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Internal assessment resource Drama 2.4A for Achievement Standard 91216
PNBHS Level 2 Drama 2012
AS 2.4 (internal) 4 credits and AS 2.3 (external) 4 credits
This resource supports assessment against:
Achievement Standard 91216 (2.4)
Perform features of a complex drama or theatre form or period
and Achievement Standard 91215 (2.3)
Discuss a drama or theatre form or period with reference to a
Elizabethan Theatre
Student Instructions
Date version published by November 2011
Ministry of Education
To support internal assessment from 2012
Quality assurance status
These materials have been quality assured by NZQA.
NZQA Approved number: A-A-11-2011-91216-01-5124
Modified by Chris Burton
November 2011 for PNBHS Drama
This resource is copyright © Crown 2011
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Internal assessment resource Drama 2.4A for Achievement Standard 91216
Achievement criteria
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
Perform features of a complex
drama or theatre form or period.
Perform features of a complex
drama or theatre form or period
Perform features of a complex
drama or theatre form or period
The internally assessed activity (2.4) requires you to perform the features of
Elizabethan theatre in an extract from a play written during this period.
You will perform individually or in groups of two or three but will be assessed
individually. You will perform to an audience of your classmates and teacher. The
performance will be filmed.
You will also write down your intention for the role, the features you plan to use in
your performance, how you will use these features, and why you have used them.
This will help you clarify your understanding of the theatre form and your extract.
You will hand your assessment written work in prior to your performance.
This activity will take place over five to seven weeks of class time. You will be
expected to learn lines, rehearse and demonstrate the features of the theatre form,
complete the written work, and attend all rehearsals.
Your teacher will introduce you to the Elizabethan period and its dramatic features
then you will read the selected play aloud as a class and discuss how it fits the genre
of Elizabethan theatre. This investigation will also be preparation for the
external Achievement standard 2.3 (Discuss a drama or theatre form or period
with reference to a text) which you will answer on the same text in the practice
exams in Term 3 and at the end of the year.
Task 1
Choose an extract
Choose an extract from the play which allows you to demonstrate Elizabethan
dramatic features and which you will perform for an audience of your classmates and
teacher. You may work individually or in a group of two or three people.
For solo performances, the length should be 4-7 minutes, for pairs, 8-10 minutes,
and for trios, 12-16 minutes. Choose an extract that offers enough opportunities
for all group members to perform a range of features of Elizabethan theatre.
Task 2
Create your working script
Locate the Working Script document on Moodle. Insert your script into this either by
downloading and typing or printing and pasting hard copy. Ensure the lines are wellspaced.
Task 3
Explore the world of the play and the context of your excerpt.
Discuss what you think the playwright’s intentions might have been:
What were they influenced by? (socially, politically, historically)
Does it contain messages for us today? What are they?
Are the themes and ideas universal?
What does your character represent in all of this?
Internal assessment resource Drama 2.4A for Achievement Standard 91216
As you go through the planning process, fill in and add to the Planning and
Development document. This must be completed as a course requirement but it is
not required to be handed in for assessment. However, it will be a valuable resource
for revising for external AS 2.3.
Discuss with your teacher:
 Your reasons for choosing this excerpt
 Your interpretation of it as regards themes and character motivations
 Your dramatic intention (see exemplar on P&D document).
Task 4
Establish and draft your dramatic intention
All drama is about conveying meaning and whatever meaning you give in your final
DI is what your performance will be judged by.
Following carefully the given directions (P&D doc p5), draft your dramatic intention –
note this is a work in progress and may need adapting as you go.
Task 5
Explore, block and rehearse the extract
Keeping a close eye on your deadlines and paying close attention to Elizabethan
staging and acting conventions, explore aspects of blocking and staging your
Record all stage directions you develop for your character on your working script.
During the rehearsal period, you will need to employ physical and historical
Elizabethan conventions to convey your dramatic intention. Develop your
understanding of:
the meaning of the lines you are saying
the rhythm and pace of the dialogue
the style of your acting
the status of the different characters
the Elizabethan use of space – block and plot your moves recording them on
your working script
the feelings of your character’s inner self (as opposed to their outward behaviour)
and how these might be conveyed
the significance of conventions in your scene, such as the use of disguise or
playing across gender.
Memorise your lines.
Practise presenting your work convincingly, capturing the essence of the dramatic
context with impact.
Ensure the predominant style of your presentation is Elizabethan and that it
enhances the performance.
Aim to work with competence, control, and a sense of purpose. Your actions need to
be sustained and support the dramatic context of the performance.
If you think that costumes, sets, or props will support your use of Elizabethan
features, discuss with your teacher whether these are available for you to use. For
example, you may wish to use a symbolic item of costume with a specific colour to
indicate meaning about your role.
Dummy run your performance for your teacher and other students. Listen to their
advice and consider whether you should make changes.
Internal assessment resource Drama 2.4A for Achievement Standard 91216
Task 6 Write your final dramatic intention
Locate the Final Dramatic Intention document on Moodle. Insert your final DI into this
either by downloading and typing or printing and pasting hard copy.
Task 7 Create your assessment script
Locate the assessment script document on Moodle. Insert your script into this either
by downloading and typing or printing and pasting hard copy. Ensure the lines are
In the right column of your assessment script write:
identify the feature of Elizabethan theatre you will use on a specific line
describe how you will use it
explain why you will use it (the intended effect – which should clearly link to
details of your dramatic intention.).
You need to identify the features for your own role, not those of others in your group.
Do this for each feature you will use.
Complete the following documents thoroughly and hand in
by the given deadline, before you perform. You will fail the
Standard if you do not do this.
Documents: Final Dramatic intention
Assessment script
Completed cover sheet
Task 8 Perform
Perform your extract to an audience of your classmates and teacher. It will also be
recorded on video.
Documents available on Moodle (page 12DRA-BT):
Elizabethan/Macbeth Resource
2.4/2.3 Elizabethan Theatre Student Instructions (this doc)
Working Script
Planning and Development
Final Dramatic Intention
Assessment Script
Internal assessment resource Drama 2.4A for Achievement Standard 91216
Assessment schedule: Drama 91216 Elizabethan Theatre
Evidence/Judgements for
Evidence/Judgements for
Achievement with Merit
The student has performed features
of a complex drama or theatre form
or period.
The student has performed
features of a complex drama or
theatre form or period skilfully.
To do this, they have:
performed an extract from an
Elizabethan play by applying
appropriate features of
Elizabethan theatre, for
The student chooses to play
Viola from Twelfth Night in Act
1 Scene 5. In their
performance, they use:
- large, strong steps in a
straight line as they enter,
to indicate that they are an
Elizabethan man
- direct and sustained
movement as they work
the space
- an Elizabethan bow to
show Olivia respect as
she greets her
- tall, straight stance in a
wide second dance
- lower pitch to disguise the
fact she is really a woman
dressed as a man
- vocal techniques in her
first speech to Olivia,
including use of higher
pitch and a jolly tone for
“Most radiant, exquisite
and unmatchable beauty-“
contrasted with a more
intimate and earnest use
of expression for the
following part of the
- iambic pentameter in lines
271-274 by delivering the
lines with the correct
rhythm, highlighting the
key words like “love”
through use of increased
volume or
provided supporting evidence
showing their intentions for their
performance and the features
demonstrated in the performance 
Evidence/Judgements for
Achievement with Excellence
The student has performed
features of a complex drama or
theatre form or period effectively.
To do this, they have:
To do this, they have:
performed an extract from an
performed an extract from an
Elizabethan play by skilfully
Elizabethan play by skilfully
applying appropriate features
and effectively applying
of Elizabethan theatre, for
appropriate features of
Elizabethan theatre to
The student chooses to play
enhance the performance, for
Viola from Twelfth Night. In
their performance, they
The student chooses to play
Viola from Twelfth Night. In
their performance, they
- voice techniques and
eye contact with the
audience for the line “I
- an accent appropriate to
am not that I play” to
Viola’s status and
show they understand
the use of puns
- a greater sense of the
- appreciation of the puns
poetry and emotion of the
to do with sailors in lines
whole extract, not just
216-219 and body
certain parts
language to match, such
- a clear rapport with the
as a slap on the thighs
other actor and audience
- understanding of her
to play her role with belief
status as a messenger
- inventiveness in their use
and appropriate use of
of space and the stage
body language to
- a clear understanding of
support this
the irony of the situation
- asides to the audience
- a clear understanding of
on tiers for the iambic
the role of the messenger
lines and to the
in the wider context of
groundlings for the puns
the play
- effeminate use of body
language to amuse the  performed with focus,
audience yet confuse
competence, control, and a clear
sense of purpose, making an
- understanding of the
impact on the audience
importance of the
 provided supporting evidence
romantic letter
showing their intentions for their
convention through using
performance and the features
flowery and exaggerated
demonstrated in the
voice techniques and
gestures as they deliver
the message to Olivia
from Orsino
- a controlled, almost
conversational quality of
voice and body to
engage Olivia’s
performed with focus,
competence, control, and a clear
sense of purpose and sustained
this throughout the performance
provided supporting evidence
showing their intentions for their
performance and the features
demonstrated in the
Final grades will be decided using professional judgement based on a holistic
examination of the evidence provided against the criteria in the Achievement Standard.
Internal assessment resource Drama 2.4A for Achievement Standard 91216
Teacher Guidelines
The following guidelines are designed to ensure that teachers can carry out valid and consistent
assessment using this internal assessment resource.
Teachers need to be very familiar with the outcome being assessed by Achievement Standard Drama
91216. The achievement criteria and the explanatory notes contain information, definitions, and
requirements that are crucial when interpreting the standard and assessing students against it.
This activity requires students to perform features of Elizabethan theatre in an extract from a play
written during this period. They will perform individually or in groups of two or three but will be
assessed individually. The performance will be filmed.
You should guide students through the preparation activities for this task and provide them with
sufficient opportunities and resources to explore their scenes.
They will complete supporting written evidence that describes their intention for the role, the features
they plan to use in your performance, how they will use these features, and why they have used them.
Prior learning
Before beginning the assessment task, provide opportunities for the students to explore the history
and practices of Elizabethan theatre, including research into the form, historical context, and social
and political influences, viewing performances in this style, and work shopping the performance
features through use of texts from the period.
Identify and discuss the features of this theatre form, which might be categorised under the following
The use of the stage and/or space
The use of movement, voice, and body techniques
The use of language and rhythm
Conventions particular to this theatre form
The influence of the Elizabethan worldview on performance
The significance of the type and structure of the plays.
The students will work individually or in groups of two or three but will be assessed individually. Their
choice of extracts from the plays should ensure that each member is able to reach all levels of the
The students will work on the preparation for the assessment tasks over five to seven weeks, in and
out of class.
The extract should take between five and fifteen minutes to perform, depending on whether it is
performed as a solo or as a group.
The students will submit supporting evidence, including a brief statement of intention, a list of the
features used, and an explanation of why those features were used. However, the focus of the
assessment is the demonstration of the features in performance and not the supporting evidence,
which merely augments the performance. Each student must identify their own use of features, not
that of group members.
Performances must be filmed for moderation purposes.
Resource requirements
A suitable space that reflects features of the theatres of the time, such as the Globe. (A school
hall that has a square stage marked out, with the audience sitting on three sides, is useful).
Elizabethan resource copies for students
Additional information
Technical features are not assessed for this standard, but students may choose to use costumes,
sets, or props to help them perform their roles.