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 Caused by the weight of the atmosphere
 As temperature increases, pressure ________________
 As humidity increases, pressure _________________
 Measured with a barometer
 High Pressure System
Winds blow ____________ and ___________
Brings ____________, _____________ weather
Air is __________________
 Low Pressure System
Winds blow ____________ and ___________
Brings ____________, _____________ weather
Air is __________________
Reference Tables "Pressure"
 How much moisture is in the air. (how saturated the air is)
 As temperature increases, humidity ________________
 As pressure increases, humidity _________________
 Measured with a sing psychrometer
 The closer the dew point and air temperature (dry bulb) the __________ the
relative humidity
 Dew point- the temperature to which the air is cooled to become ____________
 Reference Tables "Dew Point", Relative Humidity"
 Winds blow from areas of ______________ pressure to areas of
_______________ pressure
 Measured with an anemometer
 Prevailing winds blow toward the _____________ in the Northern Hemisphere
and toward the ________________ in the Southern Hemisphere due to the
 Wind is a major factor in moving surface ocean water
 Reference Tables " Planetary Wind and Moisture Belts" and "Surface Ocean
 The closer the isobars, the _____________ the wind speed
 Forms where air is ____________
 As air rises its temperature ___________________ and pressure ______________
 If the air is cooled below its _____________________, _________________
 In order to form clouds you must have _________________ and _____________
 reference Tables "Electromagnetic Spectrum"
 States of Water
 Reference Tables "Properties of Water"
Energy is absorbed during _________________ and ________________
Energy is released during ___________________ and __________________-
The sun is the primary source of energy for the Earth
 Weather Maps
 Reference Tables "Weather Map Symbols"
 Reference Tables "Air Masses"
 Fronts
Cold Fronts bring cooler, wet weather
Warm Fonts bring warmer, wet weather
Associated with Low Pressure Systems
 Storm Tracks
 Typical Storm Track-across the U.S. goes from west to east because it is carried
by the ____________________
 Tropical Storm Tack- moves up the eastern coast of the U.S.
 Water Cycle
 know the diagram
 Ground Water
 Infiltrates - seeps into the ground
 Porosity
The amount of pore space between the sediments in soil
Changing _____________ does not change porosity, changing
_____________, ________________, _____________ does
 Permeability
The ability of soil to transmit water
As grain size increases, permeability _________________
_____________ occurs when rainfall exceed permeability
 Capillarity
The ability of the soil to draw water upward
As the grain size increases, capillarity _____________
 Heat Energy Transfer
 Convection
Occurs in a _______________ due to difference in ___________
 Conduction
Occurs in a _________________ by
 Radiation
The flow of energy through ________________
The fastest form of energy transfer
ex: _____________________________
 Insolation
 The suns electromagnetic energy that reaches the Earth
 Angle of Insolation
As latitude increases, angle of insolation ________________
As the angle of insolation decreases, the energy absorbed
 Duration
As the latitude increases, the duration of insolation _____________
At the seasons change from summer to winter, the duration of insolation
 Specific Heat
Reference Tables "Specific Heats of Common Materials"
As specific heat increases, the heating and cooling rates _____________, the
heating and cooling times _________________
 Greenhouse Effect
The electromagnetic energy that is received by the Earth has a much
__________ wavelength then the terrestrial radiation
The terrestrial radiation gets trapped by the _________________ which
accumulate in the atmosphere due to _________________________________
 Factors that Affect Climate
Climate-atmospheric conditions over a large period of time
As latitude increases, temperature _________________
Reference Tables "Planetary Wind and Moisture Belts"
As altitude increases, temperature ________________
On the windward side of a mountain the climate is _____________ and
__________, on the leeward side the climate is _______________ and
Near oceans and large bodies of water the temperature is more
___________________ because ____________________________________
Reference Tables "Surface Ocean Currents", which can affect the climate of
an area.