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Name _______________________________
Opt II
Plate Tectonics Review
On the back of this paper, identify the lithospheric plates shown below. Label the following mountain ranges: Atlas,
Alps, Andes, Appalachians, Cascades, Himalayans, and Urals. Add arrows to show the direction of plate movement.
Answer the questions on the back of this paper.
The lithospheric plates identified on plate map include:
1. ______ Pacific____________
2. ______North American_______
3. ______Cocos_____________
4. _________Nazca _________
5. ______Caribbean__________
6. ______South American_______
7. ______African____________
8. __________Arabian_________
9. ______Eurasian___________
10. _____Indo-Australian________
11. ____ Philippine___________
12. ________Antarctic__________
13. _____Juan de Fuca________
14. __________Scotia__________
15. What is the lithosphere? Topmost solid portion of earth (crust & upper mantle).
16. Describe diverging plate boundaries terms of
a. movement: lithospheric plates move apart
b. result: _new oceanic crust is formed
17. Describe converging plate boundaries terms of
a. movement: lithospheric plates come together
b. result: subduction of old oceanic crust at a trench
18. Describe sliding plate boundaries terms of
a. movement: lithospheric plates slide past each other
b. result: faulting and shallow focus earthquakes
19. Describe colliding plate boundaries terms of
a. movement: two continental lithospheric plates come together
b. result: folded mountains
20. Match the following with the correct type of plate boundaries.
a. San Andreas Fault
i. colliding
b. East Pacific Rise
ii. converging
c. Trenches
iii. diverging
d. Mid-ocean ridges
iv. sliding
e. Subduction
f. Magnetic striped pattern of rocks
g. Himalayan Mountains
h. Shallow focus earthquakes
i. Rift valley
j. Volcanic mountains
k. Deep focus earthquakes
l. Island arcs like the Aleutian Islands
m. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Name __________________________
Plate Tectonics Review
21. Theory of Continental Drift + Sea-floor Spreading = Theory of Plate Tectonics.
22. Alfred Wegener developed the Theory of Continental Drift.
23. Harry Hess developed the Theory of Sea-Floor Spreading.
24. What is the Ring of Fire? It is a subduction zone at the outer edges of the Pacific
Ocean with lots of volcanic and earthquake activity.
25. What is the ‘conveyor belt’ for the lithospheric plates? Convection currents which
are located in the upper mantle.
26. What is the asthenosphere? It is the ‘plastic-like’ layer in the upper mantle. The
lithospheric plates ride atop the asthenosphere.
27. Refer to your plate tectonics map. Which of the mountains are volcanic, subduction
zone volcanoes? The Andes and the Cascades
28. Refer to your plate tectonics map. Which of the mountains are formed by the
collision of lithospheric plates? The Appalachians, Alps, Urals, Atlas, and Himalayan
29. Refer to your plate tectonics map. Where would you find the East Pacific rise?
At the boundary between the Nazca and Pacific Plates.
30. List some famous island arcs? Why are island arcs formed? What type of
mountains are formed at island arcs? The Aleutians, the Kuriles, Japan, the
Ryukyus, and the Philippines are all island arcs that form when two oceanic plates
converge. They form volcanic mountains.
31. Use the following terms to show the structure of the earth from the surface to
the center: asthenosphere, inner core, lithosphere, lower mantle, outer core.
Lithosphere, asthenosphere, lower mantle, outer core, and inner core.