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The Road to the Civil War
The Civil War was a product of many events and issues. It is
important to understand what caused the war and how it came about.
As you complete this worksheet, make sure you (1) know who was
involved, (2) why it happened, (3) what it was and (4) what happened
as a result – Cause and Effect. You will notice that things start out
civilized and led to violence! Use Chapter 14 (pages 438 to 459).
We need to go back in time – back to 1819. Missouri was starting to
be settled due to exploration and farm lands. Missouri wanted to
become a state through the process called annexation. Here was the
problem, there was a balance of slave and free states -15 each. So,
if Missouri became a state there would be an imbalance. The reason
why this was important was representation in Congress would favor
the slave states and then they could pass laws promoting slavery.
Plus it was a precedent that territories/new states entering into the
Union would be slave. The difference between the North and South
became apparent and created the idea that sectionalism/regionalism
was keeping the United States separate based on the loyalty of
To solve this problem, Henry Clay came up with the idea of the
Compromise of 1820, also known as the Missouri Compromise .
This said (1) Missouri would be a slave state, (2) Maine would be free
and (3) lands north of 36030’ latitude would ban or prohibit slavery
would be free (except for Missouri). This would solve the problem for
a while until the 1840’s when the War with Mexico would create a new
The Wilmot Proviso and The Free Soil Party
Authored by Rep. David Wilmot
Called for the banning of slavery in all territories
Proviso passed the northern controlled House, but lost in the
southern controlled Senate – therefore did not pass
Spurred the debate over the growth of sectionalism
The Free Soil Party was formed by antislavery northerners who
supported the Wilmot Proviso
They feared that slave labor would mean fewer jobs for northern
white laborers
The Free Soil Party candidate ran Marin Van Buren in election of
The Compromise of 1850 – After the War with Mexico the political
balance between the North and South was endangered as Americans
asked “Should the new lands be open to slavery?” Make sure you get
plenty of details and steps!
California entered the Union as a free state
The Mexican Cession was divided up in two – Utah and New
Mexico – and slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty
Texas gives up its claim to land in New Mexico and the
government pays off its debt
The slave trade is banned in DC
Harsher fugitive slave laws are enacted
The Fugitive Slave Act forced the citizens of the North to turn in
runaway slaves and could be fined/imprisoned if they didn’t help. The
law only helped divide the North and South more.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Talked about the cruelty of slavery
A story of a slave, Tom, being sold “down river” to Simon Legree
In a fit of rage Simon has Tom (because he ran away) beaten to
Uncle Tom’s Cabin energized the abolitionists in the North (they
thought that the book was the “bible” and told the truth about
slavery) and enflamed the South who claimed it was full of
wicked lies (no slave owner would beat their slave to death
because they were too expensive to replace)
The book is often referenced today in many works dealing with
The Kansas-Nebraska Act replaced the Missouri Compromise – how?
(Don’t forget to include the idea of popular sovereignty)
Introduced by Stephen Douglas
Divided the remainder of the Louisiana Territory into two –
Kansas and Nebraska
Allowed territory popular sovereignty when it came to slavery
With strong southern support and pressure from Douglas and
President Pierce it passed Congress
The Kansas-Nebraska Act replaced the Missouri Compromise and
allowed for the potential of slavery in the territories
Conflict over the use of slavery in these new lands was going to lead to
blood shed – Hmmmm a preview to the Civil War me thinks! Describe
what led to “Bleeding Kansas” and John Brown’s involvement.
Election of 1855, 5000 pro-slavery Missorians crossed the
Kansas border and voted in the election
As a result there was a pro-slavery majority in the territorial
They passed strict laws regarding the questioning of slaveholders
rights and aiding and abiding run away slaves
Antislavery Kansans established their own capital in Topeka, but
it was not recognized by the Federal government
In May 1856 a pro-slavery grand jury charged leaders of the
antislavery government with treason.
800 pro-slavery men itching for a fight rode into Lawrence,
Kansas looking for the antislavery leaders - they didn’t find
Instead, they turned their anger towards the town folk and set
the town on fire, looted buildings and destroying what they could
One man died in the “Sack of Lawrence”
On May 24, 1856 John Brown, a militant abolitionist, and his
men attacked along the Pottawatomie Creek, killing five with
Hostilities would escalate and 200 people would be killed before
an attempt to restore order was made in September 1856
Things were getting so bad that Congress erupted into violence.
Charles Sumner was an abolitionist senator and was upset and
outspoken over Bleeding Kansas. In response to the speeches Preston
Brooks came in and hit/beat him with his cane, leaving him bloody and
with bumps on the head. Wow, could this be a sign of things to come?
New political parties were created and further divisions were made.
Discuss the three parties in the Election of 1856.
Republican Party
 Union of Whigs,
Democrats, FreeSoiler and
 United against
the spread of
slavery in the
 Single issue party
American Party
 Aka KnowNothing Party
 Made up of
Democrats and
 Started as a
reaction of
immigration in
Democrat Party
Supported selfgovernment not
Had to appease
the North but lost
the South
- slavery
John C. Fremont
Millard Fillmore
James Buchanan
The Supreme Court is going to get involved in the slavery issue with
the Dred Scott Decision.
Dred Scott was a slave of Dr. John Emerson, an army surgeon
While on tour, Dr. Emerson had taken Scott along with him to
various postings in Illinois and Wisconsin and back to Missouri
Upon the Doctor’s death, Scott became the property of his
In 1846 Scott sued for his freedom based on the fact that he had
become free while living in “Free Territory” and could therefore
not be enslaved again.
The lower court ruled in his favor (Dred Scott v Sandford)
The Missouri Supreme Court overturned the ruling
In 1857 the Dred Scott case came before the US Supreme Court
Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, writing for the majority, said that
Dred Scott an African American – whether free or slave – was
not citizens of the United States under the Constitution and
therefore did not have the right to file suit in a federal court
Scott’s status as slave would remain because he was back in
Missouri and subject to the laws of Missouri
The ruling declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
based on the 5th Amendment – you could not be denied life,
liberty and property without due process
Thus Congress had no right to ban slavery in any federal
Abraham Lincoln a Republican ran against Stephen Douglas a
Democrat for senator from the state of Illinois. Lincoln was going to
be at a disadvantage due to his lack of political experiences. In a
series of debates between them, Lincoln showed his ability to debate
and emerges as a leader of the Republican Party. Lincoln lost the
election, but gained national recognition and was on his way to being
nominated for President. List the differences between the two
Abraham Lincoln
Felt slavery should not spread
into the territories
African Americans were
entitled to “life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness”
African Americans and whites
were not social or political
Stephen Douglas
Really did not have an
opinion on slavery, felt it
was up to the states to
Douglas challenged that
Lincoln was trying to make
all races equal
Supported the Freeport
Doctrine where if necessary
the police will enforce laws
of the territory/state even if
they are contrary to that of
the Federal Government
John Brown was back and on the East Coast. More blood shed was on
the way at Harper’s Ferry. What happened?
John Brown and his militant group wanted to lead an armed
slave revolt
On October 16, 1859 Brown seized the arsenal at Harper’s Ferry
and went about encouraging slaves to join him
Local white southerners attacked Brown killing 8 of his 20 men
Brown retreated to a nearby firehouse
Robert E. Lee ordered a squad of marines to storm the firehouse
killing two and capturing the rest
John Brown was sentenced to be hanged on December 2, 1859
The raid on Harper’s Ferry would open the door to the south’s
wish to cede from the Union
In 1860, the presidential election took place. Why/How did Lincoln
The Democrat party was split between Senator Stephen Douglas
and VP John C. Breckinridge
The Constitution Union Party emerged that would recognize “no
political principles other than the Constitution of the country, the
Union of the states, and they enforcement of the laws” and
nominated John Bell
The Republicans ran Lincoln a moderate who opposed the spread
of slavery but also promised not to abolish it where it existed.
Lincoln won but only with 40% of popular vote in this four way
Lincoln was able to win the election with out carrying a single
southern state. In fact his name was not even on the ballot in
most southern states
Even though the Republicans and Lincoln promised not to disturb the
issue of slavery, the South didn’t trust them. They decided to
separate from the U.S., called secession. The Southern states created
the Confederate States of America and elected Jefferson Davis as
their President. They wanted states rights!
After President Lincoln’s inauguration, Lincoln faced a severe problem
that started the Civil War – Ft. Sumter.
The secession of South Carolina
The formation of the CSA
Control of Federal property in seceded states
Re-enforcing Ft Sumner
List the Confederate States of America
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana,
Texas seceded first, then North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and
Arkansas followed.
Why do you think the loss of the state of Virginia to The Confederate
States of America was so scary for the United States of America?
Virginia was key – it was the home state of Robert E. Lee
Virginia was just across the river from DC – vulnerable!
The home of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe,
and Tyler
The other states stayed in the Union – including Missouri, Kentucky,
Maryland and eventually West Virginia. West Virginia is created in the
middle of the war. These states were called the “border states”. They
had slaves but sided with the North. This will prove to be great for the
North! Why?
 Controlled key parts of rivers – Mississippi & Ohio
 Controlled key transportation routes/lines
 Maryland separated DC from the South
And the war between the States has begun!