are
based on raw weights. Foods are grouped according to actual
observation from a nationwide nutritional survey. The weights shown are
average values for each food group rather than the weight of a particular
The place of cereals, vegetables, fruit and meat in Food Pagoda
Cereals include crude wheat, rice, and corn. They are the main
sources of energy, and often the main source of protein.
It is desirable to mix various kinds of cereals in the diet. In areas
where corn is consumed as a staple, beans or other kinds of cereals
should be added. Processed food, such as bread, pancakes and noodles,
should be calculated on the basis of their dry weight equivalent.
The cereals process. Breakfast cereals are puffed, crisped, flaked,
rolled and toasted. During processing , much of this fiber and some
vitamins and minerals may be lost. Many cereals are fortified with
extra vitamins and minerals. Sugar, honey, fruit, nuts, bran, salt,
flavorings and fat may than be added in different combinations to create
the huge array of more than 250 cereals in the shops today.
Vegetables and fruit are usually considered together, because they
have many properties in common. However, they are different kinds of
food, having different merits, ad therefore people especially, children,
should not substitute fruit for vegetables. The weights of vegetables and
fruit are expressed on a fresh weight basis. Generally dark-colored (red,
green, yellow) vegetables and deep yellow fruit are more abundant in
nutrients. They should be chosen for consumption more often.
Meat and eggs are grouped together because they are the main
sources of animal proteins and some minerals and vitamins.
Fish, shrimp and other aquatic foods contain little fat, and should
be consumed more often, whenever possible. Their weight is also
expressed on fresh basis. Meats include muscle and offal of domestic
ant wild animals. Weight of edible portion is counted. Meats, particular
pork, have a high content of fat. Meat consumption should be limited.
Eggs contain a high level of cholesterol. It would be best to take no more
than one egg per day.
Milk, legumes and their products
In China, the milk and dairy products currently consumed are
mainly fresh cow’s milk and milk powder. The recommendation of 100
g is equivalent to about 200 g of fresh milk or 28 g of milk powder in
terms of providing equivalent amounts of protein and calcium. Milk and
dairy products are primary sources to provide more calcium. When fresh
milk is not well tolerated, one may try yogurt or other dairy products.
There are a wide variety of legumes and legume products of China. The
recommendation of 50 g is an average value that is equivalent to 40 g
of soybean or 80 g of dehydrated tofu (soybean curd).
In future we will need both micronutrient and macronutrient. When
available, the complete set will be the nutrient standards used by
professionals to develop Dietary guidelines and food guides for
consumer education.
As advances in research provide evidence that increased intake of
certain dietary components results in specific, as well as general health
benefits, some new food products may need to be developed or exciting
products modified to provide these protective factors at levels higher
than naturally occur. In the same way, other food products may need to
be altered to lower the content of specific nutrients or other substances,
such as fat.
It is likely that scientists will continue to discover and define how
constituents of individual foods within the food groups have unique,
protective qualities. Research also will improve our ability to define,
measure, and manipulate levels of protective constituents in foods
through fortification, bioengineering. As scientific information evolves
on the benefits of foods beyond traditional nutrients, there will be even
greater opportunity to tailor dietary recommendations to meet
individual nutrient requirements for optimal health and well-being.
Adult diets should provide:
sufficient energy to fuel the individual's needs and enough
proteins, vitamins and minerals to maintain vigorous health.
The majority of the adult diet problems in this country can be
classified as diseases of affluence. This does not mean the
individuals are necessarily wealthy, but that they tend to consume
more of some nutrients than is good for them.
Many adults are concerned about weight increase, particularly in
middle age. They are aware that diseases such as coronary heart
disease and diabetes are associated with obesity. People put on
weight for many reasons. Some of these are discussed below.
1 Eating is habit-forming. The size and number of meals
consumed tends to be fixed in youth, when body needs are high.
Some people do not adjust to falling energy needs over the years.
2 Ignorance of calorific values. Carbohydrates and fats are
generally regarded as high energy foods, and weight-watchers reduce
their consumption of these nutrients. However, they often fail to
consider the total energy content of their diet and ignore the proteins
and alcohol which are also 'fattening' if taken in excess.
3 Modern occupations. Travel, work and leisure involve less
physical effort than in previous generations. On the other hand,
modern life can be stressful and food is the traditional comforter.
Caterers can assist their weight-watching clients by providing a
low calorie alternative in each course so that these clients can enjoy
dining out without the embarrassment of refusing dishes.
Excessive salt consumption
Processed and convenience foods play an increasing role in our
diet today. In many ways these foods are of excellent nutritional
quality. However, most contain a large proportion of salt or sugar as
preservative. Sugar, as we have previously mentioned, increases the
calorific value of a food without adding any additional nutrients.
Recently, concern has been expressed by the medical profession
that persistently high salt intakes may be associated with the
increasing number of middle-aged people suffering with
hypertension (high blood pressure).
Natural foods contain little salt. The sodium chloride in our diet
comes from the salt added for flavouring, and increasingly from
preserved foods. An average intake of sodium is 1000-2000 mg per
day. If processed foods play a large role in the diet it is easy to
exceed a reasonable daily sodium level
Values from Composition of Foods by R A McCance and E
M Widdowson heart disease in Britain and other Western countries.
The condition is due to fatty deposits in the arteries supplying the
heart muscle. As the flow of blood is impeded conditions favour the
formation of blood clots which starve the heart muscle of oxygen and
nutrients causing heart attacks. The precise reasons why this
condition is becoming more common have yet to be determined, but
there is strong evidence to suggest that a high consumption of
saturated fat is one factor. Men with high cholesterol blood levels
have been shown on average to have a greater risk of suffering from
this condition than those with a lower level. Cholesterol is a
lipoprotein which is manufactured in the body. Diets containing a
large amount of fat (40% or more) tend to raise the blood cholesterol
level. This is particularly so if most of the fat is of the saturated type
as found mainly in animal fats. People with high cholesterol levels
have been able to lower them by changing the lipid content of their
diet to plant oils and margarines high in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Recent years have seen an increased interest in vegetarian
cookery. Caterers need to be aware of this interest and be able to
respond to clients who prefer this type of food.
People adopt vegetarian diets for a number of reasons. They may
simply not like meat or they may have humanitarian or religious
scruples about the slaughter of animals for food.
Vegetarian diets have a number of advantages for the sedentary
urban dweller. They tend to have a lower energy value and a higher
content of dietary fibre than mixed diets. As they are likely to contain
more fresh fruit and vegetables, they are high in vitamin C. Eating
crisp vegetables promotes better dental health than the sugary refined
diets common among city people. As meat tends to be one of the most
expensive items of the diet vegetarian cookery can be more
economical providing natural foods are used rather than proprietary
'health foods'.
Lacto-vegetarians do not eat meat, but are happy to consume
animal products such as eggs and dairy foods. Cooking for them
presents little difficulty as eggs, cheese, nuts and pulses provide the
basis of a wide variety of main dishes of high nutritional value. The
diet only differs from more conventional ones by being more bulky
and of lower calorific value.
Vegans are strict vegetarians who eat no animal products. With
these restrictions a detailed knowledge of nutrition is needed to
produce a well-balanced and appetising diet. Individual plant
proteins lack some essential amino acids, so a wide variety of sources
must be provided so that they complement each other and together
provide the full range of amino acids necessary for human proteins.
Vitamin BI2, riboflavin, vitamin D3 (cholecaliferol), calcium and
iron are all lacking or supplied only in small quantities in a vegan
Producing an alternative weight-watchers' menu is a challege to the
ingenuity of the caterer. It must obviously have an energy value less
than the R.D.A. for the group concerned so that excess fat stores are
gradually mobilised and burnt off. About 1000 kcal less than the
R.D.A. would be a reasonable value to aim for in the case of adults.
At the same time meals must be appetising and provide enough
bulk so that people do not feel constantly hungry. It is important that
sufficient protein is still retained and the minerals and vitamins are
still in adequate amounts.
he general rules are:
less carbohydrate (particularly sugar) and alcohol,
less fat,
enough protein and
more fruit and vegetables (which provide minerals, vitamins and
the bulky fibre).
The method of cooking can make a great deal of difference to the
energy value. Fried potatoes have over three times the energy
value of baked or boiled potatoes. A rich salad dressing might
contribute 100 kcal per table-spoonful, while a simple dressing —
with perhaps yoghurt as the base — might rate about one-third of this
value. An enterprising caterer can find many ways to produce
interesting meals which help slimmers to stay on the straight and
Pregnant women and nursing mothers
During her pregnancy a woman needs extra energy and
nutrients to support the growth of her infant and the surrounding
tissues which provide protection and nourishment. In addition, she
must be able to accumulate stores which will sustain her through the
demands of breast-feeding the infant later. Table 5.13 shows the
increases in the R.D.A.s necessary to keep the mother and baby
1 In the last three months of pregnancy the appetite
increases in response to the need for extra energy for the growth
2 A pregnant women needs extra milk, cheese, eggs or meat
in her diet to provide the proteins to support the growth of tissues in
the developing infant.
Shellfish such as cooked prawns, crab, lobster and shrimps
must be handled as little as possible and kept refrigerated until
required for service. If there is in any doubt about the freshness of
shellfish, then it is best to dispose of it immediately. Oysters and
mussels must be purchased from reputable suppliers to ensure that
they have been thoroughly cleansed. Oysters must be opened to order
and served immediately. They must not be used if the shells are open,
as this indicates that they are dead.
Frozen meat, poultry, game, fish and shellfish must be
allowed to defrost slowly in a refrigerator or cold room. Foods of this
nature need thorough defrosting, otherwise they do not reach
temperatures above 62.7°C — the minimum necessary to kill foodpoisoning bacteria.
Synthetic and fresh cream, milk and frozen eggs must be
handled as little as possible and kept refrigerated until required.
Equipment must be sterilised before whipping cream. Frozen eggs,
once defrosted, must be kept in a cold room or refrigerator and used
within 24 hours. The eggs of ducks, geese and gulls must always be
well-cooked and never eaten as omelettes, soft-boiled, poached, fried
or scrambled, because of the great risk of Salmonella poisoning.
Eggshells are porous and these birds lay their eggs in the most
unhygienic places.
The cold buffet
Food for cold buffets is prepared in the larder because the
food must be kept as cold as possible during the preparation, storage
arid finishing of the dishes prior to service. A high standard of hygiene
and cleanliness is essential. Cold meats and fish must be handled as
little as possible after cooking and kept in the cold room until required.
All salad items must be very fresh, well washed and kept cool. The
buffet table should be dressed with the cold food as late as possible to
prevent the growth of any micro-organisms.
Sandwiches and cold savouries must be kept protected with
plastic covers or a film wrapping to protect them from dust and flies.
All cold foods should be served with food tongs, appropriate serving
spoons or carved and served with a fork. Under no circumstances must
be food be handled with the fingers or hands.
The stock pot is essential for making stocks for soups and
sauces, but if sufficient care is not taken it can become a breeding
ground for bacteria. Stock is made by simmering bones and sometimes
meat, to extract the flavour and nutrients, over a period of 8 hours. The
stock should then be strained off and cooled as quickly as possible to
below 10°C before being refrigerated. The bones should be removed
and placed in the swill area, not left in the kitchen overnight. The
stock must be brought to the boil before it is allowed to simmer to
ensure that any bacteria will be killed.
Sauce such as espagnole which requires a long cooking time
should be cooled down as quickly as possible and placed in a cool area
or cold room overnight. It should not be left in the kitchen on the side
of the stove, where it would cool down slowly. The following day it
must be boiled as quickly as possible before being allowed to
simmer. All soups and sauces must be brought to the boil before
being placed in the bain-marie, which must keep the sauces and soups
above a temperature of 62.7°C.
Pork must always be thoroughly cooked because it may be
affected by trichinosis. This is a disease caused by a nematode worm.
Meats and meat dishes such as stews, which are to be frozen, should be
cut into thin slices or small pieces so that they will heat through as
quickly as possible: if they are boiled for too long the meat will
become tough. Sausages must be well-cooked and any large joints of
poultry (e.g. turkey) must be cooked in one operation, and not started
one day, cooled, and the cooking finished off the following day.
Poultry and game birds, if stuffed, must be stuffed lightly and only at
the neck end, to ensure that the birds and stuffing are thoroughly
Generally speaking, vegetables are not a cause of food
poisoning, but cooked rice can be dangerous if it is cooked and reheated
many times. When sweated onions are added to raw or cold cooked
meat dishes, the onions must be cold before being added, otherwise the
heat is retained in the mixture and the temperature of the meat rises,
promoting growth of bacteria.
Cooked foods to be refrigerated must be cooled as quickly as
possible to below 10°C before being placed in the refrigerator or cold
room. The ideal area for this is a cool room or chiller with slatted
shelves on which the food is placed. This ensures a circulation of cold
air, which will help the food to cool. Soups, sauces, stews and stocks
may be cooled in various ways according to the quantity.
1 Placing the food in shallow containers with a larger surface
area, so that the heat can be removed quickly. When cooled the food
can be placed into suitable containers.
2 If small quantities, they can be placed in a sink of cold
water and stirred.
3 Placing the food into shallow trays and using a blast freezer
to remove the heat.
Joints of meat and poultry are best cooled in a current of cold
air. Remember that, because of their density, meat and poultry retain
heat for long periods, therefore they require a long time for the internal
temperature to be reduced to below 10°C.
All foods being cooled should be placed in clean containers.
Any splash marks should be wiped off. Cooled meats should be placed
on clean trays for cold storage. The foods should be covered with clean
muslin to allow the heat to escape and prevent flies, dust or dirt from
coming into contact with the meat. Foods must not be left to cool in
containers with the lids on or be left in a warm kitchen.
Soy protein concentrates retain high levels of isoflavones
A new generation of water-washed soy protein concentrates
(SPCs), marketed under the name Soyarich, are processed to retain
high levels of isoflavones that naturally occur in soybeans while
delivering neutral and smooth mouthfeel to food products.
Isoflavones, which are phytochemicals having antioxidant
properties, are being extensively researched for there potential to
reduce the risk of chronic health problems such as cancer, coronary
heart disease, and osteoporosis. Isoflavones may also treat
menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes.
According to the manufacturer, typical levels of isoflavones
genistein and daidzein are 1.5 and 0.75 mg, respectively, per gram of
SPC product. A powdered SPC is available which can be used in
soy-fortified beverages, bars, and yogurt to deliver 6.25 g of soy
protein/serving. (This is the lenecessary to meet the proposed FDA
health claim for soy protein and coronary heart disease.) Also
available in this line is a textured SPC made by thermoplastic
extrusion which may be used in formulating vegetaringo patties and
entrees where high isoflavone content is desired.
This ingredient will be discussed at a New Products and
Technologies session held during the IFT Annual Meeting.
In addition to this line of soy concentrates, Central Soya will
be unveiling at its booth a soy product called Prevastein, which
reportedly reflects the natural balance of isoflavones found in soy
and is available in various concentrations.
Also, in related story, Central Soy’s parent company,
Eridania Beghin-Say, will be introducing its new Health and
Nutrition Group. According to a company representative, this
business unit was formed to commercialize ingredients food the
quickly growing worldwide fortified food market. Its world
headquarters is located in Brussels, Belgium, and its North American
headquarters is located at Central Soya. More information about this
new group will be provided at the Central Soya booth.
Soy Phospholipids May Help Memory Loss
A soy-based supplement has been developed which
reportedly can help prevent or alleviate cognitive deterioration linked
to aging.
Research is showing that lecithin, a soybean oil by-product
which has been used as an emulsifier, can aid in memory functions
and heat health. Lecithin contains two important soy phospholipids:
phophatidylserine (PS), a brain nutrient that helps boost memory and
improve concentration and learning, and phosphatidylcholine, a
nutrient that helps protect the liver and aids in detoxification.
Technology is now available to press these nutrients from lecithin,
concentrate them, and use them in nutritional supplements.
Soy Phospholipids have potential as an ingredient in the
formulation of cereals, candy bars, and soft drinks.
Manufacturer of the PS-based supplement, Lucas Meyer, is
making available an index of published clinical research on the effect
of PS.
What meat really means
Yet more problems are caused by the lack of specific
definitions for terms such as “meat”. UK law states that meat “means
the flesh, including fat and the skin, rind, gristle and sinew in
amounts naturally associated with the flesh used”. But many
enforcement officers find this definition almost impossible to use as
the basis for prosecutions against producers whose foods they think
contain too much of the cheaper parts of meat and not enough of the
more expensive muscle tissue.
Another problem is that other European countries have different
definitions for meat which allow other parts of the animal to be
included. This just adds to the confusion.
Ham – bandied about
The word “ham” can be used to describe a food which has
other ingredients added and may be highly processed. Traditionally,
hams were made only from cured meat from the hind leg of a pig.
Modern processing methods allow a mixture of pork meat, fat and
water along with other ingredients such as soya and milk protein –
with many of these ingredients added to make the meat go further.
Take Plumrose Danish Cooked Ham. Its descriptive name,
given in small print, is “reformed with added water and gelatin”.
Minimum meat content is 70 per cent, and fat and protein contents
are 9 g and 13.6 g respectively per 100 g. a traditional cured ham
with no added water typically contains 6 g fat and 22 g protein per
100 g.
How much fish in a fish finger
The Association of Public Analysts says that 20 years ago
the average fish finger contain approximately 70 per cent fish. In
1987 the Government’s Food Advisory Committee recommended
statutory control of the fish content of such products, but no
regulations were introduced. And in a recent EU-funded survey, in
which we took part, the fish content of 27 brands of fish fingers in
UK shops averaged out at just 56 per cent.
Chicken which isn’t
In a survey of fast-food restaurants by Surrey TSOs in 1995,
only two out of 11 Chicken nugget meals were made with whole
Chicken. The rest consisted of chopped chicken mixed with other
ingredients (such as hydrogenated vegetable protein) and shaped into
nuggets. The filling in these had a Chicken content of only 42 to 65
per cent.
Bacon with water added
Most bacon, for example, contains some added water and
this has to be declared when it exceeds 10 per cent. But it only has to
be labeled with the amount over 10 per cent. So bacon said to
contain “not more than 15 per cent added water” could legally
contain up to 25 per cent added water. We think that all the added
water should be declared.
Ingredients you’re not told about
Just because an ingredient features in the main brand name
of a product, it doesn’t mean there’s lot of it in there. A food can
contain larger amounts of other things which the manufacturer need
not mention in the name. And ingredients (except for additives)
which are part of an ingredient which makes up less than a quarter of
the end product do not need to be listed. And for non pre-packed
food in restaurants or from takeaways, there’s clearly no requirement
to list any ingredient at all. All of this makes it impossible for people
to know with any certainty what is in the foods they eat.
Four people were killed in the UK last year by allergic
reactions to nuts in foods bought in restaurants and takeaways.
Until recently, the main ingredient in Oxo Chicken Stock
Cubes was beef bone stock – not much good if you were buying
these instead of beef stock cubes because of the BSE scare. (Oxo has
since reformulated – the main ingredient is now chicken stock and no
beef stock is included.)
Muslims and Jews may want to avoid pork. Yet Marks
&Spencer Chicken Liver Pate actually contains pork.
Soluble soy polysaccharing called Soyafiber-S, in addition to
providing fiber enrichment, may be used as an emulsifier, an
adhesive, and as a stabilizer. Produced by Fuji Oil using special
extracting and
refining water-soluble
polysaccharides from soybeans, the ingredient may be used in
drinkable yogurts, flavor emulsions, powdered flavors, breads, fiberfortified foods, and other products. It dissolves easily in both hot and
cold water without forming a gel, allowing the preparation of an
aqueous solution of 30 % or more concentration. Aqueous solutions
of the soy ingredient show a low viscosity, are resistant to heat and
acids, and are almost unaffected by salts. An edible, water-soluble,
transparent, and strong film can be made from an aqueous solution.
Various varieties and grades of the soy ingredient are available,
depending on use.
Soy-based applications, such as beverages and nutritional
food bars, will be emphasized. A new division, ADM Nutraceuticals,
will be highlighted, focusing on NovoSoy isoflavones. The company
recently completed construction of the world’s first commercial plant
for isoflavones.
Fermented soy flour, marketed under the name Soyarome,
may be used to improve the flavor and mouthfeel of sauces, dressing,
soups, snacks, cheese products, and baked goods. Produced by
proprietary fermentation and enzyme technologies, the ingredient has
ability to flavors linger up to three times longer, and is particularly
useful in enhancing vegetable and dairy notes, as well as amplifying
spice impact and salt perception. It can also enhance capsicums, aid
in fat replacement by enhancing perception of creaminess, and help
flavors stand up to high-temperature processing systems. The
product is available as a free-flowing light beige powder and may be
used at levels of 0.1-1.0 %.
Natural soy concentrate called Soylife is reported to have a
standardized isoflavone level 15 to 20 times higher than soy protein
isolate or soy flour. The ingredient, available in different forms, may
be used in breakfast cereals, snacks, cookies, breads, meal
replacements, health bars, and dietary drinks. Prototypes shown will
include granola-type snack bars.
Unlike storage of the foods already discussed fresh fruit and
vegetables are living foods and therefore need to breathe to keep
them in good condition and preserve their structure, crispness and
nutritional content for as long as possible. The temperature required
for storing most fruits and vegetables is 4-6°C, with a humidity that
will not result in loss of water from the leaves causing them to go
limp. A dark area is also required, particularly for green vegetables,
to prevent the leaves from turning yellow.
Some fruits, such as peaches and avocado pears, from tropical
areas archest stored at a temperature of !0°C, while bananas must
not be stored below 13°C Any unripe fruit may be left at a higher
temperature to allow for ripening. If large quantities of fresh fruit
and vegetables are being stored they must be checked regularly and
any items showing signs of deterioration must be removed to
prevent further deterioration of the remaining stock.
Milk in its raw state is a highly perishable commodity. On
delivery it must be placed in the cold room at a temperature of 2°C
until required. It should be kept in the sterile container in which it is
delivered. Yoghurt, and fresh and synthetic creams, must be stored at a
temperature of 2°C and the containers must be kept sealed to prevent
the milk products from absorbing any strong flavours.
Different types of cheese require various methods of storage
according to the degree of ripeness when purchased and when they will
be required for eating.
Whole hard cheeses are best stored in a cool airy room at a
temperature of 7-10°C and should be turned regularly to keep the
moisture content evenly distributed.
Whole soft varieties should be stored in a cheese room or
refrigerated at a temperature of 1- 10GC. If they are under-ripe and are
required for use sooner than anticipated, they should be stored at a
higher temperature to aid ripening. They should be kept in their
wrapper until required. The test for ripeness is by light finger pressure;
unripe cheeses resist finger pressure, ripe cheeses have a springy
texture and over-ripe cheeses retain the finger mark when lightly
Whole blue cheeses are stored as for soft varieties, but away from
mildly flavoured cheeses which might be affected by their strong
Processed cheeses, if kept in their plastic wrappers or tin foil
covering, do not require any special storage other than being kept in a
cool dry place. This is because they are cooked products and do not
require ripening.
If cheeses are stored in damp conditions they develop unwanted
mould growth. If the temperature is too low and the atmosphere too dry,
cheese will crack and dry out, while too high a temperature will cause
them to sweat and become oily and over-soft.
Storing cut portions of cheese in polythene containers allows
them to breathe while preventing them from drying out.
Butter is generally purchased in bulk by the case, fresh or salted.
Because the salted varieties contain a percentage of salt, they have a
longer storage life than unsalted butters. The required temperature for
unsalted butter is 2°C. while salted butter may be stored at a slightly
higher temperature.
When fats and oils are stored incorrectly they develop off-flavours,
known as rancidity. This is caused during storage by keeping them in
warm humid conditions or storing them so that they are exposed to air
or strong light. The manufacturers of catering fats and oils distribute
their products in sealed cans and wrappers which do not transmit
strong light. On delivery the oil: should be kept in a dry cool store, if
small quantities are purchased in bottle: they should be placed in a
cool dry dark cupboard. Cooking fats and margarine should be
placed in the cold room or refrigerator at a temperature of 4-7°C.
В английском языке подлежащее обычно стоит слева от
сказуемого непосредственно или их разделяют слова,
относящиеся к подлежащему.
Кроме того, подлежащее можно определить по
следующим дополнительным признакам:
а) по отсутствию предлога перед существительным;
б) по именительному падежу личного местоимения;
в) если инфинитив или герундий стоят перед сказуемым и
если нет другого подлежащего.
дополнительным признакам:
а) по окончанию глагола-s, -es в 3-м л. ед. ч. и -ed — в Past
б) по наличию модального глагола (который составляет
часть сказуемого);
в) по наречиям неопределенного времени (usually, always,
never и т.д.), которые обычно стоят перед глаголом или между
вспомогательным и смысловым глаголом.
При анализе предложения подлежащее и сказуемое
следует отыскивать одновременно.
Так, в предложении Drying foods to prevent spoilage does
not necessarily mean concentration to such a point that the liquid
is denser than the body fluid of the microorganisms признаком
сказуемого главного (выделенного жирным шрифтом)
предложения является вспомогательный глагол does (настоящее
время, 3 л. ед. ч. глагола to do); стоящее после него not
показывает, что это — вспомогательный глагол, служащий для
образования отрицательной формы. Смысловой глагол этого
сказуемого ищем далее — mean, осмысляем: «не обязательно
означает». Начинаем искать подлежащее слева от сказуемого.
Начало предложения Drying foods ничего конкретного не
говорит, так как по форме это может быть и подлежащее,
выраженное герундием или герундиальным оборотом без
предлога, и обстоятельство, выраженное причастным оборотом.
Слева от сказуемого стоит и слово spoilage. Формально оно
может быть подлежащим, так как это – существительное без
предлога. Но перед ним стоит инфинитив (to prevent —
«предотвращать»), который может иметь прямое дополнение
(spoilage — «порчу»). Сопоставляя значения Drying foods и to
prevent spoilage. приходим к выводу, что Drying foods —
подлежащее, к которому относится инфинитив цели (т. е.
обстоятельство, выраженное здесь инфинитивом. Оно может
относиться к любому члену предложения, выраженному
глагольной формой).
При переводе получаем: «Сушка пищевых продуктов с
целью предотвращения их порчи не обязательно означает
концентрацию до такой степени, когда жидкость продукта
будет более плотной, чем жидкость, содержащаяся в
При анализе предложений необходимо помнить об
однородных членах предложения, которые разделяются
запятыми или связаны союзами and, or, but, а также о
сложносочиненных предложениях, связанных теми же союзами
или бессоюзно, а также о придаточных предложениях, союзных
или бессоюзных.
дополнение, определение и обстоятельство.
Дополнение характерно для глагола независимо от того,
каким членом предложения является эта глагольная форма, и
место дополнения всегда справа от глагольной формы, с
которой оно связано. Например:
They used a grinder. The engineers spoke about using a new
Определение всегда относится к существительному. Его
место или слева от существительного, если это одно
определение или ряд единичных определений:
A new efficient press has already been installed, или справа
от существительного, если это определение распространенное
предложение): The press installed in this shop was designed by our
непосредственной близости от определяемого существительного
и его можно изобразить так:
ряд единичных
О б с т о я т е л ь с т в о связано или с глагольной формой и
находится слева или справа от нее, или связано с содержанием
всего предложения. В последнем случае оно занимает место в
начале или в конце предложения:
The plant takes the carbon and oxygen from the air.
При переводе второстепенных членов предложения очень
важно правильно перевести предлог или союз, которым он
вводится, например: Ascorbic acid known as vitamin is the least
stable of all the vitamins. — Аскорбиновая кислота, известная
как витамин, является наименее стойкой из всех витаминов.
Usually the plant stores the carbohydrates as insoluble starch in the
form of tiny grains or granules («как нерастворимый крахмал», «в
виде нерастворимого крахмала»).
Омонимия некоторых предлогов и союзов также создает
определенные трудности, требующие выработки навыков их
1. Подлежащее может быть выражено:
а) именем существительным без предлога:
Vitamins are essential for good nutrition.
б) личным местоимением ,в именительном падеже:
We asked them about their slaughter house. It is the largest
enterprise in the district.
в) местоимением it в безличных и указательных предложениях:
It is interesting to hear about this method. - Интересно
услышать об этом методе.
It is the method I spoke to you about. - Это тот самый метод,
о котором я говорил тебе.
г) указательным местоимением:
These are the machines developed by our engineers. - Это
машины, созданные нашими инженерами.
д) неопределенно-личным местоимением one (на русский
язык не переводится):
One can expect this method to be efficient. - Можно
предположить, что этот метод эффективен.
е) инфинитивом или инфинитивным оборотом:
То cure meat means to suppress the activities of
microorganisms and ferments. - Посолить мясо - значит подавить
деятельность бактерий и ферментов.
ж) герундием или герундиальным оборотом:
Placing bacon in brines of certain concentrations promotes
fermentation"; - Помещение бекона в рассолы определенной
концентрации способствует брожению.
з) целым предложением:
Whether refrigeration or freezing should be used depends
upon the period of storage. - Использовать охлаждение или
замораживание - зависит от времени хранения.
Why they chose this particular technique is to be explained.
- Следует объяснить, почему они выбрали именно этот метод.
и) существительным в общем падеже (или местоимением
в именительном падеже) в составе субъектного инфинитивного
оборота (это так называемое «сложное подлежащее»):
Meat is known to contain many minerals.
Известно, что мясо содержит много минеральных
2. Сказуемое.
В английском языке имеется простое сказуемое,
составное глагольное сказуемое и составное именное
Простое сказуемое состоит из глагола в личной форме в
любом времени, залоге и наклонении:
Vitamin A occurs in animal food. - Витамин А встречается в
пище животного происхождения.
A substitute for butter has been manufactured from
wholesome products. - Заменитель сливочного масла изготовлен
из качественных продуктов.
Vitamins are required in small amounts. - Витамины
требуются в небольших количествах.
Составное глагольное сказуемое выражается:
а) сочетанием таких глаголов, как to start, to begin, to
continue, to stop и др., выражающими начало, продолжение или
конец действия, с инфинитивом или герундием:
After that they began to experiment (=began
experimenting). - После этого они начали проводить
This method of bakon - curing continues to be used at some
plants. - Этот метод посола бекона продолжает использоваться
на некоторых заводах.
б) сочетанием модальных глаголов can, may, must или их
эквивалентов с инфинитивом (перфектным или неперфектным):
Frozen meat must be thawed before cooking. Замороженное
мясо следует растаять перед приготовлением.
в) глаголами или словосочетаниями с инфинитивом или
причастием в составе «субъектного инфинитивного (или
причастного) оборота». В этом случае они выполняют роль
сказуемого при сложном подлежащем.
Служебную часть такого составного глагольного
сказуемого составляют 1) глаголы в личной форме, в основном,
страдательного залога, обозначающие сообщение, мнение,
суждение, предположение (to know, to think, to mean, to believe,
to consider, to expect, to say, to report, to announce, to suppose и
The tribes which lived on the Iranian plateau some 5,000 years
ago are known to have kept domestic cattle. - Как известно,
племена, жившие на Иранском плато примерно 5000 лет тому
назад, держали домашний скот.
А также некоторые глаголы в действительном залоге (to
seem, to appear, to prove, to happen, to chance):
Meat curing seems to have been initiated quite by chance.
Посол мяса, вероятно, был произведен совершенно случайно.
2) глаголы, выражающие приказание, принуждение,
просьбу, разрешение (to order, to cause, to make, to allow, to
The force meat is allowed to stand for some time. Фаршу
дают постоять какое-то время.
3) словосочетания to be sure, to be certain, to be likely
(unlikely) с инфинитивом1:
This method is sure to gain popularity with ham
manufactures. — Этот метод непременно завоюет популярность
на предприятиях по производству ветчины.
Составное именное сказуемое имеет г л а г о л-связку
(to be, to become, to remain) в личной форме и именную часть,
которая может быть выражена:
существительным (Не is an engineer. - Он инженер).
существительным с предлогом (These results are of great
importance. — Эти результаты очень важны).
прилагательным (This method became popular. - Этот
метод стал популярным).
числительным (The
sum was ninety-eight. - Сумма
составила девяносто восемь).
инфинитивом (То pasteurize the product is to heat it to the
temperature that kills the pathogenic bacteria. - Пастеризовать
продукт значит нагреть его до температуры, которая убивает
болезнетворные бактерии).
герундием (The aim of the experiments was determining the
temperature of lipid decomposition. - Целью экспериментов было
определение температуры распада липидов).
предложением (The problem to be considered is why the
sausage loses its natural colour. - Проблема, которую предстоит
рассмотреть, состоит в том, почему колбаса утрачивает свою
естественную окраску).
3. Дополнение может быть выражено:
а) существительным без предлога или с предлогом:
Acid in food hastens the destruction of microorganisms. Кислота в пище ускоряет разрушение микроорганизмов.
The processing of food by high temperature results in its
pasteurization. - Обработка пищи высокой температурой
приводит к ее пастеризации.
б) личным местоимением
в объектном падеже (с
предлогом или без предлога):
Foods may be preserved by making them unsuitable for
spoilage agents. - Пищевые продукты могут быть сохранены,
если сделать их непригодными для существования
в) герундием или герундиальным оборотом (с предлогом
или без него):
Fermentation did not prevent man from taking practical
advantages of the resulting product. - ферментация не помешала
человеку извлечь практическую пользу из продукта,
получающегося в результате ее.
г) инфинитивом:
Housewives prefer to buy precooked foods. - Домохозяйки
предпочитают покупать пищевые концентраты.
д) существительным (или личным местоимением в
объектном падеже) -Ь инфинитив после глаголов, выражающих
чувственное восприятие (to hear, to see, to observe, to watch),
желание (to wish, to desire), мнение, суждение (to think, to
believe, to consider, to suppose, to expect, to assume), позволение
или принуждение (to permit, to allow, to cause, to make, to force).
Такое дополнение называется сложным дополнением или
«объектным инфинитивным оборотом».
We expect the product to be popular. - Мы ожидаем, что
продукт будет популярным.
е) дополнительным придаточным предложением (с
союзом и без союза):
The operator couldn't understand for a long time why the
conveyer had stopped. - Механик долго не мог понять, почему
конвейер остановился.
It is believed fish was dried, salted and smoked on the shores
of the North Atlantic. - Считают, что рыбу сушили, солили и
коптили на берегах Северной Атлантики.
4. Определение может стоять слева или справа от
определяемого существительного. При наличии служебных слов
(артикль или заменяющее его слово, предлог), относящихся к
существительному, левое определение стоит между служебным
словом и определяемым существительным. Оно может быть
а) прилагательным:
Chemical preservatives have been used since ancient times,
salt being most popular. - Химические консерванты используются
с древнейших времен, соль является наиболее популярным
б) существительным в притяжательном падеже:
Pickled pig`s feet are prepared by curing the feet in wooden
vats. Соленные свинные ножки готовят методом посола в
деревянных чанах.
в) порядковым числительным:
Drying was perhaps one of the first methods of food
preservation. - Сушка была, вероятно, одним из первых методов
консервации пищи.
г) существительным (одним или несколькими) без
Beef carcasses should be thoroughly chilled. - Говяжьи туши
следует тщательно охладить.
д) причастием I (активным):
The developing bacteria use food constituents for their
nourishment needs. - Развивающиеся бактерии используют
пищевые составляющие для питания.
е) причастием II:
The improved containers make possible the production of
immense quantities of canned foods. - Улучшенная тара позволяет
производить огромное количество консервированных пищевых
Правые определения, почти всегда распространенные
(исключением являются определения, перечисленные в пунктах
ж, з, и, п), могут быть выражены:
ж) количественным числительным:
Th's article is on page 5. - Эта статья находится на
странице 5.
з) существительным с предлогом:
Acid in foods hastens the destruction of microorganisms. Кислота в пище ускоряет уничтожение микроорганизмов.
и) личным местоимением в объектном падеже с
Bacteria are usually destroyed by pasteurization but some
forms of them remain. - Бактерии обычно уничтожаются
пастеризацией, но некоторые их формы остаются.
к) обособленным прилагательным (с зависимыми
Foods are often complex substances capable of meeting
different body needs. - Пищевые продукты часто являются
сложными веществами, способными удовлетворять различные
потребности организма.
л) обособленным существительным (с зависимыми
Some smokehouses are fired by the sawdust, the dust from oak
and birch. На некоторых коптильнях используются опилки,
опилки дуба или березы.
м) сочетанием for 4 - существительное (объектный падеж
личного местоимения) + инфинитив:
This is the instruction for the operators to study. - Вот
инструкция, которую должны изучить рабочие.
н) причастным оборотом» с причастием I (активным):
The apparatus roasting meat is called a roaster. - Аппарат,
обжаривающий мясо» называется обжарочным аппаратом.
о) причастием I (пассивным):
The frankfurters being produced will be dispatched to catering
system. - Сосиски, изготовляемые сейчас, будут отправлены на
предприятия общественного питания.
п) причастием II:
Roasters are classified as to the kind of fuel employed. –
используемого топлива.
р) причастным оборотом с причастием II:
Of all the manipulations involved in the manufacture of
sausage the proper weighing of both meats and spices is one of the
most important. – Из всех операций, входящих в процесс
производства колбасы, правильное взвешивание как мяса, так и
специй является наиболее важной.
с) причастием II + инфинитив:
The meat plant reported to have been modernized has been
incorporated by the firm. - Мясокомбинат, который, как
сообщалось, был модернизирован, вошел в состав этой фирмы.
т) инфинитивом, чаще всего пассивным:
The hams to be smoked are sent to the chill room. - Окорока,
которые должны подвергнуться копчению, отправляются в
холодильную камеру.
This is the trimmings to be used for sausages. - Это - обрезь,
которая будет использована для производства колбас.
у) герундием (или герундиальным оборотом) с предлогом:
Refrigeration is widely used as a means of preserving
perishable foods. - Охлаждение широко используется как
средство сохранения скоропортящихся продуктов.
ф) определительными придаточными предложениями,
союзными и бессоюзными:
The contribution that a food makes to the body depends
upon its constituents and the ability of the body to utilize them. Вклад, который пища вносит в организм, зависит от ее
составляющих и от способности организма использовать их.
The importance of vitamins is indicated by the part vitamins
have played and continue to play in our life. – Значение витаминов
видно из той роли, которую они играли и продолжают играть в
нашей жизни.
Ниже способы выражения определений представлены
более наглядно.
а) в притяжатель- существительное
ном падеже;
б) в общем падеже
без предлога
а) указательное;
б) притяжательное;
в) неопределенное
а) причастие I
б) причастие II,
обособленное прилагательное с зависимыми
а) с предлогом;
а) личное в объектном
падеже с предлогом;
б) абсолютная форма
местоимения с
а) причастие I
(активное или пассивное или причастный
оборот с причастием I);
б) причастие II (активное или пассивное или
причастный оборот с
причастием II);
в) причастие
герундий или
герундиальный оборот
(с предлогом),
или бессоюзное)
5. Обстоятельство может быть выражено:
а) наречием:
Before going into the chill room the halves are usually weighed. Перед поступлением в холодильник полутуши обычно
б) существительным с предлогом:
In the tanks the sides mature for five days. - В чанах полутуши
созревают в течении пяти дней.
в) причастием I или причастным оборотом с
причастием I:
Retarding the growth of microorganisms refrigeration
furnishes conditions for food preservation. - Замедляя рост
микроорганизмов, охлаждение обеспечивает условия для
сохранения пищи.
г) when (if) + причастие II (или причастный оборот с
причастием II):
Frozen foods when held at proper temperatures undergo
changes slowly. - Замороженные продукты, когда они хранятся
при соответствующей температуре, подвергаются изменениям
Foods are substances that supply nutrients to the body when
eaten. - Пищевые продукты - это вещества, которые поставляют
организму питательные вещества, когда они попадают в
л) .when (if) + прилагательное:
Meet products keep better when cold. – Мясные продукты
лучше сохраняются, когда они хранятся при низких
инфинитивом. Инфинитив обычно выражает
обстоятельство цели; иногда такой инфинитив вводится
словосочетанием in order:
The term "food" is often used to refer to substances that form
a part of the usual diet. - Слово «пища» часто используется для
обозначения веществ, которые составляют часть обычного
рациона питания.
In order to meet the body requirements in minerals foods must
contain them in certain chemical compounds. - Чтобы
удовлетворять потребности организма в минеральных
веществах, пища должна содержать их в определенных химических соединениях.
ж) предлог + герундий (или герундиальный оборот):
Certain chemicals help to preserve food by retarding or
preventing the growth of microorganisms. - Некоторые
химические вещества способствуют консервации пищи,
замедляя или предотвращая рост микроорганизмов.
In making sausages from meat various formulations are used.
– При приготовлении колбас из мяса используются различные
з) without + герундий (или герундиальный оборот):
We can't make good frankfurters, without knowing the
properties of all the ingredients. - Мы не можем получить хорошие
сосиски, не зная свойств всех ингредиентов.
Practically no meat products are produced now without being
enriched. - Практически никакие мясные изделия не
производятся сейчас без обогащающих добавок.
и) различными обстоятельственными придаточными
предложениями. Чтобы четко выделять и правильно переводить
такие предложения, необходимо знать союзы, которыми они
вводятся (when, as soon as, after, before, while, if, provided, unless,
although, as, because, since и др.):
When bleeding is completed the forelegs are removed. –
Когда обескровливание закончено передние ноги удаляют.
Extractives give to the different kinds of meat their
characteristic flavor, some having more of them than others. –
Экстрактивные вещества придают различным видам мяса свой
характерный вкус, при чем некоторые из них больше, чем
л) сочетанием «for + существительное + инфинитив»:
For the reaction to occur the substances should be heated. Чтобы реакция произошла, вещества должны быть нагреты.
to be + V + ing
(3 л. ед. ч.)
Perfect Continuous
to have + V +
ed (3f)
to be+V+ing
have been
has been
+ed (2f)
shall be
shall have
+ (3f)
will be
will have
действие в
процессе, в
had been +
shall have been
will have been
действие в
законченное к
процессе целый
период времени
Формула пассивного залога: to be + 3 f V
to be +being + 3fV
(V + ing )
to be + 3 f V
to have been + 3fV
being +3fV
+ 3fV
being +3fV
+ 3fV
been + 3fV
действие в процессе, в
момент времени
had been + 3fV
shall have
be + 3fV
been + 3fV
will have
действие, законченное
к моменту времени
Сигналы пассива:
1) наличие одной из 8 форм глагола to be,
2) отсутствие после нее V + ing (кроме формы being).
Времена в пассивном залоге образуются по тем же
формулам, что и в активном залоге, но все изменения
происходят во вспомогательном глаголе to be.
-ion/-sion/-tion - discussion, transmission, combination
- writer, inspector
- opening
- ment
- development
- ty/-ity
- activity
- importance, difference
- ness
- darkness
-ure/-ture - mixture
- democratic
- progressive
- valuable, accessible
-ant/-ent - resistant, different
- dangerous
- central
- hopeful
- holes
- uncomfortable, indirect, irregular, illogical,
il-/im- impossible
- to characterize
re- to rewrite
- coldly
Ac, ac [alternating current] – переменный ток
ATP ase [adenosinetriphosphatase] – аденозинтрифосфорная
кислота (АТФ)
ADP ase [adenosinediphosphatase] – аденозиндифосфорная
кислота (АДФ)
C [centigrade] - по стоградусной шкале (о температуре)
cm [centimeter] - сантиметр
deg. [degree] - градус
eg. [exemple gratia] – лат. например
ect. [et cetera] – лат. и другие
ft [foot] – фут, feet - футы
g [gram] - грамм
h, hr [hour] - час
i.e. [id est] – лат. то есть
lb [pound] – фунт (0,454 кг)
oz [ounce] – унция (28,349 кг)
Клише для написания аннотации дипломной работы
Выходные данные
1.The diploma paper is called...
...pages with drawings (layouts),
... figures,... references.
1. Настоящая дипломная
работа называется...
... стр. с чертежами (планами),
... рисунками, литературными
Тема (предметное содержание) д/работы
1.The subject of the diploma
paper is the research... (analysis,
description of the received results,
elaboration, checking (control), test
2.The method is described...
1.Предметом дипломной
работы является исследование...
(анализ, описание полученных
результатов исследования,
разработка, проверка (контроль),
испытание (апробация)...).
2.Описывается метод
Литературный обзор
1.Дипломная работа
начинается с короткого
(обширного) литературного
2.In the introduction the literary обзора...
summary of the condition... of the
meat industry of our country and
2.Во вступительной части дан
abroad (in our region)... is given.
литературный обзор состояния...
мясной промышленности нашей
3.The summary of the modern страны и за рубежом (в области, в
statements (knowledge) about... is
given on the basis of a brief
(expended) literary data.
3.На основе обширных
(кратких) литературных данных
4.The first part of the diploma дается обзор современных
paper deals with a brief (expended) положений (знаний) о...
literary summary.
4.Первая часть дипломной
работы посвящается короткому
5.In addition to the estimation is (обширному) литературному
1.The current state of the meat
industry is given in the beginning.
6.Some ways of solving the
problem of... are examined
proceeding from the meaning...
5.При этом дается оценка...
6.Исходя из значения...
7.In the diploma paper the
рассматриваются некоторые пути
results of the research on
решения проблемы о...
question(problem) of are described...
7.В дипломной работе
описаны результаты исследования
по вопросу (проблеме)...
Описание технологии
1.Next follows the description
of the production technology...
2.Next the short description of
the home (foreign) production
technology is given... pointing out
the regime of work.
3.The discription of the
technology is illustrated with
building drawings.
1.Далее описывается
технология изготовления...
2.Далее кратко (схематично)
описывается отечественная
(зарубежная) технология
изготовления... с указанием
режимов работы...
3.Описание технологии
иллюстрируется (подкрепляется)
строительными чертежами.
Метрологический контроль. Сертификация
1.The maps of metrological
control and the system of
certification are given.
1.Приводятся карты
технологического контроля и
система сертификации.
2.The results of the experiment
are demonstrated/shown with the
help of the diagrams and tables.
2.На основе (с помощью)
графиков и таблиц показываются
(демонстрируются) результаты
3.This is the example of...
3.На примере... показывается...
Вторичные ресурсы, отходы, стоки и выбросы... Характеристика
и пути рационального использования в основном производстве
1.By-product, wastes, wastewater and the rational ways of their
utilization are also described.
2.Recommendations on waste
reduction during the production are
3.Economical aspects are also
the subject of investigation.
4.Practical recommendations...
are given.
5.The diploma paper contains the
data on...
6.The attention is also paid to the
problems of...
1.Описываются также
вторичное сырье, отходы, стоки и
пути рационального
использования... в основном
2.Даны рекомендации по
снижению потерь при
изготовлении..., а именно...
3.Предметом рассмотрения
являются также экономические
4.Даны практические
5.Дипломная работа содержит
данные о...
6.Вопросам... также уделяется
Использование ЭВМ
1.Research data are processed by
1.Обработка данных
the method of mathematical
производится методами
математической статистики.
Оценка результатов исследования
1.The result of the research
showed that...
1.Результаты исследования
показали (дали), что...
2.The result of the research
promote assortment improving,
development, extension..., loss
reduction..., supply...
2.Результаты исследования
способствуют улучшению,
развитию, расширению
ассортимента..., снижению
потерь..., снабжению...
3.The advantages of these
method of solution are...
3.Преимуществами данных
путей решения являются...
4. ... open new perspecive
application in..., allow the
application in...
4. ... открывают новые
перспективы применения в...,
позволяют применение в...
аннотации дипломной работы
Настоящая дипломная работа называется "Разработка
белковых препаратов отечественного производства для
получения мясных продуктов"
Научный руководитель:
... стр., ... листов с чертежами, ... таблиц, ... рисунков, ...
литературных источников.
Предметом дипломной работы являются результаты
теоретических и экспериментальных исследований по
разработке отечественного белкового препарата растительного
Была оценена и обоснована перспективность препарата
изготовленного из чечевицы, отечественного зернового
Комплексная оценка свойств белкового комплекса из
чечевицы позволила выявить ряд преимуществ по сравнению с
известными аналогами.
Выявлены условия максимального выделения белкового
препарата различной степени чистоты.
Экспериментальные данные позволили предложить
современные технологии для изготовления концентратов и
изолятов, которые отличаются высоким выходом, качеством и
Предложенные технические решения, принципиально
принципиально новые технологические режимы обоснованы и
могут быть реализованы на практике.
При исследовании использовались новые и современные
of the diploma paper
The title of this diploma paper is "The development of the
protein preparations of native production for the production of meat
Scientific supervisor:
... pages, ... drawings, ... tables, ... figures, ... referenses
The subject of the diploma paper are the results of the
theoretical and experimental studies on the development of native
protein preparations of plant origin.
There has been estimated and based the perspective of the
preparation made of lentil, native grown product.
Complex evaluation of properties of protein preparation from
lentil allowed to find out a number of advantages in comparison with
the known ones.
The conditions of maximum isolation of the protein
preparation of different degrees of purity have been revealed.
Experimental data allowed to suggest modern technologies for
the production of concentrates and isolates of high quality and
ecologically pure.
The solutions of principally new technological regimes have
been motivated and may be realized in practice.
At studying new and modern methods have been used.
Клише для написания аннотации дипломного проекта
Выходные данные
The title of the diploma paper
Настоящий проект
... pages, ... drawings, ... figures,
... стр. с листами чертежей, ...
... tables,
... references.
... таблицами, ...
литературными источниками.
Тема (предметное содержание) д/проекта
1.The subject of the diploma
1.Предметом дипломного
project is the description of ways of проекта является описание
reconstruction of the enterprise
мероприятий (путей) по
(plant, department).
реконструкции предприятия
2.The subject of the diploma
project is reconstruction of the plant
2.Предметом дипломного
проекта является техническое
перевооружение предприятия
Детальный анализ "узких" мест реконструируемого предприятия
1.Detailed analysis of plant
1.Дан пробный анализ
reconstruction (raw material base,
"узких" мест
transportation, equipment, means of
mechanization and automatization,
предприятия (сырьевой базы,
assortment, aesthetical aspects, control транспорта, оборудования,
of raw materials and labour resources, средств механизации и
safety of production, document
автоматизации, ассортимента,
exchange, provision of cold and heat has эстетических аспектов,
been given).
контроля сырья и рабочих
ресурсов, безопасности
производства, обмена
документов, снабжение
холодом и теплом).
2.Possible directions of
reconstruction are considered and
optimum ways for reaching the aims of
reconstruction with the account of
construction plans of the department,
production site before reconstruction are
2.Освещаются возможные
направления реконструкции и
обосновываются оптимальные
пути для достижения целей
реконструкции с учетом
строительных планов цехов
производственного участка до
3.There has been given the review of
3.При этом дается обзор
the modern state of scientific and
современного состояния
technical provision in meat industry in научно-технического
the aspect of reconstruction.
снабжения в мясной
промышленности в аспекте
4.The assortment with scientific and
4.Подробно (кратко)
характеризуется ассортимент с
technical data: consumer properties,
demand, storage life is characterized in учетом научно-технических
данных (НТД): потребительские
detail (in short).
свойства, спрос, хранимость.
5.Обоснован новый
5.New assortment is motivated.
6.Обосновано обновление
6.Technological estimations are
Технология, расчеты
1.Calculations and the choice of
equipment with criteria of choice are
discribed. Control calculations and
functional diagram of equipment are
1.Приводятся технологические
расчеты. Описываются расчеты и
выбор реконструкции с
критериями выбора. Приводятся
контрольные расчеты и
функциональная диаграмма
функционирования оборудования.
2.Описывается способ работы
единиц оборудования(установок,
2.The way of equipment (units, устройств, приборов) и
devices, apparatures) work and the целесообразность структуры
expediency of production line
производственных линий.
structure is described.
1.Production technology is given
1.Кратко (подробно,
in detail (shortly, schematically).
схематично) излагается
технология изготовления... с
опорой на строительные чертежи.
2.The scheme of the
2.Приводится также схема
technological control of finished
технологического контроля
products and veterinary inspector is качества готового продукта и
3.The diploma product has cards
3.Дипломный проект содержит
of metrological control and system of карты метрологического контроля
certification, control and accounting и систему сертификации, учет и
of production, recommended scheme контроль производства,
of control after reconstruction.
рекомендуемую схему контроля
после реконструкции.
Вторичные ресурсы
1.By-product, wastes, are
characterized and the ways of
rational use of by-products in the
main production are described.
1.Характеризуются вторичное
сырье, отходы, стоки и
описываются пути рационального
использования... в основном
2.Measures on decreasing losses
2.Рекомендуется мероприятие
are recommended...
по снижению потерь...
3.There have been given
3.Даны расчеты потребностей
calculations on the demand of people людских ресурсов, необходимых
resources, necessary production
площадей с заданными размерами,
areas with the given dimensions.
привязанными к зданию
4.Calculations have been treated
by the method of mathematical
4.Расчеты обработаны
методами математической
аннотации дипломного проекта
Настоящий дипломный проект называется
"Проект мясоперерабатывающего комплекса мощностью
40 т колбасных изделий в смену в Воронеже".
Авт. Николаев Н.П. Научный руководитель:
50 стр., 8 листов чертежей, 8 таблиц, 8 рисунков, 8
литературных источников.
Предметом дипломного проекта является новое
строительство по производству колбасных изделий и
Обоснован объем и структура ассортимента выпускаемой
продукции. Особое влияние уделено изготовлению мясных
блюд быстрого замораживания и различных полуфабрикатов.
Приведенные расчеты позволяют определить потребность
в мясных продуктах, в производственных площадях для
организации строительства, потребности в людских и
энергетических ресурсах.
Исходя из анализа современного состояния мясной
промышленности в проекте предлагается поточная линия для
производства полуфабрикатов и быстрозамороженных блюд и
колбасных изделий.
Решены вопросы упаковки и фасовки продуктов.
Предлагаются мероприятия по автоматизации технологических
процессов, эстетики производства.
Дипломный проект дополняется вспомогательными
расчетами относительно требований к строительству,
безопасности производства, экономическому анализу, охране
окружающей среды.
of the diploma project
The title of this diploma project is "Project on the Voronezh
meat plant processing 40 tons of sausages a shift".
Author: Nikolaev W.P. Scientific supervisor:
50 pages, 8 drawings, 8 tables, 8 figures, 8 referenses
The subject of the diploma project is the construction of the
meat processing plant producing sausages and semi-finished
The assortment and volume of production are given.
Special attention is paid to the production of meat products of
fast freezing and various semi-finished products.
Given estimations allow to determine the necessary volume of
consumption of meat products, production arears for the
construction, needed number of people and energy resources.
Proceeding from the analysis of meat industry there is
suggested in the project the production line for semi-finished and fast
frozen products.
The problem of product packaging is solved.
Measures on automation of technological processes and
production aesthetics are suggested.
The diploma project is supplemented by the additional
calculations of the construction, production safety, economical
analysis, environment protection.
аннотации дипломного проекта
Настоящий дипломный проект называется
"Техническое перевооружение мясожирового корпуса
мясного комбината "Острогожский" с целью эффективного
использования вторичных продуктов убоя".
... стр., ... листов чертежей, ... таблиц, ... рисунков, ...
литературных источников.
Научный руководитель:
Дан детальный анализ "узких" мест мясокомбината
перевооружения мясожирового корпуса, реализованные в
Мероприятия технического перевооружения корпуса
подтверждены расчетами, выполнеными соответственно
требованиям и НТД.
функциональными диаграммами.
Ассортимент пищевой и технической продукции
расширен за счет рационального использования вторичных
продуктов убоя.
of the diploma project
The title of this diploma project is "The technical
reconstruction of the meat-fat plant "Ostrogozhsky" in order to use
effectively secondary slaughter products"
... pages, ... drawings, ... tables, ... figures, ... referenses
Scientific supervisor:
The detailed analysis of "weak points" of the meat-fat plant
"Ostrogozhsky" is given. The ways of reconstruction of the meat-fat
shop, realized in the diploma project are given.
Measures for the reconstruction of the shop carried out
according to the standards and are confirmed by estimations.
Calculations and the choice of the equipment are illustrated by
functional diagrams.
The variety of meat and technical production is increased due
to rational application of secondary slaughter products.