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Chapter 22-23 Reconstruction Study Guide
Most significant success of the Freedmen’s Bureau
This legislation was issued to try to combat the KKK violence in the South after
the passing of the 15th Amendment
Timeframe in which African Americans saw more prosperity in politics than ANY
other timeframe in American history
Leader of the Radical Republicans
This scandal saw internal-revenue collectors accepting bribes from whiskey
distillers (so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes) during Grant’s presidency
Who was appointed president in 1876 by a Republican (majority) Commission?
According to Lincoln, did the states or individuals leave the Union to start the
Civil War?
Which amendment states that all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. are
This agreement between Republicans and Democrats removed federal troops in
the South and appointed Rutherford B. Hayes as President
This 1866 legislation claimed the inability for states to pass “black codes” and
gave African Americans “citizenship rights” / vetoed by Johnson
What level of speed did Lincoln want the Southern states to be readmitted into the
This scandal saw a construction company skimming off large amounts of money
from R.R. construction during Grant’s administration
This group’s purpose was to keep African Americans out of “politics” – doesn’t
care about the 15th Amendment!
President AFTER Lincoln’s assassination in 1865
This legislation abolished governments formed by the Confederacy during the
Civil War (Sovereign and independent state governments) and established military
rule / vetoed by Johnson
Which amendment stated no one is kept from voting due to “race, color, or
previous condition of servitude.”
Southern Republicans that supported the Radical Republican’s plan for
Reconstruction / farmers who wanted to improve the conditions of the South or
take political advantage
Northerner Democrats that moved to the South during Reconstruction to exploit
the South and attempted to make a profit or to help African Americans
Winner of the 1868 Presidential election
Which Supreme Court decision stripped African American slaves of their
“citizenship” rights?
1st African American Senator
Formal charges are brought up on a government official.
Democrats that claimed their “return” to power in the South
Who won the “popular vote” in the 1876 presidential election?
Which Amendment became part of the Constitution because Congress feared that
Southern Whites might try to keep African Americans from voting????
Which legislation gave power to the Federal government to punish those who “try
to prevent A.A. from their voting rights”?
Which political group pulled up an “impeachment” charge against President
Andrew Johnson
Was Andrew Johnson found guilty in his impeachment trial?
What style of farming included the landowner providing the necessities to farm,
but got the majority of the harvest?
What style of farming made the freed men and women “rent” the land from the
landowner, but were able to keep the harvest?
What legislation got Andrew Johnson impeached?
What kind of “law” was established in the Southern states directly after the Civil
War? (later removed in the Comp. of 1877)
Why did Ulysses S. Grant NOT get elected in the 1876 election?
Point out what caused Reconstruction to collapse
(All possible answers)
What would Lincoln provide Southerners if they swore allegiance to the Union?
According to the Radical Republicans, who should control Reconstruction?
(President or Congress)
According to Lincoln, who should control Reconstruction? (President or
What was the name of Lincoln’s “official” plan to readmit the Southern states
back into the Union?
Which bill did Lincoln set up a “pocket veto”?
Timeframe of Reconstruction
Radical Republican’s bill that expressed the need for the “majority” of the
Southern population (in each state) to swear allegiance instead of just 10% to be
readmitted into the Union
1896 Supreme Court decision that solidified the Jim Crow laws / “separate but
Which 3 pieces of legislation did Johnson veto?
Who did Johnson “fire” to finally get impeached?
What happened to martial law / military districts in the South as a result of the
Compromise of 1877?
Which political party’s main goal was to achieve advances in the African
American culture?
What killed the Wade-Davis Bill
Why will Reconstruction always be seen as a failure?
The Democratic Redeemers wanted to return the South the way things were before
Republican Reconstruction occurred. A South that involved anti-Republican,
white supremacy, and reemergence of black codes is known as this
The ability to run a region without federal intervention (what the Redeemers
wanted in the South)
Which amendment needed to be ratified in order for southern states to NOT be
placed under military districts and provide the example
What were free slaves promised if they helped in Sherman’s March?
Why will Reconstruction ALWAYS be seen as a failure?
3 legislations that Johnson Vetoed
This Act will decide the 1876 presidency
Levels of government African Americans made gains in during Reconstruction
Major difference between Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans for Reconstruction.
3 major problems / agendas the Union dealt with after the Civil War was finalized
at Appomattox Courthouse.
What group claimed the South should be punished
Which president wanted to punish the South for the Civil War
Timeframe of “black codes” in America
Severe restrictions of African Americans at the state level
Which amendment must be practices or ratified in order to NOT be placed under
martial law during Reconstruction?
Illegitimate Southern legislation that attempted to separate the races
Plessey V. Ferguson claimed to NOT directly violate which amendment
What was provided for freed African American men and women as a result of
following William T. Sherman’s March to the Sea during the Civil War / vetoed
by Johnson
Most famous Political Boss that ran Tammany Hall in New York City
What legislation got Johnson impeached?
Name of the Radical Republican that was fired by President Johnson to get him
Culture that lacked gains during Reconstruction
This legislation in 1865-1866 provided assistance to former slaves and poor whites
(provides housing, education, money….)
State that housed Blanche Bruce as a Senator
Southern “test” that limited the promotion of African American culture in politics
Senate’s rationale behind passing the Tenure of Office Act
Campaign slogan of Ulysses S. Grant in 1868
Country that sold Alaska to America
Nickname of Post-Reconstruction South due to the level of corruption in politics
Gilded stands for….
American author that coined the phrase “Gilded Age” for American politics at the
end of the 19th century
Southern “tax” that limited the promotion of African American culture in politics
Purpose of Grant’s slogan in 1868
Congressman that urged the purchase of Alaska
Benefit of purchasing Alaska
This was considered a way to keep poor and uneducated white men in politics
after the Civil War (clause)
Nickname of the purchase of Alaska
Political cartoonist that uprooted Boss Tweed
Which side of government had a majority in the commission designed to appoint
the president in 1876(77)
This Congressman prosecuted Boss Tweed
Democratic response to the Electoral Count Act
Famous strike in 1877 in which Rutherford B. Hayes used troops to stop
Two groups that clashed over low paying jobs during and after Reconstruction
VERY FIRST “immigration limitation act” in America history
Compromise of 1877 –
In order for Rutherford B. Hayes to be appointed the presidency in 1876, what did the Democrats
“REQUEST” from the Republicans?