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World History CP
Mr. Terry
Name: __________________________
Date: ___________________________
Galileo’s Battle for the Heavens: Video Learning
Available at PBS:
1. What institution did Galileo come into conflict with? Why?
2. During Galileo’s time, the popular belief about the sun and the Earth was that
3. This geocentric theory of the universe was originally set out by the philosopher
4. The Medieval universities required students to pass 7 basic subjects before you could study
philosophy and theology. Of these, the Vatican considered astronomy to be
5. Galileo studied three different subjects at the University:
6. To Galileo, the universe could only be understood only if one studied the language of
7. How did Galileo set out to make money with his improved version of the telescope?
8. What was Galileo surprised to discover when he first looked at the moon through his telescope?
9. What was the first planet that Galileo looked at through his telescope? ____________________.
10. Ancient astronomers, such as ____________________, tried to explain how celestial bodies moved
by assuming they were attached to crystal spheres.
11. The Ptolemaic system was useful if you just wanted to
12. Nicolas Copernicus noticed the math related to planetary motion would be more simple if
13. In the Copernican system the Earth has 2 motions:
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
World History CP
Name: __________________________
Mr. Terry
Date: ___________________________
14. Galileo noticed that Venus went through phases just as the Moon does. From this, he concluded
that __________________________________________________________________________
15. What did the Catholic Church do to argue that Galileo was wrong?
16. What was the Church’s motivation for torturing and executing heretics?
17. What did Galileo hope to do at the Roman Inquisition?
18. What did the Inquisition decide with regard to Copernicus’s work and Galileo?
19. “ ‘I don’t know.’ What a beautiful expression that is.” Explain this statement.
20. Why did Catholic theologians not like Galileo’s theory about sunspots?
21. Why was Pope Urban VIII different from previous popes and what did this mean for Galileo?
22. Why did the Church eventually condemn Galileo’s Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World ?
23. What was Galileo charged with by the Inquisition? ___________________________________
24. Why did the Pope and clergy abandon trying to defend Galileo?