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TAKS Social Studies Review
1. __________________ was the first English settlement. What year was it founded?
2. In what year did the Second Continental Congress approve the Declaration of Independence?
3. Delegates from twelve states met in ___________________ to revise the Articles of
Confederation, but instead they wrote a new constitution for the United States. In what year
was this Constitution written? _________
4. In what year did the United States purchase the Louisiana Territory? _________
5. Who did the United States purchase Louisiana Territory from? ___________________
6. The American Civil War began with the firing on ____________________ and ended with the
Confederate surrender at ________________________________________. In what year
did the Civil War begin and end? ________________________________
7. A form of government in which power is held by the people and exercised through the efforts of
representative elected by those people: ____________________________
8. The document drafted by the Pilgrims whereby they agreed to accept majority rule and
participate in a government in the best interest of all members of the colony.
9. What was the name of the first written constitution in the American colonies?
10. What was the name of the first representative assembly in the colonies? (It was founded in 1619
in Virginia) _____________________________________
11. The economic theory which stated that the colonies serve as a source of raw materials for Great
Britain and as a marketplace for British goods. ________________________
12. While they were fighting the ______________________________ in Europe, the British and
the French fought the ________________________ war in America. Which side won?
13. Congress put a tax on imported good in order to protect American factories in the
__________________ from British competition. The _____________ bitterly opposed the
tax. What was this tax called? _________________________________
14. In his farewell address in 1796, President Washington stressed three dangers facing the nation?
List them:
a. The rise of _________________________ could divide the nation
b. ________________________ - political divisions based on geographic loyalties.
c. Remain ________________ in European affairs.
15. Name the foreign policy statement formulated by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams and
presented by President James Monroe in 1823 which reflected American nationalism.
a. It warned _______________________ nations not to interfere with young Latin
American republics
b. Stated that the United States would not get involved in _______________________
16. Who forced the Cherokees to move from their home in Georgia to Indian Territory?
17. What was the 800 mile journey of Cherokees called? ___________________________
18. What was the name of the law which was passed by the Confederation Congress which
established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could
eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states? ____________
______________________ The law required new states to prohibit _____________.
19. The popular expression based on the belief that the United States was destined to secure
territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. _____________________________
20. In 1794, Congress levied an _______________ _________ on certain domestic goods. The tax
resulted in a rebellion in western Pennsylvania. What was this rebellion called?
21. Issued by Abraham Lincoln, it declared that all slaved in the rebellious Confederate states would
be free. _____________________________ It did not apply to slaves living in
_________________ ____________ or to areas in the South occupied by federal troops.
22. Name the speech delivered by President Lincoln on November 19, 1863 which begins with the
words, “Four score and seven years ago.” ________________________________
23. What is the name given to the period following the Civil War from 1865 – 1877?
24. What name was given to the system of agricultural production based on large-scale land
ownership and the exploitation of labor which developed in the South?
25. What term is used to refer to the switch from hand labor to machine labor which began in
England and spread to the United States in the late 1790’s
26. What name is given to the war between in the U.S. and Great Britain in the early 1800’s which
resulted from British violations of United States’ freedom of the seas?
27. The Free Enterprise System is an economic system in which individuals depend on
_______________ and __________________ and the profit margin to determine the answers
the four basic economic questions
a. What to ________________________
b. ___________ to produce
c. How _______________ to produce
d. For ________________ to produce
28. This document, signed by King John declared the king and government were bound by the same
law as other citizens of England. __________________________________
29. What document, adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1776, begins with the words, “We
hold these truths to be self-evident…”_____________________________
30. The series of essays written to explain and urge ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
___________________________________ They were written by:
__________________________, _______________________, and _____________
31. What name was given to our first national constitution? _________________________
32. The _____________________________ outlines the powers of our national government and
divides it into three branches
a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
33. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? ___________________
34. The first amendment guarantees five fundamental rights of American citizens. List these rights:
a. Freedom of ____________________
b. Freedom of ____________________
c. Freedom of ____________________
d. Right to ____________________
e. Right to ____________________
35. What term is used to define a type of government in which everyone must obey the law?
36. This term describes a philosophy of limited government with elected representatives serving at
the will of the people? _____________________________
37. In a system of _____________________________________ each branch of governments is
authorized to share its powers with the other branches and provides method for each branch to
limit the activities and powers of the others.
38. The distribution of power between the federal government and the states within the union is
called _______________________________
39. This branch of government is headed by the president, enforces the laws, and sees that they are
carried out? __________________________
40. This branch of government , headed by the Supreme Court, interprets the law
41. Within the concept of ___________________ ____________________, the political power
rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government. How do people express
themselves? _______________________________
42. What did the 13th Amendment do? _____________________________
43. This Amendment declared that all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. (except Indians) were
citizens, that all citizens were entitled to equal rights regardless of their race, and that their
rights were protected at both the state and national levels by due process of law.
44. This Amendment granted black men the right to vote. ________________________
45. What do we call the power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional?
46. Those favoring ratification of the Constitution and adoption of the federalist form of
government were called _______________________.
47. Those who opposed the Constitution were called __________________________.
48. During the Jackson administration South Carolina declared the protective tariff null and void.
This led to a crisis called what? ______________________________________
49. In 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall and the Supreme Court declared a law unconstitutional for
the first time, thus establishing the principle of _______________________________. What
was the name of the Supreme Court case?
50. Maryland was opposed to the establishment of a national bank and challenged the authority of the
federal government to establish one. What was the name of the case?
__________________________________ How did the court rule? ______________
51. Chief Justice John Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution gave control
of interstate commerce to the U.S. Congress, not the individual states through which a route
passed. Name the case? _____________________________________
52. Name the landmark Supreme Court case which confirmed the status of slaves as property rather
than citizens. ___________________________________________________
53. What do we call a person of foreign birth who is granted full citizenship? ___________
54. What term applies to those individuals who played a major role in declaring the U.S.
independence? ________________________________________
55. Citizens who go a step beyond their obligations by taking an active role in improving the
community and experiences of other members of the community are said to possess a quality
called _____________________________________.
56. Peacefully refusing to obey laws one considers unjust is called ____________________.
57. What do we call the movement to bring an end to slavery in the United States? _______
58. The revival of religious feeling in the American colonies during the 1730’s and 1740’s was called
the _________________ ___________________.
59. The _______________ ________________ ______________ was a renewal of religious faith
in the 1790’s and early 1800’s that lead to efforts to reform society.
60. What do we call evidence produced by someone who participated in an event or lived during the
time being studied? _______________________________________
61. What do we call descriptions or interpretations of events prepared by people who are not
involved in the events described? _______________________________________
62. Leader of the Sons of Liberty: _______________________________
63. ________________________ was an inventor, published Poor Richard’s Almanack, and
negotiated the Treaty of Alliance with France during the Revolutionary War.
64. Who was the king of England during the American Revolution? ____________________
65. He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, founder of the DemocraticRepublican Party, and the president who purchased the Louisiana Territory from France.
66. ___________________ was the young French aristocrat who volunteered for America during
the Revolutionary War.
67. Who wrote Common Sense and The Crisis? _________________________
68. He was the Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the first
president of the U.S. ____________________________
69. Elected president in 1828 and 1832, __________________________ was a symbol of the
common man, won the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812, and was known as “Old
70. He was a South Carolina senator who supported states’ rights and defended slavery?
71. Know as the “Great Compromiser” for his ability to smooth conflict through balanced legislation.
72. ______________________ was noted for his speaking ability and his commitment to preserving
the union of states. In a famous senate debate, he said, “Liberty and Union, now and forever, on
73. _________________________ was the president of the Confederate States of America
during the Civil War.
74. _________________________ was commander of the Union Army during the Civil War and was
elected president in 1868 and 1872.
75. _________________________ was from Virginia and was commander of the Confederate Army
during the Civil War.
76. _________________________ was the president of the U.S. during the Civil War, issued the
Emancipation Proclamation, and delivered the Gettysburg Address.
77. _________________________ was the founder of the Federalist Party and the nation’s first
Secretary of Treasury.
78. _________________________ He was fiery orator who said, “Give me liberty or give me
79. Who was the “Father of the Constitution” and president of the U.S. during the War of 1812?
80. He established a colony in Pennsylvania as a refuge for the Quakers. _______________
81. Who was the author of Walden and the influential essay Civil Disobedience?
________________________He refused to pay taxes during the Mexican War because of his
opposition to slavery.
82. Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for 34 years and established the authority of
the court in defining the limits of the U.S. Constitution and the authority of the executive
branch? ______________________________
83. _________________________ was a leading African American Abolitionist who published and
abolitionist paper called ____________________________
84. Who is considered the founder of the U.S. Navy? ________________________
85. Who was the fifth president of the United States who declared that the European powers should
not colonize or interfere in the affairs of the nations in the Western Hemisphere in his famous
doctrine? ________________________________
86. Along with Lucretia Mott, ________________________________ organized the women’s
rights movement, and the Seneca Falls Convention.
87. Where were the first two skirmishes of the American Revolution? _________________
88. Which battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolution? ___________
89. What was the final major battle of the American Revolution? ____________________
90. The ________________________ was passed by Congress in 1807 prohibiting all exports from
the United States.
91. To borrow and use and idea that you get from another culture is called _____________
92. What term applies to roads, bridges, and canals paid for by the federal government?
93. What name was given to the intellectual movement of the 1700s that stressed the power of
reason? ________________________________
94. What is the term meaning country; outside the city? ___________________________
95. What is the term having to do with cities? ______________________
96. Who is responsible for the invention of the cotton gin and the idea of interchangeable parts?
97. A war caused by the U.S. annexation of Texas and resulted in the acquisition of the territory
from Texas to California. ________________________________________
98. Which group of colonies had an economy based on fishing, shipping and trade? ________
______________________ They had a cold climate and a short growing season.
99. Which groups of colonies were known as the breadbasket colonies?
Which group of colonies had the longest growing season and the most fertile soil?
Which compromise at the Constitution Convention resolved the dispute between the large
and small states over representation in Congress by creating a bicameral legislature?
Which compromise at the Constitutional Convention resolved the dispute between the
northern and southern states over the counting of slaves for representation purposes?
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