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Practice Exam #4
Mammary System, Immune System, Renal System: Ch.
Below are sample multiple choice and essay questions. These are not necessarily indicative of the specific
material or types of questions that Drs. Selsby & Keating will ask on the exam. Remember, they want you
to be able to apply your knowledge of the material learned in class and from the book and part of that
comes from understanding the significance, application, and importance of that information. Good luck!
1. This hormone is responsible for duct growth.
A. estrogen
B. progesterone
C. prolactin
D. all of the above
2. As urine passes down the collecting duct, water leaves the tube by osmosis and, thus, the urine
becomes more and more concentrated.
A) True
B) False
3. Antibodies use all of the following mechanisms to attack pathogens directly except:
A) agglutination
B) complement fixation/lysis
C) phagocytosis
D) precipitation
E) neutralization
4. Which of the following is a function of the urinary system?
A) Filter plasma
B) Regulate Blood Pressure
C) Regulate pH
D) All of the Above
5. The main hormone during the galatokinesis phase:
A. prolactin
B. estrogen
C. oxytocin
D. none of the above
6. This structure in the kidneys is responsible for filtration of the blood plasma.
A) Loop of Henle
B) Glomerulus
C) Proximal Convoluting Tubules
D) Collecting Duct
7. Which of the following terms means to coat bacteria, making them easier to phagocytize by
macrophages and neutrophils?
A) opsonization
B) complement fixation
C) pyrexia
D) MAC coating
8. Molecules which elicit an immune response are called:
B) agglutinins
C) antibodies
D) antigens
9. Stallions have teats.
A. true
B. false
10. The hormone responsible for maintaining lactation:
A. oxytocin
B. prolactin
C. estrogen
D. progesterone
11. If you were inoculated with hepatitis A vaccine, a population of this type of cell would begin to make
the appropriate antibody:
A) neutrophils
B) helper T lymphocytes
C) B lymphocytes
D) cytotoxic T lymphocytes
E) natural killers
12. Infected cells of the pancreas would display a foreign antigen fragment on a/an:
A) complement 3b
B) immunoglobulin A
C) MAC membrane complex
13. Should blood pressure rise, one means of renal autoregulation would involve:
A) constriction of the proximal convoluted tubule
B) dilation of the afferent arteriole
C) constriction of the afferent arteriole
D) constriction of the efferent arteriole
E) dilation of the proximal convoluted tubule
14. This macromolecule is the least variable milk component between species.
A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Carbohydrate
D. Nucleic Acid
15. Newborns acquiring natural passive immunity receive:
A. a vaccine
B. an infection
C. an injection of antibodies
D. whey protein
16. If you have a low GFR, your body will do this to return to homeostasis.
A) dilate afferent arteriole, dilate efferent arteriole
B) dilate afferent arteriole, constrict efferent arteriole
C) constrict afferent arteriole, dilate efferent arteriole
D) constrict afferent arteriole, dilate efferent arteriole
17. Males cannot lactate under any circumstance.
A. true
B. false
18. These cells recognize non-self antigens and produce lymphokines to stimulate the cells that actually
make the antibodies:
A) cytotoxic T
B) helper T
C) suppressor T
D) natural killers
E) memory T
19. Humoral immunity is provided by:
C)T cells.
D)complement proteins.
20. Interferons are a type of:
A) Lymphocyte
B) Leukocyte
C) Cytokine
D) Bacteria
Essay Topics
Below are sample essay questions. For each, draft the response you would provide on an actual exam.
Use key words and topic sentences to make an outline of a potential essay. Make sure to draw any
diagrams required. Note: Some of these questions can most easily be answered with a schematic
representation accompanied by brief descriptions of the drawn elements. In other words: if it helps –
draw a picture.
Mammary System
List the major milk components and describe how they differ between species.
Water: Large variation between and within species
Carbohydrate (Lactose): least variable milk component
Milk fat: most variable milk component
Milk protein: less variable than milk fat, whey protein and caseins
Describe the hormonal changes that occur during each of the 4 stages (name them) of lactation. What
intervention could be used to alter the 4th stage of lactation and how?
Mammogenesis: duct growth- estrogen, GH, glucocorticoids; alveolar growth: estrogen, GH,
glucocorticoids, progesterone, prolactin
Lactogenesis: prolactin from anterior pituitary involved in synthesis of milk components
Galactokinesis: oxytocin from posterior pituitary involved in milk letdown in response to
suckling, sound, sight of infant/milking machine
Galactopoiesis: prolactin declines, intervention= recombinant bovine somatotropin to prevent
mammary cell apoptosis
Immune System
Describe humoral immunological memory. What therapy has been developed to take advantage
of immunological memory?
B-cell stimulation, generation of clones, generation of plasma cells  antibodies, memory cells
formed. Primary response (time lag, level of antibody). Secondary response (quicker, higher
level of antibody reached). Action of antibodies PLAN (explain). Vaccine therapy
Describe how the immune system would be impacted in the absence of T Helper cells.
Role in nonspecific, humoral, and cellular immunity
Explain MHC proteins: what they are, where they’re found, their purpose, and how they develop.
Major histocompatibility complex presents antigens, Class I vs. Class II, positive and negative
Renal System
Describe how glomerular filtration rate is controlled by intrinsic mechanisms. Please mention
structures involved.
Myogenic regulation: protects from damaging high BP, blood flow too higher, afferent
constricts, blood flow too low, afferent dilates
Tubuloglomerular regulation: involves JGA, NaCl too high indicates flow rate too high for
reabsorption, macula densa cells release vasoconstrictor, afferent constricts to slow blood flow,
NaCl too low indicates flow rate too slow since too much reabsorbed, vasoconstrictor release
inhibited, afferent dilates to increase blood flow
Describe how glomerular filtration rate is controlled by extrinsic mechanisms.
Epinephrine & norepinephrine
Renin/angiotensin mechanism and roles of angiotensin II
Describe how urine becomes concentrated.
Osmolality in Loop of Henle, DCT, Collecting duct, ADH, aldosterone