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Astronomy 4/ Study Guide 1
Vocabulary: rift zone, subduction zone, magnetosphere,
aurora, convection, Celestial Sphere, ecliptic, Constellation, Asterism, retrograde motion,
eccentricity, velocity, acceleration, inertia, differentiation, astronomical unit, light-year,
Igneous rock, Metamorphic rock, Sedimentary rock, Isotopes
Chapter 1
Be familiar with the scale of things (size of solar system, size of galaxy, size of observable
Be familiar with the scientific method (differences between theory and hypothesis)
Chapter 2
Helio-centric models
know who developed them
understand how it was used to explain celestial observations.
understand why Copernicus was not happy with the Geo-centric model
Geo-centric model
know who developed them
understand how it was used to explain celestial observations
Know and understand Kepler’s three laws
Know Newton’s three Law
*study Quick Quiz questions
Chapter 3
Know the trends in density, mass, and size for terrestrial vs. jovian planets
Know the main differences in composition of planetary atmospheres between Terrestrial and
Jovian planets.
Be familiar with the current theory (Nebular Theory) about how our Solar system was formed
Understand where the elements of life come from
Understand what spectroscopy is and what we can learn from it.
Know the difference between continuous, absorption, and emission spectrum.
*study Quick Quiz questions
Understand the role that plate tectonics play in shaping the Earth’s surface and keeping the Earth
a habitable world (Carbon dioxide cycle)
Formation of Earth’s atmosphere and Oceans
‘The Large Impact Theory’ that explains the formation of the moon
Short answer (Essay) Possibilities
1. Briefly describe and contrast the different views of the atomists and the Aristotelians
on the subject of extraterrestrial life.
2. Briefly explain why we think our solar system ended up with rocky worlds in its inner
region and icy or gaseous worlds in its outer regions.