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Biology I Fall Semester Final Exam Study Guide
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Complete this study guide for the opportunity to earn 10 extra
points on your final exam grade. Only study guides that are
COMPLETE and HANDWRITTEN will be graded for credit. Any
of the material on this review could be tested on the final exam!
Cells, Microscopes and Scientific Method
1. In an experiment, what is:
a. The independent variable:
b. The dependent variable:
c. The control:
d. A constant:
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2. What is the hypothesis for this experiment?
a. If you shuffle the cards more times, then you are
probably alert.
b. If you can sort playing cards, then you are probably alert.
c. If it is early in the morning, then you are alert.
3. Which of the following conclusions is supported by the data
shown above?
a. Alertness is directly related to the level of distraction.
b. Shuffling methods can affect alertness.
c. Alertness levels vary during the day.
d. Long periods of rest improve alertness.
4. Name a constant for this experiment:
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
6. A prokaryotic cell has all the parts listed below
a. Ribosomes
b. Cell membrane
c. Nucleus
d. Genetic material
5. The picture shows an experiment designed to investigate
activity in a water plant in a dark room. Over time, bubbles
can be easily observed and counted as they escape from the
funnel. The number of bubbles is an indicator of the rate of
photosynthesis. Which of these data tables best reflects
the expected results of this experiment?
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An animal cell has all the parts listed below EXCEPT:
a. Mitochondria
b. Chloroplast
c. Ribosomes
d. Golgi body
Eukaryotic cells have all of the following
characteristics EXCEPT:
a. They are easily viewed with a microscope.
b. They are large in size.
c. They do not have a nucleus.
d. They are complex with many organelles.
Living things do all of the following things EXCEPT:
a. Reproduce
b. Move
c. Use energy from foods
d. Respond to changes in the environment
10. Use the Venn diagram below to show what prokaryotic
cells and eukaryotic cells have in common.
11. Use the Venn diagram below to show what plant and
animal cells have in common.
12. If a cell was missing mitochondria, which of the
functions below would the cell not be able to do?
a. Metabolism
b. Respond to its environment
c. Make ATP (energy)
d. It would not be able to do any of the things
listed above.
13. If a plant cell was missing chloroplasts, what would it
not be able to do?
a. Move from predators.
b. Reproduce.
c. Produce sugars from sunlight.
d. Absorb water from its roots.
Science Skills Review
14. What volume should be reported for
the solution in this graduated cylinder?
A. 64.0 mL
B. 56.2 mL
C. 56.0 mL
D. 50.6 mL
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Biomolecules and Enzymes
21. The diagram below shows:
Nucleic acid
These organic molecules are used as energy
sources and include things like sugars and starches.
______ __
16. This is the smallest unit of matter and contains
electrons, protons and neutrons. _______
17. These organic molecules are made of amino acids and
can be used to build muscles, hair, feathers and are
also used as enzymes. _______________________
18. DNA and RNA, which are responsible for storing and
transmitting genetic information are two types of this
organic molecule. ________________
19. These organic molecules are simple sugars and include
things like glucose and are the building blocks of
larger carbohydrates like starch.
20. These organic molecules are made up of a glycerol
molecule and three fatty acids. They are used to
store energy and are a major part of the cell
membrane. ________________
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a. Nucleotide
b. Amino acid
c. Carbohydrate
d. Lipid
22. The diagram below shows:
a. Nucleotide
b. Amino acid
c. Carbohydrate
d. Lipid
23. Which diagram below contains a person’s heredity
material?__ Which make up cell membranes? ___
Look at the graph of enzyme activity below and answer the
questions that follow. ***Textbook pages 156-160 section
for questions 24 and 25***
24. What does this graph tell you about how temperature
affects enzyme activity?
25. Why do you think the activity of the enzyme declines
after 40 degrees?
Use the graph below to answer the questions that follow.
26. According to the graph above, do all enzymes work at
the same pH level? ___________
Which enzyme works best at an acidic pH?
28. Which enzyme works best at a neutral pH?
What happens to enzymes when they are not at
their ideal pH level? ______________________
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30. Which of the elements below is not an element found
in living things?
a. Carbon
b. Hydrogen
c. Plutonium
d. Sulfur
31. Which one of these is not the job of a protein?
a. Makes up hair, feathers and scales
b. Is used as an energy source
c. Can be used to fight off illnesses in the immune
d. Makes up enzymes
32. Name two examples of a polysaccharide:
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
33. What is an enzyme?
34. What is a substrate?
35. What is the activation energy of a chemical reaction?
36. Do you think that the activation energy is the same for
all chemical reactions? Why or why not?
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37. What is the active site of an enzyme?
38. What would happen if the active site of an enzyme was
blocked by something?
***Textbook pages 158-160 for questions
Look at the graph below and answer the questions that
39. What temperature gives the greatest speed of reaction
for enzyme J? ________________
40. Predict what temperature would give the greatest speed
of reaction for enzyme I.
41. Protein and dietary fiber are beneficial to health.
According to the information in the table, which flour is
the most nutritious?
a. Whole wheat
b. White wheat
c. Oat
d. Rice
Cell Membranes and Transport
Label the picture of the cell membrane below using the
following labels:
Match the name of the cell membrane part in column A to its
function in column B.
Column A
42. cholesterol
43. integral
44. peripheral proteins
45. carbohydrate
46. phospholipids
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Column B
A. allows large molecules to pass through
the cell membrane
B. made of a special fat which has a water
loving part and a water hating part
C. allows the cell to identify other cells
D. is stuck in between phospholipids and
keeps the cell membrane from freezing
E. allows the cytoskeleton to attach to the
inside of the cell membrane
47. What is the job of the cell membrane?
57. Look at the diagrams below and draw an arrow to show which
way water will move in each system.
90% water
10% salt
70% water
30% sugar
Cell membrane
97% water
3% dissolved
Cell membrane
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56. The cell membrane of a red blood cell will allow water, oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and glucose to pass through. Because other
substances are blocked from entering this membrane is called
a. perforated
b. semi-permeable
c. non-conductive
d. permeable
Cell membrane
Matching. Match the terms in column A to their definitions in
column B.
Column A
Column B
48. solute
A. A mixture of a solute and a solvent
49. solvent
B. Usually a solid or a gas that is dissolved in a
solvent to make a solution
50. solution
C. Usually a liquid that dissolves a solute to
make a solution
Matching. Match the terms in column A to their definitions in
column B.
Column A
Column B
51. hypotonic
A. passive movement of substances from high
concentration to low concentration
52. isotonic
B. a solution that has more water than
dissolved substances
53. hypertonic
C. passive movement of water from high
concentration to low concentration across a
semi-permeable membrane
54. diffusion
D. a solution that has equal amounts of water
and dissolved substances
55. osmosis
E. a solution that has more dissolved substances
than water
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer from the choices given.
85% water
15% salt
100% water
0% sugar
70% water
30% dissolved
Starch turns blue-black in the presence of iodine solution. A
selectively permeable dialysis sac containing a starch
solution is placed into a beaker of iodine solution.
59. Describe what kind of solutions the cells below have
been placed in: hypertonic, isotonic or hypotonic.
Cell Cycle and Cell Division ***Textbook pages
244-254 for questions 60-62***
58. If the dialysis sac is permeable only to water and iodine,
what will the solutions in the beaker and the sac look like
after two hours?
a. The iodine solution in the beaker will turn blue-black;
the starch solution will not change.
b. The starch solution in the dialysis sac will turn blueblack; the iodine solution will not change.
c. Neither solution will turn blue-black.
d. Both solutions will turn blue-black.
60. What happens during each of the phases of the cell
a. G1 phase:
b. S phase:
c. G2 phase:
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61. Identify the stages of mitosis shown in the picture
64. The sides of the DNA helix are made ofa. DNA bases and phosphates
b. RNA bases and sugars
c. Sugars and bases
d. Sugars and phosphates
62. What is the result when cells divide uncontrollably?
63. A nucleotide consists of
a. between one and three phospholipids and protein
b. glucose, fructose, and sucrose
c. a phosphate group, a five-carbon sugar, and a
nitrogenous base
d. two molecules of ATP and one molecule of ADP
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65. The primary function of the structure labeled 1 in the diagram is—
A. Assembling the parts of the virus
B. Injecting viral DNA into a cell
C. Anchoring the virus to a cell
D. Storing and protecting viral DNA
66. Which labeled viral structure in the diagram stores viral DNA,
similar to the way the nucleus stores cellular DNA?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
67. The West Nile virus is responsible for causing encephalitis,
swelling of the brain. Which of the following body systems is MOST
affected by this virus?A. Nervous system
B. Circulatory system
C. Muscular system
D. Digestive system
70. Scientists are designing new medicines to fight infectious diseases
caused by viruses. One of the most effective ways these medicines
could limit the spread of the virus within the body would be to 4C
A. prevent viruses from dividing
B. burst cells infected with viruses
C. stop viruses from attaching to cells
D. make it easier for viruses to leave cell
68. After a virus enters a host cell, one of two patterns of infection
may occur. Choose the pattern of viral replication that does NOT kill
the host immediately
a. Krebs cycle
b. Calvin cycle
c. Lytic cycle
d. Lysogenic cycle
71. Which group correctly identifies the type of cells and organelles
that carry out cellular respiration? 9B
A. Animal cell and mitochondria
B. Plant cell and chloroplast
C. Plant cell and vacuole
D. Bacterial cell and Ribosome
72. The products of photosynthesis are the reactants used in cellular
respiration. They are- 9B
A. glucose and oxygen
B. carbon dioxide and water
C. NADP and hydrogen
D. ATP and water
69. The diagram validates which cycle
a. Krebs cycle
b. Calvin cycle
c. Lytic cycle
d. Lysogenic cycle
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Use the following diagram to answer question 73.
73. The diagram above gives an overview of the processes behind
energy production. What goes in box X? 9B
A. Water & Sugar
c. Carbon Dioxide and Water
B. Water and Oxygen
d. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
Specialized Cells
74. The endosymbiotic theory is an attempt to explain the presence of
the __________ in the eukaryotic cell.
Ribosomes and chloroplasts
Mitochondria and flagella
Mitochondria and chloroplasts
Ribosomes and flagella
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75. The cells of skeletal muscle are long and cylindrical. Red
blood cells are small and round. Which statement best explains
why the two types of cells have different structures?
A. The blood cells erode as they move through the body.
B. The muscles are stretched each time they contract.
C. The blood cells and muscle cells are both shaped to suit
their function.
D. The blood cells and muscle cells are made in different parts
of the body.
76. Select the tissue that covers all surfaces that come into
contact with the external environment.
A. Nervous tissue
B. Epithelial tissue
C. Muscular tissue
D. Connective tissue
1st Period
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
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1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
8th Period
7th Period
6th Period
4th Period
3rd Period
1st Period
8th Period
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