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Organization of pharmaceutical provision population
1. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Hydrogenii peroxidum
B. Pertussinum
C. Dekametoksinum
D. Piracetamum
E. * Giosciaminum
2. Near the entrance to the pharmacy is located in a prominent location information
A. On the benefits for certain categories of people.
B. Address of the license commission.
C. * On the entity and the owner or his authorized body.
D. Tax address
E. Global inspection of the quality control of medicines.
3. In the event of termination proceedings separate business unit of the licensee under a license the licensee
A. Within seven working days from the date of liquidation of a separate unit to provide the Tax
Inspectorate to reply in writing by registered mail.
B. Within seven working days from the date of liquidation of a separate unit to provide local stae body
a notification in writing by registered mail.
C. Within seven working days from the date of liquidation of a separate unit to cease business activities
separate unit.
D. * Within seven working days from the date of liquidation of a separate unit to submit to the State
inspection notification in writing by registered mail.
E. Within seven working days from the date of liquidation of a separate unit to provide the property
owner notification in writing by registered mail.
4. According to the legislation subject to licensing is
A. Tranportation of drugs.
B. * Production of medicines.
C. Providing services in research market of drugs.
D. Production of medical products.
E. Creation of medicines.
5. What main rules of self-treatment do you know?
A. * Use only medicines that are well known and tested
B. Use only those medications that had famous
C. Use the new Pharmacy
D. Use drugs with expired
6. Pharmacies range includs pain, antibiotic, anticancer and antiviral drugs. Which ones are related to OTC?
A. * Pain
B. Antibiotics
C. Antitumor Tools
D. Antiviral agent
7. Pharmacies range includs antipyretic, antibiotics, anticancer and antiviral drugs. Which ones are related
to OTC?
A. * antipyretic
B. Antibiotics
C. Antitumor Tools
D. Antiviral agent
8. The basic principles of OMI are:
A. insurance risk
B. insurance interest
C. proportion
D. * obligatory
E. free choice of insurer
9. The validity of the license for wholesale medicines is
A. One Year
B. Two Years
C. Three years
D. * Unlimited
E. Seven years
10. The validity of the license for wholesale and retail trade in drugs is
A. One Year
B. Two Years
C. * Unlimited
D. Five years
E. Seven Years
11. What is the order of the MOH regulations governing the storage of the medicines?
A. № 179
B. * № 44
C. № 275
D. № 139
E. № 181
12. What order regulating health and disease prevention mode in Pharmacies?
A. № 179
B. № 360
C. * № 275
D. № 139
E. № 44
13. At what temperature it is necessary to store ice acetic acid?
A. 0 - 2 ° C
B. 2 - 4 ° C
C. 4 - 6 ° C
D. 6 - 8 ° C
E. * 9 ° C
14. At what temperature it is necessary to store medical fat oils?
A. 0 - 2 ° C
B. 2 - 4 ° C
C. 4 - 6 ° C
D. 6 - 8 ° C
E. * 10 ° C
15. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Nafazolinum
B. Bromhexinum
C. Nistatin
D. * Propanidid
E. Nitroglycerine
16. What from the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. inolum
B. * ver nitrate
C. oflavinum
D. minum
E. oferolum
17. What from the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Sodium chloride
B. Tokoferolum
C. * Strychnine
D. Carbo activated
E. Paracetamolum
18. What from the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Pentalginum
B. Hydrohlorotiazidum
C. Hydrogenii peroxydum
D. * Tramadolum
E. Kaptoprilum
19. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Nitroglycerin
B. * Vikurony
C. Vicalinum
D. Nitroksolinum
E. Nitrofuralum
20. What of the listed substances concerns to precursors?
A. Sodium chloride
B. * Ergotamin
C. Sodium sulfate
D. Oxazepamum
E. Pentazocinum
21. Retail trade in medical products is carried out through:
A. Chemist's bases
B. Chemist's warehouses
C. * Structural sectionings of a drugstore (chemist's points, chemist's booths)
D. Iatrotechnics shops
E. Industrial shops
22. According to the legislation of Ukraine to licensing are subject:
A. The collecting and preparation of herbs
B. Creations of new medical products
C. Manufacture of products of medical appointment
D. * Manufacture of ex-temporal medical products
E. Working out of the analytical standard documentation
23. At an input in a drugstore the information takes place about:
A. About granting of privileges to some categories of the population
B. Price discounts for medicines for veterans
C. * The address of the next drugstore
D. Consultation of the doctor
E. Advertisements on new preparations
24. To pharmaceutical institutions concern:
A. * Laboratory under the analysis of quality of medical products
B. Chemist's points
C. Standardization and metrology laboratory
D. Pharmaceutical factories
E. Chemist's booths
25. How often floor in a drugstore is washed?
A. With hot water with soap not less than 1 time a month
B. * As required, but isn't more rare than 1 time in change
C. Not less often than 1 time a week with use of disinfectants
D. In the end of the working day
E. Not less than 1 time a month, it is cleared of a dust by wet rags
26. Name the basic function of a drugstore.
A. Advertizing
B. Rendering of the qualified medical aid
C. Consultation of patients on drug intake
D. Function of an institution of public health services
E. * The treatment-and-prophylactic
27. How often wash a ceiling in a drugstore?
A. * Washes hot water with soap not less often than 1 time a month
B. Not less than 1 time in change
C. Not less than 1 time a month, it is cleared of a dust by wet rags
D. Once in two months
E. Not less than once in a week with use of disinfectants
28. A premise of a drugstore with the right of manufacturing of unsterile medicines includes:
A. * A hall of service of the population, a premise for storage of stocks of medical products according
to their physical and chemical properties, an office of the manager, a personnel room, a pantry for
storage of stock for cleaning, a toilet;
B. A hall of service of the population, a premise for storage of stocks of medical products according to
their physical and chemical properties, an office of the manager, a premise for manufacturing of
medicines, premises for reception of water cleared, a premise for washing and ware sterilization, a
personnel room, wardrobe, a pantry for storage of stock for cleaning, a toilet;
C. A hall of service of the population, a premise for storage of stocks of medical products according to
their physical and chemical properties, an office of the manager, a premise for reception of water
cleared, a premise for washing and ware sterilization, a personnel room, a pantry for storage of stock
for cleaning, a toilet, packing;
D. A hall of service of the population, a premise for manufacturing of medicines, premises for reception
of water cleared, a premise for washing and ware sterilization, a personnel room, a pantry for storage
of stock for cleaning, a toilet;
E. Premises for storage of stocks of medical products according to their physical and chemical
properties, an office of the manager, a premise for manufacturing of medicines, premises for
reception of water cleared, a premise for washing and ware sterilization, a pantry for storage of stock
for cleaning, a toilet.
29. What of the listed medical products possesses painting properties?
A. Chloraminum
B. Phenolum
C. Ammonia solution
D. Zinc oxide
E. * Furacilinum
30. What of the listed medical products possesses property to react with air carbonic gas and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. * Barbamilum
B. Amilnitrate
C. Vaseline
D. Camphora
E. Pepsine
31. What of the listed medical products possesses painting properties?
A. Chloraminum
B. Phenolum
C. Ammonia solution
D. Zinc oxide
E. * Riboflavin
32. What of the listed medical products possesses painting properties?
A. * hacridinum lactate
B. ylsalicylate
C. thammol
D. phora
33. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Validolum
B. Nitrofuralum
C. Nifedipinum
D. Ascobinic acid
E. * Sekurinin
34. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Regidron
B. Ingalipt
C. Liquid of iodine
D. * Karbaholin
E. Calcium hloride
35. What of the listed substances is inflammable?
A. Nitroglycerine
B. Potassium permanganate
C. Silver nitrate
D. * Liquid by Novikov
E. Glycerin
36. What of the listed substances is inflammable?
A. Nitroglycerine
B. Potassium permanganate
C. Silver nitrate
D. * X-ray membranula
E. Glycerine
37. What of the listed substances, concerns to easily combustible?
A. Silver nitrate
B. * Sulphur
C. Sodium chloride
D. Magnesium oxide
E. Potassium permanganate
38. What of the listed substances, concerns to easily combustible?
A. Silver nitrate
B. * Glycerine
C. Sodium chloride
D. Magnesium oxide
E. Potassium permanganate
39. What of the listed substances, is inflammable?
A. Vaseline
B. * Turpentine
C. Lanolin anhydrous
D. Pepsin
E. Zinc sulfate
40. What reaction can cause calcium hypochlorite with ammonia at their joint storage?
A. Evaporation
B. * Explosion
C. Cristallisation
D. Settling out
E. Colour change
41. With what bonds it is forbidden to store inflammable substances in common?
A. Sulfuric acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Compressed gases
D. Liquid gases
E. * All answers are true
42. In structural sectioning of drugstores concern:
A. laboratory under the analysis of quality of medical products
B. * chemist's points and booths
C. standardization and metrology laboratory
D. pharmaceutical factories
E. chemist's warehouses and bases.
43. What order regulate sanitary demands in pharmaceutical institutions?
A. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 436 from 30.10.2001.
B. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 497 from 12.12.2001.
C. * Order of MOH of Ukraine № 275 from 14.06.1993.
D. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 356 from 18.12.1997.
E. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 44 16.03.1993.
44. Chemist's institutions concern:
A. * Laboratory from the analysis of quality of medical products
B. Chemist's points
C. Standardization and metrology laboratory
D. Pharmaceutical factories
E. Chemist's booths
45. The state pharmacological center of MOH of Ukraine carries out:
A. Maintenance of the state regulation in sphere of manufacture, import to Ukraine, export from
Ukraine, realizations of medical products and products of medical appointment:
B. Control over order of the reference of narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogs and
C. * Preclinical studying of medical products, clinical tests and examination for granting of references
about possibility of the state registration , and also examinations of all changes
D. The state control over performance by subjects of economic activities irrespective of patterns of
ownership of demands of the legislation of Ukraine concerning maintenance of quality of medical
E. Examination of the analytical standard documentation.
46. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from the
transferred medications behave to fragrant:
A. Dermatolum
B. Novocaine
C. Pilocarpine hydrochloride
D. * Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen)
E. Acid ascorbinic
47. To specify, which from the transferred medications behave to fragrant.
A. Benzonalum
B. Eufilin
C. * sodium tetraborate
D. Solution of ammonia
E. Acid is cevitamic
48. According to the legislation subject to licensing is
A. Providing services in market research drugs.
B. Production of medical products.
C. Creation of medicines.
D. * Wholesale drugs.
E. Tranporting of drugs.
49. According to the legislation subject to licensing is
A. Providing services in research market of drugs.
B. Production of medical products.
C. Creation of medicines.
D. Tranportation of drugs.
E. * Retail trade in drugs.
50. Specify the documents that legal person should submit to obtain a license
A. Paper with location of business entity.
B. ID of entity
C. * Passport of institution
D. Diploma of authorized person.
E. Document on payment of a contribution to the statutory fund.
51. Specify requirements that are compulsory for licensee
A. * Match logistics.
B. Availability of technical and technological requirements for the production of drugs.
C. Requirements for the production of sterile drugs.
D. Requirements for sterile production of drugs.
E. Qualifications of staff.
52. Specify qualification requirements that are compulsory for licensees
A. Compliance logistics type of business
B. Requirements for the production of sterile drugs.
C. Requirements for temperature and humidity in the storage room of drugs.
D. Ensure legislative and regulatory documents.
E. * Availability of documents on education.
53. Specify special requirements that are compulsory for licensees
A. Availability of job descriptions
B. Availability of documents on education.
C. * Location of production facilities in accordance with the process
D. Ensure standard documentation
E. Requirements for equipment, instruments
54. For pharmacies and their business units are legally required information which is indicate
A. Providing exemptions for certain categories of people.
B. * Address of the regular (clock) and the nearest pharmacy.
C. Owner of pharmacies
D. Global inspection of the quality control of medicines.
E. Tax address.
55. Authority, which provide licensing of pharmaceutical establishments are
A. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
B. Public Service on medicines.
C. * State inspection on medicines
D. Department of State
E. Licensing department of the tax administration.
56. The document, which confirms the right of unit of licensee to conduct a certain type of economic
activity, is
A. Paper of the prescribed form.
B. License.
C. * Certified by the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines copy of the license
D. Patent
E. Separate unit operating without a license.
57. Obtaining copies of licenses for retail drugs charge in the amount of
A. 2nd non-taxable income
B. 5 of individual income tax exemption
C. 10 - non-taxable income
D. 20 - non-taxable income
E. * A non-taxable minimum incomes
58. For each separate unit of the licensee, which embraces economic activity based on information received
in the license, the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicinal Products issued by licensee
A. Paper of the prescribed form.
B. Separate unit operating without a license.
C. * Certified copy of his license.
D. License.
E. Patent.
59. For licenses to the retail sale of medicines and medical products must submit the following documents
A. * Application, passport chemist's establishment;
B. Statement of legal documents and a specialist;
C. Statement about the material and technical conditions, copies of technical and technological
D. Statement, the founding documents
E. Declaration lease premises, a copy of the statute
60. Obtaining a license for retail drugs charge in the amount of
A. 2 untaxed income
B. 5 of individual income tax exemption
C. 10 - non-taxable income
D. * 20 - non-taxable income
E. A non-taxable minimum incomes
61. The licensing authority must draw up a license for its issuance…..
A. Not later than 2 days.
B. Not later than 3 days.
C. Not later than 5 days.
D. * Not later than 10 days.
E. Not later than 1 month
62. Licensee is...
A. Public authority that issues a license for a certain kind of economic activity.
B. * Subject of management, which was licensed to perform some type of economic activity.
C. Controlling public authority, which verifies compliance with the entity licensing conditions.
D. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Ministry of Health
E. Economic actors, who received the right wholesale and retail trade on medicines.
63. License conditions of providing the business of manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade on medicines
are set by order
A. № 756
B. № 1570
C. № 620
D. * № 723
E. № 7560
64. Certain types of activity the company can do on the basis of
A. Certificate of registration
B. * Special permission (license)
C. Charter companies
D. Presidential Decree
E. Cabinet Ministers Decree
65. Pharmacies must submit documents for the retail sale of medicinesduring providing of tax audit of
financial and business. Name of this document is
A. Preferential trade patent;
B. Commercial patent;
C. * License;
D. Certificate of Accreditation;
E. Passport of Pharmacies
66. Reasons for cancellation of the license is
A. Change of residence of an individual - the business entity
B. Damage license.
C. Opening of a new structural unit, which conducts the same activity
D. * Proof of license transfer
E. Changing the names of individual-entity business.
67. The reason for issuing a duplicate license is
A. Changing the name of a legal entity or name change, after "I, middle entity management
B. * Loss of license
C. Losing copy of the license
D. Change location entity management
E. The changes associated with the proceedings licensee a type of business
68. The reason for the decision to refuse a license
A. Age of the applicant (over 60).
B. Living abroad.
C. * False information in documents
D. No diploma of buiseness activity
E. Lack of work experience
69. The fee for the issuance of copies of license for structural subdivisions is
A. * 1 non-taxable minimum
B. 5 non-taxable minimum
C. 10 non-taxable minimum
D. 20 non-taxable minimum
E. 50 non-taxable minimum
70. License fee payment is
A. annual
B. * gratia
C. quarterly
D. monthly
E. 2-fold in 5 years
71. Notification of decision to grant or refuse a license is sent to the applicant within
A. 5 days
B. 14 days
C. 10 days
D. * 3 days
E. 1 day
72. The room of ambulance station is equipped with
A. * Shelves, cabinets, refrigerator, chairs.
B. Shelves, cabinets, refrigerator, safe.
C. Cabinets, shelves, chairs, alarm.
D. Shelves, cabinets, alarm system.
E. Shelves, cabinets, chairs, alarm
73. The room of chemist's point is equipped with
A. Shelves, cabinets, refrigerator, chairs
B. * Shelves, cabinets, refrigerator, safe.
C. Cabinets, shelves, chairs, alarm.
D. Shelves, cabinets, alarm system.
E. Shelves, cabinets, chairs, alarm.
74. In what period executive authority decides to give license or to refuse its extradition?
A. * 10 days from the date of application
B. 1 week from the date of application
C. 3 days from the date of application
D. 2 weeks from the date of application
E. 1 month from the date of application
75. Implementation of retail trade of pharmaceutical products is
A. Activities of individuals with drug provision of medical institutions by purchasing and selling drugs
for profit.
B. Activities of entities from providing with drug treatment and prevention organizations by purchasing
and selling drugs for profit.
C. Activities of individuals with drug for the people by the purchase and sale of drugs for profit
D. Activities entrepreneurs through the provision of drug purchases and sales of drugs through the
pharmacy network for profit.
E. * Activities of individuals and entities on the provision with drug people and medical institutions by
purchasing and selling drugs for profit
76. Validity of licenses for retail drugs is
A. Two years
B. One Year
C. Three years
D. * Five years
E. Seven years
77. Subjects of entrepreneurship in the process of trading activity during the calculation of cash should
A. * Sell goods in the presence of price lists for goods.
B. Give a receipt at the request of the buyer.
C. Draw a check on a paper tape.
D. At the end of the day to give cash collectors.
E. Hold pharmaceutical care.
78. Sanitary condition of premises and equipment must meet the applicable requirements. Indicate how many
times sanitary units and sinks for washing hands have to be cleaned
A. 1 per week
B. * 1 per day
C. 1 time per shift
D. 2 times per shift
E. 1 per quarter
79. Sanitary condition of premises and equipment must meet the applicable requirements. Indicate how many
times walls and doors have to be cleaned
A. 1 per day.
B. * 1 time per week
C. 1 per month
D. 1 per quarter
E. 1 time in two weeks
80. Sanitary condition of premises and equipment must meet the applicable requirements. Indicate how many
times ceiling must be cleaned
A. 1 per day.
B. 1 per week.
C. * 1 time per month
D. 1 per quarter
E. 1 time in two weeks
81. Storage facilities should be provided with thermometers and hygrometers, which are located within
relatively floors and heating devices
A. * 1.7 m. and 3M
B. 2m. and 2m.
C. 1.5 m. and 1m.
D. 1.5 m. and 1.5 m.
82. Subjects of economic activity in the pharmaceutical institutions regardless of ownership should not
A. Compulsory range of medicines.
B. Compliance of production facilities
C. Information about medicines in service room.
D. * Information on production schedules of medicines.
E. Correctness of storage of medicines.
83. Trading activity is
A. Independent, initiative, work at your own risk entities and individuals with the production and sales.
B. Independent, initiative, work at your own risk entities and individuals with the production and sale
of products, services, work for profit.
C. Independent, initiative, work at your own risk entities and individuals with the production and sale
of products to meet customer needs.
D. * Independent, initiative, activity of legal entities and individuals to implement the sale of goods for
E. Independent, initiative, the activities of legal entities and individuals to implement the sale of goods
to meet their own needs.
84. The application for a license to legal person must bring the following
A. Information entity management (name, location, identification number).
B. Information entity management (surname, location, individual's identification number, passport).
C. * Information entity entities (name, location, identification number, bank details).
D. Information entity entities (name, location, identification number, bank details, passport details).
E. Information entity management (name, patronymic, residence, passport).
85. In the case if the applicant have separate units that adopt economic activities on the basis of a license, in
the statement is noted
A. The authorized capital.
B. Their area.
C. Their subordination.
D. Schedule.
E. * Their location.
86. In case of refusal to license an entity may submit a new application no earlier than
A. 1 year after the rejection
B. 5 years after failure
C. 1 month after the refusal
D. * 3 months after rejection
E. 24 months after rejection
87. Entity must inform the public about planned closure of commercial premises of pharmacies no later then
A. 2 days
B. 3 days
C. 4 days
D. * 5days
E. 10 days
88. License is issued after receiving an application from the licensee in
A. * 10 days
B. via 14 days
C. 30 days
D. via 3 days
E. 2 months
89. Does the licensee have the right to transfer the license or a copy to another natural or legal person to
conduct business?
A. It is authorised, having informed on it tax inspection
B. Yes.
C. * Not.
D. He has the right to change the owner entity.
E. There is no law without the consent of local authorities
90. What is the Order approves the list of documents attached to the application for a license
A. № 368
B. № 1689
C. * № 756
D. № 289
E. № 236
91. What executive body is authorized to issue licenses?
A. Ministry of Health;
B. By the city (district) council deputies;
C. * State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines
D. Regional Laboratory Association;
E. Committee to monitor the drug.
92. What documents are not submitted to the State Service for Drugs and Medical Devices for obtaining a
license for manufacture of medicines in pharmacies?
A. A statement form
B. * Certificate of registration
C. Passport of pharmacy
D. Information prescribed form
93. What documents are not submitted to State inspection to obtain a license for retail and wholesale trade of
A. A statement form
B. Certificate of registration
C. Passport farm. Enterprise
D. * Information set form
94. The medical insurance executes such functions:
A. Simlant
B. Risk
C. * Accumulation
D. Registration
E. Compensative
95. What documents are not submitted to State inspection for obtaining a license to manufacture drugs in a
pharmacy for a legal entity?
A. A statement form
B. Certificate of registration
C. * Passport farm. Enterprise
D. Information prescribed form
E. Charter
96. Which of the following legal regulations in general character?
A. * Law of Ukraine "On Property".
B. Law of Ukraine "About the Entrepreneur
C. Law of Ukraine "On the circulation in Ukraine narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their
analogues and precursors.
D. Law of Ukraine "On Medicines".
E. Law of Ukraine on cooperation ".
97. Legal and physical entities, which pay insurance payments are called...
A. insures
B. * insurers
C. insurance companies
D. insurance brokers
E. insurance agents
98. Payers of insurance payments in the system OMI are:
A. employers
B. organs of local self-government
C. * Pension fund of Ukraine, funds of obligatory state social security
D. other payers of insurance payments
E. humanitarian organizations
99. Canada use:
A. Beveridge model
B. Bismarck model
C. * National model
D. Out-of-Pocket model
E. Your variant
100. The basic principles of OMI are:
A. * legality
B. insurance risk
C. proportion
D. insurance interest
E. free choice of insurer
101. Basic principles of voluntarily medical insurance
A. insurance interest
B. maximal trust between the subjects of insurance activity r. compensation to the insured person
within the framework of the inflicted harm
C. free choice of insurer and type of insurance
D. insurance risk
E. * All answers are right
102. Compensation of the medicines cost, used for the medical treatment of the patients insured in the
system OMI, is called
A. * reimbursement
B. compiling
C. transferts
103. The programs of medical insurance (standard package) in the model VMI provide:
A. cosmetic surgery
B. stationary medical treatment:
C. medical treatment of oncologic patients
D. ambulatory-policlinic medical treatment;
E. stomatology help
F. medical treatment of AIDS
G. medical first-aid
H. * reimbursement payment of the medicine cost
I. traditional medicine
104. Franchise-this...
A. * part of harm, which is not subject to compensation according to the conditions of the insurance
B. sum, which is subject to compensation in the case of origin of insurance case
C. insurance risk
105. The payments, which are carried out by insurer to the insured person according to Ihe conditions of
the agreement of the agreement, are called
A. insurance bonuses
B. * insurance payments
106. An object of medical insurance is:
A. property interests of citizens
B. * life and health of citizens
C. civil responsibility of medical and pharmaceutical workers
107. Self-treatment is made
A. With the participation of pharmaceutical workers
B. With the participation of doctors
C. With the participation of dentists
D. * with people with no professional affiliation
108. Specialized insurer, established under the Law to carry out voluntary and mandatory medical
A. Insurer
B. Insured person
C. * Insurens company
D. Insures
E. Manufacture of medical services
109. Skills of self-treatment population takes over the:
A. Tips for families
B. Consultations of pharmaceutical professionals
C. Itself
D. * All answers are correct
110. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Sore throat
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
111. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * High temperature
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
112. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Cough
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
113. Medicines are divided on the OTC and the recipe. What are the criteria of delivering medicines to
A. * Active ingredients of drugs used in the country for a long time, their adverse effects are well
B. Known numerous adverse reactions to the use of medicines
C. Drug used for intravenous
D. Use of drugs does not require reviewing of instruction
114. Medicines are divided on the OTC and the recipe. What are the criteria of delivering medicines to
A. * Drug used to eliminate the symptoms that patients can identify themselves
B. Known numerous adverse reactions to the use of medicines
C. Drug used for intravenous
D. Use of drugs does not require review of instruction
115. Pharmacies range includs anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anticancer and antiviral drugs. Which ones
are related to OTC?
A. * Antiinflammatory
B. Antibiotics
C. Antitumor Tools
D. Antiviral agent
116. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Cold
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
117. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Headaches
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
118. Which of the listed drugs are prohibited for advertising?
A. Analgesic
B. * Narcotics and Psychotropic
C. Antypiretyky
D. Spasmolithics
119. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Upset stomach
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
120. Medicines are divided on the OTC and the recipe. What are the criteria of delivering medicines to
A. * If drugs are used in accordance with the instruction, it does not constitute a threat to health
B. Known numerous adverse reactions to the use of medicines
C. Drug used for intravenous
D. Use of drugs does not require reviewing of instruction
121. Medicines are divided on the OTC and the recipe. What are the criteria of delivering medicines to
A. * Drug have specifically made consumer guide
B. Known numerous adverse reactions to the use of medicines
C. Drug used for intravenous
D. Use of drugs does not require review of instruction
122. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Constipation
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
123. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Cuts
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
124. The businessman opens a drugstore on street Russian in Ternopol. What area is necessary for renting
or getting to the businessman?
A. Not less than 8 sq. m.
B. Not less than 18 sq. m.
C. Area isn't limited
D. Not less than 75 sq. m.
E. * Not less than 50 sq. m.
125. Pharmaceutical professionals should possess:
A. Knowledge of the foundations of Internal Medicine
B. Knowledge on the basis of rational use of medicines
C. Rules of counseling patients
D. * All answers correct
126. What main rules of self-treatment do you know?
A. Treat only those violations for which the signs of the disease is not known
B. * Treat only those violations for which the signs of the disease are known
C. There is no right answer
D. All answers correct
127. Pharmacies range includs vitamins, antibiotics, anticancer and antiviral drugs. Which ones are related
to OTC?
A. * Vitamins
B. Antibiotics
C. Antitumor Tools
D. Antiviral agent
128. Pharmacies range includs disinfectant, antibiotic, anticancer and antiviral drugs. Which ones are
related to OTC?
A. Disinfecting means
B. Antibiotics
C. * Antitumor Tools
D. Antiviral agent
129. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Muscular pain
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
130. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Bruising
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
131. Itself can be used OTC drugs. For what diseases are frequently used OTC products?
A. * Heart attack
B. Pneumonia
C. Tuberculosis
D. Psoriasis
132. Medicines are divided on the OTC and the recipe. What are the criteria of delivering medicines to
A. * Drug is intended only for oral and external use
B. Known numerous adverse reactions to the use of medicines
C. Drug used for intravenous
D. Use of drugs does not require review of instruction
133. Medicines are divided on the OTC and the recipe. What are the criteria of delivering medicines to
A. * If drugs are used in accordance with the instruction, it does not constitute a threat to health
B. Drug intended only for oral and external use
C. Drug is specifically designed for consumers guide
D. All answers correct
134. Pharmacies range includs antiseptic, antibiotic, anticancer and antiviral drugs. Which ones are related
to OTC?
A. * Antiseptic
B. Antibiotics
C. Antitumor Tools
D. Antiviral agent
135. Pharmacies range includs to antibiotics, anticancer and antiviral drugs, and means that the organs of
respiration. Which ones are related to OTC?
A. * Drugs acting on respiratory system
B. Antibiotics
C. Antitumor Tools
D. Antiviral agent
136. Pharmaceutical care is:
A. Comprehensive program of interaction between doctor and patient throughout the period of
pharmacotherapy of specific patient
B. Comprehensive program of interaction between doctor and pharmacist during the entire period of
pharmacotherapy, individual patient
C. A comprehensive program of interaction between two physicians during the period of
pharmacotherapy of specific patient
D. * Comprehensive program of cooperation of the pharmaceutical and medical specialists throughout
the period of pharmacotherapy of specific patient
137. Comprehensive program of cooperation of the pharmaceutical and medical specialists throughout the
period of pharmacotherapy particular patient - is:
A. Self-treatment
B. * Pharmaceutical care
C. Advertising
D. Good Pharmaceutical Practice
138. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify which from the
transferred medications take in moisture of air:
A. Ether for anesthesia
B. * Iodine
C. Lanolin waterless
D. Tincture of lily of the valley
E. Sodium bromide
139. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of light:
A. Dibazol
B. Calcii gluconas
C. Vazelin
D. * Adrenalin hydrochloridum
E. Zinc oxide
140. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of oxygen of air
A. Magnesium oxide
B. Cavity
C. Zinc oxide
D. Sodium chloride
E. * Camphora
141. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of carbon dioxide:
A. Barbital-sodium
B. Glucose
C. Mentholum
D. Butter peachy
E. Dimedrolum
142. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. Zinc oxide
B. * Solution of formaldehyde
C. Glucose
D. Sodium chloride
E. Mentholum
143. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature:
A. sodium chloride
B. magnesium oxide
C. * Butter of sunflower
D. Anaesthesinum
E. Acid is cevitamic
144. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from weathering (evaporation):
A. * Butter of peachy
B. Solution of ammonia 10%
C. Zinc oxide
D. Acid ascorbinic
E. influenza vaccine
145. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications behave to fragrant:
A. potassium bromide
B. * Ikhtiol
C. Furacilinum
D. Eufilin
E. Acid ascorbinic
146. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications behave to the paint:
A. Kamfora
B. Solution of cyanocobalamin
C. * Riboflavin
D. Tincture of mint
E. Pepsin
147. In boxes, where a medical digister which contains nutritives is saved, it is necessary to put small
bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material:
A. Leaves of clary
B. Grass of horse-tail the field
C. Leaves of coltsfoot
D. Garden-stuffs of anise
E. Garden-stuffs of cumin
148. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of light:
A. * Kolargol
B. Supositorii “Anestezol”
C. Vazelin
D. Barbital-sodium
E. Magnesium oxide
149. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of moisture of air
A. quinine
B. Aehylmorphinum
C. Kamfora
D. ammonia solution
E. * potassium iodide
150. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of oxygen of air.
A. * Morphinum hydrochloride|
B. Sugar|Saccharum|
C. lanolin|Lanolinum|
D. To zinc oxide
E. Talc
151. To specify, which from the transferred medications behave to the paint.
A. Streptocidum
B. Rutinum
C. * Akrikhin
D. xeroformium
E. Ftivazidum
152. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of carbon dioxide:
A. Glucose
B. Acid salicylic
C. Starch
D. * Barbital-sodium
E. Terpinhydras
153. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. * Solution of insulin
B. Chloraliihydras
C. Vaccines
D. Water for injection|
E. Leaves of mint|
154. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature:
A. Oil of peachy
B. * Hydrogen peroxydum
C. Sugar
D. magnesium oxide
E. potassium acetate
155. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of weathering (evaporation):
A. Root of sweetroot
B. Tanninum
C. sodium chloride
D. Solution of corgliconi
E. * Boric alcohol
156. .In boxes, where a medical|medicinal| digister which contains nutritives|nutrient| is saved|kept|, it is
necessary to put|stage| small bottles with a chloroform|Chloroformium|. To specify|indicate| this raw
A. Grass of lily of the valley
B. Leaves of belladonna
C. Leaves of mint|
D. * Grass of herd|train|
E. Kidney tea
157. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of light:
A. Solution of ammonia
B. Tincture|Tinctura| of valerian|setwell|ae
C. Calcex
D. * Difenin
E. Aethacridinum lactas|lactacide
158. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of moisture of air:
A. * Sinapism
B. Chloroform
C. Thymolum
D. Vazelin
E. Methyliisalicylas
159. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications behaves to fragrant:
A. grant|strong-smelling| medications.
B. * Anaesthesinum
C. Methyl valerate (Validolum)
D. Calcium chloride
E. Riboflavin
F. Rutinums
160. In boxes, where a medical digister which contains nutritives is saved, it is necessary to put small
bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material.
A. * Garden-stuffs of wild rose
B. Fruit of pimento
C. Flowers of tansy
D. Grass of celandine
E. Leaves of foxglove
161. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. Specify, which from the
transferred medications need protecting from the action of light:
A. Petroleum jelly
B. Magnesium oxide
C. Tar birch
D. * Neostigmine
E. Calcium carbonate
162. To specify fragrant medications
A. * Leaves of eucalyptus
B. Dibazol
C. Pepsin|
D. Leaves of lily of the valley
E. Ephedrine hydrochloride
163. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications needs defence of action of oxygen of air.
A. Acid salicylic
B. Argil
C. Calcium carbonas
D. Zinc sulfas
E. Terpin hydrate
164. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications needs protection from the action of carbon dioxide:
A. Aminophylline
B. Glucose
C. Acid ascorbinic
D. Sodium chloride
E. * Hexenal
165. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications needs protection from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. Zinc oxide
B. * Oil of sunflower
C. Oil of mint
D. Anaesthesinum
E. Sodium sulfas
166. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications needs protection from the action of enhanceable temperature:
A. Benzonalum
B. Sodium chloride
C. * ATP
D. Magnesium oxide
E. Coal activated
167. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications needs protection from the action of weathering (evaporation).
A. * Alcohol ethyl
B. Sugar
C. Argil
D. Water cleared
E. Leaves of henbane
168. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications behaves to medications of paint.
A. Norsulfazolum
B. Rutinums
C. Methionine
D. * Furacilinum
E. Methenamine
169. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications needs protection from the action of moisture of air
A. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine)
B. Camphora
C. Ichthyol
D. Acid|protophobe| salicylic|salicyclic|
E. Terpin hydrate
170. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. In a financial room these
preparations must be disposed taking into account their physical and chemical properties. To specify,
which from the transferred medications needs protection from the action of oxygen
A. * Cystein
B. Sodium chloride
C. Zinc sulfate
D. Leaves of Coltsfoot
E. Grass of herd
171. To specify, whic from the transferred medications need from an action in carbon dioxide of air
A. Butter of olive
B. Dimedrol (Diphenhydramine)
C. * Magnesium oxide
D. Camphora
E. Acid nicotine
172. To specify, whic from the transferred medications need from an action in a mionectic temperature:
A. Glucose
B. Antibiotics
C. * Solution of formaldehyde
D. Thymolum
E. Sodium sulfate
173. To specify, which from the transferred medications need protection from an action of an enhanceable
A. Sodium chloride
B. * Wheys
C. Anaesthesinum
D. Potassium chloride
E. Magnesium oxide
174. To specify, which from the transferred medications require from weathering (evaporation).
A. * Calcium gluconate
B. Vaccines
C. Hexamine
D. Aminophylline
E. Potassium permanganate
175. To specify paint medications.
A. Rutinums
B. * Methylene blue
C. Acid of the coniferous forest
D. Gelatin
E. Tincture of lily of the valley
176. In boxes, where a medical digister which contains nutritives is saved, it is necessary to put small
bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material.
A. Seed of Strophanthus
B. Flowers of wormwood wormseed
C. Flowers of arnica
D. Leaves of henbane
E. * Collection against asthmatic|anhelous|
177. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications need protecting from the action of light|:
A. * Anaesthesinum
B. Vazelin
C. Barbital-sodium|natrum|
D. Aethacridinum lactat|lactacidemi|
E. Zinc oxide
178. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications need protection from the action of moisture of air.
A. Camphora
B. Coal activated
C. An alcohol ethyl 96%
D. Talc
E. Anaesthesinum
179. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications need protecting from the action of carbon dioxide
A. Acid ascorbinic
B. * Norsulfazolum-sodium
C. Calcium sulfate
D. Dibazol
E. Glucose
180. To specify, which from the transferred medicinal matters behave to fragrant.
A. Furosemidum
B. Folic acid
C. Pilocarpine
D. * Mentholum
E. Digoxin
181. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications need protecting from the action of oxygen.
A. Argil
B. Sodium sulfate
C. Thiosulphate of sodium
D. Calcium sulfate
E. * Potassium permanganate
182. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications need protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. Terpin hydrate
B. Butter of dill
C. * Icy ac.a.
D. Zincoxide
E. Sulphur
183. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications need protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature:
A. Magnesium oxide
B. * Oil of dill
C. Benzonalum
D. Sodium chloride
E. Potassium chloride
184. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications need protecting from weathering (evaporation).
A. Oil of olive
B. Acid|protophobe| ascorbinic
C. * Chloral hydrate
D. Sulphur
E. Zinc sulfate
185. To specify, which from the transferred medicinal matters behave to the paint.
A. * Furacilinum
B. Camphora
C. Cavity
D. Rutinums
E. Acid folic
186. In boxes, where a medical digister which contains nutritives is saved|, it is necessary to put small
bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material.
A. Grass of origanum
B. Seed of pumpkin
C. Flowers of camomile
D. * Leaves of clary|
E. Garden-stuffs of | Foeniculum
187. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of light:
A. Solution of ammonia
B. Vazelin
C. * Mebhydrolin (Diazolin)
D. Aethacridinum lactat
E. Calcium gluconate
188. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of moisture of air.
A. Camphora
B. * Mustard plaster
C. Alcohol salicylic 1%
D. Tincture of Valeriana
E. Anaesthesinum
189. To specify medications which take in moisture of air.
A. * Argil
B. Sodium sulfate
C. Ciminalum
D. Zinc sulfate
E. Dibazol
190. Place fragrant medications separately
A. Dermatolum
B. Novocaine
C. Pilocarpine hydrochloride
D. * Leaves of mint
E. Acid ascorbinic
191. Place paint medications separately
A. * Diamond green
B. Dicainum
C. Barbital-sodium
D. Xeroform
E. Acid folic
192. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from of carbon dioxide
A. Acid| ascorbinic
B. * Magnesium peroxidum
C. Acid nicotine
D. Dibazol
E. Oil of peachy
193. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. Camphora
B. Laferon
C. * Insulin
D. Argil
E. Sulphur
194. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from from an enhanceable temperature:
A. Magnesium oxide
B. * Ointment of Erythromycin
C. Talc
D. Coal activated
E. Potassium chloride
195. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from weathering (evaporation).
A. * Leaves of clary
B. Acid nicotinic
C. Anaesthesinum
D. Vaccine is from a flu
E. Zinc oxide
196. In boxes, where a medical digister which contains nutritives is saved, it is necessary to put small
bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material.
A. Grass of Nettle
B. Root of Sweetroot
C. * Flowers of tansy
D. Buds of pine-tree
E. Garden-stuffs to Foeniculum
197. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of light:
A. * Apomorphinum hydrochloride
B. Diamond green
C. Barbital-sodium
D. Calcium gluconate
E. Neostigmine
198. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of moisture of air.
A. Camphora
B. Dibazolum
C. Ether for anesthesia
D. Lanolin aquatic
E. Turpentine
199. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of carbon dioxide
A. Acid|protophobe| is the coniferous forest
B. Eufilin
C. * Hexenalum
D. Silver nitrate|azotate|
E. Butter|oil| is peachy
200. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage|economy| of medications. To
specify|indicate|, which|what| from the transferred|enumerate| medications behave to fragrant|strongsmelling|:
A. Dibazol
B. Aminophilline
C. Dermatolum
D. * Grass of wormwood|absinth|
E. Acid salicylic
201. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred| medications behave to the paint:
A. Phenol
B. Misdelivering
C. Benzonalum
D. Iodoform
E. * Potassium permanganate|
202. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. Human interferon|
B. Oil of dill
C. Glucose
D. Argil
E. * Solution of formaldehyde
203. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature
A. * Ointment of “Levosin”
B. Ointment of Arnica
C. Medical gypsum|
D. Coal| activated
E. Sodium| chlorie
204. A pharmacy receive| the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy
is regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine # 44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of weathering (evaporation).
A. * Leaves of Coltsfoot
B. Vikasol
C. Anaesthesinum
D. Papaverine hydrochloride
E. Zinc oxide
205. In boxes, where a medical|medicinal| digister which contains nutritives|nutrient| is saved|kept|, it is
necessary to put|stage| small bottles with a chloroform|Chloroformium|. To specify|indicate| this raw
A. Grass of perlwinkle
B. Flowers of wormwood|absinth| wormseed
C. Flowers of camomile
D. * Flowers of hawthorn
E. Garden-stuffs of Foeniculum|
206. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of moisture of air|aer|
A. * ammonium chloride
B. Camphora
C. Tincture of lily of the valley
D. Acid salicylic
E. Terpin hydrate
207. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of light:
A. Solution of ammonia
B. The liquid extract of hawthorn
C. * Camphora
D. Phenytoin sodium
E. Sodium|natrum| phosphate
208. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of carbon dioxide
A. Acid ascorbinic
B. * Zinc oxide
C. Potassium bromide
D. Dibazol
E. Sodium sulfate
209. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. Terpin hydrate
B. * Essential oils
C. Ice ac.a.
D. Sodium tetraborate
E. Sulphur
210. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature:
A. Magnesium oxide
B. * Diphtheria anti-toxin
C. Benzonalum
D. potassium chloride
E. Anaesthesinum
211. A pharmacy got the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify|, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from weathering (evaporation).
A. * Butter of mint|
B. Acid nicotinic
C. Theophyllinum
D. Gypsum medical
E. Zinc oxide
212. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which|what|
from the transferred medications behave to fragrant|strong-smelling|:
A. * Iodoform
B. Dibazol
C. Pancreatinum
D. Grass of celandine
E. Ephedrine hydrochloride
213. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify|, which from
the transferred medications behave to the paint:
A. Rutinums
B. * Riboflavin
C. Acid salicylic
D. Gelatin
E. Extract althaea dry
214. In boxes, where a medical digister which contains nutritives is saved, it is necessary to put|stage|
small bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material.
A. Escapes of dirt|mud| ordinary
B. Flowers of wormwood|absinth| wormseed
C. * Scolded althaea
D. Leaves of henbane
E. Garden-stuffs of anise
215. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of light:
A. * Cobalamin
B. Magnesium oxide
C. Solution of ammonia
D. Calcium carbonate
E. Dibazol
216. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of oxygen.
A. Grass of herd|train|
B. Sodium chloride
C. zinc sulfate
D. Root althaea
E. * Acid carbolic
217. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of carbon dioxide .
A. Oil of mint
B. Thiaminum chloride
C. * Magnesium oxide
D. Camphora
E. Acid| of the coniferous forest
218. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. Sugar
B. Antibiotics
C. * Solution of formaldehyde
D. Thymolum|
E. Sodium bromide
219. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature:
A. Zinc oxide
B. * Supozitorii “Anuzol”
C. Talc
D. Benzoas
E. Potassium chloride
220. A pharmacy got the row of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from an action from weathering (evaporation).
A. * Copper sulfate
B. Acid of the coniferous forest
C. Anaesthesinum
D. A vaccine from a flu
E. Zinc oxide
221. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications behave to the paint:
A. * Riboflavin
B. Dicainum
C. Tincture of valerian|setwell|
D. Rutinums
E. Acid folic
222. In boxes, where a medical digister which contains nutritives is saved, it is necessary to stage small
bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material.
A. Rhizomes deception
B. * Root of dandelion
C. Flowers of tansy
D. Buds|kidney| of pine-tree
E. Garden-stuffs of anise
223. To specify, which from the transferred medications lose crystallizational water.
A. * Terpin hydrate
B. Glicerin
C. An alcohol of the coniferous forest 3%
D. Tincture of eucalyptus
E. Anaesthesinum
224. A pharmacy receive the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated by the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of light:
A. Calcium gluconate
B. Vazelin
C. * Aminazin
D. Talc
E. Calcium chloride
225. A pharmacy receive the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated by the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. sodium sulfate
B. Butter of dill
C. Anaesthesinum
D. * Insulin
E. potassium chloride
226. A pharmacy receive the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated by the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature:
A. Benzoas
B. * Ampicillin
C. Dibazol
D. Sodium chloride
E. Potassium chloride
227. In a pharmacy the proper terms must be created for storage of medications. To specify, which from
the transferred medications behave to painting:
A. Pepsin
B. Cobalamin
C. Pancreatinum
D. * Aethacridinum lactate
E. Acid folic
228. In boxes, where a medical|medicinal| digister which contains nutritives is saved, it is necessary to
stage small bottles with a chloroform. To specify this raw material.
A. Grass of perlwinkle
B. Leaves of linden-tree
C. Flowers of camomile
D. Grass of st-john's-wort|John's-wort|
E. * Garden-stuffs of whortleberry|sourtop|
229. What Law of Ukraine regulates the legal relationship bound to creation, registration, manufacture,
quality assurance and realization of medical products?
A. The law of Ukraine «About business»
B. The law of Ukraine «About protection of the population against infectious diseases»
C. The law of Ukraine «About maintenance of sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population»
D. * The law of Ukraine «About medical products»
E. The law of Ukraine «About the property»
230. A pharmacy |receive| the row medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their storage in a pharmacy is
regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify, which from the transferred medications need
protecting from the action of mionectic temperature:
A. * Solution of insulin
B. Chloraliihydras
C. Vaccines
D. Water for injection
E. Leaves of mint
231. A pharmacy got|receive| the row|flakey| of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their
storage|economy| in a pharmacy is regulated by the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify|indicate|,
which|what| from the transferred|enumerate| medications need protecting|protection| from the action|act|
of enhanceable temperature:
A. Butter|oil| of peachy
B. * Hydrogen|Hydrogenium| peroxydum
C. Sugar|Saccharum|
D. To magnesium|magnezium| oxide
E. To potassium|kalium| acetate|Acetas|
232. A pharmacy got|receive| the row|flakey| of medications from a pharmaceutical firm. Their
storage|economy| in a pharmacy is regulated the order of MOH of Ukraine #44. To specify|indicate|,
which|what| from the transferred|enumerate| medications need protecting|protection| from the action|act|
of weathering (evaporation):
A. Root of sweetroot
B. Tanninum|tanin|
C. To sodium|natrum| chloride
D. Solution of corgliconi
E. * Boric alcohol
233. What Law of Ukraine regulates public relations, which arise in sphere of maintenance of sanitary and
epidemic well-being of the population?
A. The law of Ukraine «About business»
B. The law of Ukraine «About protection of the population against infectious diseases»
C. * The law of Ukraine «About maintenance of sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population»
D. The law of Ukraine «About medical products»
E. The law of Ukraine «About the property»
234. What Law of Ukraine regulates, defines legal, organizational and financial principles of activity of
enforcement authorities, local governments, the enterprises, establishments and the organizations referred
on prevention of occurennce and to diffusion of infectious diseases of the person, localization and
liquidation of their flashes and epidemics?:
A. The law of Ukraine «About business»
B. * The law of Ukraine «About protection of the population against infectious diseases»
C. The law of Ukraine «About maintenance of sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population»
D. The law of Ukraine «About medical products»
E. The law of Ukraine «About the property»
235. A principal organ in system of the central enforcement authorities from maintenance of realization of
a state policy in sphere of public health services, sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population,
creation, manufacture, quality assurance and realization of medical products and products of medical
appointment, is:
A. The state joint-stock company «Medicines of Ukraine»
B. Public service of medical products and products of medical appointment
C. * The state inspection on control of medical products and products of medical appointment
D. Committee on control over narcotics at МОH of Ukraine.
E. Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
236. Unique regulatory authority in Ukraine which carries out definition of principles of a state policy in
health care protection branch is:
A. The cabinet of Ukraine.
B. * Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
C. The state pharmacological center MOH of Ukraine.
D. The Supreme Soviet of Ukraine.
E. The state joint-stock company «Medicines of Ukraine»
237. On what governmental body of the government the basic task - control of order of the reference of
narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogs and precursors is assigned?
A. The state joint-stock company «Medicines of Ukraine»
B. Public service of medical products and products of medical appointment
C. State inspection on control of medical products and products of medical appointment
D. * Committee on control over narcotics at МОH of Ukraine.
E. On the State pharmacological center MOH of Ukraine.
238. On what governmental body of the government the basic task - realization of the state control over
performance by subjects of economic activities irrespective of patterns of ownership demands of the
legislation of Ukraine concerning maintenance of quality of medical products is assigned:
A. The state joint-stock company «Medicines of Ukraine»
B. State Scientifically-expert pharmacopeia center
C. * State inspection on control of medical products МОH of Ukraine
D. Committee on control over narcotics at МОH Ukraine
E. State pharmacological center МОH of Ukraine
239. In territory of Ukraine can be realized:
A. Any medicinal preparations
B. Only domestic preparations
C. * Medical products which are registered
D. Import preparations
E. Екxtemporal medical products
240. On what governmental body of the government the basic task - realization of a specialized estimation
preclinical studying of medical products, clinical tests and examination for granting of references about
possibility of the state registration (re-registration), and also examinations of all changes is assigned?
A. The state joint-stock company «Medicines of Ukraine»
B. Public service of medical products and products of medical appointment
C. State inspection on control of medical products and products of medical appointment
D. Committee on control over narcotics at MOH of Ukraine.
E. * State pharmacological center MOH of Ukraine.
241. The committee on control over narcotics at МОH of Ukraine carries out:
A. Preclinical studying of medical products, clinical tests and examination for granting of references
about possibility of the state registration (re-registration), and also examinations of all changes
B. Maintenance of the state regulation in sphere of manufacture, import to Ukraine, export from
Ukraine, realizations of medical products and products of medical appointment:
C. * Control over order of the reference of narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogs and
D. The state control over performance by subjects of economic activities irrespective of patterns of
ownership of demands of the legislation of Ukraine concerning maintenance of quality of medical
242. State inspection of medical products and products of medical appointment spends such work:
A. Examination of the analytical standard documentation.
B. Preclinical studying of medical products, clinical tests and examination for granting of references
about possibility of the state registration (re-registration), and also examinations of all changes
C. * Maintenance of the state regulation in sphere of manufacture, import to Ukraine, export from
Ukraine, realizations of medical products and products of medical appointment
D. Control over order of the reference of narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogs and
E. The state control over performance by subjects of economic activities irrespective of patterns of
ownership of demands of the legislation of Ukraine concerning maintenance of quality of medical
243. The state inspection on control of medical products and products of medical appointment of МОH
carries out:
A. Preclinical studying of medical products, clinical tests and examination for granting of references
about possibility of the state registration (re-registration), and also examinations of all changes
B. * Maintenance of the state regulation in sphere of manufacture, import to Ukraine, export from
Ukraine, realizations of medical products and products of medical appointment and the state control
concerning maintenance of quality of medical products
C. Control over observance of intellectual property rights in pharmacy
D. Examination of the analytical standard documentation
E. Control over order of the reference of narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogs and
244. Realization of medical products in territory of Ukraine is carried out:
A. Shops
B. Enterprises which have a premise
C. Physical persons, which have the higher pharmaceutical education.
D. Foreign pharmaceutical firms
E. * Enterprises, establishments, the organizations on the basis of the special permission (license)
245. In Ukraine there are wholesale pharmaceutical enterprises of different pattern of ownership. Specify
pattern of ownership of the state joint-stock company “Medicines of Ukraine”
A. The municipal
B. The private
C. The collective
D. * The state
E. Firm with the partial foreign investment
246. Now in Ukraine a significant amount of drugstores is, namely:
A. 2 thousand.
B. 10 thousand.
C. 3 thousand.
D. * 20 thousand
E. 100 thousand.
247. According to the legislation of Ukraine to licensing are subject:
A. The collecting and preparation of herbs
B. Creation of new medical products
C. Manufacture of products of medical appointment
D. * Manufacture of extemporal medical products
E. Working out of the analytical standard documentation
248. Retail trade in medical products is carried out through:
A. Chemist's bases
B. Chemist's structures
C. * Structural sectioning of a drugstore (chemist's points, chemist's booths)
D. Iatrotechnic shops
E. Industrial shops
249. In medical assistant's obstetric points and rural ambulatories retail trade in medical products can carry
A. only the pharmaceutist
B. only the pharmacist
C. the pharmaceutist or the pharmacist under condition of certification passage
D. * persons with medical education
E. the pharmaceutist or the pharmacist
250. To the chemist's (pharmaceutical) educational don't concern
A. Drugstores
B. Chemist's bases (warehouses)
C. iatrotechnics shops
D. Shops of medical optics
E. * Chemist's points and chemist's booths
251. In countryside where there is no possibility of opening of a drugstore, retail trade in medical products
can be carried out by
A. physical persons who hold the trading patent
B. the physical persons having the license
C. through stomatologic offices
D. through preschool centers
E. * medical assistant's, obstetric points, rural ambulatories on the basis of contracts, final with a
drugstore at the written approval with local authorities
252. The order regulating the list of establishments of public health services, medical, pharmaceutical
posts and posts of younger experts with pharmaceutical formation in public health services
A. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 436 from 30.10.2001.
B. * Order of MOH of Ukraine № 385 from 26.10.2002.
C. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 275 from 14.06.1993.
D. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 356 from 18.12.1997.
E. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 44 from 16.03.1993.
253. Licensing of chemist's institutions carries out:
A. * The State inspection on quality assurance of medical products of MOH of Ukraine
B. Regional State inspection on quality assurance of medical products
C. Public service of medical products and products of medical appointment
D. The state pharmacological center of MOH of Ukraine
E. State pharmacopeia expert center of MOH of Ukraine
254. The problems bound to creation, registration, manufacture, realization of medical products, are
A. * The law of Ukraine "About medical products" 1996.
B. Decision of CMU № 1570 2004.
C. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 360 2005.
D. Order of MOH of Ukraine № 211 2003.
E. The law of Ukraine "About maintenance of sanitary and epidemic well-being»
255. The guarantor of quality of a pharmaceutical preparation are:
A. The certificate on registration
B. The hygienic conclusion
C. The sanitary certificate
D. * The quality certificate
E. The sanitary passport
256. The license for manufacturing and realization of medicines stands out for term:
A. Till 1st year
B. Till 3th years
C. Till 2th years
D. * Till 5th years
E. To 10th years
257. How combustible substances depending on physical and chemical properties are shared?
A. Explosive
B. Explosive admixtures and the compressed gases
C. * Inflammable and flammable
D. Substances of the general and special lists
E. All answers are true
258. How explosive substances depending on physical and chemical properties are shared?
A. * Explosive
B. Explosive admixtures and the compressed gases
C. Inflammable and flammable
D. Substances of the general and special lists
E. All answers are true
259. Who from workers of pharmaceutical institutions should know and fulfill the demands stated in the
A. Pharmacist-analyst
B. Pharmacist-intern
C. Authorized person
D. Chief of establishment
E. * All workers
260. Who should pass primary instructing on a workplace concerning storage of the inflammable,
explosive substances, the compressed gases, safety precautions and fire safety, to first-aid treatment to
the victim at accident?
A. Pharmacist-analyst
B. Pharmacist-intern
C. Authorized person
D. Chief of establishment
E. * Everybody who arrives for work
261. Who bears responsibility for performance of demands of the instruction by employees?
A. Pharmacis-analyst
B. Pharmacist-intern
C. Authorized person
D. * Chief of establishment
E. Pharmacist-tehnologist
262. With what quantity of employees, in pharmaceutical institutions voluntary fire teams are framed?
A. 10 employees
B. 20 employees
C. 30 employees
D. 40 employees
E. * 50 employees
263. How often is necessary to inspect knowledge at employees concerning storage of the medical
products having combustible and explosive properties, safety precautions and fire-prevention safety?
A. * One time per year
B. One time per 2 years
C. One time per years
D. One time per 4 years
E. One time per in 5 years
264. What are the demands to warehouse for storage of inflammable and explosive substances?
A. Isolated
B. Protected from light of direct sun rays
C. Protected from an atmospheric precipitation
D. Protected from ground waters
E. * All answers are true
265. Into duties of whom from the listed workers enters to help administration on a voluntary basis on the
job with observance of conditions of correct storage of inflammable and explosive substances,
maintenance of a fire-prevention regimen, fire prevention rules, to watch serviceability and readiness of
fire extinguishing means?
A. Pharmacist-analyst
B. Pharmacist-intern
C. Authorized person
D. Chief of establishment
E. * Voluntary fire teams
266. Who bears responsibility for the organization and preparation of voluntary fire teams, distribution of
duties and maintenance of a fire-prevention regimen?
A. Pharmacist-analyst
B. Pharmacist-intern
C. Authorized person
D. * Chief of establishment
E. Pharmacist-tehnologist
267. Where combustible substances, explosive admixtures capable to formation, and also are inclined to
self-ignition at contact to air, water, or at action of sun rays should be stored?
A. Isolated
B. In the conditions excluding possibility of contact
C. In the conditions excluding possibility of influence of temperatures
D. In the conditions excluding possibility of mechanical influence
E. * All answers are true
268. What are the demands to warehouse for storage of inflammable and explosive substances?
A. Isolated
B. Protected from light of direct sun rays
C. Equipped with a mechanical positive-pressure ventilation
D. Protected from ground waters
E. * All answers are true
269. How are stored medicines on regiments of racks on height cylinders, large bottles and other large
capacities with inflammable and combustible liquids?
A. * In one rank
B. In two ranks
C. In three ranks
D. In four ranks
E. In five ranks
270. On what distance premises for storage of inflammable (inflammable) substances from other
warehouse buildings should be located?
A. * 20 m
B. 15 m
C. 10 m
D. 5 m
E. 3 m
271. On what distance premises for storage of inflammable (flammable) substances from premises should
be located?
A. 10 m
B. 20 m
C. 30 m
D. 40 m
E. * 50 m
272. How it is necessary to store inflammable and explosive medical products?
A. According to a similarity principle
B. According to physical and chemical properties
C. According to fire-dangerous properties
D. According to character of packing
E. * All answers are true
273. Where is supposed to hold necessary quantity of inflammable substances for operational expenditure?
A. a trading floor
B. * packing rooms
C. table of the pharmacist-analyst
D. a table of the authorized person
E. answers are true
274. What should be done with residual quantities of inflammable substances upon termination of work?
A. To leave on a place before the following work with them
B. Utilize
C. * Back to the place of the basic storage
D. Put into the safe to narcotic medical products
E. Store together with medical products of the general list
275. On what floor the premise for storage of inflammable and combustible substances should be located.
A. * On the ground floor
B. On the second floor
C. On the third floor
D. On the fourth floor
E. On the fifth floor
276. What size there should be a window aperture of a premise for storage of inflammable and
combustible substances?
A. 0.3 m
B. 0.5 m
C. 0.8 m
D. 1.0 m
E. * 1.1 m
277. How should be carried out heating of inflammable and explosive substances?
A. This substances are not heated up
B. At gas cookers
C. At gas bags
D. * At water baths
E. At electrotile with an open spiral
278. How carry out heating of inflammable and explosive substances?
A. This given substances are not heated up
B. At gas cookers
C. At gas bags
D. * At electric stove with the closed spiral
E. At electrotile with an open spiral
279. What should be distance at storage of inflammable and combustible substances from a rack or a stack
to a heating element?
A. 0.3 m
B. 0.5 m
C. 0.7 m
D. 0.9 m
E. * 1.0 m
280. It is forbidden to store inflammable and combustible liquids in filled container. How much it must be
A. * No more than 100 % (filled up to the top)
B. 80 %
C. 50 % (half of capacity)
D. 30 %
E. 3 % (almost empty capacity)
281. With what bonds it is forbidden to store inflammable substances in common?
A. Mineral acids
B. Dressings
C. Vegetable oil
D. Sulphur
E. * All answers are true
282. With what bonds it is forbidden to store inflammable substances in common?
A. Chlorates of potassium
B. Potassium permanganate
C. Chromates of potassium
D. Sulphur
E. * All answers are true
283. What reaction can cause calcium hypochlorite with rare oily organic product at their joint storage?
A. Evaporation
B. * Ignition
C. Cristallisation
D. Settling out
E. Colour change
284. What reaction can cause calcium hypochlorite with ammonium salts at their joint storage?
A. Evaporation
B. * Explosion
C. Cristallisation
D. Settling out
E. Colour change
285. What reaction can cause at not correct storage of an Aether medical?
A. Evaporation
B. Cristallisation
C. * Occurrence of statistical electricity
D. Settling out
E. Colour change
286. At which packing of substance its metal ware should have grounding?
A. Potassium hypochlorite
B. Chlorates of potassium
C. Potassium permanganate
D. * Aether medical
E. Chromates of potassium
287. During storage of some substances pharmacist take measures against pollution by their dust which
can cause their explosion. Name these substances.
A. The inflammable
B. The flammable
C. The combustible
D. * Explosive
E. Dust can't lead to such serious consequences
288. At interaction with which medical product, potassium permanganate will be explosive?
A. Dust
B. Sulphur
C. Organic oils
D. Alcohol
E. * All answers are true
289. At interaction with which medical product, potassium permanganate will be explosive?
A. Glycerinum
B. Organic acids
C. Organic oils
D. Alcohol
E. * All answers are true
290. Which medical product having spilled, can blow up?
A. Vikair
B. Asparkam
C. Ascorutinum
D. * Nitroglitserin
E. Atropin
291. The hit of which medicinal substance on a skin, even in small quantity, can cause strong headaches?
A. Vazelin
B. Pepsinum
C. * Nitroglitserin
D. Vikair
E. Holosas
292. What device can be applied to enter into a premise where explosive and combustible substances are
stored, at electric lighting failure?
A. A gas lamp
B. Candle
C. * Electrolantern
D. Camphoric lamp
E. All answers are true
293. What of the listed substances is explosive?
A. Birch tar
B. Natrii phosphas
C. * Nitroglitserin
D. Aether
E. Kreol
294. What of the listed substances is explosive?
A. Kolody
B. * Potassium permanganate
C. Lead acetate
D. Quinine sulfate
E. Magnesii oxide
295. What of the listed substances is explosive?
A. Turpentine
B. Sodium sulphate
C. * Silver nitrate
D. Fenol
E. Shulgin
296. What of the listed substances is inflammable?
A. Nitroglycerine
B. Potassium permanganate
C. Silver nitrate
D. * Aether
E. Glycerine
297. What of the listed substances is inflammable?
A. Vaseline
B. * Dairy acid
C. Lanolin anhydrous
D. Pepsin
E. Zinc sulfate
298. What of the listed substances is inflammable?
A. Vaseline
B. * Chloretil
C. Lanolin anhydrous
D. Pepsin
E. Zinc sulfate
299. What of the listed substances is inflammable?
A. Vaseline
B. * Kolody
C. Lanolin anhydrous
D. Pepsin
E. Zinc sulfate
300. What of the listed substances is inflammable?
A. Nitroglycerine
B. Potassium permanganate
Silver nitrate
* Kleol
What of the listed substances is narcotic?
What from the listed substances, are narcotic?
* Tramadol
What of the listed substances is narcotic?
* Trimeperidin
What of the listed substances is narcotic?
* Kodein
What of the listed substances is narcotic?
* Tebain
What of the listed substances is narcotic?
* Buprenorphin
What of the listed substances is narcotic?
Tiaminum chloride
What of the listed substances, is narcotic?
D.Tiaminum chloride
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
* Phenobarbitalum
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
* Diazepam
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
* Nitrazepam
Sodium chloride
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
* Phenazepam
Sodium chloride
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
Sodium chloride
* Chlordiazepoxyde
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
Sodium chloride
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
* Oxazepam
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
* Alprazolam
What of the listed substances concerns to the psychotropic?
* Medazepamum
What of the listed substances concerns to precursors?
What of the listed substances concerns to precursors?
* Ergometrin
What of the listed substances concerns to precursors?
Sodium chloride
* Pheniliipropanloaminum
Sodium sulfate
What of the listed substances concerns to precursors?
* Norefedrine
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
Sodium chloride
* Nitrogenium protoxide
Linimentum balsam by Vishnevsky
Loperamidum hedrochloride
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
Magnesium sulfate
Ammonii solution
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Arduan
Ascorbinic acid
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
Metamizol sodium
* Atropini sulfate
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Aceklidine
Sodium chloride
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Bee sting
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
Carbo activatus
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Geksenalum
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Etaminal sodium
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Ketamine
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
The diamond green
* Aether for a narcosis
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
Snake poison
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Miarsenolum
Sodium coffein-benzoate
What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
* Sodium arsenate
Folic acid
E. Ftalilsulfatiazolum
336. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Furazolidonum
B. Furosemidum
C. Najaksin
D. Kefazolinum
E. Sodium chloride
337. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Ambroxolum
B. Allohol
C. Sodium chloride
D. * Novarsenolum
E. Lidokain
338. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Ambroxolum
B. Loperamidum hydrochloride
C. Ampicyllinum
D. Magnesium sulfate
E. * Osarsolum
339. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. * Piritramit
B. Analginum
C. Mebgidrolinum
D. Anuzolum
E. Menovazinum
340. What from the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Asparkamum
B. * Predionum
C. Metoklopramidum
D. Atenololum
E. Metoprololum
341. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. Atropini sulfas
B. Metranidazolum
C. Promeran
D. Acidum acetylsalicylicum
E. Benzyliibenzoate
342. What of the listed medical products concerns the toxicant?
A. * polaminum
B. ocalciferolum
C. prazolum
D. otinic acid
E. idoksinum
343. In premises for storage the certain temperature and humidity of air should be supported. With what
frequency check of the given indicators is carried out?
A. * 1 time per day
B. Once a week
C. Once a month
D. 2 times a week
E. 2 times a month
344. What are the medical products, which physical and chemical condition after freezing changes and at
the following of warming to room temperature isn't restored?
A. Sodium sulfate
B. * Medical fat oils
C. Oil of fennel
D. Sodium chloridum
E. Anaesthesinum
345. Premises for storage should be provided by necessary quantity of racks, cases, pallets. What are the
variants of the equipment of racks?
A. 0.1 - 0.2 m from external walls
B. 0.3 - 0.4 m from external walls
C. 0.5 m from external walls
D. * 0.6 - 0.7 m from external walls
E. 2 m from external walls
346. For observation over temperature and humidity of air, warehouse provide with thermometers and
hygrometers. Where the given devices are fasted?
A. On external walls of storehouse, at some distance from heating devices, at height 1.5 - 1.7 m from a
floor and not less than 3 m from doors
B. * On internal walls of storehouse, at some distance from heating devices, at height 1.5 - 1.7 m from a
floor and not less than 3 m from doors
C. On internal walls of storehouse, near to heating devices, at height 1.5 - 1.7 m from a floor and not
less than 3 m from doors
D. On external walls of storehouse, at some distance from heating devices, at height 1 - 1.4 m from a
floor and not less than 3 m from doors
E. On external walls of storehouse, at some distance from heating devices, at height 1.5 - 1.7 m from a
floor and not less than 2 m from doors
347. By what type of heating chemist's warehouses and drugstores should be equipped?
A. Gas devices with an open flame
B. Electroheating devices with open electrospiral
C. * Devices of a central heating
D. All answers are true
E. There is no right answer
348. How frequent bacteriemic preparations are subject for visual review?
A. Once in 12 months
B. Once in 6 months
C. * Once in 3 months
D. Once in 10 months
E. Once in 5 months
349. Premises in warehouses (bases) and in the drugstores located in a climatic zone with the big deviation
from admissible norms of temperature and relative humidity of air should be equipped with……
A. Gas devices with an open flame
B. Electroheating devices with open electrospiral
C. Devices of individual heating
D. * Conditione
E. All answers are true
350. Premises for storage should be provided by necessary quantity of racks, cases, pallets. What are the
variants of the equipment of racks?
A. 0.1 m from a ceiling
B. 0.2 m from a ceiling
C. 0.3 m from a ceiling
D. 0.4 m from a ceiling
E. * 0.5 m from a ceiling
351. Premises for storage should be provided by necessary quantity of racks, cases, pallets. What are the
variants of the equipment of racks?
A. 0.05 m from a floor
B. 0.10 m from a floor
C. 0.15 m from a floor
D. 0.20 m from a floor
E. * 0.25 m from a floor
352. Premises for storage should be provided by necessary quantity of racks, cases, pallets. What should
be the distance between racks?
A. * 0.75 m
B. 0. 65 m
C. 0. 55 m
D. 0.45 m
E. 0.35 m
353. Premises of chemist's warehouses (bases) and drugstores should be kept clean. With what periodicity
the floor of the given premises is cleaned?
A. Once a week, in the wet way with application of the resolved washing-up liquids
B. * Once a day, wet way with application of the resolved washing-up liquids
C. Once a week, in the wet way without application of the resolved washing-up liquids
D. Once a day, in the dry way with application of the resolved washing-up liquids
E. Twice a week, wet way with application of the resolved washing-up liquids
354. With what frequency spend continuous visual survey on a container condition, external changes of
medical products and products of medical appointment in the course of storage?
A. * Once a month
B. Once a quarter
C. Twice a quarter
D. Once a year
E. Twice a year
355. What medical products are stored in container with light protective materials, in a dark premise or in
the cases painted in a black paint and with densely adjusted doors or in strong boxes with a skintight
A. * Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicines, demanding protection against evaporation
D. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
356. What of the listed variants concern to especially sensitive to light action medicinal substances?
A. Sodium chloride
B. Liquid of ammonia
C. Coffein
D. * Silver nitrate
E. Amizil
357. What of the listed variants concern to especially sensitive to light action medicinal substances?
A. Aethacridinum lactate
B. Apresinum
C. * Prozerine
D. Birch tar
E. Barbamylum
358. What medicinal substance are stored in glass container paste over with black lightproof paper?
A. Aethacridinum lactate
B. Apresinum
C. * Prozerine
D. Birch tar
E. Barbamylum
359. What medical products are stored in a cool place, in densely packed to container from materials,
impenetrable waters to pairs?
A. Medicine, demanding protection against light
B. * Medicine, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicine, demanding protection against evaporation
D. Medicine, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicine, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
360. At corking container with which medicinal substances it is necessary to wipe carefully a neck and a
stopper of glass?
A. Medicine, demanding protection against light
B. * Medicine, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicine, demanding protection against evaporation
D. Medicine, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicine, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
361. What medical products at moisture absorption turn from a fine amorphous powder to fine grains?
A. Medicine, demanding protection against light
B. * Medicine, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicine, demanding protection against evaporation
D. Medicine, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicine, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
362. What medical products at moisture absorption turn from a fine amorphous powder to fine grains?
A. Phenolum
B. Hydrogenii peroxydum
C. Pills
D. * Burnt gips
E. Ichthammol
363. What medical products at moisture absorption turn from a fine amorphous powder to fine grains?
A. Phenolum
B. Hydrogenii peroxydum
C. Pills
D. * Mustard powder
E. Ichthammol
364. What medical products at moisture absorption turn from a fine amorphous powder to fine grains?
A. Phenolum
B. Hydrogenii peroxidum
C. Pills
D. * Mustard plasters
E. Ichthammol
365. What medical products, store in a cool place, in tight container from impenetrable materials?
A. Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. * Medicines, demanding protection against evaporation
D. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
366. At what temperature it is necessary to store preparations of bodies if there are no other indicatings on
labels or instructions to the use?
A. 5 - 0 ° C
B. * 0 - 15 ° C
C. 15 - 20 ° C
D. 20 - 25 ° C
E. 25 - 30 ° C
367. The medical products, which physical and chemical condition after freezing changes and at the
following warming to room temperature are not restored, it A. Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicines, demanding protection against evaporation
D. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. * Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
368. What are the medical products, which physical and chemical condition after freezing changes and at
the following of warming to room temperature isn't restored?
A. Sodium sulfate
B. * 40 - % Solution of Formaldehydi
C. Oil of fennel
D. Sodium chloridum
E. Anaesthesinum
369. What are the medical products, which physical and chemical condition after freezing changes and at
the following of warming to room temperature isn't restored?
A. Sodium sulfate
B. * Insulin
C. Oil of fennel
D. Sodium chloridum
E. Anaesthesinum
370. At what temperature it is necessary to store 40 - % Solution of Formaldehydi?
A. 0 - 2 ° C
B. 2 - 4 ° C
C. 4 - 6 ° C
D. 6 - 8 ° C
E. * 9 ° C
371. What are the medical products, which physical and chemical condition after freezing changes and at
the following of warming to room temperature isn't restored?
A. Sodium sulfate
B. * Ice acetic acid
C. Oil of fennel
D. Sodium chloridum
E. Anaesthesinum
372. What group of medical products concern substances which react with air oxygen?
A. Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. * Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the gases containing in environment
D. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
373. What group of medical products concern substances which react with air carbon dioxide?
A. Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. * Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the gases containing in environment
D. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
374. What medical products are stored in hermetically tight container from materials, impenetrable for the
gases, whenever possible filled to edges?
A. Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. * Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the gases containing in environment
D. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the raised temperature
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
375. For what of the listed medicinal substances frame special storage conditions (the container is
hermetically corked, it is filled in by paraffin, from materials impenetrable for atmospheric steams of
water and a carbon dioxide)?
A. Adrenalin hydrotartrate
B. Hydroperit
C. * Sodium salts of barbituric acids
D. Vikasolum
E. Benzonalum
376. Group of substances and preparations, both flying, and almost nonvolatile, having a strong smell, it A. Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the gases containing in environment
D. * Medicines odorous and painting
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
377. What group of medicinal substances leaves the painted trace on container, corking agents, the
equipment and other subjects, isn't washed off by usual sanitary-and-hygienic processing?
A. Medicines, demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the gases containing in environment
D. * Medicines odorous and painting
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
378. Close have a vial with Chloroformium. Which vegetative raw material is stored here?
A. All vegetative raw material
B. Strong vegetative raw material
C. Toxicant vegetative raw material
D. * Vegetative raw material, containing nutrients
E. Vegetative raw material, containing essential oils
379. What medical products are store separately in hermetically sealed container, impenetrable for a smell,
separately under names?
A. Medicines demanding protection against light
B. Medicines, demanding protection against moisture influence
C. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the gases containing in environment
D. * Medicines odorous and painting
E. Medicines, demanding protection against influence of the lowered temperature
380. For work with which medical products the spatula and other stock allocate special (separate) weight?
A. Medical products which demand protection against light
B. Medical products which demand protection against moisture influence
C. Medical products which demand protection against influence of the gases containing in environment
D. * Fragrant and painting medicines
E. Medical products which demand protection against influence of the lowered temperature
381. What should be optimum temperature of a premise for storage of medicinal vegetative raw materials?
A. 0 - 5 ° C
B. 5 - 10 ° C
C. 0 - 15 ° C
D. * 18 - 20 ° C
E. 25 - 30 ° C
382. What should be optimum humidity of air at storage of medicinal vegetative raw materials?
A. 10 - 20 %
B. * 30 - 40 %
C. 40 - 50 %
D. 50 - 60 %
E. 65 %
383. What storage conditions of medicinal vegetative raw materials, containing essential oils?
A. Together with another vegetative raw materials
B. Together with vegetative raw materials containing nutrients
C. * Isolated in well closed container
D. Together with medical products which demand protection against light
E. Together with odorous and painting with medical products
384. For what purpose, at storage of vegetative raw material, containing nutrients, close have a vial with
A. For maintenance of optimum temperature of storage
B. For maintenance of optimum humidity of storage
C. For protection against a fire
D. * For damage prevention of barn wreckers
E. All answers are true
385. What vegetative raw materials is necessary for storing in glass or metal container hermetically corked
and, at the necessity which have been filled in with paraffin?
A. All vegetative raw materials
B. * Hygroscopic vegetative raw materials
C. Vegetative raw materials, containing essential oils
D. Vegetative raw materials are unsuitable to application
E. Vegetative raw materials with the maintenance of strong substances
386. With what substance have a vial, at storage of vegetative raw materials, containing nutrients, for
prevention of its damage with barn wreckers?
A. Chlorali hydras
B. * Chloroformium
C. Chloraminum
D. Formic aldehyde
E. Acetic acid
387. What vegetative raw materials are stored in a separate premise or in separate to a case under the
A. * Vegetative raw materials, containing nutrients
B. Hygroscopic vegetative raw materials
C. Vegetative raw materials are unsuitable to application
D. Hygroscopic and that containing essential oils
E. Vegetative raw materials, containing essential oils
388. How are stored the preparations which are subject to recontrol?
A. Together with other medicinal preparations
B. * Separate from other preparations before reception of results of the analysis
C. In the safe, together with narcotic medical products
D. The given preparations return at once to suppliers
E. The given preparations utilize at once
389. How are kept tablets and a dragee?
A. Together with other medicinal forms, in an original packing
B. Together with other medicinal forms, in packing of a chemist's warehouse
C. * Isolated from other medicinal forms, in an original packing
D. All answers are true
E. There is no right answer
390. How often tablet and a dragee are checked on disintegration?
A. Once a week
B. Once a month
C. * Once a year
D. Once in three years
E. Once in 5 years
391. What should be packing mass to avoid disorganization sublayers of tablets, under gravity of the top?
A. * 3 kg.
B. 4 kg.
C. 5 kg.
D. 6 kg.
E. 7 kg.
392. At what temperature desintocsication solutions are kept?
A. 10-8 ° C
B. 5-3 ° C
C. 3-1 ° C
D. * 0 - 40 ° C
E. 40 - 50 ° C
393. At what temperature rare and dense extracts are kept?
A. 0 - 5 ° C
B. 5 - 10 ° C
C. * 12 - 15 ° C
D. 15 - 20 ° C
E. 20 - 30 ° C
394. At what temperature the medicinal preparations incorporating flying and thermolabile substance are
A. * 10 ° C
B. 20 ° C
C. 25 ° C
D. 30 ° C
E. 35 ° C
395. At what temperature medicinal preparations in aerosolic packings are kept?
A. 5-1 ° С
B. 0 - 2 ° С
C. * 3 - 35 ° С
D. 35 - 45 ° С
E. 45 - 50 ° С
396. The medical products which have an additional period of validity, after the termination of the basic
period of validity, are subject of...
A. Recycling
B. Returning to the manufacturer
C. Realization on discounts
D. * Recontroling
E. Returning to the supplier
397. What of the listed medical products absorbs air moisture and demands special storage conditions?
A. Cysteine
B. * Charta sinapis
C. Spasmolytic
D. Salicylamidum
E. Oksaphenamidum
398. What pharmacist have to do with medicinal preparations in which before the termination of a period
of validity signs of external changes are found out?
A. Utilize
B. Realize
C. Realize on discounts
D. * Recontrol
E. Return to the supplier
399. What medicinal preparations aren't subject to recontrol?
A. Narcotic
B. Psychotropic
C. Potent
D. * Import
E. Domestic
400. How medical products in storage places, for their timely realization are settled down?
A. In alphabetic order
B. * Taking into account a residual period of validity
C. According to the medicinal form
D. According to container type
E. According to medical product cost
401. What action the pharmaceutical worker, before use of medical products of "Angro" should execute?
A. To filter
B. * To mix
C. Check the taste
D. Check the smell
E. All answers are true
402. What of the listed medical products demands (is subject) storage in the place protected from light?
A. Sodium chloridum
B. Potassium acetate
C. * Adrenalinum hydrotartrate
D. Norsulfazol-sodium
E. Protargolum
403. What of the listed medical products, demands (is subject) storage in the place protected from light?
A. Sodium chloride
B. Potassium acetate
C. * Bepask
D. Norsulfazol-sodium
E. Protargolum
404. What of the listed medical products, demands (is subject) storage in the place protected from light?
A. * Vikasolum
B. Naftamonum
C. Citizin
D. Trihomonacide
E. Folic acid
405. What of the listed medical products, demands (is subject) storage in the place protected from light?
A. * Dermatolum
B. Naftamonum
C. Citizine
D. Trihomonacid
E. Folic acid
406. What of the listed medical products absorbs air moisture and demands special storage conditions?
A. teine
B. * cose
C. smolytic
D. icylamidum
E. aphenamidum
407. What of the listed medical products absorbs air moisture and demands special storage conditions?
A. Diazolinum
B. Jodine
C. Potassium iodide
D. * Kseroformium
E. Methacinum
408. What of the listed medical products absorbs air moisture and demands special storage conditions?
A. Diazolinum
B. Jodine
C. Potassium iodide
D. * Protargolum
E. Methacinum
409. What of the listed medical products possesses flying properties and demands special storage
A. Etaminal sodium
B. Celanide
C. Furadionum
D. Sovcainum
E. * Bromcamphora
410. What of the listed medical products possesses flying properties and demands special storage
A. minal sodium
B. anide
C. adionum
D. cainum
E. * ophormium
411. What of the listed medical products possesses flying properties and demands special storage
A. * Mentolum
B. Potassium acetate
C. Dibazolum
D. Sodium salicylate
E. Tetracyclinum hydrochloride
412. What of the listed medical products possesses flying properties and demands special storage
A. * Formaldehyde
B. Potassium acetate
C. Dibazolum
D. Sodium salicylate
E. Tetracyclinum hydrochloride
413. What of the listed medical products possesses property to lose crystallization water and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. Ammonia solution
B. * Akrihinum
C. Chlorali hydras
D. Timolum
E. Metylsalicylate
414. What of the listed medical products possesses property to lose crystallization water and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. Ammonia solution
B. * Coffein
C. Chlorali hydras
D. Timolum
E. Metylsalicylate
415. What of the listed medical products possesses property to lose crystallization water and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. Vaseline
B. Pepsin
C. * Skopolaminum hydrobromidum
D. Protargolum
E. Chloroformium
416. What of the listed medical products possesses property to lose crystallization water and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. Vaseline
B. Pepsin
C. * Teophyllinum
D. Protargolum
E. Chloroformium
417. What properties can show crystallohydrate, depending on relative humidity of air?
A. * Hygroscopic
B. Decay under the influence of light
C. To be oxidized
D. Act with a carbon dioxide
E. Act with air oxygen
418. What of the listed medical products is subject to storage in a cool place?
A. Zinc sulfate
B. Quinine hydrochloride
C. Teophyllinum
D. * Vaseline
E. Scopolaminum hydrobromide
419. What of the listed medical products is subject to storage in a cool place?
A. Zinc sulfate
B. Quinine hydrochloride
C. Teophyllinum
D. * Camphora
E. Scopolaminum hydrobromide
420. What of the listed medical products is subject to storage in a cool place?
A. Sodium sulfate
B. Lead acetate
C. Zinc sulfate
D. Aethylmorphinum hydrochloride
E. * Pepsin
421. What of the listed medical products is subject to storage in a cool place?
A. Sodium sulfate
B. Lead acetate
C. Zinc sulfate
D. Aethylmorphinum hydrochloride
E. * Protargolum
422. What of the listed medical products possesses property to react with air carbonic gas and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. * Hexenalum
B. Amilnitrate
C. Vaseline
D. Camphora
E. Pepsine
423. What of the listed medical products possesses property to react with air carbonic gas and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. Chloraminum
B. * Euphyllinum
C. Quinine sulfate
D. Scopolaminum hydrobromide
E. Jodoformum
424. What of the listed medical products possesses property to react with air carbonic gas and demands
corresponding storage conditions?
A. Chloraminum
B. * Barbital sodium
C. Quinine sulfate
D. Scopolaminum hydrobromide
E. Jodoformum
425. What of the listed medical products possesses odorous properties and demands corresponding storage
A. Apomorphini Hydrochloridum
B. Euphyllinum
C. * Validolum
D. Zinc oxide
E. Diphenine
426. What of the listed medical products possesses odorous properties and demands corresponding storage
A. Apomorphinum hydrochloride
B. Euphyllinum
C. * Drop of sal ammoniac
D. Zinc oxide
E. Diphenine
427. What of the listed medical products possesses odorous properties and demands corresponding storage
A. Barbamylum
B. Geksenal
C. Diphenylum
D. * Ammonia solution
E. Magnesium oxide
428. What of the listed medical products possesses odorous properties and demands corresponding storage
A. Barbamylum
B. Hexenalum
C. Diphenylum
D. * Xeroformium
E. Magnesium oxide
429. In drugstores the individual liability is assigned on:
A. * Managing drugstore departments where there is possibility to enter no collective (brigade) liability
B. The pharmaceutist-analyst
C. The bookkeeper
D. The senior pharmaceutists
E. The aid-woman
F. minimum area of chemist's point:
G. 8 m ?
H. 18 m ?
I. 28 m ?
J. 30 m ?
K. 40 m ?
430. Depending on pattern of ownership drugstores in Ukraine part on
A. City and rural
B. * State, municipal and private
C. Specialized and the general type
D. Industrial and not the industrial
E. Budgetary and self-supporting
431. The minimum area of a hall of service of the population of a drugstore which carries out
manufacturing of medicinal forms and realization of medicinal preparations makes:
A. 10 m ?
B. * 18 m ?
C. 28 m ?
D. 35 m ?
E. 40 m ?
432. In drugstores the individual liability is assigned on:
A. The pharmaceutist-intern
B. The bookkeeper
C. * The pharmaceutist-analyst
D. Cashiers
E. The aid-woman
433. At an input in a drugstore (according to the decision of CMU № 1570) the information takes place
A. Consultation of the doctor
B. * Drugstore operating mode
C. Granting of privileges to some categories of patients
D. Enterings of new preparations
E. Discounts for medicines for students
434. Depending on the form of managing and sources of financing of a drugstore in Ukraine part on
A. City and rural
B. State, municipal and private
C. Specialized and the general type
D. Industrial and not the industrial
E. * Budgetary and self-supporting
435. Depending on functional indicators of a drugstore in Ukraine part on
A. City and rural
B. State, municipal and private
C. Specialized and the general type
D. * Industrial and not the industrial
E. Budgetary and self-supporting
436. Depending on groups of patients and categories of the population which are served mainly by a
drugstore, drugstores in Ukraine part on…..
A. City and rural
B. State, municipal and private
C. * Specialized and the general type
D. Industrial and not the industrial
E. Budgetary and self-supporting
437. On a drugstore facade there should be a tablet with the indicating the name of subject of managing, an
operating mode, the address of the nearest drugstores. The drugstore operating mode establishes……
A. * Subject of economic activities
B. Regional public health department
C. Pharmaceutical association
D. Committee on protection of the rights of consumers
E. Committee on control over the prices
438. The drugstore carries out manufacturing of unsterile medical products. What should be the minimum
area of such drugstore?
A. * 147 sq. m.
B. 75 sq. m.
C. 191 sq. m.
D. 100 sq. m.
E. 200 sq. m.
439. Define, what of drugstore departments is engaged in goods reception by quantity and quality, its
storage, distribution to other departments of a drugstore:
A. Pprescription-manufacturing department
B. Department of ready medicinal forms
C. Department non-prescription sales
D. * Department of stocks
E. Optics department
440. The pharmaceutical firm in countryside opens a drugstore. With what expert the post of the manager
in this drugstore should be replaced?
A. Only the pharmaceutist under condition of passage of certification by it when due hereunder
B. The pharmacist under condition of passage of certification by it when due hereunder
C. * The pharmaceutist or the pharmacist under condition of passage of certification by them when due
D. The pharmacist under condition of the special permission of an organ of licensing of activity on
exercises of retail realization of medical products
E. Only the pharmaceutist as it has the higher vocational education
441. In a drugstore № 128 the goods from a warehouse have arrived. Who from employees of a drugstore
bears responsibility for carrying out of entrance quality assurance of medical products?
A. Manager of drugstore
B. * Authorized person
C. Manager of drugstore and its assistant
D. Manager of prescription-industrial department
E. All collective of a drugstore
442. The airport gives to a drugstore a premise for opening of a chemist's booth. Its minimum area should
A. 100 м2
B. * 8 м2
C. 49 м2
D. 46 м2
E. 89 м2
443. For carrying out of tax check of trading-economic activities private drugstore it is necessary to
present the certificate on the right of retail realization of medicines. Name the given document:
A. License
B. Accreditation certificate
C. Patent
D. Drugstore passport
E. * Preferential patent
444. The drugstore is engaged in manufacturing of unsterile medicinal forms. What demands are shown to
the area of assistant such drugstore?
A. Not less than 25 м2
B. * Not less than 18 м2
C. Not less than 15 м2
D. Not less than 30 м2
E. Not less than 8 м2
445. The drugstore has the license for manufacturing of sterile medical products. Who is responsible for
the appropriate organization of work of the aseptic block and preparation of sterile medical products?
A. * Managing a drugstore
B. Pharmaceutist-analyst
C. Pharmaceutist on reception of prescriptions and holidays of medical products
D. Authorized person
E. Pharmacist
446. Retail trade in medical products and products of medical appointment to territories of Ukraine is
carried out through:
A. * Drugstores and their structural sectionings (chemist's points and chemist's booths)
B. Chemist's bases (warehouses)
C. Iatrotechnics Shops
D. Shops of medical optics
E. Bases of iatrotechnics
447. The drugstore is engaged retail realization of finished pharmaceutical products. The hall of service of
the population in this drugstore should be not less:
A. 20 sq. meters
* 18 sq. meters
35 sq. meters
40 sq. meters
15 sq. meters
Choose correct definition to concept "retail trade in medical products":
Activity of drugstores on sale of the goods to medical institutions for the clearing settlement
irrespective of volumes of commodity party
B. * Activity on acquisition, storage and sale of finished pharmaceutical products through a drugstore
and its structural sectionings (including the medicines made of a drugstore) it is immediate to
citizens for their personal consumption, to public health services establishments (except
pharmaceutical institutions), and also to the enterprises, establishments and the organizations
without the right of their further resale
C. Activity of drugstores on sale of the goods to the population and treatment-and-prophylactic
establishments for cash money
D. Activity of drugstores on sale of the goods of chemist's assortment to the population and other
organizations for cash money
E. Activity of drugstores on sale of medical products and subjects of chemist's assortment for their
further commercial use
449. Premises of drugstores should correspond to demands building, fire-prevention norms. The total area
of drugstores which are engaged in trade in medical products, should make not less:
A. 40 sq. meters
B. 60 sq. meters
C. 75 sq. meters
D. * 50 sq. meters
E. 120 sq. meters
450. The subject of the managing, carrying out activity on retail trade in medical products, should keep the
documents certifying the fact of purchase with the indicating of the name, date, quantity and a series of
the received medical product, the information on the supplier and requisites of its license during a
following term:
A. * 3 years
B. 1 year
C. 2 years
D. 6 months
E. 1 quarter
451. The pharmaceutical firm has decided to be engaged in retail realization of medical products. Under
what conditions such kind of activity can be carried out
A. In the presence of the sales representative
B. In the presence of the patent
C. In the presence of registration number
D. * In the presence of the license
452. Alcohol ethyl leaves on prescription the form F № 1. What maximum quantity of alcohol ethyl in the
pure state can be written out for an ambulatory?
A. 100 g
B. 200 g
C. * 150 g
D. 50 g
E. 250 g
453. 453.
A. * managing a drugstore the student-probationer with the request has addressed to explain structure of
retail price of medicines of individual manufacturing. Such price develops from:
B. Cost of ingredients, packing and the tariff
C. Cost of ingredients and packing
D. Cost of ingredients and profit
E. Packing and tariff Cost
F. Cost of ingredients and the trading margin
454. For a discharging of prescriptions there are confirmed two forms of prescription forms. On what form
of the prescription form it is possible to write out out-patient to the patient the prescription on
A. * It is impossible to write out an ambulatory
B. On F № 1
C. On F № 1 ф. № 3
D. On F № 3
E. Distribution without the prescription of the doctor
455. In a drugstore the prescription in which 40 tablets of Codterpinum are written out has arrived. How
many it is possible to release these tablets to the patient under one prescription?
A. 40 tablets
B. 30 tablets
C. 10 tablets
D. 20 tablets
E. * 5 tablets
456. In a drugstore the prescription on Cyclodolum tablets has arrived. Specify a period of storage of such
prescription in a drugstore.
A. * 1 year, not including the flowing
B. 5 years, not including the flowing
C. 3 years, not including the flowing
D. 10 years, not including the flowing
E. 1 month, not including the flowing
457. The prescription if the dose of phenobarbitalum for the chronic patient in the prescription is
overestimated twice should be issued with…...
A. Should be a press of establishment of public health services
B. Should be a personal press and the signature of the doctor
C. Should be a signature and the press of the head physician
D. * Prescription should be issued in duplicate
E. Should be the indicating of the doctor "on a special purpose", assured by the signature and the
personal press of the doctor
458. What maximum quantity aethylmorphinum hydrochloride can be written out in the prescription on
eye drops or ointment?
A. To 0,5g
B. * To 1 g
C. To 1,5 g
D. To 2 g
E. To 3 g
459. The therapeutic unit of a municipal hospital gets the goods in a drugstore. On what basis of the
document the goods will be released from department of stocks?
A. * Waybill demands
B. Cash-book
C. Prescription magazine
D. Commodity report
E. Magazine of laboratory-packing works
460. To the invalid of the Great Patriotic War have prescribed clonidine (tablets). On what form of the
prescription form the specified preparation and what period of validity of the prescription should be
written out:
A. * the Form № 1, 1 month
B. the Form № 1 and the form № 3, 5 days
C. the Form № 3, 5 days
D. the Form № 1, 10 days
E. the Prescription in this case isn't required
461. On what form of the prescription form the preparation from group of anabolic agents and what period
of validity of such prescription should be written out:
A. the Form № 1, 2 months
B. the Form № 1, 2 months
C. the Form № 3, 10 days
D. the Form № 3, 10 days
E. * the Form № 1, 1 month
462. Specify, what group of medicinal preparations is subject in a drugstore to the in detail-quantitative
A. Morphinum, analginum, a diazepam
B. Omnoponum, Prednisolonum, paracetamol
C. * Codeine, Phenazepamum, Morphinum
D. Aspirin, clonidine, phenobarbital
E. Alcohol ethyl, Naphthyzinum, Cyclodolum
463. In a drugstore the prescription issued with disturbance of demands has arrived. Actions of the
A. * Extinguish prescription die "Prescription is void" and to return to the patient
B. Give to the patient a prescription repetition
C. Register the prescription in magazine and to release a medicine to the patient
D. Release a medical product
E. Inform managing a drugstore
464. The doctor of polyclinic unit has addressed to the pharmaceutist concerning features of an extract of
the prescription on alcohol ethyl in the pure state for an ambulatory (the diagnosis - a tuberculosis cutis).
Specify norm of distribution under one prescription and a payment order.
A. 150 г it is free
B. 100 г for an overall cost
C. 100 г it is free
D. * 150 г for an overall cost
E. There is no right answer
465. In a drugstore the prescription on packing of tablets Prodeine #30 has arrived. What maximum
quantity of tablets on one prescription the pharmaceutist of a drugstore should release?
A. * Release 10 tablets
B. Release 12 tablets
C. Release 20 tablets
D. Release 30 tablets
E. Release 50 tablets
466. In a drugstore № 1 the prescription on tablets Alnagonum has arrived. What norm of distribution of
the given preparation.
A. 10 tablets
B. 12 tablets
C. * 20 tablets
D. 25 tablets
E. 50 tablets
467. Specify a period of storage in a drugstore of prescription forms F-3:
A. 10 days
B. 1 month
C. 3 years
D. 1 year
E. * 5 years
468. In a drugstore the prescription on ten powders in which the higher single dose of Dimedrol without
corresponding veneering is overestimated has arrived. Actions of the pharmaceutist on reception of
prescriptions and distribution of medicines:
A. * Release half of the higher single dose increased by quantity of powders
B. Release only half of the higher single dose
C. Release the higher a single dose
D. Release the written out dose
E. Release the higher a single dose increased by quantity of powders
469. In a drugstore the prescription on multicomponent mixture against tussis with Codeini phosphas with
all necessary requisites, but signed by the doctor's assistant - managing obstetric point has arrived.
Actions of the pharmaceutist on reception of prescriptions and distribution of medicines.
A. * Accept the prescription for manufacturing of mixture and its subsequent distribution
B. Refer the patient to the nearest out-patient department for prescription renewal
C. Extinguish prescription die "Prescription is void" and to return to the patient
D. Call in hospital to which the obstetric point submits
E. Refuse reception of the prescription and holiday of medicines
470. At check of a drugstore the inspector of regional State inspection on quality assurance of medical
products has carried out selective sampling of medical products for the laboratory analysis. It can
select………….of each medical product
A. * At least two packings
B. At least one packing
C. Minimum three packings
D. At least four packings
E. At least five packings
471. In a drugstore № 1 the prescription on alcohol ethyl in the pure state has arrived, written out to the
oncologic patient in number of 150 g. The pharmacist should……
A. Release a medical product for 50 % of its cost
B. Medical product isn't released by an ambulatory
C. Release medical product is free
D. * Release 100 г alcohol free of charge, and other quantity for an overall cost
E. Release a medical product for an overall cost
472. In a drugstore № 221 the patient with prescription on tablets Relanium № 20, the forms written out
on prescription forms 3 has addressed. To list additional requisites on the given prescription:
A. Signature and the press of the attending physician
B. Press for prescriptions
C. Die of hospital
D. Designation of the form of payment
E. * Signature of head physician of hospital, official stamp of hospital
473. For a discharging of prescriptions there are confirmed two forms of prescription forms. On what form
of the prescription form Codeini phosphas in an admixture with indifferent substances for an overall cost
should be written out:
A. F 2
B. * F 3
C. F 1
D. F 1 and Ф 3
E. F 1 with press of hospital "For prescriptions"
474. The drugstore has received medicinal preparations from the supplier. What of them is subject to the in
detail-quantitative account?
A. * Atropini sulfas
B. Ketotifenum
C. Analginum
D. Dimedrol
E. Acid acetilsalicylic
475. For a discharging of prescriptions there are confirmed two forms of prescription forms. What form of
the prescription form is provided for a discharging of prescriptions on favourable terms or gratuitously?
A. F-2
B. * F-1
C. F-3
D. F-3 and F-1
E. –
476. What mark in the top part of the prescription for immediate distribution to the patient of medicines
the doctor should make?
A. * "Cito" or "Statim"
B. Exclamation mark
C. Two exclamation marks
D. Three exclamation marks
E. Distribution term
477. The die of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment is put down at an extract of prescriptions on all
forms of prescription forms. And what press are put down always on the prescriptions which have been
written out on prescription forms F-2?
A. * Press of establishment of public health services "For prescriptions" and the press of the doctor
B. Only the press of the doctor
C. Only the press of establishment of public health services "For prescriptions"
D. Press of the doctor and the press of establishment of public health services
E. Only the press of establishment of public health services "For prescriptions"
478. The visitor of a drugstore asks the pharmaceutist to release to it 5 packings of acid acetilsalicylic 0,5
№ 10. How many packings the pharmaceutist should release?
A. 1 packing
B. * 2 packings
C. 3 packings
D. 4 packings
E. 5 packings
479. For a discharging of medical products on favourable terms or free of charge the doctor should use the
prescription form:
A. Forms 2
B. Forms 1
C. Forms 3
D. * Forms 3 and Forms 1
E. Any with the indicating of the form of payment
F. Aminalonum
G. a drugstore medical products from a chemist's warehouse have arrived. Choose a medical product
which is subject to the in detail-quantitative account in pharmaceutical institutions:
H. Corvalolum
I. Caffeine
J. Codeine
K. Butadionum
480. In a drugstore the visitor with prescription on the form F-1 has addressed on which Aether chloratus
in ampoules, with the signature of the doctor-stomatologist and the personal press is written out. What
actions of the pharmaceutist (pharmacist)?
A. * paration is not released, the prescription is repaid by a die "is not valid"
B. paration is released by the specified quantity, the prescription remains in a drugstore
C. paration is released by the specified quantity, the prescription comes back to the visitor
D. is released 1 ampoule of a preparation, the prescription comes back to the visitor
E. is released 2 ampoules of a preparation, the prescription remains in a drugstore
481. The state drugstore carries out holiday of psychotropic medical products under form prescriptions №
3. Specify period of validity of these prescriptions.
A. * 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 1 month
D. 2 months
E. 1 year
482. The pharmaceutist has released a narcotic medical product, under the prescription which has been
written out on F-3. What is the time this prescription should be stored in a drugstore?
A. 10 days
B. 5 years
C. 3 years
D. 1 year
E. * 5 years, not including current year
483. The pharmaceutist has refused to release to the visitor of 10 packings of tablets of coal activated,
motivating it with that the maximum quantity of disposable distribution of OTC medical products from
drugstores are:
A. 1 packing
B. * 2 packings
C. 3 packings
D. 4 packings
E. 5 packings
484. Define period of validity and a period of storage in a drugstore the prescription on tablets of
aminazine (neuroleptic):
A. * 10 days, 1 month, not including the flowing
B. 10 days, 1 year
C. 2 months, 1 year
D. 10 days, the prescription comes back to the patient
E. 5 days, 5 years
485. In a drugstore the prescription issued with disturbance of demands has arrived. Actions of the
A. * Extinguish prescription die "Prescription is void" and to return to the patient
B. Give to the patient a prescription repetition
C. Register the prescription in magazine and to release a medicine to the patient
D. Release a medical product
E. Inform managing a drugstore
486. Medicamental maintenance of ambulatories on preferential and free conditions is carried out on the
basis of prescription forms F. 1. Specify an order of their reception in health care establishments.
A. Through chemist's warehouses
B. Through wholesale companies
C. * Through city public health departments
D. From printing house
E. From chemist's corporation
487. In a drugstore № 5 the prescription on prescription form F-3 has been accepted. How many names of
medical products it is possible to write out on it?
A. * One name
B. Two names
C. No more than two names
D. No more than three names
E. Any quantity
488. The drugstore is engaged in retail realization of medical products. Into what group concerns Atropini
A. To strong medical products
B. In the list of precursors
C. To narcotic medical products
D. * To toxicant medical products
E. To psychotropic medical products
489. In a drugstore the prescription on phenobarbital in the tablets, written out sick of schizophrenia has
arrived. On what prescription forms it should be written out?
A. * Form № 3 + the form № 1 in one copy
B. Form № 2 in duplicate
C. Form № 3 + the form № 1 in duplicate
D. Form № 1 in duplicate
E. Form № 3 + the form № 2 in duplicate
490. In Ukraine it is registered variety of the combined medical products with small quantity of
controllable substances. Specify a medical product which contains phenobarbital:
A. Gripkold tablet
B. Tablet Eferalgan-codeine
C. Solpadein capsule
D. Nomigren tablet
E. * Drop Corvalolum
491. The drugstore realizes medical products. What of the listed medical products is subject to the in
detail-quantitative account?
A. Mikrofolin, tab.
B. Gentamycini sulfas
C. * Tramadol, tab.
D. Retabolilum
E. Hydrocortisoni acetas
492. To the invalid of I th group the doctor has written out the prescription on clonidine tablets. What can
be released maximum permissible quantity of tablets of clonidine under the prescription?
A. * 30 tab.
B. 50 tab.
C. 10 tab.
D. 12 tab.
E. 20 tab.
493. To the invalid who has the right to free reception of medicines, the doctor has prescribed diazepam
tablets. Specify forms of prescription forms:
A. On prescription the form form № 3
B. On prescription the form form № 1
C. * On two prescription forms of the form № 1 and № 3
D. On prescription the form form № 2 and № 3
E. On prescription the form form № 2
494. In a drugstore the prescription on preferential distribution of tablets Finlepsinum (carbamazepine) has
arrived. Specify, how many years should be stored in a drugstore the given prescription.
A. 1 year, not including the flowing
B. 2 years, not including the flowing
C. * 3 years, not including the flowing
D. 4 years, not including the flowing
E. 5 years, not including the flowing.
495. On what form of the prescription form to write out narcotic and psychotropic medical products in the
pure state or in an admixture with indifferent substances in case of preferential distribution?
A. f.-1 in duplicate in case of preferential holiday;
B. f.-1;
C. f.-3;
D. * f.-3 and f.-1 in case of preferential holiday;
E. f.-3 in duplicate.
496. Distribution of medical products free of charge and on favourable terms in case of an out-patient
treatment of persons is spent by drugstores under the prescriptions which have been written out by
doctors of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments in a residence of these persons. Specify the form of
the prescription form on which basis medical products from drugstores can be released free of charge or
on favourable terms.
A. Form № 2
B. * Form № 1
C. Form № 3
D. Form № 2 and the form № 3
E. Form № 2 and the form № 1
497. On what form of the prescription form to write out narcotic and psychotropic medical products in an
admixture with other operating substances in case of preferential distribution?
A. * f.-1 in duplicate in case of preferential distribution;
B. f.-1;
C. f.-3;
D. f.-3 and f.-1 in case of preferential distribution;
E. f.-3 in duplicate.
498. ?According to the supply contract with joint-stock company "Darnitsa", a pharmacy
A. * Expedition division
B. Reception division
C. Configuration division
D. Stores division
E. Operations division
499. In order to fill a burrette a pharmaceutist prepared 2 l of 10% benzoate solution. This
A. Commodity report
B. * Packaging
C. Laboratory
D. Prescription
E. Spot (cash)
500. A pharmacy supplies the population with drugs for cash. Specify the VAT on drugs:
A. * 0%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 20%
E. 30%
501. A pharmacy produces compounded drugs. What kinds of internal control of drugs
A. Written, organoleptic, sell control
B. Written, interrogatory, sell control
C. Written, qualitative and quantitative analysis
D. Written, physics and chemical
E. Written and sell control
502. A pharmacy manager is working out a schedule for a pharmaceutist who is responsible for
prescription reception and drug serving out. What is the weekly working time for one employee?
A. 38 hours
B. 40 hours
C. 30 hours
D. * 36 hours
E. Irregular working week
503. Ukraine has a valid list of drugs whose price is subject to the governmental regulation.
A. Setting a 25% markup on the manufacturer's price
B. Setting a 35% markup on the customs price
C. Setting a 35% markup on the mediator's price
D. Setting a 40% mark up on the wholesale price
E. Setting common consumer price
504. All the medications require special storage conditions according to their physical and
A. * 0-2oC
B. 3-5oC
C. 7-10oC
D. 10oC
E. 12-15oC
505. In Ukraine the out-patients are supplied with narcotic and psychotropic drugs only by
A. Pharmacy storehouse
B. City's health department
C. Wholesale companies
D. Typography
E. Pharmaceutical corporation
506. A pharmacy received some medicines from the warehouse. What medicine is subject to the
stocktaking in the pharmaceutical institutions?
A. Aminalonum
B. Corvalolum
C. Analginum
D. * Codeine
E. Butadionum
507. A pharmacy sells drugs by retail. Omnopon relates to the following group of controlled drugs:
A. Psychtropic
B. * Narcotic
C. Toxic
D. Potent
E. General sale list
508. Medications in the storing rooms of a medicoprophylactic institution should be placed on the shelves,
in the cases, refrigerators or on the pallets or rickers. Toxic medications should be kept in:
A. * In a locked metal case
B. In a safe
C. In a wooden case
D. In a refrigerator
E. In the internal safe partition
509. Water for injections is derived from the drinking or distilled water. It can be either used
A. In a separate room of aseptic department
B. In the assistant room
C. In the washing room
D. In the prescription department
E. In the sales area
510. Incoming control is conducted in the course of wholesale and retail trade, such control is carried out
during receipt of goods by visual inspection or analysis of drug. Incoming
A. State inspection of drugs quality control
B. * Head of regional structure
C. Managers order
D. Proprietor of an enterprise
E. The order of head of territorial inspection
511. When a pharmacy records goods as received, it normally specifies the amount of the
A. The difference between the sale price and purchase price of goods
B. The difference between the sales price and markup
C. The difference between the sales price and the customs price
D. The amount of goods sold
E. * Rummage (goods remains) at the end of the month
512. Department of finished drug products of the pharmacy №1 got a prescription for nasal drops
"Farmazolin" intended for a 2,8-year-old child. This drug will be dispensed at the following price:
A. 50% of price
B. Full price
C. 30% of price
D. 70% of price
E. * At no cost
513. Prescriptions for drugs being subject to the stocktaking and supplied on favourable terms or free of
charge except for narcotic (psychotropic) drugs and tramadol are written out:
A. In 2 copies of form F-1
B. On the pink form
C. On the form F-3
D. On the form F-1
E. * On the forms F-3 and F-1
514. Activity of pharmaceutical institutions is subject to licensing. What is the duration of
A. Five years
B. One year
C. Two years
D. * Unlimited
E. Three years
515. In case of loss of license a pharmaceutist should address an application for a duplicate to a licensing
authority. The licensing authority is obliged to issue the duplicate to the applicant no later than:
A. * Three working days from the date of application receipt
B. One month from the date of application receipt
C. Two monthes from the date of application receipt
D. Three monthes from the date of application receipt
E. The duplicate isn't issued
516. A business entity carrying on the wholesale trade of drugs must be keeping documents
A. * No less than three years
B. No less than one year
C. No less than two years
D. No less than five years
E. No less than ten years