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Scale Model of the Solar System Answers
3. There is much more empty space in our solar system than you may have realized. There is a
huge difference in size between Terrestrial and Jovian planets. The Jovian planets are much
more spread out than you may have realized.
4. 0 steps! In this scale model, the Moon would basically be in the same location as the Earth.
General Questions:
1) If it took 10 steps to get from Earth to Jupiter, then 10 steps equals 2 years of space flight.
If it is 40 steps to Pluto, then
40 steps x 2 years = 8 years for Voyager to travel to Pluto
10 years
2) If it is 40 steps to Pluto, then
# steps = 7000 x (40 steps) = 28,000 steps
3) The idea here was to help you think about the distances in space. While you may have
traveled great distances on Earth, these distances are negligible compared to any distances in
Solar System Model
Ciardi, T