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Dissertation Workshop Series
The Scientific Method
Day 1
1. Understand the scientific method and its application
2. Learn and consider various ways to acquire knowledge
As we embark on this workshop, we will begin with an overview of the ‘science’
aspect of the scholar-practitioner-leader model. As discussed in many courses, one
aspect of the model and one ingredient of being a holder of an academic doctoral
degree is to conduct research and apply the results. In order to accomplish this it is
essential to learn and understand the scientific method and approaches to conducting
Methods for Acquiring Knowledge
As doctor in your field it is important to acquire knowledge and create new
knowledge in various situations and then design implementation strategies within
organizations that have the potential to enhance performance, productivity of
individuals, teams, and the entire organization. To accomplish these objectives UOPX
doctoral graduates consider the variety of potential resources to use and sources of
Consider the following list of sources or methods potentially available to
acquire knowledge:
Common sense
Personal experience
Scientific research
As you think and read about these methods and the potential of acquiring
accurate and realistic knowledge from them, be aware there are various perceptual
distortions or personal biases that often influence the interpretation of data. Should
we unquestionably accept the input of an authority? Or, should we make major
decisions based on tradition or common sense? While many do not like to admit it,
much of the popular literature contains errors. Scientific research is one approach
that attempts to control or eliminate errors.
Scientific Research
With the primary objective to answer questions and acquire knowledge,
the preferred method of acquiring knowledge is through the application of the
scientific method and research. Cozby (2009, p. 7) indicated that “scientific research
has four general goals:
1. to describe behavior
2. to predict behavior
3. to determine the causes of behavior
4. to understand or explain behavior”
Using the scientific method our practice as holders of professional doctorates
enhances our results and recommendations. As you learn the material in this
workshop, you will review many terms and methods which will become common as
you progress into your career. The real benefit of this strategy is to be able to draw
valid inferences, which potentially creates a positive relationship within an
organization and with management. The goals of scientific research include
description, understanding, and prediction of behavior. When we use the scientific
method we have the opportunity to minimize outside and personal influences.
The Scientific Method as Systematic Process for Acquiring Knowledge
The scientific method is not unique to any one field, nor is it a recent method.
Various disciplines have employed it for centuries. A reason for the popularity is that
scientists recognize other methods do not provide results which stand up to the level
of scrutiny that scientifically determined results do. Another reason is that the
scientific method provides a consistently rigorous routine for collecting and evaluating
The scientific method is a specific process consisting of seven steps, which are
typically followed in specific order. As you will learn during this and other courses, it
is a rigorous and practical process.
The steps of the scientific process are:
Identify a topic.
Identify a research question.
Design the study.
Collect data.
Analyze data.
Interpret data.
Inform others of results.
Whether it be a dissertation, a work related challenge, or a question raised by
a corporate executive, such as employee turnover, job satisfaction, quality issues, all
can be studied by applying the scientific method. When the scientific method is used,
beginning with the identification of a topic of interest, either through the research
literature, a work assignment, or a CEO, creating a study, collecting and analyzing
data, and finally interpreting and presenting the results provides a complete analytical
and consulting package.
For day one we review the scientific method as the primary and preferred
method of acquiring knowledge within scientific disciplines. The seven-step process is
a well established routine which can be replicated and which minimizes various errors
and biases when used effectively. However, the generalization of scientific results is
best limited to related areas.
Cozby, P. (2009). Methods in behavioral research (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGrawHill.
Neuman, W. L. (2006). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative
approaches (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Marczyk, G., DeMatteo, D., & Festinger, D. (2005). Essentials of research design and
methodology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Rogelberg, S. G. (Ed.). (2004). Handbook of research methods in industrial and
organizational psychology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.