Download Edward Scissorhands Viewing Guide

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The Noble Savage: Edward Scissorhands
Who is Edward Scissorhands? Where does he come from? How is he “created?”
Edward is adopted by the Boggs family and is seemingly introduced to society for the first
time. What role or stereotype does each of these characters fulfill? What does Edward
learn from him/her?
 Peg & Bill Boggs:
Character Traits/What does Edward learn?
 Kim Boggs
Character Traits/What does Edward learn?
 “The Housewives”
Character Traits/What does Edward learn?
 Jim & Esmeralda
Character Traits/What does Edward learn?
Compare Edward’s immersion into society to that of Victor’s Creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
In the box at the bottom, draw some conclusions about each character’s based on their similarities and
the impact of socialization.
Victor’s Creature
Edward Scissorhands
Awkwardness Regarding
Love & Family
Unfamiliarity with Laws
(Trial & Error)
Actions of
Questionable Behaviors
Draw Conclusions about Socialization Based on Similarities
For this section, provide a vivid description of each item below, and interpret its
symbolic allusion in the film.
 Edward’s Home:
 “Suburbia”
 Hedge Clippings:
 Snow:
 Ice Sculpture:
 Scissorhand:
Pillars of Character
In each box identify at least two (2) examples of how these character traits are apart of
Edward’s social development. Be specific!
Edward learns a lot about himself and about society when he is adopted by the Boggs
family. For each of the themes below, discuss the significance or symbolism of each as
related Edward’s experiences in “suburbia.” If applicable, discuss what you think that
the director’s message is to the audience based on the theme.
Social acceptance:
Elements of Nature:
The Noble Savage: Society’s Impact on the Individual – Due Friday, 2/7
Throughout the course of the film Edward Scissorhands, the viewer follows the social
development of the protagonist as he is thrust into society for the first time. Like the
creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Edward experiences a series of circumstances
which help shape his identity as a member of society and humanity. In a 5-paragraph
essay, discuss society’s impact on the individual utilizing the film, another text, and your
own experience.
Compare Edward Scissorhands to Victor Frankenstein’s creature and draw
conclusions about society’s impact on each character’s social development. How
are their experiences similar? How are they different? How does their initial
isolation contribute to their misunderstanding about what humanity? How does
love and caring relationships impact each protagonist’s perception of what it
means to be apart of society?
Moreover, draw connections of social development and its impact on the
individual to other literature that we have analyzed and discussed this year
(Macbeth, Sir Gawain, The Breakfast Club, etc.). How does society effect the
social development of an individual in these societies?
Lastly, extend your analysis of social development to your own experiences as a
teenager in your own “suburbia.” How does society effect your development as
an individual? What kinds of relationships, influences, etc. help shape who you
are? (You may use first person here).