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History of Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

Answer Key
Quick Answer:
1. Why did Charles Darwin’s book The Origin of Species create a controversy?
His book created controversy because his findings directly challenged the
biblical account of the creation of those species. People were outraged at the
challenge he presented.
2. Darwin talked about the struggle between species for the scare resources present
in their environment, what does this struggle lead to? This struggle for scarce
resources led to what was called the “survival of the fittest.”
3. Why was bipedalism so important in the process of evolution of humans?
Bipedalism was so important because this freed the hands which allowed
for multiple tasks to be carried out at once. This was also important
because it led to advancements in technology, even in modern day times.
4. What elements are considered fundamental within a civilization? Permanence,
organized system of government, law that unites the people, a system of
writing, a system where goods and services can be exchanged.
5. What geographical contribution gave rise to early civilizations? Why? Bodies of
water, which allowed people to farm, fertile land, which resulted in
population growth.
True or False
1. The Homo erectus would look similar to modern day humans? TRUE
2. Richard Leakey and Mary Leakey contributed much to humans figures out their
past. TRUE
3. Paleolithic means the “old stone age.” TRUE
4. Homo sapiens are descendents of the “Australopithecus afarensis.” TRUE
5. Women and children were responsible for up to 80% of the diet in the Upper
Paleolithic period. TRUE
Fill in the Blanks
1.4 million years ago HOMO ERECTUS learned to use and control fire.
NEOLITHIC means the “new stone age.”
Neanderthals lived through the times of the last ICE AGE.
LASCAUX CAVES is where the most famous cave paintings are present.
HOMINIDS diverged from PRIMATES and began the long evolution towards
modern day humans.
Multiple Choice:
1. How long did Charles Darwin travel on the ship called the Beagle?
A. 6 years
B. 3 years
C. 5 years
D. 7 years
Answer: C
What did the Leakey’s name the three million year old skeleton they found?
B. Cynthia
C. Kerry
D. Lucy
Answer: D
What body of water did the civilization of Ancient Mesopotamia depend on?
A. Tigris & Euphrates
B. the Nile
C. Yangtze & Yellow D.
Answer: A
5. How long ago did Homo sapiens appear?
A. 200 000 years
B. 340 000 years
C. 400 000 years
D. 240 000
years. Answer: C
5. What people had no chins and were wiped out by Homo sapiens sapiens?
A. Neanderthals
B. Homo erectus
C. Homo habilis
D. Australopithecus afarensis
Answer: A
The correct answer has been put in Italics.
1. Who first held the theory of evolution and natural selection? Charles Darwin
2. What is a Nomad? Someone that moves with their food source, has no set home.
3. What does Homo Sapien mean? Wise Man
4. Which age was the Wheel invented in? The New stone age.
5. What was the great leap forward and what was one of the fundamental changes
it brought? After the invention of farming people were able to stop living
nomadically and set up civilizations.
6. Homo Habilis could create fire. True FALSE
7. Farming first started in the New Stone Age. TRUE False
8. Cave paintings were often depictions of animals. TRUE False
9. With the advent of farming, people became even more nomadic. True FALSE
10. The meaning and use of Stonehenge is widely known and understood.
11. The Neanderthals were named after the Neander valley which they were first
discovered in.
12. The Middle Stone Age was called the Monolithic age while the New Stone Age
was called the Neolithic age.
13. Men were considered the Hunters well women were considered the Gatherers
14. The name of the first city of man was called Jericho
15. Stonehenge is located on the Salisbury plain in England
16. What was the name of the first Australopithecine A) Bob B) LUCY C) Leakey
D) Sarah
17. Where was the Cradle of Life? A) West Africa B) Europe C) EAST AFRICA
D) Middle east
18. Where was Bronze first discovered? A) Rome B) Australia C) MIDDLE EAST
D) Greece
19) Which of these does not describe civilization? A) Centralized Government
B) State Religion C) Class Structure D) ORGANIZED MILITARY
20) Which of these was the first ancestor of man to harness fire
A) Homo Sapien B) HOMO ERECTUS C) Homo Habilis D) Neanderthal
History Review- Amanda and Mike:
Intro to basics of History and 7 wonders of the
Ancient world
1. The total culture of a people, nation, or period is known as a civilization_______
2. Ancient usually means the history of people before the end of the___roman empire___
3. What is the name of a dating process that uses tree ring growth? Dendrochronology
4. True or false: Ancient myths may provide clues for archeologists, telling them where
to dig. true
5. Cuneiform is: a) ancient Semitic script b) Sumerian mathematics c) temple
6. True or false: A history textbook is an example of a primary source. False
7. Which of the following was not a wonder of the ancient world: a) The hanging
gardens of Babylon. B) Colossus of Rhodes. C) The Coliseum d) The pyramid of Giza.
8. How many wonders of the ancient world were there__7____
9. Who compiled the list of ancient wonders of the world: a) Hippocrates b) Herodotus c)
Homer d) Heracles.
10. Which pharaoh was the pyramid of Giza built for: a) Khufu b) Ramses 2 c)
Hatchepsut d) Akenaten
11. The great pyramid of Giza is made up of how many blocks: a) 2000 b) 200,000 c)
2000000 d) 20000000
12. Why did king Nebuchadnezzar build the hanging gardens of Babylon: a) to make his
homesick queen feel at home b) to pay homage to the gods c) To solidify his power as
king d) Because he disliked the desert land of Babylon
13. True or False: The statue of Zeus was located in Olympia. true
14. The temple of Artemis at Ephesus was on the coast of modern day__Turkey____
15. Which of the following was not one of the ways the temple of Artemis was destroyed:
a) war b) burnt down by a man who wanted fame. C) Sacked by Alexander the greats
army d)Sacked by Goths
16. The mausoleum at Halicarnassus was: a) a temple b) a public forum c) a market place
d) a tomb for the king.
17. Which modern statue was modeled after the colossus of Rhodes? The statue of liberty
18. The light house at Alexandria was on which island: a) Rhodes b) Crete c) Pharos d)
19. Organic materials are dated using which method? Crabon14 or carbondating
20. A dating process where archeologists compare artifacts from dated sites with artifacts
from undated sites is called what? Cross-dating
Page 52-66
1: What does the word Mesopotamia mean? “Land between the rivers”
2: What two rivers is Mesopotamia between? Euphrates & Tigris
3: What are two things the Mesopotamians invented? Codified laws, kingship, temples
worshipping gods, writing and the wheel.
4: Who unified northern and southern Mesopotamia? Babylonia.
5: Describe the geography. Hot and dry temperatures and arid sterile soil. No minerals
and almost no stone or timber.
6: What naturally built over time to protect them and how? Levees were built by the
floods pushing mud, stones and other things which gradually built up over time.
7: How else did the Levees help? The levees helped by making it easier to use water for
agriculture. It also brought fish and other food.
8: What was the downside to living near the levees? The unpredictable flooding could
take many lives of the people and animals.
9: What type of government did they have at first? They had a democratic government.
10: What type of government came after their democracy failed? The decline of
democracy caused the rise of a monarchical system.
11: Who was the dominant culture in Mesopotamia? The Sumerians.
12: What was the first written language and who invented it? Cuneiform founded by the
13: Who was the king of Babylon and what was he most famous for? Hammurabi, who
founded Hammurabi’s Code.
14: How many gods did the Mesopotamians believe in? The believed in around 3600
gods and demi-gods.
15: How did they worship their gods? They built huge temples called Ziggurats and
priests would hold ceremonies in honor of the gods.
16: What was the most important thing the Egyptians counted on to survive? The Nile
17: The Nile flooded unpredictably and took many lives, T/F. False.
18: How did the dry, hot deserts of Egypt actually help the Egyptians? The deserts helped
by providing protection from invaders.
19: Who unified Egypt? King Menes.
20: Which of the ancient wonders of the world was located in Egypt? The great Giza
By: Chris Coleman and Caitlin Corkum
1. What was the central part of ancient Egyptian life?
a) belief in the after life b) religion c) architecture d) agriculture
2. The Egyptian gods were anthropomorphic meaning…
a) many gods b) each specific to an aspect of Egyptian life c) part human,
part animal d) half god, half mortal
3. Infants were believed to be placed in the mother’s womb after
being created on a potter’s wheel by the god __Khnum__.
4. Explain the Ka, the Ba and the akh.
KA : stored in the heart and in death separated from the body. It would
inhabit the tomb of the individual and would need things like food, furniture,
clothing etc.
BA : the non-physical element unique to each person (like our idea of the
soul). It is described as a person’s character or personality and was depicted as a
human-headed bird.
AKH : Egyptians believed that when someone died their mummy needed to
be transformed into a form that could exist in the afterlife. In order to insure this
magical spells were recited over the body.
5. Order, truth and justice were qualities the Egyptians believed
were put into the world at the time of creation; the word for this
is _maat__. The physical representation of this was a woman
wearing an ostrich feather on her head.
6. Overall the Egyptian afterlife was believed to be…
a) peaceful and relaxing, you would be waited upon and enjoy the fruits of
the good in your life. b) the same as everyday life in Egypt. c) you would be
sent to the underworld were you would work off your life’s sins. d) you would
become a good and live at the top of the pyramid.
7. The earliest people of the Nile Valley used the natural process of
_desiccation_ to preserve bodies. The bodily fluids would be
absorbed by __the sand__, preventing the body from
8. True or False: Most Egyptians could afford mummification if they
decided to begin working it off during their life (it was
expensive), or if a family member paid after their death. FALSE
9. The process of mourning and mummification took about
___________ to complete.
a) 80 days b) 3 weeks c) 70 days d) 40 days
Canopic jars held the important __organs__ of the deceased
HUMAN = _liver_. BABOON = ____lungs___. DOG =
__stomach___. FALCON = ___intestines__.
True or False: The earliest pyramids were in fact a series of
masbas stacked on top of one another. FALSE (it’s mastabas)
Scientists have been able to decipher Hieroglyphics with the help
of ____the Rosetta Stone__, which was discovered by
___Napoleon__ army.
13. The three kinds of text on this were:
a) Hieroglyphic, Greek, Demotic b) Hieroglyphic, Greek, Indigenous c)
Hieroglyphic, Greek, Cuneiform d) Hieroglyphic, Greek, Pictographic
The stability of Egypt allowed it to be a major civilization
for ____________.
a) 5, 000 years b) 10, 000 years c) 3, 000 years d) 100, 000 years
Review this stuff dawg.
14.Which of the Ancient Egyptian gods had a jackal head? Anubis
15.Where are the Great Pyramids located? Giza Plateau
16.The pharaohs of the New Kingdom build tombs where? The Valley of
The Kings
17.What were symbols of animals initially used for? Used by towns as
18.What figures weren’t actually gods, but were believed to bring good
luck, divert anger and sadness or help woman conceive. Demigods
19.(actually 20, notice the mishap with 13) ___Osiris__ is the Egyptian
god usually portrayed in a mummified form.
Egypt and Mesopotamia
Multiple choice:
1. What was considered the ‘soul’ of Egypt?
A) The middle B) The Tigris C) The Nile D) The Pharaoh
2. What side of the river did the Egyptians live on?
A) North B) South C) East D) West
3. Who was considered the Lord of the Dead?
A) Geb B) Osiris C) Ramses II D) Mr. Crowe
4. What is the most fertile land of Egypt called?
A) Green B) The Best C) Faiyum D) Delta
5. What stone was found that connected three languages?
A) The Clay Stone B) The Language Stone C) The Rosetta Stone D) Stone of the
True or False:
1. The form of a mummy in the after life was called Ka. T/F
2. A mummy was kept out to dry for about seventy days. T/F
3. Every child was given some sort of education no matter the social status. T/F
4. Egyptian women had more rights than most other civilization. T/F
5. Imhotep was the most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian civilization. T/F
Fill in the Blank
1. Mesopotamia is a Greek word that means Between the river.
2. Mesopotamia lasted for approximately _3000___ years.
3. Levees were embankments produced by sediment build up over thousands of years of
4. Ziggurats were large temples dedicated to the gods of the city.
5. Sumerians developed Cuneiform writing.
True or False
1. Babylonians reunited Mesopotamia in 1830 B.C.E. T/F
2. In the Hammurabi code consequences for crimes depended on wealth. T/F
3. Phonetics were signs to represent words/ ideas. T/F
4. Scribes were the only ones who could read and write in Mesopotamian times. T/F
5. Mesopotamia used a mathematical system based on sixty as all their numbers were
expressed as parts of or multiples of sixty. T/F
Fill in the Blanks
1. Ancient Israel was the birthplace of what three religions?
Judaism_, Christianity, and Islam.
2. The word Hebrew means “from across”.
3. Jacob was the grandson of Abraham.
4. When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt it was called the Exodus.
5. Moses received the 10 commandments from the top of Mt. Sinai.
True and False
1. The only remaining part of the Temple of Jerusalem is the eastern wall. False
2. The Hebrew god was called Yahwey. True
3. The Israelites were polytheistic. False
4. Diaspora or “dispersal” refers to the Jewish population inside Israel. False
5. The Hebrews searched for the Promised Land for 40 years. True.
Short Answer:
1. The place where the Phoenicians originally settled was called Palestine.
2. The mane of the pharaoh was Ramses II
3. An agreement between the Hebrews and Yahweh that states that only Yahweh is
to be worshipped.
4. Yahweh was the god that the Hebrews worshipped
5. The temple of Jerusalem.
Multiple Choice:
1) The imperial Gupta Empire was known as the
of ancient India : a) golden
empire b)the dark age c)the bronze age d) golden age
2) India was known for its world famous _________ universities. a) Hindu b) Catholic c)
Buddhist d) Muslim
3) Hindus believe that when you die you... a) go to heaven or hell depending on how you
lived your life b) rebirth every time you die depending on the good or evil actions
preformed in the last life. c) Nothing happens, your just dead. d) Turn into your favorite
4) Hindus: a) Do not worship their gods in image form b) worship their gods in image
form c) Do not believe in any gods d) only believe in one god.
5) In Hindu daily life, schools were located: a) inside the city b) on the top of hills c)
underground d) outside the city
6) (T) ________Hindu girls would receive education only if their families were wealthy..
7) (T) ________ Hindu boys practiced riding elephants and horses in school.
8) (F) ________ Muslims do not believe in conversion to their religion.
9) (F) ________Muslims believe in image worship to their gods.
10) (T) ________India introduced the world to cotton and sugar.
11) The Gupta period lasted for _________. (200 years)
12) What is India’s climate like? (Warm, no frost or snow)
13) What is Karma? (The status and rank of a persons life depends on the good or evil
actions preformed in their past life.)
14) What are the two main religions in India? (Hinduism and Muslim)
15) Who is Shiva? (He is one of the most important Hindu gods)
16) Who Built the Taj Mahal? a) Jahangir b) Nur Jahan c) Shah Jahan d) Aurangjeb
17) The Taj Mahal was built: a) for the most important people of India b) as a gift for the
woman the prince loved c) for the government d) where people went to prey.
18) Which king devoted much of his spare time to building educational centers and
making provisions for highways? A) Harsha B) Gupta C) Ashoka D) Chalukya
19) (T) ________ The Mughal emperor Akbar was started the political unification of the
north stretching from the Bay of Bengal to Kabul and from the Himalayas.
20) (T) ________ India was noted for its world famous Buddhist Universities.
Robyn and Dean
Ancient India (Answers)
Multiple Choice
1. What were the two major cities of the Indus civilization?
B) Mohen-jo-daro and Harappa
2. Nirvana means…
A) The ultimate state of happiness.
3. “The Golden Age” of ancient India is also known as…
B) The imperial Gupta period
4. The central of Buddha’s teaching is…
C) The Eightfold Path
5. What were the two most popular religions of India?
B) Buddhism and Hinduism
Fill in the Blank
1. Buddha means the enlightened one.
2. A book used to instruct the kinds and princes on how to administer the empire. The
3. The classic language of India. The Sanskrit.
4. India’s two greatest epics were Ramayana and Mahabharata.
5. The first king of the Gupta dynasty was Chandragupta.
Quick Answer
1. The Eightfold Path included: Proper discipline of the body, abstaining form taking
life, stealing and committing adultery. Correct speech, to speak the truth, avoid
cursing, backbiting, idle chatter, proper thought belief in rebirth as the fruit of good
and evil deeds not coveting wealth and absence of hatred.
2. The Rig-Veda questions what? The origins of the gods and the universe.
3. The Brahmins were specialists in conducting what? Elaborated sacrifices to the gods,
sacrifices that often involved killing animals.
4. The Upanishads focuses on what philosophical questions? What happens after a
person dies and the search for individual salvation.
5. When did Magadha emerge? After Buddha’s death.
True or False
1. Buddha stressed the virtues of honest living. True or False
2. The Mahabharata is and epic tale based on a battle fought in 850 B.C. True or False
3. The Egyptians and Greeks were the principal carriers of the overseas trade with India.
True or False
4. The Ramayana is the story of Rama, a prince who was exiled by his father Dasharatha.
True or False
5. Sanskrit is a language related to almost all the languages in Europe including English.
True or False
The Rise of the Greeks
Multiple Choice:
1) Known as the father of history
A-Heinrich Schliemann
B-Herodotus -Right
2) The Minoans brought with them the knowledge of?
A-Farming –Right
3) Obsidian could be use for
B-Scarpers and other tools
C-all of the above - Right
4) The Minoans wall paintings were?
B-The were forbid to paint on the walls
C-Peaceful - Right
5) It is said that the wife of king Minos gave birth to?
A-Half man - Half Goat
B-Half man - Half Bull - Right
C-Half man - Half Horse
Fill in the blanks!
1) Knossos was always the site of the largest and most
important palace on Crete.
2) Homers epics were the Iliad and the Odyssey.
3) The monster the king of Minos wife gave birth to was
called the Minotaur.
Quick Answer
1) What were the dark ages?
* The dark ages were when no one wrote anything down
so people in the future don’t really know what happened in
that point of time.
2) How did a Spartan woman named Kyniska become the
first woman to win an even at the ancient Olympic games?
* She twice entered a 4 horse chariot team and she won
since she was the owner of the winning team.
3) What is Democracy?
* Democracy comes from two Greek words demos
meaning the people and kratos meaning rule or power.
4) What were Hoplites?
*Hoplites were heavily armed warriors with large round
shields and shin protectors helmets and body amour. They
fought with heavy spears. They stood shoulder too
shoulder in eight lines deep not allowing the enemy to
break though, this technique what very successful.
5) What is an epic poem?
*It is along poem telling a story myth or legend.
True or False
The Olympic Games welcomed every one.
Some people died competing in the Olympics.
Are own Modern Olympic games were established by Baron Pierre
de Coubertin in 1896.
200-218 and 226-227 and 221
True or False
1. The Delian League was formed to protect Persia from the Greek invaders.
2. Cimon molded the league into an effective military instrument.
3. Pericles freed the Greeks from the island Cyprus.
4. Pericles only ruled for a short 2 years.
5. There was a large rivalry between Sparta and Macedonia.
Fill in the blank
1. Athens was known for Brains
2. Sparta was known for Military
3. Philip the Great was father to Alexander the Great
4. Philip the Great was killed by One of his own Solders
5. The most famous Greek doctor was Hippocrates
Multiple choices
1. Alexander the Great died in:
B. 323 BCE
2. Greece had a trade system with:
A. South Russia, Sicily, and Egypt.
3.5th century Athens was sometimes called:
A. the Classical Moment
4. Alexander the Great conquered all the way over to:
A. India
5. When Alexander the Great died it was known as the:
C. The Hellenistic Age
Short answer
1. What was Hippocrates the first to study?
The working body.
2. Was commonly traded into Greece?
Grain from surrounding places.
3. What were the most common trades out of Greece?
Olive oil and wine.
4. Who was the king of Persia when Alexander conquered Persia?
DariusIII was the king
5. Name 3 places that Alexander conquered :
Persia, Afghanistan, Asia minor, Macedonia, Egypt.