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New Global Patterns
A New Pattern
Japan's response to the threat of Western imperialism was different from that of many other
countries. In 1871, a delegation of Japanese officials journeyed to the United States with
the goal of learning as much as possible about Western culture and technology.
“We expect
and intend to reform and improve so as to stand upon a similar footing with the
most enlightened nations.... It is our purpose to select from the various institutions
prevailing among enlightened nations such as are the best suited to our present condition
and adopt them, in gradual reforms and improvements of our policy and customs....”
—Japanese emperor Meiji
in a letter to the American president introducing the delegation
Listen to the Witness History audio to hear more about Japan's drive to modernize.
Japanese women mingle with Europeans in Yokohama's trading compound in this woodcut print created by a
Japanese artist in 1861.
Chapter Preview
Chapter Focus Question How did political and economic imperialism influence nations
around he world?
Section 1
Japan Modernizes
Section 2
Imperialism in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Section 3
Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
Section 4
Economic Imperialism in Latin America
Note Taking Study Guide Online
For: Note Taking and Concept Connector worksheets Web Code: nbd-2501
A traditional Japanese fan
Changes for Japan
The emperor Meiji wrote a poem to provide inspiration for Japan's efforts to become a modern
country in the late 1800s:
"May our country,
Taking what is good,
and rejecting what is bad,
Be not inferior
To any other."
Focus Question How did Japan become a modern industrial power, and what did it do with its
new strength?
Emperor Meiji
Japan Modernizes
- Explain
how problems in Japanese society and the opening of Japan to other countries led to
the Meiji Restoration.
- Describe the
main reforms under the Meiji government.
- Analyze the
factors contributing to Japan's drive for empire.
Terms, People, and Places
Matthew Perry
Meiji Restoration
homogeneous society
First Sino-Japanese War
Russo-Japanese War
Note Taking
Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects As you read this section, identify the causes and
effects of the Meiji Restoration in a chart like the one below.
In 1853, the United States displayed its new military might, sending a naval force to make
Japan open its ports to trade. Japanese leaders debated how to respond. While some
resisted giving up their 215-year-old policy of seclusion, others felt that it would be wiser
for Japan to learn from the foreigners.
In the end, Japan chose to abandon its centuries of isolation. The country swiftly transformed
itself into a modern industrial power and then set out on its own imperialist path.
Discontent in Tokugawa Japan
In the early 1600s, Japan was still ruled by shoguns, or supreme military dictators. Although
emperors still lived in the ceremonial capital of Kyoto, the shoguns held the real power in
Edo. Daimyo, r landholding warrior lords, helped the shoguns control Japan. -1 1603, a
new family, the Tokugawas, seized power. The Tokugawa shoguns reimposed centralized
feudalism, closed Japan to foreigners, and forbade Japanese people to travel overseas. The
nation's only window on the world was through Nagasaki, where the Dutch were allowed
very limited trade.
For more than 200 years, Japan developed in isolation. Internal commerce expanded,
agricultural production grew, and bustling cities sprang up. However, these economic
changes strained Japanese society. Many daimyo suffered financial hardship. They needed
money in a commercial economy, but a daimyo's wealth was in land rather than cash.
Lesser samurai were unhappy, too, because they lacked the money to live as well as urban
Merchants in turn resented their place at the bottom of the social ladder. No matter how rich
they were, they had no political power. Peasants, meanwhile, suffered under heavy taxes.
The government responded by trying to revive old ways, emphasizing farming over commerce
and praising traditional values. These efforts had scant success. By the 1800s, shoguns
were no longer strong leaders, and corruption was common. Discontent simmered
throughout Japan.
Checkpoint By the mid-1800s, why did so many groups of people in Japan feel discontented?
Japan Opens Up
While the shoguns faced troubles at home, disturbing news of the British victory over China in
the Opium War and the way in which imperialists had forced China to sign unequal treaties
reached Japan. Surely, Japanese officials reasoned, it would not be long before Western
powers turned towards Japan.
External Pressure and Internal Revolt The official's fears were correct. In July 1853, a fleet
of well-armed American ships commanded by Commodore Matthew Perry sailed into
lower Tokyo Bay. Perry carried a letter from Millard Fillmore, the President of the United
States. The letter demanded that Japan open its ports to diplomatic and commercial
The shogun's advisors debated what to do. Japan did not have the ability to defend itself against
the powerful United States Navy. In the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854, the shogun Iesada
agreed to open two Japanese ports to American ships, though not for trade.
The United States soon won trading and other rights, including extraterritoriality and low taxes
on American imports. European nations demanded and won similar rights. Like the
Chinese, the Japanese felt humiliated by the terms of these unequal treaties. Some bitterly
criticized the shogun for not taking a strong stand against the foreigners.
Vocabulary Builder
emphasizing—(EM fuh syz ing) vt. stressing
In the Japanese woodblock print below, Japanese boats go out to meet one of Commodore
Matthew Perry's ships in Tokyo Bay. In response to Perry's expedition, the Japanese
statesman Lord li considered Japan's strategy toward contact with foreign powers:
Primary Source
“There is
a saying that when one is besieged in a castle, to raise the drawbridge is to imprison
oneself.... Even though the Shogun's ancestors set up seclusion laws, they left the Dutch
and Chinese to act as a bridge.... Might this bridge not now be of advantage to us in
handling foreign affairs, providing us with the means whereby we may for a time avert the
outbreak of hostilities and then, after some time has elapsed, gain a complete victory?”
Vocabulary Builder
thereby—(THEHR by) adv. by that means, because of that
Foreign pressure deepened the social and economic unrest. In 1867, discontented daimyo and
samurai led a revolt that unseated the shogun and "restored" the 15-year-old emperor
Mutsuhito to power. When he was crowned emperor, Mutsuhito took the name Meiji
(MAY jee), which means "enlightened rule." He moved from the old imperial capital in
Kyoto to the shogun's palace in Edo, which was renamed Tokyo, or "eastern capital."
The Meiji Restoration The young emperor began a long reign known as the Meiji
Restoration. This period, which lasted from 1868 to 1912, was a major turning point in
Japanese history. The Meiji reformers, who ruled in the emperor's name, were determined
to strengthen Japan. Their goal was summarized in their motto, "A rich country, a strong
military." The emperor supported and embodied the reforms.
The new leaders set out to study Western ways, adapt them to Japanese needs, and thereby keep
Japan from having to give in to Western demands. In 1871, members of the government
traveled overseas to learn about Western governments, economies, technology, and
customs. The government brought experts from Western countries to Japan and sent young
samurai to study abroad, furthering Japan's knowledge of Western industrial techniques.
Checkpoint How did Japan react when it was forced to accept unequal treaties?
Traveler’s Tales
Japanese Diplomat Fukuzawa Yukichi Visits America
In 1860, writer and educator Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901) joined the first Japanese
diplomatic mission to the United States. When he returned home, he wrote articles and
books explaining Western customs and practices to the Japanese. In this selection from his
autobiography, Fukuzawa recalls his early impressions of San Francisco and discusses
some of the differences between American and Japanese cultures and attitudes.
"All of us wore the usual pair of swords at our sides and the [rope] sandals. So attired, we were
taken to the modern hotel. There we noticed, covering the interior, the valuable carpets
which in Japan only the more wealthy could buy from importers' shops at so much a square
inch to make purses and tobacco pouches with. Here the carpet was laid over an entire
room—something quite astounding—[and] upon this costly fabric walked our hosts
wearing the shoes with which they had come in from the streets!”
"One evening our hosts said that some ladies and gentlemen were having a dancing party and
that they would be glad to have us attend it. We went. To our dismay we could not make
out what they were doing. The ladies and gentlemen seemed to be hopping about the room
together. As funny as it was, we knew it would be rude to laugh, and we controlled our
expressions with difficulty as the dancing went on. These were but a few of the instances
of our bewilderment at the strange customs of American society."
From The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi
Thinking Critically
1. Make Inferences Why is Fukuzawa amazed that people in America walk on carpeting with
their shoes on?
2. Identify Point of View What opinion do you think Fukuzawa has of American culture?
The Meiji Transformation
The Meiji reformers faced an enormous task. They were committed to replacing the rigid
feudal order with a completely new political and social system and to building a modern
industrial economy. Change did not come easily. In the end, however, Japan adapted
foreign ideas with great speed and success.
A Modern Government The reformers wanted to create a strong central government, equal to
those of Western powers. After studying various European governments, they adapted the
German model. In 1889, the emperor issued the Meiji constitution. It set forth the principle
that all citizens were equal before the law. Like the German system, however, it gave the
emperor autocratic, or absolute, power. A legislature, or Diet, was formed, made up of one
elected house and one house appointed by the emperor. Additionally, voting rights were
sharply limited.
Japan then established a Western-style bureaucracy with separate departments to supervise
finance, the army, the navy, and education. To strengthen the military, it turned to Western
technology and ended the special privilege of samurai. In the past, samurai alone were
warriors. In modern Japan, as in the West, all men were subject to military service.
Investment in Meiji Japan
Chart Skills Japanese women (above) work in a silk manufacturing factory in the 1890s. How
does the graph reflect the Meiji reformers' drive to industrialize Japan?
Industrialization Meiji leaders made the economy a major priority. They encouraged Japan's
businesses to adopt Western methods. They set up a modern banking system, built
railroads, improved ports, and organized a telegraph and postal system.
To get industries started, the government typically built factories and then sold them to wealthy
business families who developed them further. With such support, business dynasties like
the Kawasaki family soon ruled over industrial empires. These powerful banking and
industrial families were known as zaibatsu (zy baht soo).
By the 1890s, industry was booming. With modern machines, silk manufacturing soared.
Shipyards, copper and coal mining, and steel making also helped make Japan an industrial
powerhouse. As in other industrial countries, the population grew rapidly, and many
peasants flocked to the growing cities for work.
Changes in Society The constitution ended legal distinctions between classes, thus allowing
more people to become involved in nation building. The government set up schools and a
university. It hired Westerners to teach the new generation how to use modern technology.
Despite the reforms, class distinctions survived in Japan as they did in the West. Also, although
literacy increased and some women gained an education, women in general were still
assigned a secondary role in society. The reform of the Japanese family system, and
women's position in it, became the topic of major debates in the 1870s. Although the
government agreed to some increases in education for women, it dealt harshly with other
attempts at change. After 1898, Japanese women were forbidden any political participation
and legally were lumped together with minors.
An Amazing Success Japan modernized with amazing speed during the Meiji period. Its
success was due to a number of causes. Japan had a strong sense of identity, partly because
it had a homogeneous society—that is, its people shared a common culture and language.
Economic growth during Tokugawa times had set Japan on the road to development. Japan
also had experience in learning and adapting ideas from foreign nations, such as China.
The Japanese were determined to resist foreign rule. By the 1890s, Japan was strong enough to
force Western powers to revise the unequal treaties. By then, it was already acquiring its
own overseas empire.
Checkpoint What changes did the reforms of the Meiji Restoration bring about in Japan?
Japan's Growing Military Strength
As in Western industrial nations, Japan's economic needs fed its imperialist desires. As a small
island nation, Japan lacked many basic resources that were essential for industrial growth.
It depended on other countries to obtain raw materials. Spurred by this dependency and a
strong ambition to equal the West, Japan sought to build an empire. With its modern army
and navy, it maneuvered for power in East Asia.
Korea in the Middle Imperialist rivalries put the spotlight on Korea. Located at a crossroads of
East Asia, the Korean peninsula was a focus of competition among Russia, China, and
Japan. Korea had been a tributary state to China for many years. A tributary state is a state
that is independent but acknowledges the supremacy of a stronger state. Although
influenced by China, Korea had its own traditions and government. Korea had also shut its
doors to foreigners. It did, however, maintain relations with China and sometimes with
By the 1800s, Korea faced pressure from outsiders. As Chinese power declined, Russia
expanded into East Asia. Then, as Japan industrialized, it too eyed Korea. In 1876, Japan
used its superior power to force Korea to open its ports to Japanese trade. Faced with
similar demands from Western powers, the "Hermit Kingdom" had to accept unequal
Japan Gains Power As Japan extended its influence in Korea, it came into conflict with
China. In 1894, competition between Japan and China in Korea led to the First SinoJapanese War. ("Sino" means "Chinese.") Although China had greater resources, Japan
had benefited from modernization. To the surprise of China and the West, Japan won
easily. It used its victory to gain treaty ports in China and control over the island of
Taiwan, thus joining the West in the race for empire.
Japan Rising
In this political cartoon, Japan is depicted marching over Korea on its way to Russia. Why
would Russia feel threatened by Japan's aggression in Korea?
Colonization in Korea
The excerpts below present two different views of the effect of Japan's control of Korea in the
early 1900s. Critical Thinking How do the two views on the results of colonization in
Korea differ?
Positive Effects
Mining, fishery, and manufacturing have advanced. The bald mountains have been covered
with young trees. Trade has increased by leaps and bounds.... Study what we are doing in
Korea.... Japan is a steward on whom devolves [falls] the gigantic task of uplifting the Far
—Japanese academic Nitobe lnazo
Negative Effects
The result of annexation, brought about without any conference with the Korean people, is that
the Japanese ... by a false set of figures show a profit and loss account between us two
peoples most untrue, digging a trench of everlasting resentment deeper and deeper....
the Declaration of Korean Independence, 1919
The Japanese in Korea
In this illustration, Japanese soldiers march into Seoul, Korea's capital city. Japan controlled
Korea from 1905 until 1945.
Ten years later, Japan successfully challenged Russia, its other rival for power in Korea and
Manchuria. During the Russo-Japanese War, Japan's armies defeated Russian troops in
Manchuria, and its navy destroyed almost an entire Russian fleet. For the first time in
modern history, an Asian power humbled a European nation. In the 1905 Treaty of
Portsmouth, Japan gained control of Korea as well as rights in parts of Manchuria.
Japan Rules Korea Japan made Korea a protectorate. In 1910, it annexed Korea outright,
absorbing the kingdom into the Japanese empire. Japan ruled Korea for 35 years. Like
Western imperialists, the Japanese set out to modernize their newly acquired territory.
They built factories, railroads, and communications systems. Development, however,
generally benefited Japan. Under Japanese rule, Koreans produced more rice than ever
before, but most of it went to Japan.
The Japanese were as unpopular in Korea as Western imperialists were elsewhere. They
imposed harsh rule on their colony and deliberately set out to erase the Korean language
and identity. Repression bred resentment. And resentment, in turn, nourished a Korean
nationalist movement.
Nine years after annexation, a nonviolent protest against the Japanese began on March 1, 1919,
and soon spread throughout Korea. The Japanese crushed the uprising and massacred many
Koreans. The violence did not discourage people who worked to end Japanese rule.
Instead, the March First Movement became a rallying symbol for Korean nationalists.
The Koreans would have to wait many years for freedom. Japan continued to expand in East
Asia during the years that followed, seeking natural resources and territory. By the early
1900s, Japan was the strongest power in Asia.
Checkpoint How did industrialization help start Japan on an imperialist course?
SECTION 1 Assessment
Progress Monitoring Online
For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice Web Code: nba-2511
Terms, People, and Places
1. Place each of the terms listed at the beginning of the section into one of the following
categories: politics, culture, or economics. Write a sentence for each term explaining your
Note Taking
2. Reading Strategy: Identify Causes and Effects Use your completed chart to answer the
section Focus Question: How did Japan become a modern industrial power, and what did it
do with its new strength?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. Identify Central Issues What problems weakened shogun rule in Japan in the mid-1800s?
4. Recognize Causes What caused Japan to end over 200 years of seclusion?
5. Draw Conclusions List three ways in which Japan modernized. Explain how each of these
actions helped strengthen Japan so it could resist Western pressure.
6. Connect to Geography Why was control of Korea desirable to both China and Japan?
Writing About History
Quick Write: Choose a Topic When you write for assessment, you may occasionally be given
a choice of topics. In that case, quickly jot down notes you could use to answer each
prompt. Then, choose the prompt you know the most about. Practice this process using the
two sample prompts below. Jot down notes about each prompt, choose one, and then write
a sentence explaining why you chose that prompt.
- Explain
how Japan modernized under the Meiji reformers.
- Summarize how
and why Korea became a Japanese colony.
A European woman being transported in a rickshaw in French Indochina
A Patriot's Dilemma
In 1867, Phan Thanh Gian, a Vietnamese official, faced a dilemma. The French were
threatening to invade. As a patriot, Phan Thanh Gian wanted to resist. But as a devoted
follower of Confucius, he was obliged "to live in obedience to reason." And based on the
power of the French military, he concluded that the only reasonable course was to
French have immense warships, filled with soldiers and armed with huge cannons. No one
can resist them. They go where they want, the strongest [walls] fall before them."
Focus Question How did industrialized powers divide up Southeast Asia, and how did the
colonized peoples react?
Imperialism in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- Outline how
- Explain
Europeans colonized Southeast Asia and how Siam avoided colonial rule.
how the United States gained control over the Philippines.
- Describe how
imperialism spread to the Pacific islands.
Terms, People, and Places
French Indochina
Spanish-American War
Note Taking
Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects As you read, fill in a flowchart similar to the one
below to record the causes, events, and effects of imperialism in Southeast Asia and the
Leaders throughout Southeast Asia faced the same dilemma as Phan Thanh Gian did in 1867.
As they had in Africa, Western industrial powers divided up the region in search of raw
materials, new markets, and Christian converts.
Europeans Colonize Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia commands the sea lanes between India and China. The region had been
influenced by both civilizations. From the 1500s through the 1700s, European merchants
gained footholds in Southeast Asia, but most of the area remained independent. This
changed in the 1800s. Westerners—notably the Dutch, British, and French—manipulated
local rivalries and used modern armies and technology to colonize much of Southeast Asia.
The Dutch East Indies Established During the early 1600s, the Dutch East India Company
established bases on the island of Java and in the Moluccas, or Spice Islands. From there,
the Dutch slowly expanded to dominate the rest of the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia).
The Dutch expected their Southeast Asian colonies to produce profitable crops of coffee,
indigo, and spices.
The British in Burma and Malaya In the early 1800s, rulers of Burma (present-day
Myanmar) clashed with the British, who were expanding eastward from India. The
Burmese suffered disastrous defeats in several wars. They continued to resist British rule,
however, even after Britain annexed Burma in 1886.
Two Paths in Southeast Asia
King Mongkut of Siam managed to keep his kingdom out of European control. in other parts of
Southeast Asia, colonized peoples labored to produce export crops for their colonial rulers.
Below, workers process sugar cane in the Philippines in the early 1900s.
At the same time, the British expanded their influence in Malaya. The busy port of Singapore
grew up at the southern tip of the peninsula. Soon, natural resources and profits from Asian
trade flowed through Singapore to enrich Britain.
French Indochina Seized The French, meanwhile, were building an empire on the Southeast
Asian mainland. In the 1500s, Portuguese traders had set up a trading center in what today
is Vietnam. Christian missionaries from France and other European countries moved into
Vietnam and won some converts. Threatened by growing Western influence, Vietnamese
officials tried to suppress Christianity by killing converts and missionary priests. Partly in
response, France invaded Vietnam in 1858. The French also wanted more influence and
markets in Southeast Asia.
The Vietnamese fought fiercely but could not withstand superior European firepower. By the
early 1860s, France had seized a portion of southern Vietnam. Over the next decades, the
French took over the rest of Vietnam and all of Laos and Cambodia. The French and other
Westerners referred to these holdings as French Indochina. (Mainland Southeast Asia was
known during this period as "Indochina.")
Siam Survives The kingdom of Siam (present-day Thailand) lay between British-ruled Burma
and French Indochina. The king of Siam, Mongkut (mahng KOOT), who ruled from 1851
to 1868, did not underestimate Western power. He studied foreign languages and read
widely on modern science and mathematics. He used this knowledge to negotiate with the
Western powers and satisfy their goals in Siam by making agreements in unequal treaties.
In this way, Siam escaped becoming a European colony.
Mongkut and his son, Chulalongkorn, (CHOO lah lawng kawrn) set Siam on the road to
modernization. They reformed the government, modernized the army, and hired Western
experts to teach Thais how to use the new technology. They abolished slavery and gave
women some choice in marriage. As Siam modernized, Chulalongkorn bargained to
remove the unequal treaties.
Colonial Southeast Asia During this period, many Chinese people migrated to Southeast Asia
to take advantage of the economic opportunities there. They left China to escape hardship
and turmoil. Despite local resentment, these communities formed vital networks in trade,
banking, and other economic activities.
By the 1890s, Europeans controlled most of Southeast Asia. They introduced modern
technology and expanded commerce and industry. Europeans directed the mining of tin,
the harvesting of rubber, and the building of harbors and railroads. But these changes
benefited the European colonizers far more than they did the Southeast Asians.
Checkpoint How did the Burmese and the Vietnamese respond to attempts to colonize them?
Geography Interactive
For: Audio guided tour Web Code: nbp-2521
Map Skills Spices first attracted Europeans to Southeast Asia. Later, the Industrial Revolution
encouraged the search for raw materials and new markets.
1. Locate (a) the Dutch East Indies (b) French Indochina (c) Siam (d) the Philippines
2. Regions Which Europeans claimed territory on the mainland?
3. Draw Inferences According to the map, which Europeans controlled the widest variety of
The United States and the Philippines
In the 1500s, Spain had seized the Philippines. Catholic missionaries spread Christianity among
the Filipinos. As the Catholic Church gained enormous power and wealth, many Filipinos
accused the Church of abusing its position. By the late 1800s, their anger fueled strong
resistance to Spanish rule.
The opening of the Suez Canal in 1860 helped the economy of the Philippines by making trade
with European countries easier. Some upper class Filipinos gained access to better
education. Leaders such as Jose Rizal inspired Filipinos to work to gain better treatment
from Spain.
The Spanish-American War broke out in 1898 between Spain and the United States over
Cuba's attempts to win independence from Spain. During the war, American battleships
destroyed the Spanish fleet, which was stationed in the Philippines. Encouraged by
American naval officers, Filipino rebel leaders declared independence from Spain. Rebel
soldiers threw their support into the fight against Spanish troops.
In return for their help, the Filipino rebels expected the Americans to recognize their
independence. Instead, in the treaty that ended the war with Spain, the United States agreed
to give Spain $20 million in return for control of the Philippines. Within the United States,
debate raged over the treaty's ratification. American imperialists wanted to join the
European competition for territory. Anti-imperialists wanted the United States to steer clear
of foreign entanglements. The United States Senate ratified the treaty by only one vote
over the required two-thirds majority.
Bitterly disappointed, Filipino nationalists renewed their struggle. From 1899 to 1901, Filipinos
led by Emilio Aguinaldo (ah gee NAHL doh) battled American forces. Thousands of
Americans and hundreds of thousands of Filipinos died. In the end, the Americans crushed
the rebellion.
Western imperialism had an enormous impact around the world. It affected different places in
different ways. Some common effects are listed below.
- Missionaries
spread Christianity and European languages to colonized people as they
established schools and hospitals. Above, a missionary works with children in Seoul,
- Some
colonized peoples came to believe in Western superiority and lost confidence in their
own culture.
- Pre-colonial
traditions were weakened by economic and political disruption in some areas,
especially where family members were forced to travel long distances to find work.
- New
colonial administrations changed traditional political units. In India, British rulers
worked with local rulers to meet their goals. In the painting above, the British King
Edward VII greets Indian leaders.
- Colonizers
often defined the borders of their new colonies without an understanding of the
local political or ethnic situations.
- Colonized
people took on European ideas of nationalism and agitated for their own
- To
meet the export goals of their colonial rulers, colonized people often grew cash crops
instead of food. This man (above) worked on a Malayan rubber plantation.
- As
they became part of a money economy, some colonized people were forced to work for
their colonial rulers so that they could pay their taxes.
- Imports
of machine-made goods destroyed indigenous cottage industries.
A German collector's card (left) showing a Sumatran plantation. A carved stool from Gabon,
Africa, (right) depicts a European missionary.
Thinking Critically
1. Categorize How is migrating to find work a cultural as well as an economic effect of
2. Predict Consequences How might grouping several rival ethnic groups into one political
unit cause friction when that region gains independence?
The United States set out to modernize the Philippines through education, improved health
care, and economic reforms. The United States also built dams, roads, railways, and ports.
In addition, the United States promised Filipinos a gradual transition to self-rule some time
in the future.
Checkpoint How did the United States gain control of the Philippines?
Western Powers Seize the Pacific Islands
In the 1800s, the industrialized powers also began to take an interest in the islands of the
Pacific. The thousands of islands splashed across the Pacific include the three regions of
Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.
At first, American, French, and British whaling and sealing ships looked for bases to take on
supplies in the Pacific. Missionaries, too, moved into the region and opened the way for
political involvement.
In 1878, the United States secured an unequal treaty from Samoa, a group of islands in the
South Pacific. The United States gained rights such as extraterritoriality and a naval
station. Other nations gained similar agreements. As their rivalry increased, the United
States, Germany, and Britain agreed to a triple protectorate over Samoa.
Beginning in the mid-1800s, American sugar growers pressed for power in the Hawaiian
Islands. When the Hawaiian queen Liliuokalani (lih lee uh oh kuh LAH nee) tried to reduce
foreign influence, American planters overthrew her in 1893. They then asked the United
States to annex Hawaii, which it finally did in 1898. Supporters of annexation argued that
if the United States did not take Hawaii, Britain or Japan might do so. By 1900, the United
States, Britain, France, and Germany had claimed nearly every island in the Pacific.
Checkpoint Why did some Americans think the United States should control Hawaii?
Vocabulary Builder
transition—(tran ZISH un) n. passage from one way to another
SECTION 2 Assessment
Progress Monitoring Online
For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice Web Code: nba-2521
Terms, People, and Places
1. For each term, person, or place listed at the beginning of the section, write a sentence
explaining its significance.
Note Taking
2. Reading Strategy: Identify Causes and Effects Use your completed chart to answer the
Focus Question: How did industrialized powers divide up Southeast Asia, and how did the
colonized peoples react?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. Summarize What steps did Siam take :o preserve its independence?
4. Draw Conclusions Why were Filipino rebels disappointed when the United States took
control of the Philippines?
5. Synthesize Information How did Hawaii become part of the United States?
6. Make Comparisons Compare the Partition of Southeast Asia to the partition of Africa. How
was it similar? How was it different?
Writing About History
Quick Write: Examine the Question To answer a short answer or extended-response question
effectively, first examine the question. Look for key words like explain, compare, or
persuade, which will tell you what type of answer to provide. Then look for words that
signal the topic. Identifying key words will help you focus and organize your response.
Copy the prompt below and underline its key words.
- Compare Siam's
relationship with imperial powers to that of Vietnam.
O Canada!
In the early 1860s, the separate colonies of British North America considered whether they
should join together to create one powerful confederation—Canada. George Brown, an
influential politician who helped bring about the confederation, shared his dream for
it may be that some among us will live to see the day when, as the result of [the
confederation], a great and powerful people may have grown up in these lands—when the
boundless forests all around us shall have given way to smiling fields and thriving towns—
and when one united government, under the British flag, shall extend from shore to shore."
Focus Question How were the British colonies of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand settled,
and how did they win self-rule?
Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
- Describe how
Canada achieved self-rule.
- Analyze how
European settlement changed the course of Australian history.
- Summarize how
New Zealand was settled and how it emerged as an independent nation.
Terms, People, and Places
penal colony
Note Taking
Reading Skill: Identify Cause and Effects As you read, record the causes and effects of the
events you read about in a chart like this one.
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand won independence faster and easier than other British
colonies in Africa or Asia. The language and cultural roots they shared with Britain helped.
Racial attitudes also played a part. Imperialists in nations like Britain felt that whites,
unlike non-whites, were capable of governing themselves.
Canada Achieves Self-Rule
When France lost Canada to Britain in 1763, thousands of French-speaking Catholic settlers
remained. After the American Revolution, about 30,000 British loyalists fled to Canada.
They were English-speaking Protestants. In addition, in the 1790s, several groups of Native
American peoples still lived in eastern Canada. Others, in the west and the north, had not
yet come into contact with European settlers.
Unrest in the Two Canadas To ease ethnic tensions, Britain passed the Constitutional Act of
1791. The act created two provinces: English-speaking Upper Canada (now Ontario) and
French-speaking Lower Canada (now Quebec). French traditions and the Catholic Church
were protected in Lower Canada. English traditions and laws guided Upper Canada.
During the early 1800s, unrest grew in both colonies. The people of Upper Canada resented the
power held by a small group of elites who controlled the government. Lower Canada had
similar problems. In 1837, discontent flared into rebellion in both places. Louis Joseph
Papineau, the head of the French Canadian Reform party, led the rebellion in Lower
Canada. William Lyon Mackenzie led the revolt in Upper Canada, crying, "Put down the
villains who oppress and enslave our country!"
Britain Responds The British had learned from the American Revolution. While they hurried
to put down the disorder, they sent an able politician, Lord Durham, to compile a report on
the causes of the unrest. In 1840, Parliament acted on some of Durham's recommendations
by passing the Act of Union. The act joined the two Canadas into one province. It also
gave them an elected legislature that determined some domestic policies. Britain still
controlled foreign policy and trade.
Vocabulary Builder
compile—(kum PYL) vt. to put together from several sources
Canada Becomes a Dominion In the mid-1800s, thousands of English, Scottish, and Irish
people immigrated to Canada. As the country grew, two Canadians, John Macdonald and
George Etienne Cartier, urged confederation, or unification, of Britain's North American
colonies. These colonies included Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island,
and British Columbia, as well as the united Upper and Lower Canadas. The two leaders felt
that confederation would strengthen the new nation against American ambitions and help
its economic development.
Britain finally agreed, passing the British North America Act of 1867. The act created the
Dominion of Canada. A dominion is a self-governing nation. As a dominion, Canada had
its own parliament, modeled on that
Geography Interactive
For: Audio guided tour Web Code: nbo-2531
Canada, 1867-19114
Map Skills Canada grew throughout the latter half of the 1800s.
1. Locate: (a) Quebec (b) Ontario (c) British Columbia (d) Saskatchewan
2. Movement Why did British Columbia become a part of Canada before Alberta and
3. Make Comparisons Compare Nova Scotia's natural resources to those of Manitoba.
Life in Australia
Australian Aborigines used boomerangs, like this one decorated with traditional motifs, to hunt
and in battles. The first British settlers in Australia were convicted criminals. The convicts
in the illustration below are being forced to carry heavy loads of shingles as part of their
hard labor. What happened to Aborigines as British settlement spread?
of Britain. By 1900, Canada also had some control over its own foreign policy. Still, Canada
maintained close ties with Britain.
Canada Grows Like the United States, Canada expanded westward in the 1800s. In 1885, the
Canadian Pacific Railway opened, linking eastern and western Canada. Wherever the
railroad went, settlers followed. It moved people and products, such as timber and
manufactured goods across the country. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, more
immigrants flooded into Canada from Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, China, and
Japan. They enriched Canada's economy and culture.
As in the United States, westward expansion destroyed the way of life of Native Americans in
Canada. Most were forced to sign treaties giving up their lands. Some resisted. In central
Canada, Louis Riel led a revolt of the métis, people of mixed Native American and French
Canadian descent, in 1869 and again in 1885. Many métis were French-speaking Catholics
who believed that the government was trying to take their land and destroy their language
and religion. Government troops put down both uprisings. Riel was executed in 1885.
By 1914, Canada was a flourishing nation. Still, French-speaking Canadians were determined
to preserve their separate heritage, making it hard for Canadians to create a single national
identity. Also, the cultural and economic influence of the United States threatened to
dominate Canada. Both issues continue to affect Canada today.
Checkpoint How did the British respond to the Canadians' desire for self-rule?
Europeans in Australia
The Dutch in the 1600s were the first Europeans to reach Australia. In 1770, Captain James
Cook claimed Australia for Britain. For a time, however, Australia remained too distant to
attract European settlers.
The First Settlers Like most regions claimed by imperialist powers, Australia had long been
inhabited by other people. The first settlers had reached Australia perhaps 40,000 years
earlier, probably from Southeast Asia, and spread across the continent. These indigenous,
or original, people were called Aborigines, a word used by Europeans to denote the earliest
people to live in a place. Today, many Australian Aborigines call themselves Kooris.
Isolated from the larger world, the Aborigines lived in small hunting and food-gathering
bands, much as their Stone Age ancestors had. Aboriginal groups spoke as many as 250
distinct languages. When white settlers arrived in Australia, the indigenous population
suffered disastrously.
A Penal Colony During the 1700s, Britain had sent convicts to its North American colonies,
especially to Georgia. The American Revolution closed that outlet. Prisons in London and
other cities were jammed.
To fill the need for prisons, Britain made Australia into a penal colony, or a place where
Geography Interactive
For: Audio guided tour Web Code: nbp-2532
Map Skills British settlement in Australia started with penal settlements on both coasts and
slowly spread into the interior of the continent.
1. Locate (a) Simpson Desert (b) Great Sandy Desert (c) Sydney (d) Perth
2. Regions What physical features probably slowed British settlement of Australia's interior?
3. Draw Inferences What types of economic activity do you think took place in the area of
Australia that was settled by Europeans between 1831 and 1875?
criminals are sent to be punished. The first British ships, carrying about 700 convicts, arrived in
Botany Bay, Australia, in 1788. The people who survived the grueling eight-month voyage
faced more hardships on shore. Many were city dwellers with no farming skills. Under the
brutal discipline of soldiers, work gangs cleared land for settlement.
The Colonies Grow In the early 1800s, Britain encouraged free citizens to emigrate to
Australia by offering them land and tools. A prosperous wool industry grew up as settlers
found that the land and climate suited sheepherding. In 1851, a gold rush in eastern
Australia brought a population boom. Many gold hunters stayed on to become ranchers and
farmers. They pushed into the rugged interior known as the Outback, carving out huge
sheep ranches and wheat farms. As the newcomers settled in, they thrust aside or killed the
Achieving Self-Government Like Canada, Australia was made up of separate colonies
scattered around the continent. Britain worried about interference from other European
powers. To counter this threat and to boost development, it responded to Australian
demands for self-rule. In 1901, Britain helped the colonies unite into the independent
Commonwealth of Australia. The new country kept its ties to Britain by recognizing the
British monarch as its head of state.
The Australian constitution drew on both British and American models. Unlike Britain and the
United States, Australia quickly granted women the right to vote. In 1856, it also became
the first nation to introduce the secret ballot.
Checkpoint What effect did colonization have on Australia's indigenous population?
Watch Australia: The Story of a Penal Colony on the Witness History Discovery School™
video program to learn more about life in an Australian penal colony.
Maori Traditions
The portrait below shows a Maori leader in 1882. Many Maori men of high social standing
commissioned tattoos on their faces. Maori war canoes, like the one below, often carried
distinctive carving.
New Zealand's Story
To the southeast of Australia lies New Zealand. In 1769, Captain Cook claimed its islands for
Britain. Missionaries landed there in 1814 to convert the indigenous people, the Maori
(MAH oh ree), to Christianity.
The Maori Struggle Unlike Australia, where the Aborigines were spread thinly across a large
continent, the Maori were concentrated in a smaller area. They were descended from
seafaring people who had reached New Zealand from Polynesia in the 1200s. The Maori
were settled farmers. They were also determined to defend their land.
White settlers, who were attracted by New Zealand's mild climate and good soil, followed the
missionaries. These settlers introduced sheep and cattle and were soon exporting wool,
mutton, and beef. In 1840, Britain annexed New Zealand.
As colonists poured in, they took over more and more of the land, leading to fierce wars with
the Maori. Many Maori died in the struggle. Still more perished from disease, alcoholism,
and other misfortunes that followed European colonization. By the 1870s, resistance
crumbled. The Maori population had fallen drastically, from about 200,000 to less than
45,000 in 1896. Only recently has the Maori population started to grow once more.
Settlers Win Self-Government Like settlers in Australia and Canada, white New Zealanders
sought self-rule. In 1907, they won independence, with their own parliament, prime
minister, and elected legislature. They, too, preserved close ties to the British empire.
Checkpoint Compare and contrast the European settlement of Australia and New Zealand.
SECTION 3 Assessment
Progress Monitoring Online
For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice Web Code: nba-2531
Terms, People, and Places
1. For each term, person, or place listed at the beginning of the section, write a sentence
explaining its significance.
Note Taking
2. Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects Use your completed chart to answer the Focus
Question: How were the British colonies of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand settled,
and how did they win self-rule?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. Sequence What steps led to Canadian self-rule?
4. Compare Compare the European settlement of Australia with that of Canada.
5. Identify Causes Why did the Maori fight colonists in New Zealand?
6. Synthesize Information What ethnic tensions did Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
Writing About History
Quick Write: Focus Your Time To stay focused as you respond to a short answer or
extended-response question on a test, plan to spend a quarter of the allotted time on
prewriting, half on drafting, and the remaining quarter on revising. Write a short answer
response to the following prompt using a 20-minute time limit. Time yourself to practice
staying within the appropriate time limit during each stage.
- Compare how
Canada and Australia gained self-rule.
La Reforma
The Mexican reformer Benito Juárez criticized the continuing inequality in Mexico:
constitution of 1824 was a compromise between progress and reaction, and [that
compromise was a] seedbed of the incessant convulsions [disorders] that the Republic has
suffered, and that it will still suffer while society does not recover its balance by making
effective the equality of rights and duties of all citizens and of all persons who inhabit the
national territory, without privileges, without exemptions [exceptions], without
monopolies, and without odious distinctions...”
Focus Question How did Latin American nations struggle for stability, and how did
industrialized nations affect them?
Economic Imperialism in Latin America
- Describe the
- List
political problems faced by Mexico and other new Latin American nations.
the ways industrialized nations affected Latin America.
Terms, People, and Places
Benito Juárez
La Reforma
Monroe Doctrine
Panama Canal
Note Taking
Reading Skill: Recognize Multiple Causes As you read, record the causes of instability in
Latin America in a chart similar to this one. Then give an example of how each cause
affected Mexico.
Despite bright hopes, democracy failed to take root in most of the newly independent nations of
Latin America in the 1800s. Instead, wealth and power remained in the hands of the few.
At the same time, new technology such as refrigerated ships helped to intertwine the
economies of nations that were thousands of miles apart. Latin American economies
became increasingly dependent upon those of more developed countries. Britain, and later
the United States, invested heavily in Latin America.
Lingering Political Problems
Simon Bolivar had hoped to create strong ties among the nations of Latin America. But feuds
among leaders, geographic barriers, and local nationalism shattered that dream of unity. In
the end, 20 separate nations emerged.
These new nations wrote constitutions modeled on that of the United States. They set up
republics with elected legislatures. However, true democracy failed to take hold. During
the 1800s, many succumbed to revolts, civil war, and dictatorships.
The Colonial Legacy Many of the problems in the new nations had their origins in colonial
rule. The existing social and political hierarchy barely changed. Creoles simply replaced
peninsulares as the ruling class. The Roman Catholic Church kept its privileged position
and still controlled huge amounts of land.
Vocabulary Builder
enlightened—(en LYT und) adj. educated, informed
For most people—mestizos, mulattoes, blacks, and Indians—life did not improve after
independence. The new constitutions guaranteed equality before the law, but deep-rooted
inequalities remained. Voting rights were limited. Many people felt the effects of racial
prejudice. Small groups of people held most of the land. Owners of haciendas ruled their
great estates, and the peasants who worked them, like medieval European lords.
The Search for Stability With few roads and no tradition of unity, regionalism, or loyalty to a
local area, weakened the new nations. Local strongmen, called caudillos (kaw DEE yohs),
assembled private armies to resist the central government. At times, popular caudillos,
occasionally former military leaders, gained national power. They looted the treasury and
ruled as dictators. Power struggles led to frequent revolts that changed little except the
name of the leader. In the long run, power remained in the hands of a privileged few who
had no desire to share it.
As in Europe, the ruling elite in Latin America were divided between conservatives and
liberals. Conservatives defended the traditional social order, favored press censorship, and
strongly supported the Catholic Church. Liberals backed laissez-faire economics, religious
toleration, greater access to education, and freedom of the press. Liberals saw themselves
as enlightened supporters of progress but often showed little concern for the needs of the
majority of the people.
Checkpoint What factors undermined democracy in post-independence Latin America?
Mexico's Struggle for Stability
During the 1800s, each Latin American nation followed its own course. Mexico provides an
example of the challenges facing many Latin American nations. Large landowners, army
leaders, and the Catholic Church dominated Mexican politics. However, bitter battles
between conservatives and liberals led to revolts and the rise of dictators. Deep social
divisions separated wealthy creoles from mestizos and Indians who lived in poverty.
Santa Anna and War With the United States Between 1833 and 1855, an ambitious and
cunning caudillo, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, gained and lost power many times. At
first, he posed as a liberal reformer.
Soon, however, he reversed his stand and crushed efforts at reform.
In Mexico's northern territory of Texas, discontent grew. In 1835, settlers who had moved to
Texas from the United States and other places revolted. After a brief struggle with Santa
Anna's forces, the settlers gained independence from Mexico. They quickly set up an
independent republic. Then in 1845 the United States annexed Texas. Mexicans saw this
act as a declaration of war. In the fighting that followed, the United States invaded and
defeated Mexico. In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, which ended the war, Mexico lost
almost half its territory. The embarrassing defeat triggered new violence between
conservatives and liberals.
La Reforma Changes Mexico In 1855, Benito Juárez (WAHR ez), a liberal reformer of
Zapotec Indian heritage, and other liberals gained power and opened an era of reform
known as La Reforma. Juárez offered hope to the oppressed people of Mexico. He and his
fellow reformers revised the Mexican constitution to strip the military of power and end the
special privileges of the Church. They ordered the Church to sell unused lands to peasants.
Conservatives resisted La Reforma and began a civil war. Still, Juárez was elected president in
1861 and expanded his reforms. His opponents turned to Europe for help. In 1863,
Napoleon III sent troops to Mexico and set up Austrian archduke Maximilian as emperor.
For four years, Juárez's forces battled the combined conservative and French forces. When
France withdrew its troops, Maximilian was captured and shot. In 1867, Juárez returned to
power and tried to renew reform, but opponents resisted. Juárez died in office in 1872,
never achieving all the reforms he envisioned. He did, however, help unite Mexico, bring
mestizos into politics, and separate church and state.
Growth and Oppression Under Díaz After Juárez died, General Porfirio Díaz, a hero of the
war against the French, staged a military coup and gained power. From 1876 to 1880 and
1884 to 1911, he ruled as a dictator. In the name of "Order and Progress," he strengthened
the army, local police, and central government. He crushed opposition.
Under his harsh rule, Mexico made tangible economic advances. Railroads were built, foreign
trade increased, some industry developed, and mining expanded. Growth, however, had a
high cost. Capital for development came from foreign investors, to whom Díaz granted
special rights. He also let wealthy landowners buy up Indian lands.
The rich prospered, but most Mexicans remained poor. Many Indians and mestizos fell into
peonage to their employers. In the peonage system, hacienda owners would give workers
advances on their wages and require them to stay on the hacienda until they had paid back
what they owed. Wages remained low, and workers were rarely able to repay the hacienda
owner. Many children died in infancy. Other children worked 12-hour days and never
learned to read or write.
Checkpoint What struggles did Mexico go through as it tried to find stability in the 1800s?
Remember the Alamo!
Mexican President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (above) is well-known for his ruthless
decision to give no quarter to the Texan defenders of the Alamo, a fort in San Antonio,
Texas, during the Texas Revolution. The illustration above shows Texan defenders of the
Alamo bravely fighting against overwhelming odds. In what light does this illustration
present the defenders of the Alamo?
Vocabulary Builder
tangible—(TAN juh bul) adj. real or concrete
Note Taking
Reading Skill: Identify Effects Use a chart like the one below to record how foreign
influence, including that of the United States, affected Latin America.
The Economics of Dependence
Under colonial rule, mercantilist policies made Latin America economically dependent on
Spain and Portugal. Colonies sent raw materials such as cash crops or precious metals to
the parent country and had to buy manufactured goods from them. Strict laws kept
colonists from trading with other countries and possibly obtaining goods at a lower price.
In addition, laws prohibited the building of local industries that would have competed with
the parent country. In short, the policies prevented the colonies from developing their own
The Cycle of Economic Dependence After independence, this pattern changed very little. The
new Latin American republics did adopt free trade, welcoming all comers. Britain and the
United States rushed into the new markets, replacing Spain as Latin America's chief
trading partners. But the region remained as economically dependent as before.
Foreign Influence Mounts In the 1800s, foreign goods flooded Latin America, creating large
profits for foreigners and for a handful of local business people. Foreign investment, which
could yield enormous profits, was often accompanied by local interference. Investors from
Britain, the United States, and other nations pressured their own governments to take
action if political events or reform movements in a Latin American country seemed to
threaten their interests.
Some Economic Growth After 1850, some Latin American economies did grow. With foreign
capital, they were able to develop mining and agriculture. Chile exported copper and
nitrates, and Argentina expanded
Imperialism in Latin America, 1898-1917
Geography Interactive
For: Audio guided tour Web Code: nbo-2541
Map Skills In the early 1900s, European powers held possessions in Latin America. The
United States often intervened to protect business interests there.
1. Locate (a) Cuba (b) Canal Zone (c) British Guiana (d) Honduras
2. Location Why did the United States have a particularly strong interest in Latin American
3. Identify Point of View What natural resources drew the Dutch to Dutch Guiana?
its livestock and wheat production. Brazil exported the cash crops coffee and sugar, as well as
rubber. By the early 1900s, both Venezuela and Mexico were developing important and
lucrative oil industries.
Throughout the region, foreigners invested in modern ports and railroads to carry goods from
the interior to coastal cities. European immigrants poured into Latin America. The
newcomers helped to promote economic activity, and a small middle class emerged.
Thanks to trade, investment, technology, and migration, Latin American nations moved into the
world economy. Yet internal development was limited. The tiny elite at the top benefited
from the economic upturn, but very little trickled down to the masses of people at the
bottom. The poor earned too little to buy consumer goods. Without a strong demand, many
industries failed to develop.
Checkpoint How did foreign influence and investment affect Latin America?
The Influence of the United States
As nations like Mexico tried to build stable governments, a neighboring republic, the United
States, expanded across North America. Latin American nations began to feel threatened
by the "Colossus of the North," the giant power that cast its shadow over the entire
The Monroe Doctrine In the 1820s, Spain plotted to recover its American colonies. Britain
opposed any move that might close the door to trade with Latin America. British leaders
asked American President James Monroe to join them in a statement opposing any new
colonization of the Americas.
Monroe, however, wanted to avoid any "entangling alliance" with Britain. Acting alone, he
issued the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. "The American continents," it declared, "are
henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European
powers." The United States lacked the military power to enforce the doctrine. But with the
support of Britain's strong navy, the doctrine discouraged European interference. For more
than a century, the Monroe Doctrine would be the key to United States policy in the
The United States Expands Into Latin America As a result of the war with Mexico, in 1848
the United States acquired the thinly populated regions of northern Mexico, gaining all or
part of the present-day states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and
Colorado. The victory fed dreams of future expansion. Before the century had ended, the
United States controlled much of North America and was becoming involved in overseas
For decades, Cuban patriots had battled to free their island from Spanish rule. As they began to
make headway, the United States joined their cause, declaring war on Spain in 1898. The
brief Spanish-American War ended in a crushing defeat for Spain. At the war's end, Cuba
was granted independence. But in 1901, the United States forced Cubans to add the Platt
Amendment to their constitution. The amendment gave the United States naval bases in
Cuba and the right to intervene in Cuban affairs.
Analyzing Political Cartoons
Uncle Sam Takes Off This cartoon represents the entry of the United States into competition
with European powers over new territory in the Eastern Hemisphere in the early 1900s.
A. Uncle Sam represents the United States.
B. The horse wears a saddle that reads "Monroe Doctrine."
C. European powers watch in frustration.
1. What do the wheels on Uncle Sam's bicycle represent?
2. Why are the European powers shouting at Uncle Sam?
The Panama Canal was a massive undertaking. The sheer scale of the project astounded
engineers, politicians, and tourists. Building the canal cost the American government $352
million (about $7 billion in today's money). Workers excavated about 232 million cubic
yards of dirt, rocks, and debris from the Canal Zone—enough debris to create a pyramid
seven times the height of the Washington Monument, as one newspaper writer noted. Nearly
six thousand workers died from industrial accidents or disease in the ten years it took to
build the canal.
Despite many challenges, the builders would not give up. They completed the canal in 1914.
The beginning of World War I in the summer of 1914, however, overshadowed what was
to be its grand opening.
Playing cards featuring scenes from the canal's construction (above) helped to feed Americans'
fascination with the canal.
Two men (below) stand inside one of the canal lock's enormous gates. The gates allow water to
flow in and out of the lock, raising or lowering ships to different levels.
The tropical diseases malaria and yellow fever killed many workers. Quinine (below right) was
used to treat some cases of malaria. The canal builders' massive efforts to kill diseasecarrying mosquitoes, using methods, such as spraying swampy areas with oil (below left),
were more effective.
Thinking Critically
1. Draw Conclusions Based on the map, why did Americans want to build a canal in Panama?
2. Draw Inferences Why was it important to control disease during the building of the canal?
The United States Interferes American investments in Latin America grew in the early 1900s.
Citing the need to protect those investments, in 1904 the United States issued the Roosevelt
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Under this policy, the United States claimed
"international police power" in the Western Hemisphere. When the Dominican Republic
failed to pay its foreign debts, the United States sent in troops. Americans collected
customs duties, paid off the debts, and remained for years.
Under the Roosevelt Corollary and then President William Howard Taft's policy of Dollar
Diplomacy, American companies continued to invest in the countries of Latin America. To
protect those investments, the United States sent troops to Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Honduras,
Nicaragua, and other countries in Central America and the Caribbean. As a result, like
European powers in Africa and Asia, the United States became the target of increasing
resentment and rebellion.
Building the Panama Canal From the late 1800s, the United States had wanted to build a
canal across Central America. Panama was a proposed site. However, Panama belonged to
Colombia, which refused to sell the United States land for the canal. In 1903, the United
States backed a revolt by Panamanians against Colombia. The Panamanians quickly won
independence and gave the United States control of the land to build the canal.
Construction began in 1904. Engineers solved many difficult problems in the course of building
the canal. The Panama Canal opened in 1914. The canal cut the distance of a sea journey
between such cities as New York and San Francisco by thousands of miles. It was an
engineering marvel that boosted trade and shipping worldwide.
To people in Latin America, however, the canal was another example of "Yankee imperialism."
Nationalist feeling in the hemisphere was often expressed as anti-Americanism. Panama
did not gain complete control over the canal until 2000. It now forms a vital part of the
Panamanian economy.
Checkpoint How did the United States act as an imperialist power in Latin America?
SECTION 4 Assessment
Progress Monitoring Online
For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice Web Code: nba-2541
Terms, People, and Places
1. For each term, person, or place listed at the beginning of the section, write a sentence
explaining its significance.
Note Taking
2. Reading Skill: Recognize Multiple Causes Use your completed charts to answer the Focus
Question: How did Latin American nations struggle for stability, and how did
industrialized nations affect them?
Critical Thinking and Comprehension
3. Express Problems Clearly What problems faced new nations in Latin America?
4. Recognize Cause and Effect How did the cycle of economic dependence continue after
5. Synthesize Information Describe two ways the United States influenced Latin America.
6. Draw Conclusions Why might developing nations encourage foreign investment? Do you
think foreign investors should have the right to intervene in another nation's affairs to
protect their investments? Explain.
Writing About History
Quick Write: Support Your Ideas As you respond to a short-answer or extended-response
question on a test, keep in mind that each sentence or paragraph should support your main
idea. Omit information, no matter how interesting, that is not central to your argument. To
practice, write an outline of an argument responding to the following extended-response
- Explain
how American interference led to the building of the Panama Canal.
Quick Study Guide
Progress Monitoring Online
For: Self-test with vocabulary practice Web Code: nba-2551
Imperialism in Japan and Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- United
States opens by show of force.
- Meiji
restoration begins modernization.
- Japan
becomes an imperialist power itself.
Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- European
- Some
powers expand footholds.
countries resist, but succumb to European force.
- Europeans
gain resources and trade networks at expense of indigenous people.
Three British Colonies: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
British Colony / Settled by / Impact on Indigenous People / Gained Self-Rule From
Canada / First France, then Britain / Native Americans forced to give up lands / 1867
Australia / Britain, as penal colony / Aborigines suffered disastrously / 1901
New Zealand / Britain, attracted by climate / Maori fought against settlers, population reduced
drastically / 1907
The Cycle of Economic Dependence in Latin America
The relationship is unequal because the stronger, more developed nations control prices and
terms of trade.
Key Events in Worldwide Imperialism
1840 Britain annexes New Zealand
1853 American ships commanded by Commodore Perry arrive in Japan.
1855 La Reforma begins in Mexico.
1858 France invades Vietnam.
1867 Britain grants Canada self-rule.
1868 Meiji Restoration begins in Japan.
1885 The Canadian Pacific Railway opens.
1886 Britain annexes Burma.
1898 The Philippines declares independence from Spain.
1904 The United States issues the Roosevelt Corollary.
1910 Japan annexes Korea.
1914 The Panama Canal opens.
Concept Connector
Cumulative Review
Record the answers to the question below on your Concept Connector worksheets.
1. Genocide Read about what happened to the indigenous peoples of North America when
Europeans colonized Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Then learn more about the
effects of colonization on the Aborigines in Australia and the Maori in New Zealand.
Compare the experiences of these indigenous groups. Consider the following:
- population
- effects
and way of life prior to and after colonization
of disease
- attitudes
towards land ownership
- treatment
2. Geography's Impact Location links the fate of Latin America with that of the United States.
In the 1800s, ideas about independence springing from the American Revolution inspired
independence leaders in Latin America, such as Simon Bolivar. However, in the late
1800s, the United States began to interfere more aggressively in the affairs of Latin
American countries. Create a timeline tracking the relationship between the United States
and Latin America from 1800 through 1914. Include a brief description of the significance
of each event on the timeline.
3. Trade One of the strengths of the British empire was its commercial trading network, which
touched almost every continent. As you have read, the Dutch were also far-flung traders,
even maintaining ties with Japan when traders from other countries were forbidden. Learn
more about the Dutch trading empire, beginning in the 1600s. Compare the two trading
empires in terms of the following:
- areas
- types
of colonies
- duration
- relations
with other industrialized countries
Connections To Today
1. Conflict: Unrest in Quebec Although French-Canadian leaders agreed to confederation
with the rest of Canada in 1867, the French-English question was never truly put to rest.
Many French-Canadians continued to feel that the English-speaking majority in Canada
threatened their unique French culture. In the late 1900s, a movement for an independent
Quebec arose. Research the path of this movement and create a bulleted list of significant
events that occurred within the last fifty years.
Languages Spoken in Canada Today
SOURCE: Statistics Canada, 2001 Census
2. Cooperation: Japan as a World Power After its rapid modernization in the late 1800s,
Japan took its place among the leading powers of the world. It asserted that power
throughout the 1900s, with varying results. Today, Japan's economy is second in size only
to that of the United States. Conduct research on Japan and write a paragraph describing its
role in international affairs today.
History Interactive
For: Interactive timeline Web Code: nbp-2562
Chapter Assessment
Terms, People, and Places
1. In what ways did Matthew Perry's opening of Japan lead to the Meiji Restoration?
2. How did the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars spring out of Japan's new strength as
a modernized nation?
3. What steps did King Mongkut take to help Siam avoid the fate of French Indochina?
4. How did Canada become a dominion?
5. Describe how the Spanish-American War affected both the Philippines and Cuba.
6. How did regionalism and caudillos weaken the stability of Latin American countries in the
Main Ideas
Section 1 (pp. 422-428)
7. How did Japan change course in the late 1800s?
Section 2 (pp. 429-433)
8. Why were imperialist nations drawn to Southeast Asia and the Pacific?
9. How did the colonized peoples of Southeast Asia react to Western attempts to dominate the
Section 3 (pp. 434-438)
10. Describe settlement in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
11. How did these colonies gain independence?
Section 4 (pp. 439-445)
12. What factors caused instability in Latin America after independence?
13. How did the United States influence Latin America?
Chapter Focus question:
14. How did political and economic imperialism influence nations around the world?
Critical Thinking
15. Compare Compare Japan's response to Western imperialism to that of China. How were
the two responses similar? How were they different?
16. Identify Causes In the image below, a Japanese woman wears Western clothing. What role
did westernization play in helping both Japan and Siam avoid colonization by European
17. Connect to Geography How did the creation of the Dominion of Canada encourage
18. Synthesize Information What principle did the United States express in the Monroe
Doctrine? How did the Roosevelt Corollary alter the Monroe Doctrine?
19. Draw Conclusions List the benefits and disadvantages brought about by colonial rule. Do
you think subject people were better or worse off as a result of the Age of Imperialism?
Writing About History
Writing for Assessment The effects of imperialism are still being felt around the world today.
Write an answer to one of the following extended response essay prompts. Spend only 40
minutes on the writing process. Consult page SH2O of the Writing Handbook for
additional help.
- Analyze the
effects of Japanese imperialism in Korea.
- Analyze the
effects of American intervention in Latin America.
- Read
both prompts and determine what you know about each. Choose the one whose topic
you recall the most information about.
- Look
for key words that will tell you what kind of answer to provide, such as "explain."
- Focus
your time by allowing 10 minutes for prewriting, 20 minutes for drafting, and 10
minutes for revising your response.
- Develop
a thesis for your essay and make sure each piece of information supports it.
- Check
that you open and close your response strongly, that each point supports your main
idea, and that you've answered all aspects of the question.
Document-Based Assessment
The Imperialism Debate and the Philippines
After defeating Spain in Manila Bay in May 1898, American forces remained in the
Philippines. In February 1899, the United States Senate voted to annex the Philippines. The
Philippines were one aspect of the United States' efforts to compete with Europe in the
scramble for new foreign markets, investment opportunities and raw materials. A great
debate took place in the United States over the issue of imperialism, as the documents
below show.
Document A
"I have been criticized a good deal about the Philippines, but don't deserve it. The truth is I
didn't want the Philippines, and when they came to us, as a gift from the gods, I did not
know what to do with them.... And one night late it came to me this way—I don't know
how it was, but it came: (1) That we could not give them back to Spain—that would be
cowardly and dishonorable; (2) that we could not turn them over to France and Germany—
our commercial rivals in the Orient—that would be bad business and discreditable; (3) that
we could not leave them to themselves—they were unfit for self-government—and they
would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain's was; and (4) that there
was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift
and civilize and Christianize them ..."
remarks to a visiting delegation of Methodist church leaders made by President
William McKinley on November 21, 1899
Document B
"We hold that the policy known as imperialism is hostile to liberty and tends toward militarism,
an evil from which it has been our glory to be free.... We maintain that governments derive
their just powers from the consent of the governed. We insist that the subjugation of any
people is "criminal aggression" and open disloyalty to the distinctive principles of our
We earnestly condemn the policy of the present National Administration in the Philippines. It
seeks to extinguish the spirit of 1776 in those islands.... We denounce the slaughter of the
Filipinos as a needless horror."
the Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League, 1899
Document C
"Isn't Every American proud of the part that American soldiers bore in the relief of Pekin [i.e.,
Beijing, where some U.S. citizens were held hostage by the Boxers]? But that would have
been impossible if our flag had not been in the Philippines.
Gen. Chaffee led two infantry regiments, the Ninth and the Fourteen, and one battery of the
Fifth Artillery to Pekin. They did not come direct from the United States; there was not
time.... But for these men and the marines from Manilla barracks, Minister Conger and his
American comrades in the besieged legation would not have seen their country's flag, and
When Mr. Bryan [Democratic candidate for president] tells you that the Philippines are worth
nothing to America, you tell him to 'REMEMBER PEKIN!"'
a leaflet of the Republican Club of Massachusetts, 1900
Analyzing Documents
Use your knowledge of this chapter and Documents A, B, and C to answer questions 1-4.
1. In Document A, which of McKinley's four reasons for the takeover of the Philippines
explained that important business interests were at stake?
2. In Document B, what is the meaning of "It seeks to extinguish the spirit of 1776 in those
A The U.S. vowed never to give the Philippines its freedom.
B The U.S. is undermining an independence movement that is like the American Revolution.
C Self-government in the Philippines is inevitable.
D The U.S. has the ability and the duty to educate Filipinos about self-government.
3. According to Document C, the Philippines are necessary to the United States as a(n)
A source for raw materials.
B outpost for Christian missionaries.
C base for military actions.
D market for U.S. goods.
4. William Jennings Bryan considered imperialism which he opposed, to be the top issue in the
1900 presidential campaign. Who would have received your vote, the Democratic
candidate, Bryan, or the Republican, William McKinley? Give your reasons, using these
documents and information from the chapter.