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Name: _______________
Date: ________________
Period: ______________
American History Common Final Exam Review
1. D-Day invasion was the first step the ________________ took toward reaching Berlin.
2. After United States backed Bay of Pig invasion of___________________, the Cuban government turned to the Soviet
Union for protection from the United States.
3. President_____________________________ developed flexible response strategy to supplement the Cold War policies
of his predecessors.
4. Japan surrendered because the United States destroyed ______________________ and________________________
with atomic bombs.
5. The ultimate goal of the Nazi’s __________________________________________was to murder all the Jews in
Europe and the Soviet Union..
6. The_____________________________ Doctrine resulted in policies intended to fight communism.
7.__________________________________ referred to the collapse of the stock market.
8. The belief that if one nation falls to communism, the neighboring nations will also fall to communism became known
as the________________________________________.
9. During WWII the____________________________________ was a secret program to build an atomic bomb.
10. In 1935 the ______________________________________ struck significant blows to the New Deal’s attempts to
bring change to the American economy.
11. During____________________ Nixon did a balancing act with foreign policy to ease tensions with the Soviet Union
and Red China.
12. President Teddy Roosevelt wanted to build the___________________________________ to shorten travel time
between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
13. The members of the _______________________________ were Great Britain, France, and Russia..
14. President___________________________________ believed that unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany
violated the laws of neutrality.
15. The concept of__________________________________________________ was a pledge that United States would
use overwhelming force to settle serious conflicts.
16. The________________________________________________________________ (NATO) was based on the
principle of collective security.
17. The ______________________________ Amendment gave women the right to vote.
18. President_____________________________________ was known as a trust buster.
19.The fundamental causes of_____________________________ were imperialism, nationalism, militarism, and
opposing alliances.
20._________________________________________ emerged as the leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death.
21. Beliefs based on a literal interpretation of the Bible are called____________________________________.
22._________________________________________ gained control of a large percentage of the steel industry by buying
out his suppliers and by buying out or underselling his competitors.
23. President_____________________________________ wanted the United States to keep the lead in the arms race.
24. President Johnson’s__________________________________ program was designed to improve conditions for the
poor by ending poverty and racial injustice.
25.What was the immediate cause of WWI?_________________________________________________________
26.Stalin would declare war on Japan after the surrender of Germany; the Allies would divide Germany into four zones of
occupation; and after the war, elections would be held in countries occupied by Germany were decisions made at the
_________________ Conference.
27.One significant decision made at the_____________________ Conference was to establish the United Nations.
28. The first peacetime draft in American history was created by the___________________________________, which
enabled the United States to raise an army quickly.
29.__________________________________________ established a totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union.
30. Daniel Ellsberg leaked the ___________________________, which showed that United States government officials
had been misleading the public about the Vietnam War for years.
31. Relief, reform, and recovery were the main goals of FDR’s _____________________________ programs.
32. If stock prices dropped, brokers could force investors to repay their loans if the investor were buying on
33. Because Americans were looking for someone to blame for recent communist victories, Senator ______________
___________________ was able to wage an anti-Communist campaign.
34. The Soviet established the ________________________________ to solidify their control over Eastern Europe.
35. The Strategic__________________________________________________ Treaty slowed the arms race between the
Soviet Union and the United States.
36.U.S. planes sprayed _________________________________ on the Ho Chi Minh Trail to expose those areas of the
trail that were hidden in the jungle, making it easier for planes to see enemy supply routes.
37. The United States would use military force to prevent other powers from intervening in the affairs of neighboring
countries. This is the central message of ___________________________________________ to the Monroe Doctrine. (
Teddy Roosevelt’s Big Stick Policy was viewed by some to be brutal.)
38. U.S. Attorney General___________________________________ justified his raids against radicals by using wartime
laws that gave the government broad powers.
39. Put in correct chronological order Nixon pardoned -> Nixon resigns -> Nixon reelected -> articles of
impeachment adopted ->-> “plumbers” arrested
40. The _______________________ era, which began with the Soviet’s launch of Sputnik space satellite in 1957, led to
all of the following developments in the U.S., : (1.) American fears that the U.S. was falling behind in the technology
race. (2.) legislation to improve education in science, math, and foreign language, and (3.) establishment of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.
41._____________________________________ worked with the NAACP on Brown v. Board of Education case.
42. The___________________________ is the term that describes the devastation of the Great Plains by drought.
43. The ___________________________________________ Amendment abolished poll taxes, which were used to keep
African Americans from voting.
44. According to the_______________________________________ sent to the German ambassador in Mexico in 1917,
Germany would help Mexico regain some of the region that it lost to the U.S. in1848 if Mexico allied itself with
45. Lunch counter sit-ins were examples of_________________________________ protests against segregation.
46. President ___________________ pardoned former President Nixon to end the agonies caused by Watergate.
47. United States Secretary of State John Hay proposed the_________________________________ in China in
opposition to Europeans’ spheres of influences.
48. The _____________________ Amendment allowed for suffrage for women.
49. All of the following occurred in 1968: (1.) Tet offensive, (2.). Assassination of Robert Kennedy, and assassination
50. Japan, Germany, and Italy were the_______________________________ powers in WWII.
51. Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States were the___________________________ powers tn WWII.
52. Castro has remained in control of_______________ through at least nine administrations, including Eisenhower,
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, and Clinton.
53. The_____________________________ Amendment allowed for the direct election of senators.
54. The goal of the_________________________________ of 1924 was to reduce immigration to the United States from
European countries.
55. The United States and Great Britain began the Berlin ________________________ to prevent all of Berlin from
becoming Communist.
56. The Battle of______________________________ was a turning point in the war in the Pacific partly because it halted
the Japanese threat to Hawaii.
57.The____________________________ was passed in order to limit the president’s authority to wage war.
58. Speakeasies allowed citizens to get around the consequences of failing to comply with the
___________________________ Amendment.
59. The __________________________ scandal concerned Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall’s willingness to accept
bribes to allow oil companies to drill on federally owned land.
60.The________________________ Doctrine was a warning to the Soviet Union against military intervention in the
Middle East.
61. By naming rustic shacks and tent communities “Hoovervilles” and day-old newspapers “Hoover blankets,” people
were demonstrating that they believed _________________________________ was responsible for the depression.
62. The _______________________________________ program of 1935 provided for unemployment insurance
administered by the federal government, old age pensions paid for by taxes on employers and workers, and federally
administered assistance to the blind and disabled.
63. President Carter’s Camp David Summit was significant because it paved the way for the______________________
______________________________________ between Egypt and Israel.
64. One basic purpose shared by the Emergency Banking Act, the Glass-Steagal Act, and FDR’s_____________ chats
was to increase public confidence.
65. Senator Huey P. Long, Father Charles Coughlin, and Dr. Francis Townshend were all outspoken critics of the
66.During WWII the United States government encouraged Americans to plant home___________________________
to ensure the food needs of the military would take top priority.
67.Put in the correct chronological order .building of the Berlin Wall ->
Civil Rights Act of 1964 -> assassination of JFK.
Kennedy - Nixon debates->passage of the
68. One result of the ____________________________ Movement was that thousands of African-Americans could vote
for the first time.
69. The height of the March on Washington was Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “___________________________________ ”
70. The main reason that a number of nations join ___________________ in 1949 was that they wanted to protect
themselves from Soviet aggression.
71. Because of the_________________________________ scandal, Ford immediately after gaining the presidency gave a
speech to try to gain back the public trust in government.
72. In the 19th century, the term “_______________________________________” referred to the capitalists who
controlled giant financial and industrial combinations.
73. Put in correct chronological order. Invasion of Cambodia-> Tonkin Gulf Resolution-> War Powers Act ->
Vietnamization Policy.
74. The ___________________________Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.
75. By 1914 Henry Ford was building cars that average Americans could afford because he equipped his factory with an
76. __________ is significant because it was the largest combined land-sea-air invasion in history.
77. In 1950_____________________________________________________ investigated the domestic Communist
78. When the U.S. Supreme Court failed to rule favorably on New Deal legislation, President ____________________
introduced a judiciary reorganization bill that would increase the number of Supreme Court justices.
79. The__________________________________________ brought the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink
of nuclear war.
80. In 1934, _____________________s Share-Our -Wealth program promised a home and an income to every American.
81. President___________________________ supported the foreign policy of Dollar Diplomacy, and President
_____________________________ supported the foreign policy of Nurturing Constitutional Governments.
82.______________________________________________________ established that public schools could no longer be
legally segregated.
83. The _______________________________ was developed as a means of helping disadvantage countries. One task of
the volunteers in poor areas was to teach children American customs.
84. The sinking of the__________________________________ in Havana Harbor was one reason for the United States
to declare war on Spain. The U.S. main goal during the Spanish-American War was to free Cuba from Spanish rule.
85. Many Americans lost trust in government officials because of _______________________________ resignation.
86. President Nixon’s efforts to ease Cold War tensions were known as_________________________________.
87. The ________________________ helped restore public confidence in the safety of the nation’s bank.
88. During World War II, __________________________________ Americans were interned in camps because U.S.
military officials feared that they would engage in sabotage.
89.______________________________________ were people who worked for more democratic state governments.
90. The __________________________________ trial pitted religious beliefs against academic freedom and science.
91. Under the ___________________________________ Resolution, President Johnson ordered bombing raids on North
Vietnam and sent combat troops to Vietnam.
92. Churchill’s _______________________________ speech heightened Cold War tensions because Stalin used the
speech an excuse to spend Soviet resources on rebuilding the military.
93. Upton Sinclair’s book, ___________________________________, led to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act.
94. ___________________________________________ was part of the U.S. strategy to defeat Japan during WWII.
95. The____________________________________________ gave the national government control over the banks and
money supply.
96._____________________ were people who opposed the Vietnam War, and _____________ were people who
supported the Vietnam War.
97. The policy known as containment was designed to restrict the spread of ________________ in foreign countries.
98. During the ______________________, migrants were so desperate for work that they traveled vast distances to find it.
99. What territories did the United States gain as a result of the Spanish- American War________________-__________
100. Muckraking books and articles differed from ______________ journalism in that muckraking works were written by
people deeply disturbed by the conditions they uncovered
Study Guide Word Bank
Thurgood Marshall
Selective Service Act
World War I
Dust Bowl
Zimmerman Note
Dr. Martin L. King Jr.
National Origins Act
Civil Rights
Twenty-Sixth Amendment
Huey P. Long
Final Solution
Supreme Court
Panama Canal
North Atl Treaty Organization
Nineteenth Amendment
Pentagon Papers
Theodore “teddy Roosevelt
New Deal
Teapot Dome Scandal
Social Security
Axis powers
Open Door Policy
Massive Retaliation
Andrew Carnegie
Warsaw Pact
A. Mitchell Palmer
President Ford
War Powers Act
Assembly line
William Howard Taft
Manhattan Project
Domino theory
Triple entente
President John F. Kennedy
Arms Limitation
Joseph Stalin
President Dwight Eisenhower
Brown vs. Board of Education
of Topeka
Assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand
The Jungle
Puerto Rico
President Woodrow Wilson
Nikita Khrushchev
New Deal
Joseph McCarthy
Roosevelt Corollary
Agent orange
Seventh Amendment
Eighteenth Amendment
Victory gardens
Eisenhower Doctrine
Camp David Accords
“I Have a Dream”
Cuban Missile Crisis
Peace Corps
Robber Barons
Franklin Roosevelt
USS Maine
Iron Curtain
Federal Reserve Act
Great Depression
Yellow Journalism
Richard Nixon
Gulf of Tonkin
Island Hopping
Great Society
Black Tuesday