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“Let God Love You”, Getting to Know God - Part 8 of 8 – March 22, 2015 at SBC
I John 4:16
Several years ago, a Pastor met a man, and happened to tell him, . . . that, he was a pastor. He immediately said,
"I don't believe, . . in God. I'm, an atheist." I don't know, if he expected the Pastor, to be shocked, or what.
He asked him, "Describe for me, the kind of God, you don't, believe in." He began. When he got through,
the Pastor said, "That makes me, an atheist, too, . . . because, I don't believe, in that kind of God, either."
For the last few weeks, we've been in a series, on Getting to Know God, . . . for, that very reason. Many people,
reject God, . . . before, they even know Him. We've looked at, different attributes, of God. Today, we will
conclude this series, looking at, . . . the Love of God.
I John 4:16 – "We know, and rely on, the love, . . God has for us. God is love." The most talked about attribute
of God, is probably the one, . . . that, is most misunderstood. First, don't confuse this. It says, . . . "God is love".
It doesn't say, . . . "Love is God". There's a big difference. Same difference, as saying, "My dog, is a girl",
or, . . . "My girl, is a dog."
This does not mean, . . that, God lets me, get away with murder. I do anything I want to, and because God loves
me, . . . He just slaps me on the wrist. What it means is, that God wants, . . . what's best, for you. He's for you.
He's not, . . . against you.
If that's true, then, why do so many people, . . . avoid God. Many people, avoid Him, like the plague. They run,
from Him. The reason they do that, is because of a fear. They're afraid of what might happen, . . . if they
really, . . . give their life, to God. They're hesitant. They want to keep, a safe distance.
I. WHY PEOPLE AVOID GOD. I want to give you, three common fears. I've heard these, a thousand times.
They are the reasons, people don't, get to know God. FEAR #1: I'm afraid, that I'll have to give up, my fun.
In other words, to become a Christian, equals, . . . the party's over. To be spiritual, is to be, . . miserable. We're
very interested, in having fun, these days. We don't want to, give up our fun. We turn on the TV, and it
says, "You only go around once, in life. Do it, with gusto!" It's true, that you only go around once in life,
do it with gusto, make it count, . . . have all kinds of fun.
Television has given us, a particular image of fun. Which sounds like, more fun to you? Miller time, or Sunday
School. Television has sold us a lie, that says, if you buy our product, you'll be happy. I bought it, and I was
happy, for a little while. But, the thrill wore off. So, I bought something else, and then, it wore off. Or, if you'll
experience this particular event, or go to our concert, or visit this exotic place, you'll be happy. You'll have fun!
The commercial, that gets to me the most, is where the guys are setting by the lake drinking beer, and one guy
says, "It don't get any better than this!" Wrong! It does get better! There are a lot, better things. If you
know God, . . . it is so much better, . . . than that. Those are artificial sweeteners, . . . they don't last.
People are frantically, looking for fun fixes. It's the law, of diminishing return. You find you spend more time,
more money, more energy, to get less and less, of a thrill. You go around asking, "Are we having fun yet?" So
many people, are looking for love, in all the wrong places, and they're looking for fun, in all the wrong places.
Think about, a Singles Bar. Have you ever seen, a more phoney place, . . . than, a Singles Bar. Everybody's
pretending, they're having a good time. Where else do you walk up to a stranger, and offer to buy them
something? "Can I buy you a drink?" Do you walk up to someone, in a department store, and say, . . . "Can
I buy you, . . . a toaster?" That's fun?
The way you fight fear, . . . is with fact, and look at what, the fact says: I Timothy 6:17 – "God richly provides
us, with everything, for our enjoyment." God wants you, to enjoy life. He doesn't want to, take your fun away.
Jesus spoke more, about being happy, than He did, about heaven. Matthew 11:19 says, "Jesus came, enjoying
life." Fun is, a clear conscious. Fun is a happy, unified family. Fun is laughing, in church. Fun is having
friends, who don't manipulate you, . . . because, they're Christians. Fun is enjoying the world, that God has
made. That's fun! Nobody, has more fun, than we do. Nobody!
FEAR #2: I'm afraid, . . . I'll become, a fanatic. Often, well meaning, and misguided people, tend to cause
us, to avoid God, because, of their fanaticism. I wrote down, some names, of religious fanatics, I've met:
Freddy the Pharisee. Rigid, narrow minded, legalistic. He has a rule, for everything. His favorite word, is
"don't". Some think, "Will I become like that, . . . if I become a Christian?"
Susie Selfrighteous. Holier than thou attitude, judgmental of others. Her favorite phrase is, "Thank God,
I'm not like you!" Am I going to become like that, if I become a Christian, . . . if I get to know God?
Billy Biblethumper. Obnoxious, overzealous crusader. If it's alive, he'll convert it. His favorite phrase:
"Turn, . . . or, burn!"
Pauline Praise-alluia. She can't speak, . . without, religious cliches. Everything is a miracle, or the devil did it.
Her favorite phrase -- she's got dozens of them: "Believe... Receive... Praise the Lord... Hallelujah..."
Am I going to become like that, if I become a Christian? Put my brain on the shelf, and become a kook?
The fact is, John 10:10 – "I have come, that you might have life [not religion], and have it, to the fullest!" Jesus'
harshest criticism, went to religious fanatics. Read Matthew 23. He couldn't stand them! He said, "You guys,
are whited sepulchers. You strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel." God doesn't want to make you some fanatic.
FEAR #3: That I'll lose, . . . my freedom. The world, defines freedom, as a life, . . . without, any restraint -do anything I want to do, say anything I want to say, without anybody telling me, Yes or No.
We have parents, who worry about, the rock songs, the kids listen to. The words, to Frank Sinatra's, "My Way",
are much worse, . . . than, some rock songs. "I did it, my way!" Everybody got burned by me, but, I did it my
way! Country Music: I left five marriages behind, but, I did it my way! Total selfishness! I had, my freedom!
What has freedom, . . . given us? AIDS, social diseases, abortions. What has freedom, given us? Grade school
addicts, the most chemically dependent society, in the world. What has credit card freedom, given us? 146 easy
payments. There is no such thing, as an easy payment. They are, all hard. Trillion dollar national debt.
You are not, as free, as you think, you are. The Bible teaches, that with every choice you make, . . . there are
consequences. You are free, to live anyway you want, to live. But, once you make that choice, you are no
longer free. What you sow, . . . you will reap.
What does the Bible say, about freedom? John 8:36, Jesus said, "If the son sets you free, you will be really
free!" Circle "really". He's talking about, real freedom, . . . not, phony freedom. Real freedom, is freedom
from guilt, from worry, from bitterness, from fear of death, . . . cause I know, that I'm going to heaven, free
to be myself, free to quit pretending -- that's real freedom. How do you get rid of, . . . those kinds of fears?
I John 4:18 – "There is no fear, in love. But, perfect love, drives our fear." The antidote to fear, is to recognize,
how much, . . . God loves you. Love and fear, can't exist, in the same heart. When you realize, how much
God loves you, , , , you're not going to have a fear, of becoming a fanatic, or that God's going to take away
your fun, or your freedom, or anything else in life. He's not, a cruel God, . . . He's a loving God.
The very first words of Jesus, when He came out of the tomb, on Easter Sunday, was . . . "Don't be afraid." He
said, "I don't want you to be afraid! I didn't come to scare you, I came to save you." We just need to realize,
how much God loves us. God is not at all, . . . the way many people, think He is. Do you think God, gets
His kicks, out of making people miserable? What kind of God, do you think we serve? You need to
realize, . . . how much He loves you.
II. HOW MUCH, DOES HE LOVE ME? Ephesians 3:17-18 – "I pray, that you will grasp, how wide, and
long, and high, and deep, is the love of Christ." There are, four dimensions there. Circle those, four words:
"wide ... long ... high ... deep". These are four ways, . . . God's love, grows for you.
1. GOD'S LOVE IS WIDE ENOUGH, . . . TO INCLUDE EVERYBODY. Psalm 145:17 – "The Lord is
loving, toward all, He has made." All -- everybody. John 3:16 – "God so loved, the world." Who does
that, include -- everybody. It's universal.
The good news is, . . . that, God loves me. The bad news is, that He loves my enemies, . . . just as much. Jesus
loved the unlovely, and that's what got Him in trouble, . . . with the religious fanatics. Everybody you meet,
this week -- God loves them. And, He loves them, unconditionally. God never made a person, . . . that, He
didn't love. He loves you. He loves you very, very much. You matter, . . . to God.
The secret, . . . of self esteem: If you want to feel good, about yourself, if you want confidence, . . . realize, how
much, you matter, to God. He loves you, He made you, and God doesn't, make junk! If I like me, and God
likes me, . . . if you don't like me, . . . it's you, that's got a problem. If God likes me, who cares what
anybody else thinks. Because, God loves me, I don't have to prove, my self worth. That is, so relaxing.
I don't need the props anymore, . . . to make me feel good, about myself. I don't have to wear, a certain kind of
clothes, to make me feel like I'm OK. I don't have to drive a certain kind of car, to prop up my faltering ego.
I don't have to have certain status symbols, around my house. I don't need them. God has looked at me,
and said, . . . "He's OK!" He made you, and He loves you. God's love, is wide enough, to include everyone.
2. GOD'S LOVE IS LONG ENOUGH, . . . TO LAST FOREVER. Jeremiah 31:3 – "I have loved you, with
an everlasting love." Psalm 89:2 – "God's love, will last, for all time." That is so different, from our kind
of love. Human love, wears out. It can. That's why, we have a lot, of divorces. It wears out. I know a lot
of people, who are not divorced, but they don't love each other, . . . any more. There's a limit. It dries up.
That's why, you have to have God's love, in your marriage, if it's going to last. I don't know how marriages last,
without God's love, in them. Human love, can wear out, it can be hurt. But, God's love . . never, wears out.
God's love, is patient, persistent, persevering. Isn't it good news, to know that God, never gives up, on you?
No matter, what you do, . . . His love, never gives up. It's wide enough, to include everybody, and it's long
enough, to last forever. God will never love you, any more, than He does, right now. But, He also, will never
love you, any less, than He does, right now. He loves you, on your good days. He loves you, on your bad days.
Because, His love is not conditioned, by your response. God is love. It is unearned, undeserved. Just accept it!
3. GOD'S LOVE IS HIGH ENOUGH, . . . TO BE EVERYWHERE. Romans 8:39 – "Neither height, nor
depth, nor anything else, in all creation, will be able, to separate us, from the love of God, that is in, Christ
Jesus, our Lord." There is no place, that you can go, . . . where God's love isn't. You'll never, be separated,
from God's love. Nothing, no circumstance, no situation, can separate you, because God's love, is everywhere.
If you want an antidote, for loneliness, that's it. You will never, be separated, from God's love. The fact is, we
do, lose loved ones. If you're married, one of you, is going to die, first. And, you will grieve, over that. But, if
you're a Christian, you'll never be lonely, because you can tune into, God's love. I'm not talking about religion,
I'm talking about a relationship, to Jesus Christ. His love lasts forever, and His love, . . . is everywhere.
4. GOD'S LOVE IS DEEP ENOUGH, . . . TO MEET MY NEEDS. Psalm 40:11 – "My only hope, is your
love [circle this], for my problems are too big, for me, to solve, and are piled, over my head." I'm going
under, for the last time! I'm about to sink! The fact is, God's love, is not shallow. It's profound.
No matter, what problem, you have, . . . His love is deeper, than that problem. Some of you, are in deep despair,
deep trouble, under deep stress, . . . you've got deep problems, emotional problems, physical problems,
financial problems. God's love, . . . is deeper, still.
Corrie Ten Boom, and Betsy Ten Boom, were Christians, who lived, in the Netherlands. During the war, they
hid Jews, in their home, to protect them, from the Nazis. When they were discovered, not only were the
Jews, taken to the concentration camp, but Corrie and Betsy were taken, to the concentration camp, too, and
they spent their lives there, during the war. Corrie came out, alive. Her sister, was killed. At one point, in
the movie, where they had seen, one atrocity after another, Corrie says to Betsy, "This place, is the pit of
hell!" Betsy says, "There is no pit, so deep, . . . that, God's love, is not deeper."
Some of you, in the last few weeks, and the last few months, . . . have hit bottom. Maybe, financially, and you
think, "I am going broke!" Or, you've hit bottom, emotionally, or your marriage, has hit bottom, or you're
having health problems, and your health, has hit bottom, and you're frustrated, and you think, "I am going
under." Where is God, . . . when you hit bottom?
Deuteronomy 33:27 – "The eternal God, is your refuge, and underneath you, are His everlasting arms." Circle,
"underneath you". When you hit bottom, guess who's, . . . underneath the bottom? God is. Drop into, His
arms, of love. Let Him catch you, and support you, . . . when you have, no where else, to go.
**** When you look at, these four phrases --- "know the height, the depth, the length, and the width, of God's
love" -- you have, the four dimensions, . . . of the cross. Height, depth, width, length. You can't really, talk
about the love of God, without talking about the cross, . . . because, the ultimate demonstration of love, is
when someone, gives their life, for you.
"Greater love, hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life, for his friends." The Bible says, in Romans
5:8 – "God demonstrated, (or showed), how much, He really loves us, by dying for us." Christ died for me,
. . . and, for you. That, is the ultimate, . . . demonstration of love.
I have, . . . four kids. When they were little, they would come to me, and say, "Daddy, how much, do you love
me?" When you go to Jesus Christ, and say, "Jesus Christ, . . . how much, do you love me?" Jesus Christ,
stretches out His arms, on the cross, and says, . . . "I love you, this much. I love you, so much, it hurts."
When you reject, that kind of love, . . . and, then, expect God, to let you into heaven, . . . that, is ultimate
arrogance, . . . to walk away from, that kind of love, . . . as if, it doesn't matter. It matters! And, you matter,
to God, . . . that's why, He did it.
You matter, . . . to God. He loves you, so much, it hurts. If you say, "Is that, the way, He feels, about it? That's
OK, . . but, I've got my own life, to live. Besides, I don't want to, be a fanatic. I don't want to, lose my fun,
and, my freedom." Be serious! What do you think God is. You wouldn't be here, . . . if it weren't, for God.
You wouldn't, . . . even, be alive. Who gave you, your life? He loves you, so much.
The fact is, . . . everyone of us, came here, this morning, . . . for different reasons. Some of you came, . . . just
because, you're just checking out, this Christianity thing, or checking out, our church, etc. Some of you came,
simply because, it's tradition. Once a year, you go, tip your hat to God, and say, "See you, next year, God."
Some of you came, because you had a need, and you thought, . . . "Maybe, I'll find the answer, there."
Regardless, of why, you think you came, you came because God brought you here, and He knew you'd be here,
even a thousand years, before you were born. He brought you, here. Some of you, have felt God's love, in
the past. You were, . . . close to God. You felt His care, and His concern, but you've kind of drifted away.
You think, "Can I ever, get back to, that kind, of relationship?" Or, maybe, you were active, in another
church, . . . and, then you moved here, and you never really, got involved again.
What does God, have to say to you? Regardless, of your situation, regardless of your background, God brought
you here, this morning, to say one thing to you. "With deep love, . . . I will take you back."
That's what, God wants to say, . . . to you. He says, "You matter to Me more than you'll ever know, and I have a
plan, for your life, and the problems, and frustrations, and the stress, that you're experiencing is there, . . .
because, you're out of My plan. Get in touch, with Me. Build a relationship, not a religion. Get to know Me.
Let Me show you, why I made you. You'll find your niche, and all of a sudden, you'll know, that's why you're
here, on earth -- not just, to take up space, and breathe, and die. You're here, . . . for a reason." Don't reject,
. . . God's love. There is no one, who will ever love you, . . . more, than God does.
“Let God Love You”, Getting to Know God - Part 8 of 8
I John 4:16 – "We know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love."
FEAR #1: That I'll ______________________________
Prov. 10:23
FACT: 1 Tim. 6:17 – "God richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment."
Matt. 11:19
FEAR #2: That I'll ______________________________
Matt. 23:1-36
FACT: John 10:10 – (Jesus) "I have come that you might have life, and have it to the fullest!"
FEAR #3: That I'll ______________________________
John 8:34
FACT: John 8:36 – (Jesus) "If the Son sets you free, you will be really free!"
I John 1:18 – "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear."
Eph. 3:17-18 – "I pray that you will grasp how WIDE and LONG and HIGH and DEEP is the love of Christ."
1. WIDE ENOUGH TO _____________________________________________
Psalm 145:17 – "The Lord is loving toward all He has made."
John 3:16 – "God so loved the world ..."
2. LONG ENOUGH TO _____________________________________________
Jeremiah 31:3 – (God says) "I have loved you with an everlasting love."
Psalm 69:2 – "God's love will last for all time.
3. HIGH ENOUGH TO _____________________________________________
Romans 8:39 – ". . . neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from
the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
DEEP ENOUGH TO _____________________________________________
Ps. 18:16, 109:22
Psalm 40:11 – "My only hope is your love . . . for my problems are too big for me to solve and are piled over my
Deuteronomy 32:27 – "The eternal God is your refuge and underneath you are His everlasting arms."
Rom. 5:8 – "God has shown how much He loves us; it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us."
Isaiah 54:7 – (God says) "With deep love I will take you back..."