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AP European History – Summer Assignment
Congratulations on electing to take AP European History!
The ultimate goal of this course is to prepare you to successfully pass the official AP European
History Exam administered in May. To accomplish this goal, this course is designed to prepare
you to think analytically, write comprehensive essays, and develop a successful study strategy
that will insure success throughout your high school and college years.
The following assignments are to be completed by all students taking AP European History in
the 2012-2013 school year. This is not optional as it is the first homework assignment for this
class and the basis for the first exam which will be administered shortly after the start of the
school year. Not completing these assignments in full will create a disadvantage both
substantively (material necessary to understand what will be covered) and quantitatively
(homework points), and it will create for the teacher a negative impression.
The assignments can be accessed by visiting either Mrs. Connor’s or Mrs. Pierotti’s blog at: or After accessing either teacher’s blog, click on
the link labeled, “AP Summer Assignment” and print out the related documents.
The assignments should be completed in the order listed below:
1) Read “Fall of Rome to the Middle Ages” and complete the corresponding worksheet.
2) Read “Late Middle Ages and the Late Medieval Church” and complete the corresponding
3) Read “The Renaissance” and complete the corresponding worksheet.
4) Compose essay responses to the 2 questions provided.
a. Each essay should be written using the standard 5-paragraph format.
b. Use a separate sheet of notebook paper for each essay.
c. Neither essay should be longer than what you can fit on both sides of a single
sheet of notebook paper.
5) Complete the two maps of contemporary Europe as follows:
Map 1
 Label the countries by writing the countries’ names directly onto the
 DO NOT use a numbering system.
Map 2
 Label the cities, rivers and mountain ranges.
 For easier reference when studying for the map exam, it is strongly
suggested that a blue crayon/marker be used to identify rivers, oceans
and other bodies of water, and that a brown crayon/marker be used to
indicate mountain ranges. (Note: Completing the map assignments
may require a visit to the public library, so do not wait until the last
minute to work on this assignment.)
See the Back of this sheet for more important information regarding this assignment.
 All essays and worksheets are to be completed in your own handwriting.
 NO computer generated responses will be accepted and will result in a grade of “0”
 You are to consult ONLY the reading materials provided to complete the worksheets.
 Complete your work on the worksheets and not on a separate piece of paper.
 You may consult any sources to complete the map assignments
 If, while reading, you do not understand the meaning of a word…consult a dictionary!!
 When writing your response to the two (2) essay questions, focus on incorporating
thought and analysis to answer all parts of the question.
 The goal of this Summer Assignment is to gauge your commitment to the course, assess
your comprehension level of the material, evaluate your writing ability, and determine
your strengths and weaknesses with regard to incorporating analysis.
This assignment is due on the first day of school, September 4, 2012.
Student question(s) can be emailed to Mrs. Connor or Mrs. Pierotti before the last day of this
current school year or two weeks prior to the start of the 2012-2013 school year.
Good Luck and Have a Great Summer Vacation!
Mrs. Connor ([email protected])
Mrs. Pierotti ([email protected])
Name: ___________
Period: ___
Summer Assignment
Fall of Rome to the Middle Ages
(Pgs. lvii – lxvv)
*Answer each of the questions in your own handwriting about society during Roman
and Middle Ages periods in Europe. Be sure to use complete sentences and phrases.
One-word answers are never acceptable in this course.
1. How did this new religion finally organize itself? What was the name of this
new official church?
2. What was the “crisis of the 3rd century”?
3. Give five reasons for the decline of Rome
4. Why was the Church the only institution providing a high degree of unity?
5. Which barbarians invade Rome from the East and West the following dates..
a) In 378 AD?
b) In 410 AD?
c) In 476 AD?
6. When Western Europe crumbles, where did imperial power shift? Who was
the emperor during the Golden Age? What happens to this empire
7. In the 15th century, what new religion is introduced to the Eastern Empire
and by which empire?
8. What areas were conquered by this new group?
9. What was the reaction to this in Western Europe?
10. What were some of the conditions for the birth of Western Europe as a
distinctive cultural and social entity that occurred? Give at least 4 examples
11. Between the 6th-11th centuries, who was the only figure to achieve a
significant centralized political authority in Europe? Which areas did he
12. How does he develop strong political ties and with who?
13. What was his newly controlled area called?
14. What did he do culturally to make his Carolingian Empire important?
15. Why does his empire & cultural revival last for only a short time? Give 3
16. What is a “feudal society”?
17. What do the terms “vassalage” and “fief” mean?
18. The social and economic equivalents of these relationships of feudalism on
the local level were the manor and serfdom. Explain this relationship
19. What are the emerging “national” monarchies emerging during the High
Middle Ages?
20. Politically, what was beginning to be created? Whose political interests were
being represented
21. Economically, what was being created? Which new class was emerging?
22. What reforms are made to the Church under Pope Gregory VII? Mention at
least 2.
23. What division occurs in Christendom?
24. Name 5 differences between the two churches
25. What did the increase numbers of people make possible?
26. Which country’s cities weathered the early Middle Ages better than other
cities? What were names of some of the cities that did well?
27. What does the term bourgeois or burgher mean? Who were they and what
did they do? Who admired them and why? Who felt threatened by them
and why?
28. Who did towns ally with and against who?
29. What was the reason for the Crusades? Where did they take place? What
was the long-term achievement of the Crusades?
30. Which three new monarchies began to rise in Europe?
31. What is the Magna Carta and which country’s history is it important to?
32. In which of these countries did the Emperor rule in name only?
33. What was Scholasticism? What were some criticisms of it?
The Late Middle Ages (Pages 291-309 – up to “Medieval Russia”)
1. Indentify and describe 4 factors that contributed to the 100 Years’ War
2. Why, in 1355, did the French king create the Estates General?
b. How did the members of the Estates General respond to this new and
representative council?
3. Provide a brief description for each of the three stages of the 100 Years’ War.
a. 1st Stage:
b. 2nd Stage
c. 3rd Stage (Joan of Arc – Include her unique and important contribution)
4. What were the political and social consequences of the 100 Years’ War?
a. political:
b. social:
Discuss the pre-conditions and causes of the Black Death.
6. Describe the political, social and economic consequences of the Black Death with a
specific reference to:
a. peasants
b. artisans
c. nobility
d. clergy
7. Describe the 13th century papacy. How was it secular?
8. Boniface VIII, Philip IV (the Fair) & Edward I
a. Analyze and discuss the response of Philip IV and Edward I to Pope Boniface
VIII’s bull on taxing the clergy.
b. Who prevailed in this conflict, and what did his victory mean?
9. The Avignon Papacy (1309-1377)
a. How did the Avignon Papacy hurt the credibility of the Church?
10. What were the basic arguments put forth by John Wycliffe and John Huss against the
11. What assertions, specifically, against the Church prompted the church to accuse Wycliffe
of heresy after his death?
12. Describe the “Great Schism”
a. What is the significance of the “Great Schism”?
b. What was the basic goal of advocates of conciliar theory? Who, in the mind of
conciliar theorists, had more power – the pope or a representative council?
c. What was the end result of the Conciliar Movement?
13. What is the significance of the Council of Basel?
The Renaissance
1. What is Jacob Burkhardt’s contribution to historical study?
2. Identify the 7 major Italian city states and provide one significant fact for each:
3. In which Italian city state did the Medici family rule?
4. Describe the purpose of the Treaty of Lodi. In what way was it successful?
5. Why was the Medici Family a significant force in Italy?
6. Why did the Renaissance start in Italy?
7. What was Francesco Petrarch’s contribution to Renaissance thought?
8. What is a basic definition for Renaissance humanism?
9. Why did Florence become a major center of humanist scholarship?
10. What was the Donation of Constantine? What did Lorenzo Valla discover when looking
closely at the Donation of Constantine? What were the implications of his find?
11. What is scholasticism?
12. What is neoplatonism?
13. Why were Renaissance artists so interested in anatomy and analyzing how the body
14. What characteristics define the ultimate Renaissance Man?
15. Describe the concept of “virtu” and explain Machiavelli’s and Castiglione’s thoughts on
16. Describe the basic difference between Medieval Art and Renaissance Art.
17. Why is Leonardo da Vinci considered to be one of the most remarkable men of the
18. What events led to the 60 years of war that would bring an end to the Italian
Renaissance? Be certain to mention Ludovico Sforza and King Charles VIII of France.
19. What were the initial results of the French invasion of the Italian peninsula? Be specific.
20. Why is the Dominican friar Savonarola referred to as the “fiery preacher”?
21. What were the Northern Renaissance’s biggest contributions?
22. Why was Burgundy poised to become a formidable force in the 15th century?
23. What was the ultimate goal of the Spanish Inquisition?
Essay Questions
1. Discuss the significance of the Hundred Years’ War in the broader picture of Europe’s
transition to the Modern Era with a focus on the new attitudes, ideas and practices this
conflict represented.
2. John Wycliffe and John Huss were openly critical of Church practice and authority.
Discuss their criticisms of the Church and the Church’s response to their criticisms, and
analyze why the Church responded as it did.