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Life science chapter 22.1 (food webs) 2.2 (kingdoms) test review
Define and give examples:
Producer / Autotroph – makes its own food (photosynthesis)
Consumer / Heterotroph – does not make its own food (includes decomposers,
scavengers, omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores)
Decomposer – breaks down other organisms to obtain food (returns nutrients to soil for
plants) (mushrooms and bacteria)
Scavenger - eats dead organisms (vultures, coyotes)
Omnivore – eats meat and plants (you!)
Herbivore – eats only plants (cow)
Carnivore –eats only meat (lion)
Species – group of similar organisms that can mate and produce viable offspring (their
children can also have children)
Food chain and food web – show the flow of energy and matter in nature. Food web is
many food chains interconnected.
Taxonomy – study of how organisms are classified
Put in order from largest (most general) to smallest (most specific) class, family, genus
kingdom, order, phylum, species
Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
How are scientific names determined and why are they important?
Put the genus and species names together and underline them (or if typing make in
italics). They are important because they are universal, the same all over the world.
List the characteristics of each.
1. Animals – multicellular, consumers, have a nucleus (eukaryotes)
2. Plants – multicellular, producers, have a nucleus
3. Fungi – multicellular, decomposers, have a nucleus
4. Protists – mostly single-cellular, some multicellular, have a nucleus, some are
decomposers, or consumers, or producers, it depends on the species
5. Bacteria – single-cellular, decomposers (some may be considered producers) no
nucleus (prokaryotes)
6. Archaea – single-cellular, no nucleus, some are decomposers, most are producers