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Lesson Plans
Week of April 8th –April 12th
Tuesday- TAP Writing
Lesson Component
Monday- Emperor Obituary
Number of Standard
Kid Friendly Language
History 2B: Determine and
explain the historical context
of key people, events, and
ideas over time and include
the examination of different
perspectives from people
involved (DOK 1-3)
History 2B: Determine and
explain the historical context
of key people, events, and
ideas over time and include
the examination of different
perspectives from people
involved (DOK 1-3)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
Thursday- Military
Friday- Roman Building
History 2B: Determine and
explain the historical context
of key people, events, and
ideas over time and include
the examination of different
perspectives from people
involved (DOK 1-3)
History 2B: Determine and
explain the historical context
of key people, events, and
ideas over time and include
the examination of different
perspectives from people
involved (DOK 1-3)
History 2B: Determine and
explain the historical context
of key people, events, and
ideas over time and include
the examination of different
perspectives from people
involved (DOK 1-3)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.2 Determine the central
ideas or information of a
primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary
of the source distinct from
prior knowledge or opinions
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.68.7 Integrate visual
information (e.g., in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos,
or maps) with other
information in print and
digital texts.
Teacher Centered
Using action Verbs
Students can explain the
historical impact of famous
Roman emperors on the
Roman Empire.
Students can interpret a
primary document; finding the
main idea and supporting
Students can determine the
historical context of the
Roman Empire’s expansion.
Students can describe the
historical context of the
Roman empire from the
perspective of a Roman
Student can find the key
details about a Roman building
or monument.
Learning Target:
Student “I Can…”
I can explain the impact of
various emperors on the
Roman Empire.
I can determine where and
why the Roman Empire
I can describe the life of a
Roman soldier using 5 details.
I can use online resources to
find the key details of a
Roman building or monument.
Varied, high quality,
DOK 2,3 that will be
Written prior to lesson
How did Roman emperors
affect the Roman Empire?
How do we determine if an
emperor was good or bad?
What are the key events in an
emperor’s reign?
What is an obituary?
I can read a primary
document, find 3 main ideas,
draw an image to represent
each idea, and write a
paragraph about the article.
What is the article mainly
Who thinks they found
Anthony and Cleopatra’s
Where did the Roman empire
expand to? Why?
Why did Rome need to
control other lands?
If you were an emperor, where
would you invade?
What were some challenges of
invading other lands?
What was life like for Roman
Was being in the Roman army
a good job to have?
Why was the Roman army so
important to the empire?
What makes this building
Who made this building?
Why might some of the
architects be unknown?
Hook to prior learning or
Anticipatory Set:
I Do, We Do, You Do
Frequent check for
progress toward Mastery
Hook: video about 5 good
emperors. Write obituary
If needed, allow students time
to finish obituaries.
Model taking notes from
others obituary or research
worksheet. Explain worksheet.
Independent work: Students
will complete worksheet,
taking notes about 5 different
If time: re-read your notes.
Explain the life of an emperor
to a partner.
Exit ticket: Create obituary
headlines for the 5 emperors
you took notes on.
Hook: Video of Anthony and
Write what you think is
happening in this video.
Put kids into groups. UNSAT
and PP in one group. P and
AD in another. Get P/Ad kids
going on their own.
Project article for all students.
Go over the vocab with
PP/UN group.
Do Pre-Reading strategy.
Read entire passage outloud to
students (stop for questions)
and circle the who’s and
underline the who did.
I do-First paragraph
We do-Second paragraph
You do-Third and Fourth
Hook: You are the emperor of
a large empire. Would you
rather have a time of peace or
send your troops to invade
lands with resources you
need? Explain your choice.
Model: Model worksheet
directions. Read passage with
PP/Unsat kids. Others can
work independently.
We do: Answer a few
questions together.
You do: Students will
complete worksheet on their
Exit Ticket: You are the
Emperor of Rome. Explain to
the Senate why you need
provinces and which one you
want to invade first and why.
Hook: video about Roman
army. Think/pair/share: what
do you think it would be like
to be in the Roman army?
Hook: Video of Roman
Model: worksheet directions.
Show students website to use.
We do: Students will find first
few answers on worksheet.
You do: Independent work.
Model how to find assignment
in teacher folder. Students will
open and save assignment to
their laptop.
Model: Explain writing
assignment. Have students
brainstorm ideas. Have class
start one together, but then
they can choose their own.
Independent work on writing
Teacher will assign buildings.
Students will use website to
find information and complete
chart for their building.
If they have time they may
start on their paragraph.
Exit Ticket: Think/pair/share:
would you want to join the
Roman army? Why or why
Closure: Student Feedback:
What is one area you struggled
to find, write this on the
notecard as exit slip. Give your
partner a suggestion
Completion of worksheet
Writing assignment:
Advanced: uses 5 details
Proficient: uses 4 details
Partially Proficient: 3 details
Unsatisfactory: 2 or fewer
Advanced: 6 chart sections
filled out with complete
Prof: 4 chart sections filled out
with complete explanations
PP: 3 or less chart sections
complete but with
Unsat: 3 or less sections
complete and no explanations
Draw an image to represent
main idea in each passage.
Identify the main details from
each paragraph on IVF chart.
Detail must be 2-3 words.
Assessments/Check for
Frequent Formative
How will you know they
What will you do if they
do or don’t demonstrate
Advanced: 5 headlines that
explain the life of the emperor
Satisfactory: 4 headlines
Partially Proficient: 2-3
Unsatisfactory: 1 or none
Advanced: 3 Main Ideas, IVF,
and 3 supporting details,
Proficient: Main Ideas, IVF,
PP: Main Idea, Image
Unsat: Incorrect Main
Completion of worksheet
Advanced: Students can
explain why Romans needed
province and decide which
one to invade based on which
resources they think are the
most important and explain in
a well-developed paragraph.
Proficient: Students can
explain why Romans needed
province and decide which
one to invade
Partially Proficient: Students
can explain why Romans
needed provinces.
Unsatisfactory: Students can’t
explain why Rome needed
Varied Learning
Lower levels can write 3
Variety of questions on
worksheet, choice of
assessment question
Emperor, Empire, obituary
Cemetery, cleft, radar, temple,
Empire, province
Legion, army recruiter
Lower levels will have teacher
work one-on-one. Will be
given longer to complete if
Advanced may go on to the
writing portion and will be
asked to complete a PPT on
their building on Monday.
Arch, composition, style
Website for students research:
What are you doing to
address the unique needs
of students
Key Vocabulary Terms
Unit: Republic, patrician,
plebeian, consul, dictator,
Julius Caesar, Octavian, Tiber
River, Gaul, province,
aqueduct, Coliseum, Hadrian,
Circus, messiah, mercenaries,
Additional Information