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Report No.: AB1506
Project Name
Project ID
Implementing Agency
Environment Category
Date PID Prepared
Estimated Date of
Appraisal Authorization
Estimated Date of Board
Third Jiangxi Highway Project
Roads and highways (100%)
[X] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] TBD (to be determined)
April 4, 2005
December 23, 2005
May 30, 2006
1. Key development issues and rationale for Bank involvement
Background. The Government of China is committed to developing an efficient multi-modal
transport system to enhance competitiveness and promote development. At the core of these
programs is the National Trunk Highway System (NTHS), comprised of 13 major expressway
corridors connecting all provincial capitals and main cities. The initial NTHS backbone has made
great progress towards providing the core network connectivity. The development is now
shifting towards linking poorer western regions with eastern China, the engine of China’s
economic growth.
Jiangxi is a land locked province in south central China with a population of over 40 million. It is
one of the lagging regions in China by every standard: (i) 32 counties out of total 99 counties and
cities in Jiangxi province have been identified as poor; and, (ii) among which 21 are classified as
national level poverty counties.
Ganzhou City Prefecture is the largest prefecture and accounts for 24% (39,600 km2) of the
Jiangxi province. Located in the south of the province, it is a highly mountainous area. Most
poor counties of the province are located in Ganzhou City Prefecture. With a population of 8.3
million, the prefecture has agricultural, mineral and manufacturing industries. The citrus
industry, already annually exporting over 350,000 tons, is undergoing rapid expansion. There is
significant potential for growth in the mining industries due to the high levels of non-ferrous and
rare earth metals in the area.
The need for improved high grade access to key facilities. Lack of transport accessibility is
one of the constraints to the social and economic development of these southern landlocked
mountainous areas. The Ruijin-Ganzhou Expressway (RGE) is planned to link Ganzhou and the
area east to an expressway currently under construction in Fujian province. This will provide a
high quality transport link to the coastal port and international airport at Xiamen (Fujian
province). In the future, the network will continue to develop westwards, eventually connecting
with Kunming (Yunnan province) and Chengdu (Sichuan province).
The need for improved local road access to markets and services. The Ganzhou City
Prefecture is poorly served by local roads. Local roads, Class IV, and unclassified roads, account
for about 75% of the total mileage (61,860 km) of the road network in the province; and more
than half of these roads are unpaved.
The need for improved sector management. The previous two Bank highway projects have
helped the Jiangxi Provincial Communications Department (JPCD) improve their operations in a
number of key areas, such as safety and road maintenance, however, more needs to be done.
There is a need to further improve planning and safety processes at JPCD as well as to assist
them implementing better quality assurance. There is also a need to improve the delivery of
HIV/AIDS education in the sector.
Rationale for Bank involvement. The East-West linkages of the NTHS are critical for China’s
lagging region development and to attain the full benefit of the NTHS network connectivity. The
RGE will be a key contributor to the development of NTHS and to stimulate trade lead growth in
a landlocked poor province of China. It will further strengthen regional integration and
competitiveness of the Jiangxi province and its neighbors.
The local roads improvement program will address the needs of the poor and disadvantaged
people within Ganzhou prefecture.
The project will build on the previous institutional strengthening activities to assist the JPCD to
manage the road network effectively. The project will address key areas, including safety, quality
assurance, maintenance and HIV/AIDS. Of particular value will be the assistance of the Bank in
facilitating co-ordination between the central, provincial and local governments to ensure that the
provincial highway development is supportive of the local development plans and their
The project therefore contributes to the sector related CAS objectives of facilitating trade,
improving regional and market integration, and fostering the development of lagging Western
Regions. This will be achieved by enhancing highway sector management and lowering of
transportation costs.
2. Proposed objective(s)
The project’s development objective is to improve east-west passenger and freight flows in
poorer areas of Jiangxi province through enhanced road infrastructure conditions and
strengthened highway management.
3. Preliminary description
Expressway Component: Ruijin – Ganzhou Expressway (RGE)
The RGE will be a 119 km long section (about US$660 million) of the Xiamen – Chengdu
expressway, one of the seven east-west corridors of the NTHS. It will connect Ganzhou in the
west with the Guangdong – Beijing expressway. In the east it will terminate at Ruijin city. A 28
km, domestically financed, expressway will be built between Ruijin and the Fujian provincial
border. With the completion of the expressway, and the link between the Fujian border and
Xiamen (under construction), Ganzhou will have direct high quality access to Xiamen.
The area crossed by RGE is a succession of three basins separated by mountains: the Ganzhou
basin (100 m of altitude), the Yudu basin and the Ruijin basin (200 m of altitude). Between these
basins the mountains are high, some exceeding 1,000 m of altitude. The main river between
Huichang and Ganzhou is the Gong. In Ganzhou, the Gong River becomes the Gan River. The
Gong river links the Ganzhou basin with the Yudu basin via a narrow valley. The terrain is very
challenging and will require careful route selection and designs so as to minimize the
environmental and social impacts while providing adequate access to local communities.
Local Road Improvement Program Component
The Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) of approximately US$70 million, will aim to
improve access in poor areas of the province. The size of the LRIP will be at least 10% of the
total project cost and the amount of the Bank financing shall be approximately US$ 10 million.
Ganzhou, the largest prefecture in the province, is the priority area for the LRIP, and is where the
expressway component will be built. Currently its road network density is about 23 km/100 km2,
about 38% lower than the average road density (37 km/per 100 km2) in the province. Among the
total mileage of 11,544 km in Ganzhou City Prefecture, 8,901 km of roads are Class IV or
unclassified, some 2% lower than the average technical standard in the province. As one of the
poorest prefectures with lowest densities of road network in the province, the LRIP component
will support high priority needs of local access.
Institutional Strengthening Component
The institutional strengthening component (about US$2 million) is still under development but
potential activities include:
Traffic safety operations for tunnels. The JPCD has undertaken a number of safety
activities on previous projects. Although they have not had major accidents in tunnels,
they are acutely aware of the potential dangers they pose, especially as they may result in
closure for an extended period. They would like to establish a systematic tunnel safety
management plan and ensure that there are adequate resources to handle emergencies.
Improved quality assurance techniques. There have been a number of quality issues
with previous projects so the JPCD recognizes the need to improve their overall quality
Extension of maintenance by contract to expressways. The JPCD recognizes that there
are potential cost savings through improved efficiencies by extending maintenance by
contract to expressways.
HIV/AIDS. Discussions are under way to having a component looking at HIV/AIDS
education for all JPCD workers and their families. This would be funded in a large part
by the Global HIV campaign.
4. Safeguard policies that might apply
Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01)
This project is expected to be assigned an EA category A. The JPCD and its Environmental
Consultant (the Highway Environmental Engineering Research Center (HEERC) of the Ministry
of Communications (Beijing) prepared the TOR for the preparation of the EIA and EMP for the
proposed Expressway. The TOR was reviewed by the Bank team during the identification
mission and the Team’s comments were discussed with the JCPD. The TOR, which incorporates
the first round of public consultation, was submitted to SEPA on December 30, 2004. By the end
of April 2005, the JPCD will submit to the Bank the final revised TOR inclusive of the
comments from SEPA, the Bank and the consultation. The mission held lengthy discussions with
JPCD’s EA Consultants, emphasizing the Banks requirements and expectations of the
consideration of the environmental and resettlement issues in the comparisons and selection of
the final alignment; meaningful consultations of all stakeholders (local government officials,
potentially affected people, etc.) and the timely disclosure of the EIA, EMP and the Resettlement
reports locally and in the Bank.
JPCD and its Consultant has also agreed to prepare separate stand-alone EA reports (combined
EIA/EMP reports) for all “linked” local roads 10 km and over in length. For roads under 10 km,
the EIA/EMP will be consolidated in the main EA reports.
The chosen alignment will generally pass through mountainous areas and cross river systems and
valleys in Jiangxi Province. Therefore, the expressway will comprise of many tunnels, viaducts,
large interchanges and many local roads. While the determination of the final alignment and the
design is expected to consider environmental issues, notwithstanding, significant adverse impacts
are to be expected of any chosen alignment.
Construction related impacts are likely to include potential disturbance to the ecosystem,
excavation and disposal of excess waste materials from tunnels and cuts, impacts on the water
ecosystems due to bridge construction, impacts from excavation for fill material and aggregates,
spoil transportation and disposal, slope stability, erosion and sedimentation flows, water quality,
fuel and lubricants management, noise, dust, worker camps, etc.
Impacts during operations of the expressway are expected to be mainly noise related, traffic and
public safety, and air quality in tunnels.
The EAs will investigate these issues and will identify suitable and tangible mitigation,
monitoring, and institutional measures and estimate the budget to ensure effective
implementation, management and monitoring of these impacts.
Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12)
The first Chinese draft of the EIA/EMP for the Expressway is expected by May 15, 2005. The
second draft is expected on September 1, 2005.
Involuntary resettlement is expected. Among the many factors determining the choice of the final
alignment, is the absolute need to minimize resettlement as mush as possible.
The JCPD is firmly committed to apply the principles of OP4.12 where persons/communities are
affected by resettlement not only for the expressway, but also for all linked local roads.
RAPs and an RPF are being prepared and will be submitted to the bank for approval by April 15,
Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04)
Preliminary investigations along the alternative alignments indicate that the Natural Habitat OP
will not be triggered. So far, the investigations have not identified any natural habitats, protected
forests, sensitive habitats, nature reserves or parks along or in the vicinity of the proposed
alignments. This will be studied in more detail during the preparation of the EIA.
Indigenous Peoples (OD 4.20)
The JCPD is conducting a Social Assessment, which will confirm the presence of ethnic
minorities in the project area. The JCPD is committed to applying the principles of OD 4.20
where issues affecting ethnic minorities (should they exist in the project area) arise, and will
prepare and submit to the Bank for approval an EMDP should it become necessary.
5. Tentative financing
6. Contact point
Contact: Christopher R. Bennett
Senior Transport Specialist
Email: [email protected]